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Show incaa a Bs ge t ee) Ace hence = ———— = Sr Fe 4 : - The Silver Beef Mliner.| LOCAL 1HTELLIGENCE. Well, the a “Man wants but little here below.” he generally gets it, too. ’ ee ‘ a Yes and ‘ Most of the atores will close up at noon on ot Christmas day, a la Sunday. The brethren are asking fifty cents a dozen for egge, and they have few to sell even at that price. Such weather—no ‘cold, no snow, no blow ! Who wouldn't live in Dixie? Baining to-day, all the same. Fine jewelry suitable for presents for the holidays can be obtaingl at bargains at Hy‘man’ s auction store. The Grapevine. Wash ig attracting a good deal of attention just now. It looke like 2 etatinyation of the White Reef ' The Beaver Waichman improves in looks as it grows older, tts present typographical appearance indicates that a competént printer has passed through the town recently. Is it so, George?” Dr. Higgins has removed his office fram J. EeTohnson’s sid:e to his icsidence on Main street, next deer north of the Miner office where those desirous of obtaining his serviccs can find him. Wildcats are wae rous evough in this Vi_ inty tobe somewhat uonplcasant—for the chickens, anyway.; These untamed felines * eome down into the valleys to get out of the ~ snow ih the mountains. Judge Kiv. Phillips is on his pins again. If anybody feels like licking him account of old grievances, now's the time to do it, for his recent iliness has left him nearly as weak ass Salt Lake Tribune editorial. An unpicked sample from. the Romulus was assayed the other day and showed $512 to the ton. The sample came from.the bottom of the incline, 65 feet from the surface. The machinery of the Christy mill works to acharm since its recent overhauling. Anew mortar has been put in and other substartial, improvements made.! Forty-five tons per day ) —hine tons to the stamp—is the capacity of | the miil pow. —, On Christmas evening a social hop will be given by Mesars. Bonds & Davis in the diningroom of Mrs. Hanrehan’s restaurant. Supper will be prepared at Miss’ Dugary’s. A jolly time ie in store for all who may attend the dance, and don’t you forget it. The N. Y. Herald aske the question; “ Are wea nation of Itars?" If the editor of that journal had ever sat around a bar-room stove in Silver Reef and listened to the yarns of some old stiffs we could name, he wouldn't haye asked such o fool question as that. A wagon Jaden with pomegranates stood in for the Reef on Thursday morning, with Sallor Jack in charge as pilot. When off the Minze lightship, Jack hove to his craft and opened the hatchee to get out a supply for ‘the orphan editor, after which he stood out for the upper part of town to ‘liver the balance of Siete cargo—at a bit a pound, “The railroad wil} soon be within twentyfive miles of Beaver. Whoop Ia!**— Watchman, Define, George, define. What do you mean by the word “ soon?’ Don‘t mean toinsinu, ate that the railroad company is a ‘“ sooner" “outfit, do you’ We ehall soon begin to think eo ourselves if the work of extending the road is not pushed ahead a little faster. ' The new Buckeye boarding-house will be ready for the accommodation of patrons tomorrow. Mine host Mellgren was busy to-day toting from the old to the new building the furniture, stoves, dishes, ete:, of the establish~ ment. Blomquist has been at work lining, papering, painting and otherwise beautifying the house, and he has done it in first-class style. While ont hunting quail on the bank of the ‘Rio Virgin on Monday last, Father Heyde run across a large wild cat, arid after an exciting chase of two miles, succeeded in emptying both barrels of his shot gun into the beaat’s neck. The wild feline is now stuffed and occupies & conspicuous place in the Father's cabinet, making @ fine addition to his already interesting collection of birds. and animals, Sr ree EE PERSONAL. Captain H, S. Lussocx, of the Christy Company, left the Reef on Wednesday morn- ing last fora trip to Gan Francisco, and posaibly New York. He five weeks from date. will be back in about Tax junior half and fighting man of MinER concern took Wednesday's coach the north, intending to spree around Lake and other villages for a month or yan persons having quarrels to pick with Musr ontfit are requested to postpone the for Salt so. the the ’ commencement of hostilities until such time as he can get back. Ue Look Here a Noment. Those desirous of making themselves a New. Year's present of a nice pair of Boots had better interview STEPHENS at once. He has just received a Jot of fancy boot legs and some fine French calf and boot Morocco. Boots made at a day and a half's notice. Fancy slippers made also. Jolinny~ knows his business. Give him a call. ‘Take Notice! All persons knowing themselves indebted to ue are requested to settle their bills at once, otherwise suit will be instituted against them. HuITzLEMaN & PovsapE. What's the Use: ‘Of--writing so. many letters to your friends; they will get more local news in one MINER than a dozen lcttets contain. Sent to any address in the United States three months: for $2. : -. Shoes! Gents, call ahd. see Stephens. He has reved the latest style of Gummer Shoes. Ber nN cme re ee Se i Be = Sain James Cronan and Charley Wright left the camp early on Saturday-morning, in.a private conveyance, for a point near Timber Mountain, on the Muddy, in the southern part of Lincoln county, Nevada. A few days ago some California ranchmen, who were traveling throngh the Muddy country.on their way to Arizona, found a ledge of what they be73 o thverlieved to be good silver-bearing quartz. They sacked a quantity of the rock, brought it to the Reef with them, and had it assayed by Mr. Cronan. What the returns were we have beeti unable to learn, but the report around town {fs that all the specimens tested went away up into the thonsauds of dollars to ihe ton. The factthat Messrs, Cronan and Wright started out forthe locality immediately afterward, and took with them an assaying outfit wherewith to test such rock as they might come .across, Jends color to the statement about the value of the quartz brought in by theranchmen. The discovery of rich. mines in the neighborhood indicated would occasion little surprise here, ag very rich float has been brought in from there at different times, and by parties who could have no object in Wing about the-tocality. Mey 7 x pane = ae Out a Span of Mules. > => And Still Another. While strolling down the Grapevine Wash on Sundsy last; Ed. Longhney and Frank Cleary found the.croppings of what they. believe will prove to be a ledge of rich ore. A piece of the croppings was brought into town and assayed, $72 79 to the ton being the value returned. The find is situated not a great distance from the Romulus mine, but as no claim Has yet been located Mesers. Loughney and. Cleary tefuse to_let_ anybody know on what part of the Wash they found the croppings. As soon as some few preliminaries can be arranged, the ground will be located, and then probably we shall know something more about it. OO oo The Kinner. The Kinner continues to furnish the Leeds mill with about fifteen tons of ore a day. Next to hoisting and pumping machinery Colouel Wall needs a mill of his own to reduce the lower grade of ores found in the mine, and it would surprise nobody if he should go quietiy to work before Jong and order the necessary machinery. Ores that will not pay to mine and ship to a-custom mill could then be extracted and made to return handsome profits. The recently-ordered hoisting machinery for the Kinner will probably not reach here for three weeks yet. A Christmas Hestaurants. Tree. Gentlemen! Go to J. B. Stephens, fof your GOOD FITTING BOOTS. Orders taken for Ladies’ Dresé Shoes. * in 4 Furnished Rooms And Lodgings. Street. at Mre, A One SISTERLY : CONFAB. Lady Cives a Centle and Useful Hint.to Another. Women are the most “Wiiselfish mortals in the world, and it is a moral impossibility to let pne of them get hold of a good thing without all her neighbors becoming cognizant of the facta few minutes later. This disposition toshare with her sisters the good things of this world, is a trait to be admired and commended. It was only yesterday that the attention of a MrneR reporter was fastened upon a lady passing up the street, her arms full of boxes, bundles and packages. She was stopped by a neighbor, whose curiosity —women are are too curious for anything, yon know—prompted the inquiry, “Why, Mrs. X., what on earth have yon got there?” Mrs. X.—Well, you just wait.a minute until I get my breath and I'lltell yon. I've got a lot of very nice presents, for my husband and the children. Mrs. Z.—Where did you get them? Mrs. X.—Well, now, I just went up to the only place in town where such things are kept, and that was Friedman’s. ; Mrs. Z.—Friedman'’s? Why, where is that? Mrs. sure. X.—Under-the Why, Harrison you never saw suth House, Main = Main es ‘nace Centre, Silver Reef, HARDWARE, Wall ‘Paper eos ek -_ Sas LOT OF «45, tae = | Mill, Mine and Blacksmith’ _ HAVANA CIGARS” $6 Consisting in part of ALL SIZES of 7 We ha te se GAS PIPE AND TUBING, fn Torn at «BU Drak aoeimecieeeay essences Atso a good Supply of °° “TRON AND BRASS FITTINGS. - Pet ‘BEST Liquors: Supplies, oe ~: Borders. IRON and STEEL, AO FAMILY GROCERIES e BELTING, PACKING, Ne RAIL AND BAR He is os IRON. eee gg Ont of the Clothing. Rnstueas and is selling his stock. w A FULL LINE OF us FRESH BUTTER & RGGS AT ALL TIMES. bt nemenier Seams Oh eee Se | Assayers’ Goods|= RETOBTS, MELTING HOUSE —AND— to form the public ORUCIBLES, nee Vile | MUFFLES, POTS — BUNE-ASH, at Their ora Seana. ; LITHARGE, ETO., ETO., ETO. PARLOR. earns ts : _Laumaber -| Cooking and. Heating Stoves that they have opened the above house na sre Dow running it in firstec! style. All the delicacies of the season are on hand and prepares by cooks second to none in th YSTERS in every imaginable j OPEN DAY AND inl Party. ber 25th. A cordial invitation is extended, Good music will be in attendance, 62 Doors, Ssh, Cosmopolitan GARPENTER’S and BUILDER'S Hardware. ne aes AME A i aS LA pie om rad ages se “and Molding, ONDUCIED IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE AND sets the Best Table Single Meals.. Board by ths Week . Board SASH and PANEL DOORS and WINDOWS Carpenter in Town, se cccccercecceces $ 60 sessgpecotesecs 9 00 by tho Month..ecae ke testeniebennes AND DRY now prepared to sell the cheapest a half, Pies and Cakes, the Best in the eGI. All are invited to call at the Silver Reef Bake ery to try our bread and we are sure you will never buy anywhere WE Work SATISFACTION HAVE WHITE LEAD, ZINC and PUTTY J.B. RICKARDS, — GENERAL— A well-appointed work-shop attached, with ESPECIAL CON VENIENOKS formamuracturing Heavy & Light Iron, Copper & Tinware Ja PUROHASED, MR. JES- fet interest 3 Leap sawn fend are repared pre often ter inducements to p any other firm a the: he, Rost nd ea can a deliver and the best quality of bread inthe Reef, Remember ae bread is not en d and we are selling ‘fg Ibs for one della Be sure when you buy . pound and PAINTS, Oils and Glass, J. HIBBERD, Prop’r. af thatit weighs AND GUARANTEED. MIXED THANK THE PUBLIC! FOR PAST FAVORS aud sclicit a continuance of the same, as 1 : DONE In Southern Utah, 40.00 wurer Res!of Ba am ‘ALL KINDS OF— _ The largest and most complete stock of CENTRE 8T., SILVER REEF. | i 4 Restaurant NEWS DEPOT, else. BuvucCcHkEwisa BOARDING Sie pamaeae ie priocipslly from first hands, I auplicate SAL’ LAKE CITY PuIdES, jy2u-tf HOUSE. FANCY To J. L. MELLGREN, Proprietor, ARTICLES, which I beg to meet peels attention. Curienr, ~ “Wg-610 HE BUCKEYE BUARDING HOUSE ‘0} popueye A[}dulosd B10 ps0 [LV IS conveniently situated to the various mines being worked on the Buckeye Reef, and furnishes good board for EIGHT. DULLARS PER WLEK. There are good sleeping apartments counect:d with the Restaurant, where those de- siring it can obtain lodgings. lf you want nice; HOT DINNERS, call om the ee. Restaurant, pyneed 1B8 second to ouse in the camp, roprietor is doing his best to please his oustomers, and invites the public to give him a call, 8. C. PERRIN, *“HVIO “aaau HAA TIS _ a ‘2000368 UBM “UCTLINIV Stormont Boart hg House. Silver Beef Blacksmith Shop. MAIN [eyMoMeUIO pus uzig ‘osn0g Patronage Generally Solcted . . ! Wagon Work, Of al} shapes done on short notice, Horse-Shoeing ‘all the same,” SPENCER, TREMONT HOUSE CONTRACTOR R. y omeieto ss D, SILVER REEF. AND “LSINOWOTE “Wd All My Old Friends ftom Bingham Invited to Call STREET, BLACKSMITHING,( ) oa A. & Tt IS POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN EN- tirely refitted, having accommodations for guosts, and will continue to be the only first-class pouse. re 10 ally at m rate rates, Terms, $2.50 pe’ FREE Sunscarms for the Mivzs. SHINGLES, Prop’s. < Christmas and Ranges In great variety and of best manufacture, N IGHT. West & Meyers, be more arriving byexpress every day. OYSTER seo ta” Apvenries ip the Mingn. = HE UNDERSIGNED RESPEOTFULLY IN. a magnificent There will bea Social Party given at Mrs. Hanrehan's Hallion the evening of Decem.™ | C, Hanson's, = PAST UP ele 5 ST EAE display of jewelry, dry goods and notions as can be found there. There are ladies’ earrings and pins, finger rings, cuff pins, shawl pins, cuff buttons, neck chains for ladies and migses, and beautiful neck and watch charms —all solid gold. Friedman warrants them as such. And then, if a lady wants to bny her husband something nice fora holiday present —as I haye done, you see—there fe a very choice variety. of solid gold shirt studs, Down to Bedrock. slecve and collar buttons, and other ornaNewsdealer Rickards proposes to close out mental and usefularticles too numerous to his entire stock of holiday goods at priccs mention. Oh, youcan’t think what a nice that will astonish the natives. He has on lot of goods Friedman has on hand. hand a large stock of dolls, blocks, musical instruments of all kinds, candytoys and notions, | Mrs. Z.—Well, well. I was just thinking suitable for, Christmas presents for the little. that I would drop into some ofthe stores folks, dnd a whole library of books suited to iny¥self and see if I couldn't get something of that kind for my husband and the children. the adult taste for literature. All these goods I guess I will have to pay Friedman’s a eels must be sold by the close of the holiday seaUnder the Harrison House, did you say? son, and to that end evérything has been Mrs. X.—Yes, but I have not. told you one marked down to prices never before equaled quarter of the nice things ‘he has on hand apin the Reef. propriate for holiday presents. Why, there _ are beautiful dress goods, dress silks and Fancy Coods! cashmeres in all colors, ties, gloves, silk and Juet.received by MRS. M. A. BREIGER linen handkerchiefs, fancy goods in every anew stock of Worsteds, Card Boards, Pear] varicty, fancy embroidery, ribbons, laces, Beads and Wood Splits. Fashionable Fancy zephyrs, 8 chojcé variety of sofa cushions and Work and French Stamping for Braiding.and slipper patterns, velvet and straw hats (trimEmbroidering done to order. med and tntrimmed,) ruching, collarettes, ———_—_—sore opera shawls, jackets, and circulars, chenille 8. J. Friedman-Special Notice! and paisley shawls, Jadies’, misses’ and children’s hose, shoes, slippers, (button and On account of overstock I offer ali Dress lace,) anda hundred and one other things I Goods, especially black and colored silks and can't think of just now. There is alsoa very cashmeres, at less than usual prices. New stock of Ladies’ Velvet Hats, etc., arrived by choice assortment of gentlemen's white and colored shirts and underwear, justcome in by express last night. express, Friedman says, and he’s selling everything I have mentioned at prices so low Téams Wanted! Uiat Feoulda‘t help buying a whole armfal of To haul lumber from the Peter's Leap saw‘em. Look at these earfings-and-neek-chaing, mill. Apply at HrecxatHorn & Mrituer’s. Ain't they just sweet? Mrs. Z. looked. An instant later she was under full sail for Friedman’s. The tempta_ Toys for the Million tion waa not to be withstood any longer, and / A large assortment of Toys and Fancy thongh she went and bought about as many Goods ds for for the Holidaysae at gooas #8 would fit up an ordinary store, there BREIGER'S, are still many beautifal trinkets and substantial goods left for other lady patrons, and rf CHOP ee J.en NTERPRIS The holidays will soon be here, and in order not to afsappoint the little ones, a movement is now on foot to get up a Christmas tree, which will be erected in the Catholic Church. Everybody, irrespective of sect, is invited to contribute, as the tree will be gotten up for the benefit of al] the childrenin the Reef, et “ardvart, “6, The Thompson & McNally is shipping The Deer Trail mine, ine, Mts Baldy District, is about-30 tons of ore to the mill daily. On again yielding rich. orece Qo this property the Bemis shaft is now down 24 feet, from the bottorh of whichedrifts The Ontario of: Park oity hhas declared fifty| north and sqnth‘are being run,.As soon as dividends without a break. the south drift is throurh to the main works, the surface'tramway now used to transport: | Eighteen: inches of iio on the level at J uab, so northern advices say, ores from the Bemis shaft to the niain tunnel will be taken up-and laid down in the drift, “The Watchman chronicles the romor that which, being run on a level with the tramway Joseph Selig, of Beaver, has bonded the Iron through the reef tunnel, will do away with Springs iron mines. the necessity of hoisting ore ont of the Pearson, the Mormon peddler who was shot shaft, ranning it to the main works on the by a road agent near Eureka, a few days ago, surface tramway, aud then dumping it down is a resident of Ephraim, Sanpete county, to be reloaded In cars forcarriage Lhrough the He is now considered ont of danger. tunnel to the @ump on the east side... The drift north is se in over 30 feet on a 2% foot Last Saturday morning W. F...Gilmer was vein of goed oye. ‘ An. incline west, followblown up and killed at the Stewart No. 1 ing the dip of, the vein, is also down _abont mine, Bingham. Hie was working near a twenty feet. In the south stope at. the main blast which went off prematurely. works some very rich ore has been found in The Empire Mining Company of Park City peckets, which,gf worked. by the horn proisin trouble. Six protests have been filed in cess, would yield probably $5,000 to the ton. the Land Office against the issuance of patThere are 20,000 tons of ore in sight in the énts for the mines claimed by the company. mine to-day—at least, that is the estimate of the Minkk reporter, and it is probably under The Wasatch & Jordan Valley Railroad, rather than above the mark. a branch line from the Utah Southern up a+ nee oe } the Little Cottonwood canyon, is blockaded by snow, Trains have been: stopped since Change of Stage Terminus. last Saturday. The-change of the. stage terminus from, ‘| Juab. to Deseret was made this morning, and }- Professor Barfoot, curator of the Salt Lake The Figure Nine. hereafter the coathes will run to and from Museum, is obtaining specimens of natural magnatite from the iron mines in Iron county There seems to exist a curions superstition the latter place instead of the former. The for the purpose of supplying scientists and among many of the old miners and pioneers change will not make much difference in the others who wish to test the mineral. ~ that those years terminating in 9 are alivays traveling -time between Silver Reef and .characterized by severc Winters and increased the railroad while the roads remain in bad The fall of snow in Little Cottonwood ¢an{life ana prosperity in- mining affairs...In condition and. the establishment of. new stage you during the past. week, says the Salt. Lake proof of this they will refer you to the Winstations is being effected, but in a few weeks Herald, has been simply immense,’ Up to ter of '49 ;°59 and 69, all of which were noted for it is expected that a gain of several hours’ Thursday three snow slidés had ‘taken place their severity, anda)so as marking the advent time will be made between the two ee along the railroad sheds, each of which, on an ofsome big mining excitement. So far ‘79 > average, had broken down twenty feet of the has. not disappointed the prophets, numerous Christmas Celebrations at the shedding, making sixty feetin all. It is feared excitements having occurred this year, inother slides have taken place, and many perCatholic Church. , clnding the Yankee Fork and Leadville s0nsin-town-express fears of serious harm booms, and all over the country there seems Services will be held as usual at: the Cathobeing done. Communication with Big Cotlic Church to-morrow. Christmas Eve, at midto be a revival of old and played-out mining tonwood is cut off altogether, and the chances night, there will be solemn celebration of the districts. In numerous places in Nevada are that that district {s almost buried. Birth of our Lord, with High Mass and sermines are being started up that have lain idle ———— ey mon; on Christmas day, at 9 a. m., secon for ten or twelve years past. Old districts Attention! Mass; at1l a. m., last High Mass. In the that have been deserted and forgotten for evening, commencing at half-past 7 o'clock, years are again, evidently, receiving new life, Go to Stephen’s for your good-fitting Boots and new strikes and discoveries are being re- there will be sermon and benediction. On and Shoes. the 26th (setond Christmas day), Mass will be ported. celebrated at 10a. ™ A few days ago Richard Higby, of Toquerville, traded his span of, mules fora span owned, as he supposed,. by a Babylon man (whose name we cannot now recall). The trade was settled to the satisfaction of both parties. Last Thursday, however, when Hig-| by hitched up his antmals and drove into the Reef, he was more astonished than pleased to find Constable Joe Hoag after him with a writ of replevin for the mules, sued out iat the instance of Adolph Sultan, who ¢laims that they belong to him. Officer Hoag took charge of the mules as directed by the writ, and the Court will decide the dispute as to the ownership. ee Sara et As TERRITORIAL News. Thompson & fiicNally. REPORTED RicH FIND. What Some Ranchers Brought Into the Reef for Assay. __ SATURDAY............ DECEMBER 20. 1879, Wish.us a merry Christmas,eh? same to you. gate " pan eee SS F. ". HILL, Proprietor. OMNIBUS ,AT DEPOTS. _, BUILDER. F, A. Lm Corner of Main and Boyd Streets SILVER BEEF, UTAH. v t eae Do, Allbas amet OF AMER- a nae » Bend tor 6 en |