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Show The Garfield County Insider I 171 PANGUIITH Alia cola June 21st was the summer solstice, the longest day of the year and the start of summer. Sunrise was at 5:50 am and Sunset was at 9:10 pm, now the days get shorter, by two minutes a day, till the start of winter. It is finally starting to get warm, but the winds seem to just keep blowing, drying out everything. The crab apple trees blooms usually last for a month and look like the cherry trees in Washington DC, they were gone in a week, because of the wind. We went over the mountain on our way to Parowan, Panguitch Lake is full and running over the dam, all that snow this last winter is still melting and the lake is staying full. It would be nice if the City would give us another day of water because of the wind drying everything out. I don't know if it's the quaking aspens or if the mountain is just making a recovery from the bark beetles, but it is beautiful up on the mountains. However, Cedar Breaks still has a lot of dead trees. Brain Head has cleared out a lot of the old growth and planted new trees and is looking good. The Balloon Fest, was a great hit again this year. Cheryl Church and her Main Street Committee did a wonderful job and everything went very smooth. What I don't understand is how they get the wind to stop so Panguitch can enjoy the balloon glow. Friday the wind was blowing like crazy and as soon as the balloons were deflated on Saturday night it started up again. There are thousand of people out walking on the streets and shopping in the stores. The advantage we have living on Main Street. is we can sit and take all this in without leaving our chairs. Kenny Hepworth's band played on the corner and boy are they good. Mark Boshell stopped by with his fiancé, from Tropic whose father was the lead singer of the group. Mark and his fiancé are going to be married sometime in August. After the balloon launch, the Panguitch Lions Club put on one of their excellent breakfasts to start Saturday morning off and it was followed by a motorcycle parade. Many thanks to all of those that helped with this great event, it's one of the highlights of the summer. This weekend is the July 4th Celebration and it will be held on Saturday the 3rd, this year. It starts off with the Lions breakfast at Zions bank, at 7:30am. Followed by the parade at 10 am, get your kid's bikes dolled up and let them take part in the fun. The Junior class will serve lunch at the fair building, starting at noon. This is a fund raiser for them. Children's games, then comes the best fireworks display anywhere, put on by the fire fighters, at dark. There are still plenty of fun things going on in town this summer. The fiddlers will be up next, followed by the 24th 2010 reunion. Today is the 1st of July and half of the year is gone already, so if you are going to have a float in the parade, now might be a good time to start on it, time is flying by. In August we have the Garfield County Fair, get your displays ready to enter, the Fair is a week later, this year, so your veggies will be that much bigger. The Fair ends with the Demolition Derby. This year, there will a three day ATV event on the last weekend of August. I have always thought that with all the success these ATV rallies have in towns around Utah this could become one of our biggest events of all. We have everything here to offer the ATV fans, 750 miles of trails, that run up to Richfield or over to Fillmore and tons of short trips, it's one of those can't miss things. However like the Quilt Walk, Balloon Fest, the 24th, and the Fair, it all requires plenty of help. So check into getting involved. It's that time of the year when the Panguitch Lions will be selling their calendars. If you are like me and don't remember your grand children's birthdays, or your wedding anniversary, this is your ticket to thoughtfulness. Just check this calendar every morning and everyone will think you have got it back again. The calendars are $5.00 and the names are 50 cents per name. These make very good Christmas gifts, and a reminder to all when it's your birthday. The young couple that are restoring the Gem Theater, are really going to town. They have removed the roof and replaced it with a new one, the floor is out and they are removing all of the dirt under it. They say that it will be open as an ice cream parlor in 2011, but the way they are going, it could be this August. Congratulation goes to the winners in the recent local Garfield County elections. Thanks for the interest of those that came up short; you are to be commended for your efforts. It was nice to see all the campaign signs down so quickly, thank you. Keep up the good stuff, and thanks again to all of you that have taken part in the events that are going on. Mack 0. ta/ Autoelp..0 3a Rick Miner - Juarez Nunez 60 years combined experience. •State of the Art Computer Diagnostics • Free tire rotation with Oil Change upon request. Except Dullies. • If warning lights are on dash, we can help! 475 East Center St. • Panguitch, Utah 435-676-8994 Complete Auto Service & Repair SAFETY INSPECTIONS iiCEPAIIIIEVIREAMIUS by Vicki D. Syrett 679-8687 or vickidiane36@hotmail.com Stetson Mangum has This is a fund raiser for the successfully completed the "Safe Sidewalk project!" course in Auctioneering Everyone will still have and Auction Sales Manage- time to get up to Ruby's Inn ment at the Missouri Auc- for the fireworks later. tion School. The diploma Forty sic children, most granted included the hon- from Garfield County, comorary title of Colonel. The pleted a three day workshop honorary title of Colonel is in "Dalcroze Eurhythmics" a tradition dating from the taught by David Brown, Civil War. This concen- recently retired from Clevetrated course is conducted land Institute of Music facby the Missouri Auction ulty who teaches workshops School at the world's larg- nationwide at prominent est auction training center. music camps. We are so The training included lec- fortunate that he was willtures and workshops featur- ing to come here and teach ing prominent auctioneers our children. The students from throughout America had a great time and learned and participating in selling a lot. Area music teachers numerous public auctions were also invited to observe in nearby communities. Mr. Brown's techniques Subjects covered included and were very impressed, antiques, livestock, furni- taking away many fresh ture, business liquidation, ideas for teaching music real estate, auto, machinery, theory in private and group general merchandise, and lessons. The event was coall types of estate auctions. sponsored by Megan CotWe send our congratula- tam's Violin Studio and tions out to Stetson. What Rebecca Wagstaff reprean accomplishment for this senting Pioneer Academy. young man. He is the son Many thanks to Ruby's Inn of Tawn and Cami Mangum for furnishing facilities for of Tropic. His grandparents the workshop, and lodgin Tropic are Pete and Kee- ing for Mr. Brown and his la Mangum with Iris Bush- wife, Kathy. Also thank nell of Henrieville being his you to Deanne Beagley for great-grandmother. loaning a keyboard for Mr. Carl and Mary-Miller Brown to use during the Boyd have returned from a workshops. visit in Australia with EmiNOTICE="ESCALANTE ly their daughter, Adam and UTAH STAKE BLOOD two year old Riley Naylor. DRIVE". Giving blood is They were there in time to a great opportunity to help welcome Maya Hazel Nayothers and provide an imlor who was born on May portant community service. 28, 2010. She weighed in Our American Red Cross at 8 lbs. and 13 oz. and is blood drive will be held adorable. Congratulations to the family on this new on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at the Tropic Church, 41 little person in their lives. Carl Boyd conquered N. 100 W., in the Cultural driving on the left side of Hall. The blood drive will the road, so the Boyd's took run from 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 several day trips, attended P.M. someone will call the Nambour Ward and you to set up an appointdrove to Toowoomba for a ment if you have donated three day stay. The rest of blood in the past. If you the time was spent visiting have never donated blood with their family, especially or with this Stake, please grandchilddren Riley and contact Makelle Pollock at 679-8503 to schedule your Maya. Irene Brockdorff would appointment to help save a like to remind everyone life or to volunteer. If you that Utah author, Mike have elegibility questions, King, will be giving a talk please call 1-866-236-3276. at the Heritage Center on Win a laptop computer!! July 24th at 7:00 P. M. on All presenting donors are his book, "Jane, W Wom- eligible to enter a drawing an's Determination", about for a chance to win. Thanks the life of his great-great- for your support of this life grandmother, Jane McK- saving project!! Congratulations to Steechnie Walton. She was fan and Amy Syrett on the one of the original company that made their way through birth of their darling little Hole-in-the-Rock. She was boy, Brecken Stefan. He later shot and killed on July was born on June 4th and 24, 1891. Mike will be weighed 7 lbs. 4 ozs. His talking about her life, her three older sisters, Makenuntimely death and how he na, Reagan, and Haven are finally determined who the spoiling their new little killer was. It is a remark- brother and just love him to able, true story. Copies of pieces. Proud grandparents the book and tickets for the are Moyle and Tracy Johnpresentation are available son and Mondell and Florat Clarke's and also from ence Syrett all of Tropic. Irene at the Gallery, and Great grandparents are Jean also Annette Chynoweth. Syrett of Cedar City and Rella Alvey of Tropic, and the Brinkerhoffs of Cedar Local Friendly Pricing City. Klay and Shayne ChynWe can give you oweth are celebrating their a second opinion new home and their darling little boy, Jace who on your needed repairs. was born on the 3rd of May. He has so much dark Same Day Service, hair and is adorable. He joins older sister Allie who Most Cases. thinks he is just the best "We Do It Fast" thing ever. Grandparents are Klin and Nancy Chynoweth of Henrieville and Best transmission pricing Lonnie and Cheryl Pollock on rebuilds of Tropic. Great-grandor remanufactured. parents are Ralph and Lael Chynoweth, Gloria Clark, Certified Locksmith. Gretha Twitchell and Afton Pollock. Congratulations Se Habla Espanol to this family on the joyfull event. Cache Mortensen will give his farewell talk on July 18th and enter the MTC on the 21st of July. He is the son of Shawn and Crystal Mortensen. His grandparents are Pete and Keela Mangum and greatgrandma is Iris Bushnell. July 9th is the day. Pace Clarke and Amanda Munford will exchange wedding vows in the St. George Temple. We were teasing him at the wedding reception the other night and he surprised us with this. Congratulations to you Pace. How exciting. Pace is the son of Wes and Ellen Clarke and the grandson of Lester and Vertis Clarke of Tropic. The 4th of July Celebration's will be on the 3rd of July. There will be one in Tropic at the town park and another one in Cannonville at the town park there. There will be a children's parade, early morning flag raising ceremony, breakfast and of course many activities for the kids. Also lunch will be served around noon. Either place. There will be bake sales, candy sales, lots of booths to peruse and enjoy. Let's go out and celebrate our Country's birthday and have a good time with our neighbors, friends and families. If you need more information on the celebrations maybe you could call the town Mayors for more insight. Walon Brinkerhoff for Tropic, Jeff Stock for Cannonville, and Dave Roberts for Henrieville. The scouts from the Tropic ward spent the last week at Maple Dell camping with around 500 other scouts and leaders. Alfred Foster told us that he was very proud of the way our scouts behaved and all the hard work they did. He also thanks Cary Deccio for all the paper work and registration activities he did. Ferrill Brinkerhoff for the food supplies. As they were leaving town to go to Maple Dell their van broke down outside town but they soon got it repaired and they were on their way to a week of fun activities and hard work. They had designed special shirts for their troop to wear and everyone wanted one. We are troop #79 and we put on a great show. Our boys won many awards. Chandlyr Tebbs took honors in shotgun getting 40 out of 50 and Ethan Nell did well in Archery. Team work was the theme and the boys had good teamwork. Great job scouts and thank you Alfred Foster for leading these boys. Rod and Kathern Syrett had a houseful of family this past week as everyone was here for Cheyenne Syrett and Wyatt Mecham's wedding. It is always fun to get together with family. The reception was very nice and we wish the newlyweds the best of luck as they start their new life together. Notice the Lamar and Cheri Feltner also had a houseful of family this past week as well. Also saw Greg and Megan Leech visiting from N. Carolina. Congratulations to Jade Harris who was called as Girls Camp Activity Leader with Maycee Barton and Hayley McLemore as Assistant Girls Camp Activity Leaders. During church today we had Ben and Alyssa Boore talk to us and they did a great job and both of them have a wonderful sense of humor. During the break between speakers Natalie Pollock and Hallie Le Fevre played violin and piano, "Teach me to Walk in the Light" and did a beautiful job. Natalie is Bishop Gayle and Marie Pollock's daughter, and Hallie is Barbie Le Fevre's and Mark Le Fevre's daughter. So talented and cute both of them. Frankie, Gayle and Wade Moore took a trip to Manti to attend the Miracle Pagent and then stayed over and went on to Fremont Indian State Park and Cove Fort for a day trip. They met with some friends, the Huddleston's from Layton, Utah. They had a wonderful time and enjoyed the company. Lula Moore and family had a Reunion south of Tropic Reservoir in the trees. There were 53 people for the group dinner on Saturday Night. Doyle and Darryl Nielson and their families were in attendance. Congratulations to Jason Hayden who had his Eagle Court of Honoer. His project was planting trees at the Henrieville Town Park. Jason had moved to Indiana but was here for a visit so they gave him a big ceremony and a large BBQ dinner at Lance and Marie Jagger's home after the ceremony. On June 24th the West Mesa Arizona Youth held a Youth Conference in the area. They did pioneer activities and a service project in the area. This is the same group that was here two years ago and they invited the Escalante Stake Youth to join them at a dinner and dance held at Tropic Town Park. Mike Knight was the D.J. and while it was a last minute thing they had a good turn out and loads of food and fun for everyone. Everyone danced and got involved and made new friends. On June 25-26 Escalante Stake held a Father's and Son's camp out at Smith's Ranch. Shawn Chynoweth was in charge of the delicious dutch oven chicken dinner. And it was very good. The next morning everyone was served a large breakfast and had a fun day. The Friday evening program consisted of a Western Theme with Ken Hall singing, Ralph Chynoweth telling cowboy stories, Marty Rich singing, and Austin and Landon Brinkerhoff played the guitar and sang. Then Dell Le Fevre told stories, Brent Griffin and his boys sang and everyone had a great time. There were about 70 in attendance. Seems like there were a couple of yard sales going on in Henrieville on Saturday that did pretty well. In church Pace Clarke and Cache Mortensen were the speakers and Benjamin Rose sang a beautiful rendition of "If the Savior Stood Beside Me," with Collette Mathews playing piano for him. Now you have a safe and fun 4th of July celebration and support your towns activities. Please call or email if you have news to share. |