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Show SILVER REEF MINER. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Hew To-Day. New York Dispatches. Look Here! WEDNESDAY,...... eee JULY9, 1879 : New Yorx, July 8. A Paris dispatch says: A magnificent ban- = Tue rise in the price of lead is a big thing for Utah. Silver Reef of course is independ- quet was given last night at the Grand Hotel. to Lesseps by members of the Old Darien entof lead, having never (arial Company, in celebration of the sign- produced a pound of the article,@out the min- ing of the transfer to him of the right and concessions for water way across the isth- = the fluctuation in ing camps throughout the northern are greatly affected by it. $40 counties Not only will the Cottonwoods and Bingham Canyon flourish as they did six or seven years .| ago, but Beaver county with its Bonanza will keep, it is believed; a railroad in operation. With lead at fout cents‘in New-York there is The price of her citizens. has found ‘its way into the Ter-" ritory heretofore, The recent and unexpected Poa gf rise in lead plays out.a good many prophets and brings front, years @ very When few lead prominently dropped ago, the know-it-alls to the three..or-four predicted inal cost, and more significant than this is that it the fact that a numberof well-known- stock: operators have gone orare about to start for the West for the purpose of buying up min-f ing properties. Old hands.atthe mining bus- would never again in our time be worth four cents and that the mines in Utah could not be worked profitably. Avery few long-sighted mining that men declared attention to the they are now SELLING FOR. extraordinary CASH. They are retiring permanently from business an. are disposin g of a New and Well Selected * Stock of aye WY GHOUERI the papers. The names of men well known in politics are paraded at the head of company prospectuses. \Every little “exchange shop down town has its freshly-written placard announcing that\all kinds o mining stocks are boughtand sold there. Inventors are to be found by the dozen who | haye a “process” by which metal maybe got ont in the shortest possible time and'at nom- to look as if more’capital awaits investment in our mines than general prices for w x by giving Talmage of Talmage that ee in amazing ines$ look for a* rage of speculation by next prophet his own it appearing by evidence that arms mentioned. and en- Truly it may a be said is not without country. In New Aelights to-call it,is religious the exhibitions. comic GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. Tebaccos, Liquors & Cigar as sensationalism is against John lasting as that of any theatrical manager. ‘His manners possess are of the worst. He does not and strangers very much go to see his as they would -performance goto ‘see a circus ora That such a man should be H. Morgan, son of Senator j, News From Havana. Havana, July 8. News from Spain of the reduction of indirect taxes is received with joy, especially by. There is probably no man living less entitled planters. to’ admiration thar De Witt : Thoughtful and reverent observers have long ~Jamented his connection with the church, and - he has long been the butt for the gibes and jeers of the scoffer. done more No to bring man ‘in his day has that he has even religion into disrepute, the excuse of sincerity war -—-gumberof men have in lost simmered their lives, down and painted warriors have anthorities Colorado,in have appeare cooled retired, taker which and a to off. The the civil command. Judge Jost sight comes to the front. of,and Judge Hallett} It is the general opinion that he will restore things to their former position, leaving just where the Denver it was and a month Rio ago. Grande Notwith- standing the ruling of Judge Hallett, there is grave doubt as to the jurisdiction United States Court in the case, and this point the fight will be kept up. ORAL TERN VO RTE LOE of the upon LEONE, GENERAL SHERAN. while’in Santa Fe, says the Sentinel, was repeatedly asked what he thought of New Mexico, but stedfastly re- fusing to give his opinion. doubtless remembers Rewspaper,man The General his famous some time reply to a since in Texas, “If I owned Texas and “Helland was -obliged~to-live-in one-or-the other of ‘thom, I should rent out Texas and live in Hell.” ee Lonbon, July 8. A Berlin correspondent of the Standard states it is estimated that the new tariff will | realize 120,000,000 marks more than hitherto, half of which will be required to cover the deficits of individual States_and 22,000,000 for fresh supplies recently votelfto the Empire. The net revenue for the States is thus reduced to 38,000,000 marks yearly. - Epwix Boora desires that Gray, the fais." "tle who shot at him, shall be kept securely in the asylum, “I trast Grey may become gray ..fndeed,”’ -he-says,-in--kind..butearefal con-- important. That merchant may justly be regarded as & public benefactor who devotes his time and talent to.the public service. Mr. Friedman claims, and is justly entitled to, this distinction, fur he attends to the wents of his lady patrons with indefatigable assiduity, bringing the full wealth of his expérience to bear in the selection of goods for this market. An entirely new line of merchandise suitable for summer trade has just been received, of which fact the ladies can satisfy themselves by personal examination, The inducements which Mr. Friedman offers, both in regard to price and quality of goods, can be extended by no other firm in Southern Utah, his facilities for buying being the best and his expenses the least of any leading business house in this section of the Territory... The assortment of summer drygoods, embracing fect wardrobe, is immense, and, considering the excellent quality of the stock, extraordinary bargains will-be offered.._._Itis now the, intention to sacrifice the immense summer stock on hand to make room for the. fall find it to their advantage to visit the emporium, as the stock now on hand MuUsT BE SOLD. i Cheap for Cash. Z ‘Hereafter; ali those desiring a ~first-claes finement, or if earlier released, that his exit article.of goods at bottom figures can supply may be from this earthly stage of his dra- - matic exploitsto that celestial scene where all net wants at prices that will astonish the ‘McManus & Regan. 8 coase from shooting and actors are at J. 3, Mavens has received a large aseort‘Fest. If he be ever again at liberty, my own, | ment of Panel Doors, Sash Doors and Win7 eu not value worth a cent. * dows of all ae i, / CURE AR hee RY Aathpemensiniehagemnanasiientegtine aiciltiaies ds! 1 en a WE sto have Stand. Old ~ + ee: dew sivas age’ Shoes opened DRESS a very NEWS DEPOT, ee GOODS FANCY FURNISHING Srarios ERY, CUTLERY, * CiaaRs, Topacoos, CONFECTIONERY, GOODS, Ever displayed in the Reef. And full line ef Miners’ Notions. WE have also received a new stock of MILL and MINING SUPPLIES and everything in the line of Hardware ALSO a complete stock of CROUKERY and GLASs WARE. J. R. RICKARDS, J. B. BOOT MAIN JACOBS & SULTAN. STREET RE-alRING —ALL KINDS Carpenter DONE AND GENERAL LUMBER Goods ee the district. } Sash Work.- MAIN &TREET.) Doors. Furniture Made aad JOB WORK GENERALLY ORDER. DONE TO a A. LEMMON, | ARB DOING THE PRINCIPAL Forwarding from that: point, and are the only Company that can furnish teainsters back loading, which secures to us the best outfits on the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of all classes of importations on the shortest possible time. Our increase of business enables us to forward goods at one-half our former rates. Carpenter, Builder and CABINET MAKER. One door South of the Lafayette homes, Silver Reef. TAILORING. Handling, and Sampling, Sellin Ores Shipping and Bul- tion a Specialty. Address: -_ ; ee R. WARNOCK & CO,,: YORK, (LOWER Sign of the Big Sash. and Doors. -Utah —_—— WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTING. GRAIN. Repaired. Terminus Utah Southern Railroad All are'‘invited to call at the Silver Reef Bakery to try our bread avd we are sure you will never buy anywhere else. ort and —-JOB- Screen THANK THI: PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS and solicit a continuance of the same, as I 8m now prepared to sell the clieapest and the Will pay eo and Railroad freight on best quality of bread inthe Reef. Remember ail nobis sou signed to our-car our bread is not udulterated and we are selling eit ae rates of freight noe all points 1642 Ibs for one dollar. Be sure when you buy West. East an a loaf that it weighs a pound and a half. All comuiunications answered ' promptly. WING Ie free of charge to every past East of Jacobs @ Sul'an. Principal place of business, J. HIBBERD, Prop’r. SAM DEABER CARPENTERS. E First Wash-House, Bonanza, DONE, B. STEPHENS. HARROUN & COMPANY SATI s FACTION. Pies and Cakes, the Best in the Reef. NEATLY Groceries: Provisions, CUARANTEED.- wlver Reef Bakery REEF Lower Main Streat, Silver Reef, Forwarding W ork 7E HAVE PURCHASED MR. JESsup’s interest in tho Peter’s Leap sawmill and are prepared to offer better inucements to parties wanting lumber than any other firm in the Reef, and can deliver special orders much sooner than any other mill company. SILVER J. A. TURRILL, M CORKIND«aLE R. WARNOCK & CO. Moiding, OF— MAKER, - J. MERCHANTS. and - TO ORDER ALL tell Boots and Shoes from the -bes French Material. ‘Being practical in the bare ness, | can make whatever style of boot or shoe is desired. Give me a call. Wood Fit RUAt antes Dress Boots and Shoes a gee cliaity Forwarding Plerchants. — @. AND SHOE AKES “, B.—all Goods purchased from us wil! be delivered proraptly, free jof charge, to all parts of this place and vicinity. WARNOCK. STEPHENS, -~PRACTIVCAL— In soliciting your patronage anew, we sssure you that one triat will convince our friends tnat we meap what we say, and are satisfied tuat we are abie to furnish better goods at cheaper prices than cap be fuund anywhere, without exception, Commission Sash, ARTICLES, To which we beg to direct public attention. Clothing and Gents’) Trsumber Doors, RICKARDS, handsome —Also the largest stock of— Eleckethorn& Miler, Their also OF : ~GENERAL— And. all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. | B. At line of Gents, and ie Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper Ware. Ever seen in Utah. Tarxs. —_————__—_» goods, and the space being limited, ladies will a MANUFACTURER announce when he said, in answer to the question as to. every conceivable article required for a. per- . how he liked Texas» WHISEIES. that the Mexican war vessel Libertad, the Bowen, who’ kicked up the row, is for the time being BOTTLED London Dispatches. ta offer for his persistent buffoonery. THE railroad Mexico crew of which matinied, returned to Vera Crugon the 30th of June and surrendered. There were several dead bodies and prisoners on board, some of the crew having made a counter revolt at sea. ; and this the more because it is not believed Boots ae Cooking and Heating Stoves. Prices. most pmlese AXD Additional advices from Talmage. & Remember— Moxey River given an avation in London is not edifying. _walking match. UNDERCLOTBING, TOBACCOS Morgan, of Alabama, for breach of promise of marriage and $20,000 damages. It is alleged that in 1877 Morgan, under promise of marriage, betrayed Miss Horton. - eloquence, pathos, wit, or reverence, All his tendencies are toward bouffe, GROCERIES, of the Mississippi —aLso— are offering at— Ladies and Child were n6t Commission. Col: William: A. Cook and Messrs. Shellabarger and Wilson, as counsel for Lucy Walton Rhett. Horton, entered a -snit yesterday opera of re- Its pastor is a sort of ~ . gacred mountebank, whose members IRON & STEEL. J.R WasHinearTon, July 8. » The President has signed the commissions of the His church, or ‘‘tabernacle,”’ as he FAMILY ALSO, Si Cc lothing , Washington Dispatches. ork, where he is Known, he'is certainly netrespected. "ardavvare, tention of retiring trom business here, and at we have started anew with greater facilities, and we are now prepare to maintain our reputation y the leading mercantile firm ofthis place and by reason ofjour advantageous connections-in purchasiug our supplies, we can and wiil undersel! all our competitors. We have just received an immense stock of all kinds of fresh Reduced the depression in a most tlusiastic reception. IMPORTER aXD DEALER DS jug our patrons and the community at we Ba. Silver Reef. - Main street. E_TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORM- —Which - fall and are prepared to make a big sirike. At Jead would last but for a time and that it was pres@ut the symptoms of the disturbance are At Prices that will astonish the natives. a good time to invest while the, price was confined almost exclusively to the speculating A single visit will eee, all classes, but if the feeling grows to a mania, down. -The lead market has shown an unex- as shrewd observers anticipate, it will influ' WE Mea. BUSINESS. Pected activity, caused it is claimed by the ence for good or eyil (principally the latter) falling off in the product of Colorado and hundreds and perhaps thousands of innocent Expenses being smal! we arein a position .to people who have small accumulations which Utah. As Utah is prepared for active operadefy competition and propose to get rid of our they desire to place out to advantage. . goods in thirty days ions she will be able to distance all rivals The World thinks Grant’s probable change and gobble the lion's share of the profits. A of plan about returning a part of a little REGARDLESS OF .COST, scheme to keep him out of harm’s way during year or two's monopoly in lead will make the fall elections and bring him back with a Utah rich and respectable. boom just in time for the Presidential camAt 50 per cent. reduction in Staple Merchandise, paign. CARLYLE remarked a good many years ago, The public will pis #6 recollect that our Stock in not composed cf od, unsalable aud worthless Salt Lake Dispatches. “There are twenty-five millions of people in articles, but of entirely new goods, clean, well Sat Lakg, July 8. ted and of the best purchaseable qualiiy. England, mostly fools,”* and if our dispatches Gus. Reinig and Wm. Clays, arrested yesare correct the Londoners are doing their best terday for challenging and accepting chalOUR SPECIALTIES: to demonstrate the justice of the observation lenge.to fight a duel, were 10-day discharged, < : #& J.J. HALPIN- _ a GROCERIES) extensively. New mining companies are coming ont with displayed advertiseiiients in come to the doors of Indeed, it is beginning seats in the Mining. Stock Board has ‘risen fiom ‘seventy-five dollars to some hundreds. Brokers who never touched this class of paper are now operating in it a bright future for Utah and the prosperity of ten years ago will again Read | The Times has a column article on the coming mining mania. It says the indications are too many and too plain to be mistaken that the fever of speculation: is beginning in gold and silver mining’stocks. near the railroad will manifest great activity. & Important AN NOUR ARE SLoMING OUT AND BEG TO DIRECT } ‘Yange that we have entirely given up our iu- us. When lead brings per ton in Salt Lake, mining operations MeMe 2nus Miscellaneous. FOR A, Utah. SALE! Valnable Property. * Sixty acres “ land with water<twenty acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the Catone suitable for gardening. Also one stone building at Leeds, suitable fora store, and eight ie tae lots opposite it; and a good lumber building, 24x24. in a desirable part ofof Silver Reef, with good water at the r. For an partioulars call on* B. 0, BORED, Work dove promptly and ip best of style. Ne Me he RAN i bilvor Roof IN ALLITS BRANCHES. Fine suits made to order. An assortment of Fine, Imported ENGLISH CLOTHS, alwayson hand. 4@ Shop, corner of Centre and First Weet Streets. A. WINQUIST, Tailor. 023 4 THE LEEDS Earkng soma, Silver Reef, Tsuna Transacts BANKING - Utah, a Ceneral BUSINESS. Farnishes Exchsnge on Ralt Lake, San Francisco, and all parts of the hastern States and TO pe, JOHN WH RICE, Oashice. |