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Show forwarding Merchants. _ About Newspapers: in the.whole range : Blerchants. of buisness professions or callings, one that is so » that né business enterpri They R. WARNOCK & CO. WHOLESALE ¢ —aAID— MERCHANTS, an ange! had flown down from the outposts-of heaven and pelted them with a brickbat. He is ° expected to be above and beyond the small weekness of humanity, and soar around in the elysian fields of grandiloquent genius or leisurely brouse in the vernal pastures of true wisdom, and see everything as everybody, else sees it, and reconcile the vast differences of opinion in imperious: thousands, Bat it is notin: ‘this alone that the world mistakes them. Very mauy, very good people,ar” Constantly ~ Principal place of business... Wwork- YORK, no more Bi a is Silver Ww coer _Keef, —_ Washin pee and seventy-four Qs 474) linear feet of the Savage mine or yein bearing size ore together with prot ground six hundred feet in width, Harrisburg Mining. District, County of Washin on, Utah Territory, an designated by the field notes and official niet on file in this office as iot No. 59 in towns No. 41 south of range 14 west ofsait’ Lake bate and Hana. meridian, aud in the north-east | d Leeds «' SOLE AGENTS suuare and 4% feet long, marked ‘‘No. 2, U. ” which is post 0. 2 of said mining oath. thence-north 57 deg west 600 feet to a | pine post 43 i yavaty and ae feet jong, - FOR marké 0. 3, 69,°? whichi 3 post No. 8 of said mining claim, thence north 314 30 min’ east 1,474 feet to a pine Det to inches square and 44% Bae longs marked DU PONT'S BLASTING POWDER GIANT POWDER IN seems to belong. ——______ ~~ ~<m @ —The hoppers have arrived at Panaca, says the Pioche Record, and are going for the crops of the faithful. They have destroyed pretty much everything there except the corn. It is _ doubtful if the Church will receive any tithe east. From SOUTHERN UTAH. MOUNT GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Of We earry the Best which and WHITE hues & FANCY stoek Heaviest HA In all South ef Salts Lahe. City TIS and LINEN at all prices. & WOOLEN ~ OVEESHIBRTS. We recommend our large assortment of Miesion and ALL COLORS AND i i Sdieeed this notice to be published inthe Silver Reef Miner, a newspaper published at Silver Reef, ashin gton Utah Territory, that being published nearest the said Savage mining claim. for a full period of sixty one and any and all Lane claiming adversely the mining ground, claim, lode, vein or premises or any portion thereof as aforesaid described, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed ag.according . Jaw within sixty days from the date of t first publication hereof, they will’ -‘barred be J virtue of the provisions of the sta B.N KIL grrr ‘Undershirts Flannel QUALITIES NOTICE. T°. F. soe THE | ~ HECHT BROS. & CO’S BOOTS For Mining, and Fancy Wear a specialty. Ladies’ si and Children’s Shoes, Of all descriptions. TRUMBULL KESSELL, TI]THOMAS WASUKEY A. Lemmon—You are hereby notified that there is due me from each of you for work done upon the Great Western Lode and Company Mining Claim, situated in Harrispare Mining District, Washington county, nore the following sums for assessment work for the sear ' rom. you, essell, the sum of $20; from you, Thomas wate ‘the sumjof $10 O45. from-you,;--A. Lemmon, the sum of $0.67; and-for ‘assesement work for the year 1878, from=yOu, F. Kessell, the sum of $20; trom you, Thomas Wasley, the sum of $1904, and from you, A. Lemmon, the sum of $6.67. Now, therefore, unless yon shall pay to me or cause to he paid to me the various sums above set forth within ninety days from the date hereof, the | entire interest of each and as Teed you will become mine-by virtue of the law. H. 8. ‘LUBBOCK. : Silver Reef, LUMBER! March 8, 1879. NOTICE. Cae ee Qut! variation 16 deg 30 min an area of 20 30-100 acres. . of said mining claim U. 8. and meridian bears south 78 deg 45 min west. distant 1,206 %¢ feet. brom-post No. 2 of said mining claim a@ large granite boulder bears south (deg west 31 8-100 feet distant. brom post No. 3 of said mining claim a large sandsone boulder bears north 65 deg west 43 56-100 feet distant. From post No. 4 of said mining claim a@ large granite boulder bears south t8 dex east 74 teet distant. he nearest known lIccations are the Buckeye Lead, Mystic, California, and MeNally mining claiis. the location of this mine is recorded in the recorder’s office ot i!arrisburg ining District, in Washington county, Utah ‘Territory, at Silver Keef, in said county and SseuEr on page 172 in book B of, said from that Stake of Zion this year. McManus & Read intend closing out their business in Silver Reef. All persons know- Magnetic Containing post No.1 minera! monument No.1 bears south 81 deg corner on the south line of section 1, township 41, south of range 14 west of Salt Lake base | —AGENTS FOR— o. 4 of cine mining claim, thence sout 57 deg eet 600 feet to post 0. 1 of said miving claim, the place of be- Also a fine assortment of the Golden Gate clean over to China, where he see east 1,275 feet distant, tia the quarter section a: a * Who is this mighty Cook, asks the San Fran- 49,’’ whic pinning AND IN Utah, - described as mining claim, thence running south aT31 dag min west ai feet to & pine post4 J, BIRCH & CO, of The said Jot No. 59 being follows, to-wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of said Savage mining claim at a pine im) cisco Exchange, who knows so much more about Ohinese broths, af:er a residence of a few days, than we do who have been here a quarter of acentury? Cook ought to be kicked through Closing address in post 4 inches square and 4% feet long, marked “No 1, U. 3. 09,” which is post Ne. of said cian.| excitedly: And long before the barkeeper could get hold seen attorney '{ county, Territory of Utah, have aeaerin he tion for a-patent for fourteen hundr -Utah man.” men. _| dies R, WARNOCK & CO.,, | unctious joy.—[Tuscarora Times Review. Se oe a oe He was a Chinaman slightly over ths boy and he rushed intos Black street saloon excitedly, of aclub the" Celestial’ was on Breisacher, whose Stato of nt and : 1 Territory Utah is Pioche, Lincoln county, by Conrad Gibfried his i Terminus Utah Southern Railroad. double-shufile, and paste-pot weep great tears of ““Whiskee cockee taile for me, allee samee Melican man.” _ The barkeeper arranged the mixture, handed “ft out, and the Chinaman, pouring it down, started for the door shouting: *Putee down on silatee alle samee Melican Helene ship. asking their grocer to give them a dime’s worth of cheese; willask a newspaper man to sacrifice hig space, pay his printers to set up his type, E ARE DOING THE PRINCIPAL and wear out his material to do them a service; Forwarding from that point, and are ‘and expect him to’ acquiesce asa matter of fe only Company that can furnish teameters course. Itis asionishihg how many people have ack loading, which secures to us the best outfits on the road, and enables us to guarantee axes to grind which from their stand point are the delivery of all classes of importations on **matters of public interest,’’ and woe to the the shortest possible time. poor editor who cannot see it in’that light. Our increase of business enables us to forThere are two or three things which many good ward goods at one-half our former rates. honest people should be educated to understand, One is that editorsare-human. ‘hey are liasle to be mistaken, and are entitled to the same charity as other people who may do, likewise Second that they cannot live on wind and sleep Handling, Sampling, Shipping in cOfrals, and must be paid for their stock in and Sellin Ores and Bultrade, the same as a merchant or any other business man, Third a newspaper does not belion a Specialty. long to the world at large, but its owners and conductors and that it cannot be made a sluicebox through which to flow all the surplas~ bile~ of a community or the trashy off sloughings of the brain of every nincompoop who itches'to Will pay wagon and meee freight on all goods consigned to ourc gee hisnamein print. When these wholesome Will give rap of freight, ed all points truthes ai thoroughly imbedded in the teaching East and We of our civilization, then will the editor’s milAll patna answered promptly. lennium begin to draw nigh and the war-dance of delight will swing corners and chassez around Address : ths editorial tripod, the scissors will cut the up to the bar and cried whose posto flice Washington county, north-west quarters of section 12 and in the south-east quarter of section 1 of said town- good honest souis, who would never think rushed RETAIL | ee FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, Commission nounce him, and seem as much astonished as if AND- Norioz No. 498, Unirep Erates LaYp Orrsca, Salt Lake City, Uteh Ter., June 3d, 1879. puck. Is HEREBY. Sean ABAt Grocers & Dry Goods cite Forwarding ignore the fact that a newspaper man is flesh and blood, that he must eat, drink, wear, live, move, aud have a being as any other human bibed. They seem to forget that he has like cares, troublesand auxieties with other men. Hence when he differs with them, when he expresses an opinion im opposition te their own with warmth and vigor, they are ready to de- ‘APPLICATION FOR PATENT, LIDDLE BROS. & C0. Little undersiood, and about which there aye as {a wallkéct. many erroneous ideas as that of conduct, privileges, purposes and rights of & newspaper, | From ii people expect more, 4nd propose to pay less for it than they would dare askom ~wny other business in the world. A great many very good péople secm toeeocush ei ~ There is not pekeee INEST AND CLEAREST IN agent e are’ prepared to fill any bill of any 8ize on short notice and as eaeep as any common lumber from other yards GENUINE CALIFORNIA And ing themselves indebted will please call and HARNESS* Saddlery of all AND Notlck SADDLES Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership . heretofore existing between W Kogers and J. R. Ric under the firm name of Rogers & Rickards, asiee business at Silver Reef, Washin county, Utah, is this day dissolved by mutual Kinds. consent. J. K. Rickards business at the same place. “gettle their accounts without delay.” will comunne the All debts due said firm will begollected by J. R. Rickards andall liabilities will be paid by him. . Roarrs, I SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING yr CAN HAVE YOUR CEILINGS of Blue injury to Wall Paper, At Their Old Stand. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, by HARDWARE consulting Flour T. and Grain, HUTCHISON, Little Pink House, AINTING IN ALL Done with Dispatch rices. First ITS and west st. Which BRANCHES at Moderate ; Giver Reef Bakery Iron and = Best in the Fuse, Work done promptly and in best of style. Feed and Livery Stable, cede oe St., Silver Reef, Ysab, oon Sash, and Molding, (ene —ALL KINDS OF— Carpenter And everything appertaining to the same, as Cooking Utensils, DONE CARPENTER- ‘TOOLS a . id all Daceriptiens, E Ww, Work AND SATISFACTION CUARANTEED. Etc., Ete. ¢ a Doors, Parlor and Cooking Stovéa: y TseJ. M. LYNCH 35 We are sure you will mnaissahepeaeter nig Oils, &o. ‘he aetener? my Lower Main SHINGLES, | ___ Miners’ Tools, Ete. \ @eT. here else. and Lard, Coal and Lubricating WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTING. | {pVited to call at the Silver Reef Bak- T.umber AND Powder First Wash-House, Bonanza, DEALE ES, 10 Steel, & CO. (LOWER MAIN STREET.) THANK THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS \8 and solicit a continuance of the same, as I ‘gm now prepared to seil the cheapest and the + Dent quality of meoad in the Reef. Remember our) ig not adulterated and we are selling ore ibs for one dollar. Be sure when 78 buy i loaf that it weighs apound and a half. r our bread of SAM WING J..HIBBERD, Prop’r. 3 and = will be delivered to any part Silver Reef. Leeds or the camp. BIRCH R. Rickagps. Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes. Reckathorn & Miler, F YOU WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and unadulterated, pay us a visit. We sell cheap to Familios and Dea'ers. We keep constantly oa hand a supply of or Pink the Liquors! MADE Pure White, or in Delicate Tints Without First-Class Silver Reef, June lith, a8. J HAVE up’s PURCHASED interest in the pa bed a Sete in.wanting any other arm. * rties the Reef, efnee can siiea al o Much sooner, ‘then. euy other wien © |