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Show abe eat ec,7 fan : WEDNESDAY......00s00--. JULY 9, 1879 Papoose on of a Brave: J, BIRCH & CO, the It is well known that some of the Indian | tribes of America havea habit of killing horses when their chiefs and medicine men die. ‘And in some instances the departing braves’ wives have been dispatched to bear them The Pioneer Restaurant opens to-day. company to the happy hunting-grounds. Stage travel has been very light during the When the celebrated Ute chief, Walker, died past week. in the northern part of the Territory a good many years ago, a whole band of horses were Mr. C. C. Branham has returned home from slain by his warriors. But heretofore no one Salt Lake City. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Leeds per "pound from Byrnes is erecting a pbatitietis to the Pioneer Saloon. The after Cosmopolitan run Restaurant me No eggs in town is causing considerable cussing among restaurant keepers. Are you going tothe Lake ? seems the question of the hour in the Reef, to be The range’ of thermometor in the warmest portion of the day is from 96 to 100 degrees. The Executive Committee ordered a suspicious looking “git.”” He got, on Sunday character to Cassidy is putting a fine chandelier in his new saloon and expects to have the opening’ some time this week. Postmaster Krause intends removing postoffice ‘to Byrnes’ new building, on west side of Main street. the situation described two or three-days, The mother of the child was afraid to tell what had happened, though she was observed to be grief-stricken. The Toquerville people thought seriously ofe burying the ‘old Lamanite with his head the other way, but he insisted the religion of the Piutes required him to.do what he had done. the the Tf you desire to know what Silver Reef can do in the boiler making business, pay a visit to the machine shop of the Christy Company and see Messrs. Burkett and Cutts’ work. A hard characler passed through the Reef a ~'few days ago from Arizona, who had recently murdered two men in the vicinity of Hackberry. A reward of $50 is offered for his capture. George Busch, a young man from St. Louis, is very low with typhoid fever at the hospital and Henry White was received to-day with ‘the same fever. Both the patients are under A CHorce ARTiCL« of fresh butter for the re-; tail trade for sale by McManus & Rerp. eaee The construction trains on the Utah Souththe road is to be rushed through where it October. will porhaps be by the first of » Phe Christy has the ‘‘kibosh"' on the hose business. Gaspipe is extended to the top of the roof of the mill, where a coil of rubber hose attached commands the whole situation. The advantage of this arrangement consists in having the water at all timos on the top of the building, where by the mere turning of a faucet it is det loose at the highest point. tn rs Ve LOD A Serious Charge. C. Blake Boyden was arrested last Sunday morning by Sheriff Hoag on a complaint made by Wm. T. Barbee, charging the defendant with stealing bullion to the value of $1,500. On the morning of the 7th a second complaint was made by J. B. Van Hagan eharging defendant with stealing bullion to the value of $10,000, At the examination, had Monday afternoon, Judge Whedon, attorney for complainants, submitted an affidavit for continuance, which was granted till the 14th inst. and bail fixed at $5,000. The defendant failing to procure the same was returned to jail. K. J. Hanley appeared for the defendant. Boyden was for a considerable length of time foreman of Messrs. Barbee & Van Hagan’s mill and had, according to the statement of one of the owners mide at the examination, entire charge of the amalgam and A copy of an'f bullion product of the mill. order, made by Boyden, for the return of two Doxes of freight now in transit to the rail- Which road, which it was stated referred to the bullion, was read by the complainants’ attorney. oss Suggestions. Wonld it not be wise for the house owners of Silver Reef to form themselves into a Mutual Insurance Company ? Would it not be wise fur the Committee of Safety to inspect every stove pipe.in town and to maké somé regulations concerning the same hereafter ? Would it not be wise for every man who owns a house to have a plank laid lengthways on top, for the purpose of catrying water on in case of an emergency? Let these questions be considered. Property OwNER. Good News for the LadiesWoolf & Jordan in order to make room for an immenée stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Tobaccos, etc., have resolved to close out their whole Dry Goods department and offer the same at cost price for the next thirty days. For further particulars read their PcisOLe To Sell | Se Rent, A dwelling containing’ four rooms, farnished, situated on Main street. For particnlars inquire of Jupce }). P. WuHEpon. ~- Be Corner Forty-one st 5 Lot for Saie. foot front on Boyd street: on Main Street and Enquiro of” Sexvcer & Jaques, Liquors! ‘SILVER REEF, and WILL OLOSE_ wi EVER pit Cash | STOCK CONSISTS or— Liquors, Boots, Shoes, oe Clothing, Ete. Grain, of A® WE WANT THE MOREY MORE THAN WE WANT THE GOODS ON we provose not merely to give a dollar’s worth for a dollar, but to give more dollar’a worth for every dollar we receive. Only Will Buy Our HAND, than a Goods! y Or Credit only on Good Security. OUR LOT ON MAIN STREET, 34x125, Vault and No. 1 cellar, which STOOD t HE TST wilt ali bs sold at we acrifies. ALSO, and Mutton Always on Hand. _ N. BUBB, Silver Reef Blacksmith STREET, SILVER A FIR3T-CLASS SAFE, in OF THt& LATE FIRE WITHOUL Fire-Proof DaMaGeE, Sa K & €O., Of every ee ue Mr. Friedman begs to announce to his lady patrons that he is now prepared to furnish them with light linen suits of excellent and durable quality. They will be found extremely serviceable to those desiring to visit Panguitch Lake during the present season. SHOEING A Out. Having still left a quantity of goods saved from the fire, I offer the same at cost, in order to make way for a new. stock. T shall very soon have my business running as formerly at the old Pioneer stand, where I shall be glad to meet my friends and the public generally. I. SCHWARTZ. MAIN Opposite Fargo & Ore assayed. and Bullion meltet notice ana at reasonable rate Jas. CRONARN. >see ——_ —_-—-——_ Look Our! Fer great bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clething, Ete. Our new stock will be opened next week and sold at prices never before offered in the mash te All goods proueht direct from New oe & visnice! and Picture Frames, —AND— Of every size and pattern, BUILDERS. PAPER, Co's, on Borders and Decoraions ar H. H, CHANDLER ASSAY ‘CONTRACTORS Mirrors. Pictures WALL STREET, Wells, Carpenters. Putty and Glass. Assay Office, L. A. BULL, Assayer. | =aeo Shades, Paints, Oils, SPEG:ALTY, REEF pur usig” ‘OSuoHn Spencerz Jaques and Blinds, Window BAATIS ‘LSINOWO19 ‘W ‘4 Windows and | 2 SILVER [e}uoMeaIg Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, supply o ‘ATAU ‘ESENIVE description. Doors, Sash oe, (00038 TBH FURNITURE, Leeds. EEP constantly on hand a on ‘Tire lron and Wagon iimle wIg-6 [9 ‘03 popueys “aiduicda si9ps0 uv “HVLO WAGON-SIIOP, For terms, etc. apply to L. A. BULL. P: HARRISON smith Street, & POUJADE. Main St., Ellver Reef, Utah. Butter and Eggs of MoManvus & ReaD. Main aa REMEMEER, we will return you at least the FULL VALUE and in some cases than the value of every dollar you pass over our.couuter, but it must be @ real dollar. Has the largest and best selected line of goods South of Salt Lake City, consisting of ‘all the same." RETALLICK, McPHEE Black Suitable for a Family, and three other houses. HEITZELMAN Work, Of all shapes done on short notice. Horse-Shoeing DWLLLING, Shop. AND Wagon MORE ONE KEEF.~ BLACKSMITHING,( )| —————OOew _ And everything | Corner of Main and pertaining to thatline SILVER / Boyd treets, REEF, UTAH. OFFICE ALSO 4 complete assortment of CHANDLER and CRONAR. J. J. Halpin, pirohasing all his Stoves, Hardware, &c, in the East Alain Street, opposite En ern Market, has facilities for selling all goods in his line cheaper than canbe bought anywkere south of Salt ORES and BULLION Lake. N. NOFICE, JOHN STEWART AND LUIS MOZER— IN \we Or Credit on Approved Security. Groceries, All orders carefully filled and promptly delived free of charge, in Silver Beef, Leeds, Harrisburg, and on the Riv a location for business, is completed and ready 1. OFFERED AND THAN yards. will be delivered to any. part Silver Reef. Leeds or the camp. of & You are hereby notified that there is due mo from each of you for work done upon the Hard Scrabel Mine and Mining \'ompany, situated mm Harrisbury Mining District, Washington County, Sees of ae the followihg sums for assessmentw or the year 1877: From you, John Stewart, he, sum of $16 66, from you, Luis Mozer, the eum of $16 66; and for asséssment work for the year ae from ‘you, John Stewart,. the sux: of $16.66; and ‘from you, Luis Mozar, the sum of i 66. Now, therefore, unless you shall pay to me or cause "to be paid to mo the various sums above set forth within ninety days from ths date hareof the entire interest of exch and both of you will become mine by virtue of the law. A. HARTMAN, Silver Beef, July tb, 1879. REEF, LOWER x The new building opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's, with flagged sidewalk in front. A good ’ SILYER PRICES For The Choicest Cuts of Beef, Pork To Let. Closing AT OF— ea IN_ STUCK BEFORE C. WESTOVER, & CO., Prop’s. A coMPLETE line of groceries and miners’ supplies of the best quality ‘will be closed out at-once. Call early and secure bargains. McManus & Reap. for occupation. FIRM GOODS, NOTIONS, ————_—_e -. Oe BUSINESS OUR Empire Market, sa The largest assortment of Family and Fancy Groceries at lower prices than anywhere else at Woolf & Jordan’s. Goods, OUI ODT Cash Gents, call and see Stephens. He has received the latest style of Summer Shoes. . Buy your Canned CLOSE YOU WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and nnaduiterated; pay us a- visit. We sall cheap (o Families and Deaiers, We keep constantly on hand a ae of M.IN stock Woolf T° F "Shoes! aa The only full and complete Dry Goods and Fancy Goods at Jordan’s. THE —OUR sar The latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Genta’ nee Goods to be found at ee Jordan’s. to Frisco lumber frdm other First-Class the treatment of Dr. Cooper. ern Extension are running twenty-five miles south of Chicken Creek. This shows that . INEST AND CLEAREST IN UTAH. We are prepared to fill any bili -of any size on short notice and as cheap as any Flour An exchange.shinks..the. time--will- certainly comé when men will go flying through the air, And 80 do we. [t wiil céme when: three or four men handle a keg of nitri-glycerine as a baggage-smasher handles a trunk. But they wiil go flying through the air so rapidly and in so macy peices that they won’t enjuy the trip worth @ cent. ee TE A a TRUMBULL ~ ORY A London war correspondent writes that a soldier who was taken prisoner by the Zalus, and afterwards: scaped, saw a Zulu reading an English newspaper. This is not a surrrise to us. Oid Bill Cetawayo, the boas of the Zulus, always reads a London comic weekly before going into afight, The jokes have a woaoderful eff ct on him. They bring tears in his eyes, insp re him with courage, and fill him with an irresistible desire to sweep the entire Kngiish nation cff tie face of the earth.—[Norristown Herald. now doing visit to the and shingle its superior POR FOR— LUMBER! ting a hint of her intended funeral, hid herself so effectually that no clue could be got of her whereabouts. As the time allowed for the sacrifice was rapidly passing, the old chief, in order not to be defeated, selected a three-year old pappoose, which he took from its mother and buried in the grave of the deceased. The head of the child was left projéecting above the ground so that. it ‘could breathe, but he allowed no one to go near it, till Bishop Bringhurst, discovering the commotion in the tribe, traced out tle cause and ‘Baved the life of the’ child after it had been in If subscribers who do not receive their paper ‘regularly will notify this office the matter will receive prompt attention. ° Mr. J. M. Coombs,\of. Beaver, business in Parowan, is making & Reef in the interest of the lumber business. Parowan is ROSES: for quality of shingles. MOUNT forthwith decided to kill a squaw to accompany his favorite warrior, but the squaw, get- will here- both night and day, ~. Utah. Heitzelman had interest enough in the future life to prepare an escort for their departing braves. The death of a buck near Toquerville a short time ago showed that the old chief who begs buscuits at thatsettlement is, blooded.. He shop next - —AGENTS had supposed that the Indians of this section Freight is 14% cents terminus tothe Reef. ee “Bliscellamenus._ _ INDIAN RELIGION. anting a Death Se Boot House, . 8. Sxvseaa, M. E. ase of Virginia City.) . Shoe | COFFINS Kopt constantly on hand and made to of der on short notice, and everything perteini 4 first-class line of Undertaker’s goods, ASSAYED. CHRISTENSEN, and j Maker. Jos. ‘Mining A.J Moore, 0. £, (san Francisco.) 8S. Shubra and . Mechanical & Co., Engineers, H. A. Lusx. Lovis GERMxB 4 SILVER REEF MINER. —- ay rox PEOPLE'S MARKET { ‘USK & GERMER HAV:!NS PURCHASED 4 tie above named market take this metaod pean of ae the pubtic ihat oe ae ny. every. Wariety of es Fresh Meat and Sausage. RAWINGS, ESTIMATES AND SPECIFIC. ations in ide in all branches of mechanical Gur long experience in the business warrants engivecring ana especisily in the construction us in guaranteeivg satisfaction to our customers, of steam envyines for hoisting, pumping a d Orders promptly filled. Meat delivered to any mill work®, The arp.ication of compressed gir part of the camp. in pumping ou; specialty. Depositions made : Call on us at our place of business on Main of the stength cf materislin structures of iron 'reet. Guaranteed. and wood. Contractors for the erection of nL sclera ohana pine quartz mills, hteam engines tested by Indicator and reports LODGING Ho osx. ‘| wade of thelr economic» capacity aia” peneral performances, Vaives and valve motions set anc adjusted ,tq give their highest attainable rosults, VINE FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR Agehts for H. W John's Asbestos steaxs Rentlemen can “he had by applying boiler and pips coverings, Lower Maio &t,, Silver Reef, Grab, Address P. 0. Bor 12, Silver Reef. Main Street, Gne door below ReeRNnge Elegance, Durability and Salvon, Comfort dor Be. NM. Pe oc — Feed and Livery Stable, MES. L.° BUSCH, Main St. A aes |