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Show B1 The Emery County Review, Tuesday, May 20, 2008 VOICES Celebrating the People and Lifestyle of the San Rafael Swell Area ANNALEE’S CORNER Community Garden comes to Green River Annalee Thayn Rodney and Karen Silliman looked around Green River, and felt sorry that not everyone had good soil or water to grow a garden. They decided to do something about it. They donated three-quarters of an acre of land and water to the Community Center for a community garden. The land is located across from the state park. One of the best parts of this deal is the Community Center will water the plots for everyone. A little planting and weeding and you will be set for fresh vegetables. Amy Johnson was selected from the Community Center to be in charge of the community garden. The garden will be under the sponsorship of the Community Center, Americorp NCCC, and the School of Rock and will be open to any Green River residents who want an area to grow food. The Community Center will have a large plot, and there will be 16 X 16 foot plots available for public use. It has not been decided whether there will be a small fee with the Community Center providing the plants or whether to have each participating person provide their own plants. The Community Center’s section of the garden will be used to provide fresh produce for the center’s use. If the harvest is bountiful, Johnson said that a farmer’s market may be held and the crops would be sold, with the profits benefiting the center. Besides possible financial benefits, the Community Center will use the garden to teach children about gardening and handling money, as well as developing an entrepreneurial spirit. If you are interested in having some land in the Community Garden you need to contact Amy Johnson as soon as possible. Planting was scheduled to begin this week. If you want to have a fruitful harvest you need to start planning today. EARTH AIM Anti-bacterial Plants and Castile Soap The Company Dance. Dance! Danielle Tuttle’s dance group, One Step Above, presented their Spring Recital May 17. The program, “Dancing in the Rain” consisted of a variety of dancing, from jazz and rock to graceful ballet. The costuming and decorations added to the program that was presented by separate groups of dancers. The large assembly of parents and family were treated to a great show by the talented young ladies. Brittany Lofthouse. Denise Reid With all the existing anti-bacterial products, multi-purpose, glass, and bathroom cleaners to chose from, one might wonder if baking soda and vinegar will be enough alone. To add some more cleaning power, there are anti-bacterial essential oils. Lavender and tea tree oil are two essential oils that have anti-bacterial properties and are often found bundled with castile soap. Castile soap is a vegetable based soap. There are a variety of brands available, and there is always the option to prepare one’s own. I sampled the lavender castile soap from Dr. Bronner’s Soap Company. According to the information you will find by logging onto drbronner.com, castile soap has come to mean any vegetable oil based soap, verses animal (tallow) fat based soap. Once at the website, click on the FAQs link to find a variety of healthful uses for castile soap. I was surprised to find no problem replacing it for a variety of household uses, the bottle claims 18. I have washed dishes, mopped floors, and wiped down surfaces. It leaves hair feeling conditioned without using a conditioner. It seems to be able to replace everything in the shower. It works well in the laundry. That was the last thing I tried. I wasn’t about to deviate from the norm and put oil stains, so all of my clothes. Some sources suggest it may cause stains and use caution or dilute it. Some recipes for laundering call for castile soap and baking soda. I had no problem laundering with just the castile soap, letting the washing machine fill up partially before adding it. Several batches turned out perfectly. Lillee Tuttle and Danielle Tuttle Photos by Riley Spears Alexis Hall, Sami Spears, Lexie Jewkes and Trever Cloward. The Little Step Dancers. CASEY’S WORLD Text Messaging Tips for the Digitally Challenged Casey Wood It has recently been brought to my attention that many adults do not know anything concerning text messaging, from types of messages to acronyms, and everything in between. Here is a guide for all the old folks who feel as though this new fad is kind of leaving them in the dark. The different types of messages are text messages, pix messages, and flix messages. Text messages are simply messages containing text. Pix messages are messages containing pictures, sounds, text, or any combination of the three. Flix messages are messages containing video, with or without text. Entry modes are the different ways to place the words into the message. The two types are single tap, and either T9 or Word. Single tap is a mode of entry where you click the number with the letter you want repeatedly until you reach the letter you want and do this throughout the entire message. T9 and Word are the same thing. In both you click the number with the letter you want only once and then click the next number with the letter you want in the word and the phone has a pre-designated list of words for each combination. If you want a word like ‘home’ for example you click 4663. You will likely have the word ‘good’ appear, you then can click the next key to get the word you want. A signature is a small message, usually around 15 characters, that appears on the bottom of any message you send. Signatures are user determined and can be anything you want. Acronyms are also a big part of text messaging. The acronyms used in text messages originated online in chat rooms, instant messaging and email. Here is an acronym dictionary for those who don’t understand the texting vernacular. LOL-LOL is likely the most commonly used acronym. LOL stands for ‘laugh out loud.’ ROFL-As LOL became very widely used, many began to use ROFL instead. ROFL stands for ‘rolling on the floor laughing.’ LMBO or LMAO-These both mean the same thing, ‘laughing my butt off,’ or if you prefer the more explicit version. GTG-GTG means ‘got to go.’ G2G-G2G overtook GTG, but essentially means the same thing, ‘got 2 go.’ IDK-IDK means ‘I don’t know.’ IDC-IDC is closely related to IDK and means ‘I don’t care’. WBU-WBU means ‘what about you?’ TTYL-TTYL means ‘talk to you later.’ CYA-CYA means ‘see you.’ JK-JK means ‘just kidding.’ JW-JW means ‘just wondering.’ ILY-ILY means ‘I love you.’ JMS-JMS means ‘just making sure.’ SRRY-SRRY means ‘sorry.’ BFF-BFF means ‘best friend forever.’ BTW-BTW means ‘by the way.’ NM-NM means ‘nothing much,’ or ‘never mind.’ NVM-NVM means ‘never mind.’ H8, L8, SK8, ETC.-H8 means ‘hate,’ L8 means ‘late,’ SK8 means ‘skate,’ and so forth. @-@ means ‘at.’ Other possibilities are using letters or numbers to represent words, such as 2=to or too, 4=for, R=are, U=you, Y=why, C=see, O=oh, and so forth in different combinations. Basically there is an infinite possibility of acronyms and abbreviations that can be used in text messaging. Text messaging is taking over, so it could be an advantage to place a lamp in the darkness and keep yourself informed in texting in every sense of the word. |