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Show Ss get meceahs sos mail > SL serpin erin ES = forwarding ae Merchants. ~- LUMBER! ATTENTION to our OF new THE “PUBLIC Work E ARE ‘Constantly GKOCLRI Southern Railroad DOING THE SOLE. DU PONT'S Tobaccos, Liquors & Cigars PRINCIPAL Forwarding from that point, and are ons only Compauy Raat ean furnish teamsters bac« loading. which secures to us the best out-" fits on the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of all ae of importations on the shortest possible tin Our inerease of ee enables us to. forward goods at one-half our former rates. AND Of the best and’ choicest quality stantly on hand kept GIANT POWDER and Sampling, Seilin Jessup Lumb3r Company, We freight on promptly. the Best In and all which stock Heaviest hues and South er;agait all prices. at Lahe City ‘WHITE JUST RECEIVED! & FANCY LINEN & WOOLEN OVERSHIRTS. —BY— YORK, GREENBAUM Utah. .--A& Important BEST laige that we have entirely given up our vie prepared fo to maintain GROCERIES we AND Undershirts be had in rs. THE at’ a Bit \ | HECHT . a Drink. ~~ BROS. & CO0’S BOOTS Also a fine assortment of Ladies’ and Chikiren’s Shoes. GROCERIES. Of all descriptions. CALIFORNIA HARNESS Gents, Shoes Ever seen in Utah. WE Have stock of eo. also opened DRESS 4 very handsome GOODS Has the largest and best selected line of goods South of Salt Lake City, consisting of of all AND SADDLES FURNITURE, Of every —Also the largest stoek of— Clothing and Gents’ GOODS, Doors, Sash Tobeccos, Cigars and description. Window your patronage anew, we we say, and are satisfied that we are abie to furnish better goods at cheaper prices than can be found anywhere, without exception. JACOBS 8 & SULTAN. N, B.—All Goods purchased from us will be delivered proraptly, free fof charge, to all parts of this place and vicinity. | | HARDWARE. Shades, 559.M. LYNCH S59) Lower Nain St,, Silver eeckatho & Ut ep, Thetr Ola Mirrors. and Powder and Fuse, Lard, Coal and Lubricating Oils, &o. Reef, Utah. Doors, PAPER, and Parlor and Cooking Stoves, everything appertaining to the Etc., ALSO same, as ene Utensils, ee constantly on hand and made to Faas ort notice, and everything pertaining to af plans line of Undertaker’s goods, f j mete —ALL CARPENTER-TOOLS Of all DONE KINDS Descriptions. AND OF— Work SATISFACTION CUARANTEED. Eto. A complete assortment of Moiding. ns Carpenter pertaining to that line. | CoPEINS , Sash, Miners’. Tools, Etc. Borders and Decoraions And everything a T.umaber SHINGLES, Steel, Pictures and Picture Frames, WALL Stand. 18 AMD fron And “Feed, anid Livery Stable, > ~Keef, Washington DEALERS assure you iat one triat-wilt convince our-frignds._that What a PSS, Paints, Oils, WE have also received a new stock of MILL and MINING SUPPLIES and everything in the line of Hardware ALSO a complete stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. mea s At Putty and Glass ¥n soliciting inches Qotice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i the partnership heretofore existing between W. UV. Kogers and 2. Rickards, under the firm name of Rogers & Rickards, and Blinds, Windows and Ever displayed in the Reef. we 4 county, Utah, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J: K. Kiehards will continue the ines at the sanie place. All debts due raid firm will becollected by J- e ee heen ail liabilities will be paid by W. 0. Roarrs, 4 J. R. Rickarps. ; Silver Reef, June 15th, 1879. Hinds. i | ~ayéni} Kind#ot Fancy Articles in this line. | Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, FURNISHING post BE. doing business at Silver Saddlery Main &t., filver Reef, Utah. ind pine NOTIC E. GENUINE And Boots a PF KESSEL L THOM AS WASUEY and:A,. Lemnion— Yoo are hereby notified that there is due me trom each of you fo work done upon the (reat Western Lode an Company Mining Claim, situated in Danie burg Mining District, W ashington county. Utah Territory, the following sums for assessment work for the year 1577: om you, ¥. Kessel, th sum of £20; from you, Lhomas Wasley, the sum:of $1) 04;: from you, ‘A. Lemmon, the sum of $6.67; and for asse:sment work for the year 157% from you, F. Kessel], the sum of $20; trom you, ‘Thomas Wasley, the sum of $1904, and from you, A. |.emmon, the sum of 36.07. Now, therefore, unless yon shall pay to me or cause to!.e paid to me the various sums above set forth within ninety days trom the date hereof, the entire interest of each and all A you will become mine by viitue of the| Hos: LUBBOOR Silver Reef, Merch 8, 1879. FRESH BUITER & £GGs AT ALL TIMES. ee ee this place sella cheaper than apy other house n27 P. HARRISON Prices. line of to x: op | tire offering at— ALSO, the most comp sete ee and Chiidren feet wv QUALITIES. For Mining, and Fancy Wear a specialty. THE..,... Town’ 1,474 NOTIC LIQUORS ‘(FAMILY —Which Flannel! COLORS east ty 0, our reputation as the leading mercantile firm Also a goodd Supply of ofthis place and by reason of our advantageous connections in purchasiug our supplies, we | can and wiil undersell all our competitors. We havejust received an immense stock of | | ut of the Clothing all kinds of fresh — He is Going Out Business andis selling his i 1ock below cost FAMILY “Reduced and IN ALL =. de --AND tention of retiring trom business here, and that we have started anew with greater facilnow OF .ces min Se square and 4%2 feet long, marke : S. 49,” which is post No. 4 of said mining claim, thence south 57 deg east b0U feet to post No. 1 of said miring claim, the place of beginning. Magnetic variation 15 deg 30 min ast. Containing an area of 20 30-110 acTes. i rom post No. 1 of Said mining claim U.S. mineral monument No. 1 bears south 81 deg Gast 1,275 jeet distant, and the quarter section corner on the south line of section 1, town-hip 41, south of range. 14 west of Salt Lake base and wncridian bears south 7adeg 45 win west From post No. 2of said ‘| distant, 1.86 %2 . feet. mining claim a large granite banter bears south 6 dez west #1 68-100 feet-distant. From post No. 3 of said mining claim a large sandstone beulder bears north 6> ee west 43.56 100 feet distant. From post No. 4 of said mining claim a targe granite boulder bears south 68 deg cast 74 feet distant. The nearest known Iecations are the Buckeye Lead, Mystic, Cali‘ornia, and McNally mining claims. iho location of this mine is recorded in the recorder’a otlice ot itarrisburg + Mining District, in \ ashington county, Utah '‘lerritory, at Silver Reef, in said county and Yerritury, on page 172 in bcrok b of said records. I direct this notice to be published innthe Silver Reet Miner, a nowspaper published at Silver. Kee!. Washington county, Utah territory, that being published nexrest the mine ing claim. tor a full pericd of sikty days and any and all porsons claiming adversely the mining ground cinim, lode, vein or premises or any portiun thereo® as aiovesaid deseribed, are hereby netilied that unless their adverse claims are duly filed as acz sording to law within sixty days trom-the date of the first publication hereo!, they will nt bere by virtue of the provisioiis thé sta JNu. B. NE Ly tarlaser: HAVANAA CIGARS | are LOT —AaND— Bor TAKE PLEASURE IN. INFORMjug our patrons and the’community at we FINE We recommend cur large assortment of’ Mission Wall Paper| ANNOUNCEMENT! and AND FURNISHING GOODS, points -R, WARNOCK & CO., | jties. carry Whose mill is situated within 14 miles of Silver Reef. We are therefore able to give be:ter inducements than any other Company can possibly afford, and golicit tae inspect:on and taade of mining and mill men, Lumber of every description snd of the beat quallty furnished on short notice and lowest terms. Address: E UTAE. ~——-—__-__+_~»<> Of Bul- all POWDER SOUTHERN NITED {TsTsS LA¥D OFFICE, { Utah Ter., June 3d, 1879, THA 1S HERRBY GIVEN. TIGE Gibfri Conrad N r U ikias Magney and address is Silver Reef, whose pustotiice Utah Territory. ‘and Washington county, \ Solomon breisacher, whose postotiice a ddress \is Pioche, Lincoln county, State of Nevada, by Conrad Gibfried his duly aethorized agent and attorney in fact, whose post= otice address is Silver .Keef,, Washicgton county, Territory of Utah, have made application ior a patent for fourteen, bur.dre and seventy -four (1,474) linear feet of the Savage mine or vein bearin: silver ore together with | surface ground six bandred feet in width, situated in’ Harrisburg Mining District, Goant? of Washington, Utah ‘Territory, ard esignated by [the tieid notes and official plat on tile in this pflice as iot No. 59 in township No. 4] south of range 14 west of Salt Lake bare and mefidian, and in the -north-east . an north-west quarters of section 12 and in the south-east quarter of section 1 6f_ said townthip. ‘fhe-said lot No. oY being described as follows} to-wit: Beginning at the north-ea t corner of said Savage mining Claim ata pine Sty vet hes square and 4% feet long, marked 1, U. S. 09,” which is post No. 1 of said iainteg nay thence running south 3] deg 30 min west 1,474 feet. to & bine pos st . inches equare and 4% feet lonz, marked ‘‘Nol 2,U. S. 59.” which is post No.°% ot said mining° elait. thence north 357 deg west UU feet tus pine post 4 inciiss square and 4% feet long, S$. é9,” which is post No. ~ + marked ‘No 3 of said cainihe fr thence uerth 3] deg 30 Balt Lake rca con- lion a Specialty. Will pay, wagon and Peatices all goods consigned to oure Will give rates of freight Bes East and We:tAll communications answered NOTICB No. 408. WE sro offering for sale lumber sawed by the Shipping Ores and IN “PATEST. ax EEcAON 4 FOR FOR BLASTING GENTS’ CLOTHING Handling, t Handa. AGENTS LETT, Acgal Hotires. =f RETAIL on ELSES . Clothing, --Utah Terminus Utah : aT FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, I18 and seiect assortment of Merchandise just received. MERCHANTS. atu Grocers & Dry Goods Merchants MERCHANDISE! directed AND WHOLESALE For warding HE ae i LIDDLE BROS. & CO., McMantis (Read R. WARNOCK & CO. : paageatienntiaeggatienore: Bietetants. Merchants. E HAVE PURCHASED MR. JESsup’s interest. in the Peter's Leap sawmill and are prepared to offer. better ipducements to parties wanting: lumber t any other firm in the. Reef, and can’ delivde special orders much mil] company. ' sooner than oa oth ex |