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Show How the Loyal Reefers Cot Through the Celebration. McManus & Read‘are going out of business. See announcement. Huston & West have opened their grain and provision store on Bonanza Flat. The Senate has confirmed John Hunter of of Missouri, Chief Justice of the Supreme, Court of Utah. Afhong the numerous parties going to the jaké are Mrs. Jas.’ Liddle, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Moore and Dr. Wagner. the-marines below to “haul away.and set her proof arrangement. The walls are three feet thick, covered with eighteen inches of sand. Pplumb.*’ All having been made fast the Commodore gracefully slid to the ground, and all hands being in readiness at the haliards The Alhambra Hall was sold at public ‘auction to satisfy a mortgage on the 3d inst. for $2,162, the aa ear sce in the prop- erty. uesday, died on accidentally shot in battle at Provo last Thursday morning at 4 o'clock. It is supposed that Silver Reef will be a money-order office before it is a great deal older. It was to have been made one on the lst inst. : r r Fancy “Has ri ‘people of Beaver gone to sleep.” Chronicl They hase neighbor, they has; they does it every night. a A United States mail agent visited Southern Utah incog a few days ago and succeeded in making his escape. He spent a day in the vicinity of Kanab. : About twenty men are chloriding on the Duffin mine who are said to be making money. The Duffin has helped out a great many busted miners: ; Mr. John H. Rice returned home from Salt Lake City yesterday after an absence of about @month. He looks all the better for a rest from close confinement and hard work. Mr. Harrison - build his We may corner of augurated has let the contfact ~ to new house to Spencer & Jaques. anticipate lively operations on the Centre and Main streets to be inat once. Judge Emerson has made an order in the Young heir suit, allowing Zina D, Young $50 per month ont of the funds in the hands of the receiver for her sustenance during the months of July, August and Septenrber. the signal. In a few Our who is proverbially one of the best humored men in the community, appeared considerably ‘riled by his Fourth of July experience. Somebody must have been behaving badly or Joe would not have cussed as he did yesterday morning. Prof. Alphin’s ball at Welte’s Garden on te evening of the Fourth was.largely attended by the elite of the Reef, and was in every respect u most enjoyable affair. The music was such as every one knew Mr. Alphin would provide. Mr. R. C. West furnished the supper. The Supreme €ourt has affirmed the dccision of the lower court in the Miles’ polygamy case. The defendant by his counsel excepted and a writ of error was asked for and allowed to the Supreme Court of the United States and bonds for stay of execution and sentence pending appeal were fixed at $5,000. We succeeded in getting Fourth without a conflagration. burned in the White Reef through the A cabin was gulch near the leaching works and 4 wood pile near a residence on Bonanza Flat. The wood was ex‘a\nguished by a barrel of water that ‘was at and, but the cabin was consumed with a miner’s outfit and $90 besides. This office having got a hint (it is good at taking hints) that the restaurants would vie with each other in the matter of a Fourth, of July dinner, distributed itself around on the Gents, call ————--r siness in Silver Reef.. All persons knowhg themselves indebted will please call and settle their accounts without delay. and see Stephens.. He has re- Shoes. to. be a & Cuorce ARTICLE of tail trade for sale by little &c, south of ners Groceries, AND THAN OFFERED. IN SILVER REEF, WE WILL OLOSE EVER ri Cash Approved Security. OCONSISTBS SsTOCE OF— Liquors, Boots, | Shoes, Salt _ Clothing, —~+-<e- Etc. -_. { 8 WE WANT THE MONEY MORE THAN WE WANT THE GOODS ON we propose not merely to give a Rcayatkc worth for a dollar, but to give more dollar’s worth for every dollar we receive. Only Prop’s. Buy Will Or Credit only on Good Pork MAIN STREET, 34x135, OUR LOT ON Vault and No. 1 cellar, which STOOD THE TEST will all’ be sold ata sacrifice. Our HAND, than a Goods! Security. ay A FIRST-CLASS SAFE, in OF THE LATE FIRE WITHOUT Fire- Preot DaAMaGeE, All orders carefully. filled and promptly de= lived free of charge, in Silver Harrisburg, and on the River, Beef, Leeds, AIS0, ONE N. BUBB, Silver Reef Blacksmith MAIN STREET, SILVER DWELLING, BEEF, MORE aa REMEMBER, we will return you at least the FULL VALUE and in some 62809 than the value of every dollar you pass over our counter, but it must be rea] dollar, HEITZELMAN 4ND Wagon Of all shapes done on short P. HARRISON. ee “allthe same.” RETALLICK, McPREE Sir m1g-6 10, ‘oj popueyje <[}dwo1d sIOplo TLV Main St., Eilver Reef, Utah. & C0., “HVIN Has the largest and best eateae line of goods South of Balt Lake City, consisting of s mith WAGON-SHOP,| FURNITURE, Of every Main K Street, Leeds. HORSE SHORING n23 SILVER A Doors, Sash eS Window 4 Assay Office, Opposite Wells, ‘LSINOWO19 “W ‘4 Shades, Spencerz Jaques Carpenters, Putty and Glass Mirrors. MAIN STREET, Lot for Sale. Forty-one feet front on Main Street and 125-feet on Royd street. Enquire of ; Speencer & JaQues. Pictures and Picture Frames, Fargo & Co’s, CONTRACTORS Of every size and pattern. Ore assayed and Bullion melted notice and at reasonable rates. Jas, ORONAN. A COMPLETE line of groderies and miners’ supplies of the best quality will be closed out at once. Call early and secure bargains. McManus & Reap. — WALL on de, CHANDLER and CRONAN. Co’s, with flagged sidewalk in front. A. good location for business, is completed and ready for occupation. For terms, etc. apply to ay L. A. BULL. ORES them wiih light linen suits of excellent and and N. durable quality. They will be found extremely serviceable to those desiring to visit Panguitch Lake during the present season. BULLION COFFINS Boot prices never before offered in the market... All oon Butter and Eggs of MoMu»us & Reap. Kopt constantly on hand and made to order on short notice, and everything pertaining to a first-class line of Undertaker’s goods, and shoe blver Reet Bakery Maker. Out. goods brought direct from Néw York. Wootr & Jorpan. ASSAYED. CHRISTENSEN, —_——_—__—_——_so —______—— Hain Street, Two doors below Postoffce. vies | Elegance, J. HIBBERD, Prop'r. Durability and’ Comfort Guarante¢d. FOR A SALE! Waluable Corner of Main and SILVER REEF, UTAH. Boyd treets, * ALSO Se Having still left a quantity of goods saved from the fire, I offer the same at cost, in order to make way for a new stock. I shall very soon have my business running as formerly at the old Pioneer stand, where I shall be glad to mett my friends and the public generally. I. SCHWARTZ. pertaining to that lina - A complete assortment of Main Street, opposite Harrison House, Mr. Friedman begs to announce to, his lady patrons that he is now prepared to furnish BULLDERS. Borders and Decoraions OFFICE And everything ) To Let. The new building opposite Wells, Fargo & —AND— PAPER, H. H, CHANDLER ASSAY pue Udy ‘asnoy , Paints, Oils, L. A. BULL, Assayer. & Reap. [VJUIMLUIQ Windows and SPEGAALTY. REEF ‘Aida TAA TIS UB “USSNivV" description. and. Blinds, : *200138 Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, EEP constantly on hand a good supply o Tire Iron and Wagon Liml er. fe, & POUJADE. Work, Horse-Shoeing Black Suitable for a Family, and three other houses. Shop. pLacksurrainaG) at bottom figures can supply: ——_—_—_—_———_ REEF,. LOWER —OUBR and Mutton Always ‘on Hand. all their wants at prices that will astonish the Buy your Canned. Goods, SILVER Or Credit on in the East The Choicest Cuts of Beef, Cheap for Cash. Hereafter, all those desiring a first-class Closing Poujade! PRIGES For Cash C. Ae ea POR ee AT BEFORE moire Market, {Loud applause from a hoodlum and a cry of Corner IN STOCK Hliscellaneous. another roar of deafening huzzas. The orator, whose name we are requested to withhold, then mounted Miller’s bench and commenced —first by falling off the bench and then cussing the man who induced him to mount it. Once more to the surface, he delivered the following speech: “Fel’r Citzns (hic) —I'm ‘quested to ‘dress yer nzimportn (hic) ‘casn: [Immense cheering.}] EzI said ‘fore, we all wannzer know whazzer mat’r wiz this Re-re-pumblic, eh! McManus BUSINESS OUR Se remarks on the situation, which ca led forth natives. OUT ern Market, has facilities for selling all goods in his line cheaper than cap| Declaration of Independence and supplement article of goods OLOSE OUT J..J. Halpin, purchasing” all his it with a few pioneer reminiscences, the proposition was hailed with thunders of applduse, and the who‘e assemblage adjourned to take a drink. After indulging heavity in ice’ water, a prominent citizen announced that another prominent citizen won!d make a few Re O freab butter for the reMcManus & Rexp, Stoves, Hardware, divided. Two candidates were nominated and both promptly rejected, but when. it was proposed that General, Brick should read the a Heitzelman. € J ordan’s. minutes of an orator of the day, but on this point the crowd seemed Come: a) any- of Summer be bought ony where with pdufotism.. The first thing in order was: Lake. securing FIRM THE _ #7 The only fall -and complete stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods at Woolf & settled thing that everybody was now going to celebrate. In the&evening crowds of men were surging | hither and thither on the street, and it soon became evident that long ere the sun would cast its first rays over the Skootumpaw mountains the Reef woutd be fairly boiiing over the than Woolf & Jordan’s. ceived the’ latest style occasion so as to get a drop on the whole layout. A comparison of notés in the afternoon showed that the Silver Reef, Lafayette, Cosmopolitan and Barnum, and West's lunch stand, had spread themselves, their patriotee —. {sm and display of substantials being the There's |: ‘LOOK theme of their numerous boarders. Our! ! For great bargains in Dry nothing like a substantial observance of the (Goods Groceries, Clething, Etc. Our new nation’s anniversary. stock will be opened next week and sold at Closing Out! _ McManus & Read intend closing out their prices Shoes! numerous citizens had planted their banners on the outer walls, and it seemed to.be a inode in i time to arrest the flame. nightwatchman, at lower wa The latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Gents’ Furnishing Goods to be found at ' Woolf& Jordan’s. “Put him out.) Zonly. zing (hic) wazzer mat’r iz more fireworks *nwhis (hic) -y. [Voice—Oh, drop on yourself.] Ww h-h-hats The bullion shipments from Silver Reef, zat! Nos’n,I never zrink, never’n kin lick through Wells, Fargo.& Co., for the week ending July 5th, aggregates $27,923.54. This thstuffin outen aitybody sez— shows an important increase as the Barbee| ’ Here a sudden weakness seemed to catch mill, had it been in operation, would have: .the orator in the knees, and loving hands gently gathered him up and deposited him in swelled it to $35,000 ‘ a soft and secluded spot in the alleyway. Building still continues to go on rapidly A general stampede was then caused by and the various new structures are fast fill- Mr. T. Bill whispering around that there was ing in the vacant places. Silver Reef will a free lunch at the Philadelphia, and in ten. goon be equal in point of size to any mounminutes Fortman’s lunch table looked asif tain camp, and far ahead of all when its age seventeen tramp printers had struck it and had takein a week's board in advance. . is taken into consideration. The midnight whistle from the mills anda The age of leaching in Silver Reef appears signal gun from Stormont suddenly aroused to have passed. , Out of the half dozen works the Reefers toa sense of duty, and then the which have been started in the district, not cannonading commenced in earnest. Gun one of them is running and the probability is followed gun in rapid succession for two that nobody will lose‘money in the future by hours, and when the last echoes had died trying to get lye out of sandstone. away among the mountaing the Reefers dis‘The kitchen in the rear of Robert Rickard’s persed to their several places of abode, fully convinced that they had done all that loyal store came within a hair’s breath of taking citizens cou d do in order to make the celebrafire this forenoon from a piece of clothing tion of their country’s natal day @ success in that had ignited by being blown against the the Reef. etove-pipe on the roof. It was fortunately: discovered Groceries where else at the plaudits of the admiring bystanders the flag of freedom-was hauled aloft and shook was Has —FOR Mes The largest assortment of Family and the order to heave away was given, and amid This 34y ee out its fo-ds to the balmy Southern breezes. Albert Park, who was he practice of a sham a Hew eke ‘Time J. J. Haupin has received a large assortment of Panel Dgors, Sash Doors and Windows of all sizes. Day of Independence gradually approached the patriotism of our citizens refused to. be kept down, and the all-absorbing topic on‘the street was, What are we going to do about it? ‘Thursday morning, however, matters assumed a cheering appearance. A snitable flagstaff had been provided and Commodore Shubra took the command. Perching himself astride of a te'egraph wire he rapidly gave orders to I. Schwartz’ new fire- -proof cellar is a bomb- ee Ladies. Woolf & Jordan in order to make room for an immense stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Tobaccos, etc., have resolved to close out their whole Dry Goods department and offer the same at cost price for the next thirty days. For further particulars read their circulars. The history of the Reef will furnish few such exciting times as were experienced over the celebration of our national anniversary. In the early part of the week it seemed to be the general impression that owing to the recent disastrous fireworks the camp would | for the L INTELLIGENCE. News ee Ae SATURDAY...... voagecsesesssPULY 5, 1679 Cood Property. | Sixty acres of land with water—twenty acres under fence, fourteen: acres in lucerne and the balance suitable for gardening. Also one stone building at Leeds, euitalis fora I THANK THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS ae solicit a continuance of the same, as I repared to sell the cheapest and the beat ratanty of bread inthe Reef. Remember our bread is not adulterated and we are selling 16 lbs for one dollar. Be sure when you buy a loaf that it weighs a pound and a half. Pies and Cakes, the Best in the Reef. store, and eight building lots opposite it; and a good lumber building, 24x24. 1n a dosirable art of Silver Reef, with good water at the eor. For further particulars call on ‘B.C. BOBEN, bilver Reef. ny are invited to call at the Silver Reef Bakto try our bread and we are sure you will vt buy say waere else. Louis GERMEB H, A. Lusx. 7 om: gf PEOPLE'S MARKET I USK & GERMER HAVINA PURCHASED 4 the above named market take this method of advising the public nee they keep constantly on hand every variety of Fresh Meat and Sausage. ie long seeenonee in the business warrants n guaran g satisfaction to our customers. Ordeis pode ing filled. Meat delivered to any part of the camp. Call on us at our place of business on Main Street. LODGING INE HOUSE. FURNISHED Gentlemen can ROOMS be had by FOR applying MRS. L. BUSCH, Main 8t. gash nerf OUR NATAL DAY, LOCAL onesie sors SILVER REEF MINER. |