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Show _ SILVER REEF MINER, vse JULY 8, 1879 t eeeereceede Salt Lake Dispetches, LT LAKE, July 5. A dispatch from Manti to-day says: .Yerterday about 12 o'clock at Pettyville, six miles Tax political fight between the President and the Democrats has resulted in the former's holding his ground and knocking the riders off every shais’. appropriation bill except the south of Manti, a granary belonging to B. B. Funk, Jr., caught fire. Mrs. Funk rushed into the burning building to save her child, a boy about three years old. who Was asleep in the building, and both perished in the flames. The bodies were almost entirely consumed, It is supposed that the fire originated from some ashes or a spatk from the stove-pipe. Yesterday morning: George,.a 12-year old son of Stephen Taylor of the Fourteenth Ward in this city, met with a serious accident. In company with some other boys he had secured -w~piece of gas-pipe, from which they made a cannon. They then lJoaded- it, putting in a heavy charge of powder and wadding. They lit a fuse to it and ran away. Mar- These poor fellows have got to serve their oountry on election days without pay. It is believed, however, that the government crib has corn even for the A de- Marshals. ficiency bill that Congress will be compelled , to pass next winter will find money 5 pay off a handful of election But if no money can will officials to serve their their country’s good. doit, and at the ito thumbs ask these country One time day elevating will noses for After the The latter, ironical cusses, wili retort, “You are getting well paid, too, for your ser- vices.” Since the nomination Dr. Glenn, the boiling by the Democrats of the heaviest farmer of political in pot may the State, be regarded There California. are WoRCESTER, Mass., July 4. At Lake Quinsegnamond this afternoon a steamer loaded with passengers careened. The hurricane deck was broken off and scopes of passengers were thrown into thé lake. About 200 passengers were on the boat, 100 of whom were on the hurricane deck, with no epportunity to get off. Those on the lower deck rushed for the hurricane deck, and as they did so the steamer careened over aw ay from the wharf, causing the crowd torush to that side and throwing them in a struggling mass into the water. As the boat gave way the roof of the upper deck came crashing down on the engine and broke off the safetyvalve, causing the steam to rush out with a fearful noise, which added new terror to the The boat rolled oyer more, and catchacene, ing the gunwale on a spile, became fast. The great weight caused the supports of the hurricane deck to give way, aiid the whole structure, down tothe water line, came crashing down into the water, at this point over ten’ can-° tion and each party sanguine that it can elect tween The race will however Perkins andGlenn. as oldman innocence of all knowledge be beWhite's that a Governor -should possess is too generally understood to leave him the ghost of a chane¢e of being inPerkins cumbered with office responsibilites. and Glenn are both strong men much easier governor of to tell who and it will be is to California after be the the next September election than before. eS SENSIBLE men declared from flic first that al] that was necessary in the case of Kearney and his sand-lot following plenty of rope. Their was to give them nominations have put -feet deep. They have their necks fairly into the noose. little time, hearing no report, Many swam ANNOUNCEMENT: that he did not forward candidates who can not sitting upright. with his face pressed to the ——____—_.. > SHORT .—— ________—_ to shore or to the torious fact that Sharon, of rarely attended a session of the TELEGRAMS. Hugh J. Glenn has been n nominated by the Democrats of Caiifornia for Governor. A fire in a deserted winze ‘of the Yellow Jacket on Tuesday suffocated three miners. —_——_——_ > i Important. That merchant may regarded as a justly b claims, and is justly entitled to, this distinction, for he attends tothe wents of his lady patrons with indefatigable assiduity, bringing the full wealth of his experience to bear in the selection of goods for this market. An entirely new line of merchandise suitable for summer trade has just been received, of which fact the ladies can satisfy themselves --by-pereonal examination.-_The inducements which Mr. Friedman offers, both in regard to price and quality of goods. can be extended by no other firm in Southern Utah, his facilities for buying being the best and his expenses the least of any leading business house in this section of the Territory. The assortment of summer drygoods, embracing every conceivable articie required for a perfect wardrobe. is immense, and, considering _the excelJent quality of the “stock, extraordinary bargains will be offe red, Tt “is tiow the intention to sacrifice the famende summer stock on hand to make room for the fall ~ goods, and the space being:limited, ladies will find it to their.advantage.to visit the empori- Fires on the Fourth. and of —GENERAL— Shoes ‘ a NEWS Ever seen in Utah. WE have also opened stoek of And a very eae DRESS GOODS FANCY all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. —Also the largest stock of—" Clothing STATIONERY, CUTLERY, ClaaRs, Tospacoes, CoNnrECTIONERY, MaGaZINes, PariopicaLs, NEWEP«PERS, CuROMOS, And full line ef Miners’ Notions, GOODS, in the Reef. WE haves algo received a new stock of MILL and MINING SUPPLIEs and everything in the line of Hardware. ALSO a complete stock of CROUKERY and The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. TRENTON, N.J., July 5. A fire at 9 o'clock last evening destroyed the Third Presbyterian. Church. Fourteen firemen were in the building when the roof fell, and several of them: were seriously injured. Loss, $45,000. It is supposed to have caught fire by a sky-rocket falling on the shingles. Threats Against the Sultan's Life. CONSTANTINOPLE, July 5. A number of placards threatening lives of J. R. RICKARDS. J. B. GLASSWARE. STEPHENS, —PRACTICAL— Tn soliciting your patronage that one ARTICLES, To which we beg to direct publie attention. and Gents’ FURNISHING you DEPOT, handsome BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, anew, we assure trial will convince our fr: ends that we meap what We say, and are satisfied tuat we are able to furnish better goods at cheaper prices than can be. found anywhere, without exception, JACOBS & SULTAN. MAIN STREET AKES of N. B,—All Goods purchased from ua will be delivered proruptly, free for charge, to all parta of thia place and vicinity, SILVER TO Boots McManus «Read Se i ee ee The editor of the Idaho Avalanche formulates & great impressive truth when he says: ‘It is easier fora needle to go through the eye of a rich man than for an editor to please everybody.”” he to enough beyond add that the pale. of veracity few editora sre big fools to try it. cialt ; ' BEPAIKING The waged of sin are death, while the wages of Tom Scott, as railroad presidert, per anoum.—[{News Item, Texas, are $100,000 John Bull advises America to keep her Weston, and pull it dowa. NEATLY LUMBER! DONE. B. STEPHENS. @XNERAL See in orcs Provisions, LUMBER MERCHANDISE! and Goods delivered the district. HE ATTENTION OF THE POBLIO 18 directed to our new and eviect assortment of Merchandise just received. GRAIN. free of charge to every past HARROUN & COMPANY —JOB-— CARPENTERS. Clothing, East of Jacobs & Sul’an. OUR Sash Screen aN Sign of the Big Sash. , and Doors. Doors. Furniture Made and DONE 70 Repaired. JOB WORK GENERALLY ORDER. A. LEMMON, Tobaccos, Liquors & Cigars Carpenter, Builder and Of the dest and choicest quality stantly on band. kept con- CABINET MAKER. One door South of the Lafayette house, Silver Reef, TAILORING. WE are offering for sale lamber sawed by the Jessup Lumber Company, IN ALLITS BRANCHES. Fine to order. An assortment of Fine, ed ENGLISH Whose mil} is situated within 14 miles of Silver Ree e@ are therefore able to give becter induéements than any other Company can possibly afford, and solicit tue inspection and taade of mining and mill men, Lumber of every description snd of the beat quallty furnished on short notice and lowest terms. CLOTHS, 4A@ Shop, Corner Streets, SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING yr OAN HAVE YOUR CEILINGS MADE Pure White, or in Delicate Tints of Blue or Pink Without’ injury to the Wall Paper, by T. HUTCHISON, Little Pink House, AINTING IN ALL ‘Done “with Dispatch First ITS and west st. Weat A. WINQUIST, 023 Talloe. LEEDS Barang Company, Silver Reef, - Transacts BANKING consulting suits made Import- alwaysor hand. of Centre and First THE ly, in order that each nitmber may contain the record of at leastione complete game. -_— 2 A Rochester man deplores the fact thata walking match will draw such a large crowd and lecture suffer bare benches, . We would like to know how anybody is going to bet on a lecture,—[Rochester Express(a ee There should be more uniformity io wages, best Lower Main Street, Silver Reef, a The American Cricketer is the name of a Philadelphia publication devoted to recording atid promoting the interests of that noble but REEF KINDS the J. A. 'TURRILL, kicking capacity, and general cuasedness, Pacific Coast editors equal the Kentuckey production, and should be givena chance, ‘To save some smart paragrapher the trou.e, we mention that We cannot leave our post. ALL Shoes from French Material. being practical in the business, { can make whatever style oe ieee or shoe is desired. Give me a call. Fit a Dress Boots and Bisse a Spe —--_—__—_.» <> a a ORDER and. J. herst Savings Bank, the post-OMce and sev-| lengthy British game. It is published montheral small stores. RICKARDS, Gents, England. is importing Kentucky mules for use on the tramway. For powers of endurance, were AmMuERsT, N. H., July 5. The largest firé ever known in Amherst broke ont at 1:20 this morning in the rear of Cutler’s block, on Pleassnt street, and swiftly Spread, burning the. Amherst House, the Am- ” Utab. a General RUSINBSS. sr Furnishes Exchange on falt Lake, San Fran¢isco, and all parts of the Kastern States and Kurope, BRANCHES at Moderate JOHN Prices, HM RICE, Oaabior. fk ; / ) . ss ds | a} ) yee \ “Don’t -wave your ears at me, you flabbyhearted, green-livered plug,’’ exclaimed a Blackford school-house orator at a debate last Fall. The Chairman decided that the speaker waa vut oforder, and thatthe gentleman from Elder Biossom Hollow could indulge in the timehonored custom.of waving his ears at his opponent, provided they did not interfere with the lights, He would not be the Sultan and his Ministers have been seiznm, as the etock row.on hand x\'sT BE £0LD. | by the police. \ line OF Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper Ware- Prices. Ever displayed “JuLius, is you better dis mornin’?’’ ‘No; I was better yesterday, but I’se got ober dat.’ ‘*am dere no hopes ob your discobery?”’ ‘Discobery ob what?’ ‘Your discobery from de convalescence what am fetchin’ yon on your back.’’ “Dat depens, sah, altogedder on de prognostification which implies de disease; should dey continuate fatually, de doct r thinks Is’e a gone coon. Should dey continuate no: fatually, he hopes dis cuilud individual won’t die dis time. But, as I said afore, dat depens on de prognostics; and until dese come toa head, dere am no tallin’ whedder dis pusson will come to discontinuation or odderwise.”’ a, has He has not been in his seat more than two months since he qualified.~ He Jeft here on the 26th of last February, after drawing the full amount due him to that date.) Burch, Secretary of the Senate, states that if Sharon demands his salary he will, before .paying: the money, submit the case to the First Controller of the Treasury, and obtain a written decision from him concerning his duty in the premises. public benefactor who devotes hig time and talent to the public service.’ Mr. Friedman Boots Oo re WasHINGTON, July 5. The question whether the law is a dead letter which enacts that no Member of Congress shall be paid the amount of his:salary for days he is absent from his official post except with leave or on account of ate é probably be decided before lor no- Grant in Yokohama. MANUFACTURER are offering at— ALSO, the most complete Ladies and Children’s “John do you know anything about Goi?" Washington Dispatches. Yokouama, Japan, July 5 Ex-Pressdent Grant and party arrived toSay from China. Cooking and Heating Stoves. J. To test “No; me no belly well acquaint with him," “Have you no Joss in Chiua?’’ “Oh yes, gottee heapee Joss.’’ ‘“‘Where do you go when you die?” ‘Me go to San Flancisco,'’ “(No you don’t understand me, When Chinaman quit washe? all tims, and no live any more, whore does he go?” “Oh yes, me sabe now. If he belly goodee man, he go uppee sky. If he bally badee man, ‘he go raepeed dowa hellee, allee samee Melican an.’’ The Court was satisfied, with thie orthodox statement, and admitted his testimony, —— air-pipe, and Brocker was found two hundred feet above. —saLso— understand of au oath. him he was interrogated thus: be hne was found at the 1400-foot cooling station, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES Reduced ImpoxTEs axXD DEALAB IS HWaravvare,. FAMILY where the testimony of a Chinese was objected Silyer Reef. street. ‘ we — J. HALPIN Main E TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMjug our patrons and the community at large that we have entirely given up our intention of retiring trom business here, and that we have started anew with greater facilities, and) we are now prepared to maintain our reputation as the leading mercantile tirm ofthis place and by reason of our advantageous connections in purchasiug our supplies, we can and wiil undersel/ all our competitors. We havejust received an immense stock of all kindsof fresh ~—Which wharf, twenty feet distant, while others held to the ‘wrecked hull and the floating roof. elected, and defeat of Kearneyi>m is death to Many citizens, with Mayor-Pratt and wife and Wher 8 woman buys a kettle of paint for, say, “the party. It looked at onetime asif the a number of physicians were at hand to ren- | the kitchen door, she doergn’t let what's left party was destined to breed a civtl war, but der assistance, and the bodies were soon re- after covering the door dry up. No, she paints covered. Five were killed, three are missing, everything paintablein the house with it, till the fighters on the other, side studiously and seven or eight more or less injured. the last drop is exhausted, until all things about avoided putting chips on their shoulders and the premises—tubs, boxes, aud barrels, flowerand Kearneyism is dying out naturally for] pots, whe: lbarrow, and hoe handie—have put on Terrifis Tornado. ea of element, to, subsist on. the kitchen door tint, be it green, yellow, or Sr. Pavy, Minn., July 5. | brown, black, purple, or crimson. She does The first complete and coherent account of this to save the paiut. Only this and nothing the terrible destruction to life in Goodhue London Dispatches. more, county by the storm of Wednesday night and > oe Lonpown, July 5. yesterday mornifig reached here at an early Ex-Empress Eugenie has written to the A despondent Bodieite steeped a bundle of hour this mofning. It assumed the character Countess De Montijo, her mother, that after matches ina pint of coal oil the other night of a cyclone near Red Wing Point, great vio- with suicidal intent, the funeral of her son she will spend a few While the depressed lence being done at Vasa, a smal! village months in aconvent near Burgos. miver writing @ farewell note in the parlor, his some miles west of the’ Mississippi. It room-mate, a printer on the Bodie News, found The Manchester Guardian says that the seemed fo start from about four miles from Tuinously low prices obtainable for cotton the draught and swallowed it with infinite Vasa Church, and travelled in a southwesterly goods is leading to a very decided curtailment gust. ‘ood Heavens!’” said the thirsty sou), direction. The Orphanage, which is under of production. There are signs of extensive when the would-be-suicide told him what he the care of the church, was completely de- had drank. “I thought it was Virginia City adoption, of the system of short time working molished. It contained twenty-four inmates, in the factories at Oldham, and it seems very whiskey, ‘twas so mild.”’ It is hardly necessary probable this movement will rapidly spread. out of which number three were killed out- to add that it did not kil] him. The Queen has directed that the Royal Reg- right and seventeen others injured, three it is ——————__a thought fatally. The house of Erick Sweniment of Artillery meet the body of the A party of artists and art critics came to the son. close by, was also blown down. He was Prince Imperial at Woolwich and escort it to following conclusion regarding their dinner: killed. and his wife severely injured. The Chiselhurst. That the hash was low in tone and defective in number killed is nine in all and four more not composition; the beer well drawn but flat; the San Franc:sco Dispatches. expected to live. The number of wounded is anotomy of the turkey strong; the bread too Sawn Francisco, July 5, thirty. freely handled; the veal raw aud cold, and hurSioux City, July 5 A Virginia dispatch says the three men ried in execution; the butter strong; the coffee Reports from the surrounding country show missing at the time of the fire in the Bullion weak, except in the foreground; and altogether that great damage has been done to houses, mine have been found. Perry. was found at too much impaste in the biil.—{Harper’s Bazar. barns, fences and ereps-by the storm— the top of the incline im the 800 level. Donaput a Important oo a ee or regard the obl.gation am es CONCERNING future rewards and punishments Colorado furnishes the following illustration, which occurred recently ina court in La Veta, toon the ground eae us. ‘Miscellaneo Merchants. Sentiment. sure withour money and without price. She only asks ii return that when you look upon her your eyes shall speak a mute devotion; that when you address her, your voice shall be gentle, loviug and kind. That you shail not despise her because she cannot understand, all at once, your vigorous|, thoughts and ambitious plans, for when misfortune has defeated your greatest purposes her love remains to console you. Yu look unto the trees for strength aad grandeur; do not despise the flowers because their fragrance is all they have to give. Remember, love is all a woman can give—but it is the only thing which God permits us to carry beyond the grave,”’ Steamboat Disaster, as fairly three didates in the field for the gubernatorial posiits candidate. some Beautiful ments, She may sell you—but her love is tne trea- Taylor started out to see what was the mattere He had just issued from the shed where he had been’ waiting: when the weapen exploded, and a piece of the metal struck him on the chin, cutting a deep and ugly wound. This morning he was in a fair way to recover. The score in the base-ball match this afternoon Feeulted ima seore of 1810 7-in favor ot the. Deserets. The Fourth of July passed very CE in the city. ¥ their tantalize Democrats with * No you don*t.” who are a set of patriotic And of course they will same their enough to supervisors. be had, it is understood “ that. Rutherford A In Augustus © ‘Daly’ 8 Diay of ‘‘Under the Gaslight’, Laura Courtiand Utters this beautiful sentiment: “Let the woman you looz npun be wise or vain, besutiful or homely, rich or poor, she has but one thing that she canreally give or refuse--Ler heart. Her beauty, her wit, her accomplisb- B SATURDAY.. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. \ * , 1 ‘ & i / - psn en Nb enema ee idan ia, i Mem ; ulin FM OCIS A sna alin lgfab —— aa iEwast Jest Siucnsaatm sat mae i mi es eae La es fa , ‘4 r / uf we ih Pres. Us ] ; satcnoeeat ) la a ¥ aaa ; 8) y fi ad ‘ y gam Sarr ils ca satisen d sacar —w Minit) 4 ’ r |