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Show Page 3 MAY 18,2006 T H E GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER Community Mortgage PRIMARY CARE NETWORK (PCN) Parents: LENDER Apply Now for PCN "Giving You A Better Option For Your Mortgage Needs" Free Prequalifications - Give us a call. Construction Loans Lot Loans Purchases Refinance - Interest Only Loans - Investment and 2nd Homes - Home Improvement Loans -100% Financing Wayne Ott 435-590-6082 Sherrell Ott 435-679-8671 MANAGEMENT PLANNING FOR THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL NOW UNDER WAY Contact: Sarah Schtanger 505.438.7454 The* Bureau of Land Management p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On April 17, Colorado and the National Park Service are seek- will be the site of an additional public ing public input in developing a manage- scoping meeting in Grand Junction, Coloment plan for the Old Spanish National rado, at the Grand Vista Hotel Horizon Historic Trail. Designated as part of the Room, 2790 Crossroads Boulevard, from National Trails System in 2002, the trail 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. route crosses six western States - New The public is also invited to submit Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Ne- comments in writing, by email or through vada, and California - and links some of the webpage, http://parkplanning.nps.gov, the West's oldest communities from at any time through May 17,2006. WritSanta Fe, New Mexico, to Los Angeles, ten comments and email should be adCalifomia. dressed to Sarah Schlanger, New Twenty-one public meetings are be- Mexico State Office, Bureau of Land ing held along the trail route beginning in Management, PO Box 27115,' Santa Fe, New Mexico and southern Colorado, and NM 87502, Sarah Schlanger@blm.gov. moving west to Arizona, Nevada, Utah or to Aaron Mahr, National Park Serand California through mid-May. Every- vice, P.O. Box 728, Santa Fe, NM 87504, one with an interest in the trail and its aaron mahr@nps.gov. history, possibilities for recreation and Some of the more remote sections heritage preservation, or resources and of the Old Spanish Trail still can be opportunities along the route are encour- walked, ridden on horseback or bicycle, aged to attend one or more of the scoping or followed by wagon or jeep. Other meetings. parts of the route are now beneath or The first of three public meetings in alongside some of our busiest highways. Utah will be held April 18, in Moab, at The management plan will describe how the Grand Center, 182 North 500 West, * the surviving elements of the Old Spanfrom 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Additional j s h Trail—the route, the landscape, and meetings will be held in Green River, the historic places—will be developed April 19, at the John Wesley Powell to preserve trail resources, provide acRiver History Museum Conference cess to trail sites, and tell the story of Room, 1765 East Main Street, and in the trail and its role in American history. Cedar City, April 20, at the Crystal Inn The full meeting schedule is posted Hotel, Juniper 1 Conference Room, 1575 at www.nps.gov/olsp and at West 200 North. Both meetings are 5:30 www.nm.blm.gov. It's Time To Test Your Pressure Canner Gauge! Friday, May 19,2006 10:00- 1:00 pm (during health fair) Bryce Valley Elementary Watch for other times and locations throughout the county. Gauge Test is FREE and includes handouts. (Other canning information available for a nominal fee.) SuzAnne Jorgensen, Family and Consumer Sciences USU Garfield County Extension (435) 676-1114 or 800-636-8826 X-114 Canner Lids will also be tested at the Extension Office, 55. S. Main, Panguitch. Please call for an appointment. Primary healthcare is now within yourreach. PCN is now open for enrollment to parents. Only a limited number of spaces are available, so apply now. It covers services such as: Visits to a Primary Care Provider Some emergency room visits and transportation Immunizations Lab services and x-rays Birth control Four prescriptions a month One eye exam per year; no glasses or contacts Dental exams, cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions 1-888-222-2542 health.utah.gov/pcn The cost to enroll is $50, $25, or $15 depending on your income. You must be a parent age 19-64 and ^ A ^ have a child under age 19 living at home Jdw. Utah with you. Call or visit the website for details. Department of Health Log Furniture DESKS DRESSERS LAMPS SHELVES BENCHES BEDS & BEDROOM SETS COFFEE & END TABLES CUSTOM FURNITURE 435-491-O223 ASK FOR PHILLIP TWICE TH E QUALITY HALFTHE PRICE! |