Show "v-iJCift:3saiwi(refc:iS3j 4th£ happonod rIcjaic ffhfuU1 who WEDNESDAY slight A of fall 1890 20 EDB Hot the young man feeling could be expected of just winter The as this It There was quiet and Thurber’s inches four about is quto Ilall respectable a Friday last of Sevi the Rich J Prof Recitation J Stake convened Ball on at a Id Quarterly Con in the Academy Sunday Feb bishops of and several other the different wards from the called even was W G We have received interesting- an A John is We received from would be Bean thor insertion thename by J udge damus the compel to issue and in City at peal will late the Sells in Salt Locture for ments to to 2 Recitations view in eron land and would Lecture returned ed week last of purchase grounds About some the saloon is It in few a got start a was happened and saw the and about the fire the fire Executive have Su time and gave soon ex Russell was case sioner Leonard case trouble ing was as of bound of the the The land The Fairbanks $800 grand Sevier await to closed just was in ever bold standing weather that of one the not was room two-thirds There were tions and Tho people necessity Stake "Wo we excellent instruc by given the of The their & fitting a a Alice II to etc oif are moral ns people other the control their of There is hold at believe ple known that not high this it fail in the allof what by is the m p in and Lund and te lie give was for way spirit of that God we may of the is a publish the handed The Mining by of District line of and west by corded precinct by Val tho north district river Sevier County the tho on mining the in Butte Grass south Marysvale line Red summitof mountains was bounded is we Kelley: Clenwood of the so which Iiussell Mr boundaries by ley following us north east district mining Re Recorder’s Russell - Mining James townsman out Elliott J W week some more ed the summit and half Thought of of be of their calling hard feelings - tho would there among be the of idea its had Mountain the and ran in he of reached doing rut a with side west while into fell man the when brake wheel of on started company effect and Jackson R for was term habeas discharged be sentencod was the to of adultery plural Provo February sentenced expired the for so the and the young of the front front which of one grind he to passod his fromrunning took him t they mada to h yp bring he did a wcel him- The with him Canyon the met Brooklyn to hind were down when niles leg over tha above presence of towards him the prevent party just the the drew and over legs Having ancle a in team this a few com county purse and paid the him to Richfield arriving 'r wife at on a He and his 19 one less going to instead for the petitioner But the here about and Mr Ta The for tho inan government sections of law the bearing on subject were road and J udge Zane said: “Inasmuch as the law simply imposes punishment by imprison and ment or aud imprisonment thorize alono thorizes by not imprisonment In where cases fine a committed where no nection for fine both does it au for costs our law and can costs au be but in imprisonment with The tithing coun most who against tithing will be the the enemies to take is able and best Lord con the de all in suffer our would be cannot They prisonment by lected Mr civil Jackson Chinese collected was must process released advices state if by be at im col all” were assassinated accident natives at Ilaiphing by ter a ASHWORTOrSupt "" To tho V- of the s of at to the is not right to my should God time nrtKiM of Offlce at Book the (leviue May Chri&t Jesus tho education Conference then Benediction by adjourned T A D Feb C to was with with visit Mr Paddock refaro Salt the Senate tlie for set federal be of soon the consideration building measure (Air and that ly protect San pro bless Pacific el mail that Roshu The — and boats I I D Utah flth l fishermen out of these hundred o000 Lead Offlce at 7 Jj L- 1 r-Ac 6TL0UIS far 1 Ual at 11 b 1890 hereby the foiiunlcg drn that Ir of th in named settlers have hi d notice flnm ptoof in support of thoir ten'lon tomake that rai proof will be made be and eiamro Judg for he Probate or in his aheno the iho Oour Millard C unty (Mer't of lor 0 Mar h isi H an nt HP more Pi y Utah ot Mnry A An M n 'nw P M'o v mrson Utah H E No Hofiii fur ihe Millard Co o h 6 wtv-t I15-! ert Ion 28 To 11 range hh ngwhnNKeHtopiovo lines Umfoll hereon DjtMU’ nisi lun'ft upon Hud cuUvh uUl innd Jnrnes Fisher Judu Ion of Htfwart Jolin ll Bish funcm linf Wilmu endow Milard Co Utah mol AIHiard John btniley Mllmore P ’O A ho Cno'v Utuh H K NoB82 for to 14 HH N K and 8W NW sec l'i 33 cerl 8I Tp 21 sou h rauge 5 wi8t Y the following witnesses to prove Up names hi residnm e upon and cultiva continuous Ira N Hi kiey Iia N tion of htld land mz Jr W fl inkey James Frampton alot Millard Co Fillmore Cit Frimot m Utah L Brunson FDlmore P O Also Seymore d Co U'fth H K No 7486 fn the L Y M 21 x4 south U and W section 5 p west range witnesses to the following prove He names audeultiva hfoconilii' oon reiJpnce upon Id llo 'And v vllen Kiissell J de Molvl'le Oriu vVsrie dlh M Hilham vlillard Coun y Roger’ a of Fllltnorr- CiyJ 1 will t 1 Tobislnms drowned 4 J rl-s Throe 5 ceremonies J I 1 s-c Cmcno 1 t f would - 1 No -- - -- — vi The 1 1 t I D 1 S 3 t W Thereupon M-niaiU 1 ’ TTI’K the good to on $ W? as mo co-d f It SW 1) 1 pmi--chants t In-e t moitle fife red w III 1 any oprtor 'b H Tvpe Wri er ilih the geHoilnble Warned in and 8tlOH?nn nge'-g lea rs For P tnpllof g V ducementH I' the Ing end rrfemen's Ar mblr c hrtti w’tk r pioduccd 1 t ODFLK by s AVIIITEHCO TYPK ODEIib s Pookeny The CH IL CAGC l Utah FRANK BOOKS 29 Register HOBBS D AWAY GIVEN ! ! list Hut of Tw Twenty Valuable Will send th entir We will described below to helow numerteJ and ami ilosorlbed yor: Books enumerated who roMiit rrtber to Uus paper for the eusuuig vw M the regulM iiar eulmorl) iou tuxnty cmU In aldinn of or which contains louk(4 books each which om nrloe' viaa These eao one other work by a well kum n piete first clase novel or in neat pamp'det and oopnlar author are published hMr form printed £rn good readable type on gmal and many of them handsomely illoeirated byTnuy of of tho fnesl ouf work ever wniLeo of son Drtee popular writers both Auwn the greaieHt and mMl Kacii oue m complete In iueii Burop aud a 34A Camtle’i (’nrialn Lwtim'f Tly g Hr Tha Very old ami very funny ponuiASJSHRHDas older geuerailoo ebould read well younger 1 t’o iu of a Hwvheior No 244 Adventure York Advonturea in New thor of Bnah Heanpide by popular author A great bsmorouA iook Monev on Itow to ISake ntd No 24d of useful lcie A valuable compilation til Poi’ia for fai hints and euggeeGone mars and jrardmier A (k From Fur th to the Moon No J47 J' Vkkvs Morel Oll Man ot the Buc:gTli Will No MS Hy A Novel Kmi flawiRUC noltea A flj Norel A Ihmireroui VVoiniui No A7 SrariiBNM Mrs AH Bride The ltndon Farm A No VA - - Ii e a ' ’ his Will be far superior to any year of been of money having tory a larger amount of the proprlated lor the embellishment a baa been magastae thmi ever belore Godey missing published for 60 yearrs witbeut an aad ssue A GET than by sub two dollar's worth o’f magazine Mag scribing to “Godisy” The best Family azine in ArnericThe leading utraetlons forlftOOare: Beauti Engraved Fash ful Colors Fashion Plates ion Plates in black and white repn renting expressly for the prevailing styles produced s -mi a B No Yu No TAXI No wiva! No EXECUTED DESIGNS AR EMBROiOFRY MUSC7 NEW POPULAR YOU WANT TO BUILD PLANS for the HOUSE COOKING SfOVE REcE IP S CELEBRATED The “Reatilfful Home” Club by Emna J 271 T 22 ANotl Rtmon llm'rlvk’s Ouagbter OAlnoa Unroo’e Will A Novel By bYL The ThaPHt HU J IlosnvnoN 11 f CNo°rn Al'ai ST for of r Lady her ttdscriheA to who whirl you C'iipou iimM-jx i Y i EY j Dressmaker own Godv’s w I c Lolr find i ok h t nch her The t Us 11 T ’ A By ” Fnual Glov A NovL By T M - Ckasaa A :FRE5" I pr dev Book 'jinono shown you tot THij uni on loyotn own noleC too uuy la (rpii'ii'pi Illustrated In GodrV's Your lle 8 miplc Cos y will con of tho u c tp ilie paHern how to out out the gat moot you That’s all wrtiIi ibis wh ran fay space he For lample nntnher for m see ur send 15c and will be nlow which once ed mpvoiirtuhserl received M'iu a hra cm By ) and end club premiumH Ev-ry V INlTISWMfM choieb ooder's ntfVrs iiioh publlml any inagnltie sample Dumber cooUiicng full sun iHtoHnd Norel A Novel J- PREMIUMS e s ” Ths Ii b A “ II A valu KIc Plot A BjEsinxa -URY s tU'i-M Kovel N Oruy (DOR 240 Morrow of Secret The N Cm a Hay By und tho Prophet Percy No By WlMtlS CILLIS4 of a Tho Rlry Wedding Rina No 237 By th author of Dora Thorn Novel U'ure's pH Mwrlyu Temptutlon No Move! fir'Mr t'lnderellu A Novel A Modern No SW Dora fhorne the author A Novel By Th lalund Horae No 2M 241 those for the beuseseeper or young conlemeiate becoming WA year in ho ’by the House 1’KicsroTTAJn Augusta 8 which wili ny Wru trat of the various dutl for each month A enlidreu’s Corner for the little on favorite au rich array of literature by ol thors among whom are EmIly Lknnox l'wt Wilson Ada Makib ive IjOvkll Hirmlul “G of ELHIR 8nw aut Bkllb C Grken with bei humorous sketch and nf h S r A Fuloou Th Pardon Rlclmrd nf D lTFakkoh Black bird Mill Hr Guardian’ Dr Gray who 4 -s r FR0NTII8PECE & NEEDLEWORK - i i S I Godey FINELY ’ “ BETTER CANN3T YOU - 1 - with puhability It combines Hmipltcitt wears inn PFBD ®AK OK operation— hau anr on er ma without of lepalrs ilhbon boihe tin np chine ha nk to no It Is ulcket plat neart suhvtaniinl piatou kinc adapted all perfect avd to hi U ed— g mlnees wrlting LIUe a print prona It Two Legible Manusorlpis Clean Sharp mMle wi'ng ten copies cau be at one mlnlsiers bankers Kdiiois lawyers tie bust es’ me manufacturers el beVer Invent rrent fo ni 4ke a an me can Any Intel lie m person in a we U tw a ONK KAVin a GOOD OPERVATORor 1 j 1 k chine -out -tnlcnMoa There OIH1 Ll Wat ranted werkjes any hnv as rjM l city I I Uke ODELL WRITE ItITKR do 11 f " OALLAST salt TTHE YPE NoMee 4 CAL'" Citr L&kc Jan j ' Nf sa ETTTgr Jonx I)ATM 213 OiBct MO : f many Miachawn UNION SQUARE G ATLANTA aTLntaga ‘ I Lake 23 0 shrillltL- nS:lEA9?15AL CSOj I ATTflemiqiT a 159’ Halt MICH f i No I 1 Jgsg 6 I ii lS‘tO DETROIT I l NOTICE OF HOMESTEAD FINAL PROOF be with Utah y 1890 will be mailed FR EE to sli applicants and to last season’acustomers It Is better than ever EvFlower try person using Garden or Field SEEDSshouldsendforit M FERRY ACO j 2 FRANK Japan storm fishing Jau 201 for 1 lf nrriv from Ul SW which swept Jauuary carried a tho last thousand tween 2500 21 China steamer Advices to-day state Fob SEEraHtfAL I FRANK fl would personal SaltLake’s intoests Francisco Lake Is hereby eWen tbat the following settler has filled notice ol hln hiteu of final proot in support tion to mane and lhft p&fd proof will he made hKclatm Uececlver at before the Register and U Land Offlce at Salt Lake (Sty the Bal 8h lbl0 Utah on March vi: August H ol lon E No KAiftfor the E su inac and N W of and HW of N VT tion 22 M seoMon 23 Tp 20 ouib lange Wes' L S M Utah wituese fo povc he following He names his continuous residence uoon and eithlva said laud vtj Jnm‘M William vatlon of Robison Richard Roblso O Ivie Edson of Hclplo Millard C Uti h L Madsen ail Register HOBBS att’y for claimant T 0 Bailey Paddock) be Salt Notice Utah tho Offlce at Beedrmcn in the world I) M Fsrry&Co’s Peftutifully Illustrated DescriptiveI j KW named bill tho would day a of building assured that Delegate Land passigo public Paddock Mr the to me Lake Nebraska of CO Largest the ar 1 1 :1 a 255 by FERRY vVho -Inin LICATION No City Feb given 2 Lnn NOTICE OF HOMESTEAD FINAL PROOF FOR PUB confer and tliori put up ar D-R 1G9 1 2 — of Delegate Oaiue Utah returned Washington to yesterday afternoon first this His business morning City PROOF No M 19 f following BEAN 1 ielegTuuhc hereby settler has S9T s Perkins tbe - Selin and Ter the Cod nty 'd to E G Tiraony asseas and 20 cents remain amounting to one dollar 14 d W Minsfi Col Therefore unpaid by vlrlue of the au iooior of Pluie County in the provision of thority vested me by 19 ol provide Revenue Section “An Acl to of Utah and the for the Territory Severn 22 thereof’1 approved February Counties 187H have levied ttnou tlie following named One lumber house in fair property to wit: having six and condition rooms windows &o ss"ssed to said E G Ttnsony doors In In situated Mirysvale Piute Co fit 1889 whieh will be soul or there U’sh morn 1 ot as may b necessary to pay tho xttr aud Pnblle Aunlion Jim tion tie Coals at at ihell'b day on County Seal ol atsaid county of March ls0 o’clock on m W MANSF KU) o’b'CL ir and Collector’s Olll Jau 1890 Assessor Stake Lika Salt UflEEBS I 1800 8 1 Halt Lake Is SALE TAX Ufah Oity that CONSOLIDATED T j CO that be following filed named notice of bis iuteu tion to make final pioof in support of bis claim and that said proof will be made be fore ihe Judge or In hia absence the County Court or HevUrC Utuh urny at Kh hrteid Utah Ataich 22 1800 vtai Don C on Nbo ke H E 78 for the SE 8W lot T seo tion and lots land Ip 24 sou: seouou e2 west ran He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul iva 'vi lion of iutd Joseph Wilkinson an Levi Wilkinson Fred L Hausen Ulof An derson all of Kichfiel Utah D liuBBS Regis "ei sed srtlu 1 WHEREaS Taxes few Offlce at SALE rounds Tltmthjr for Will exchange rltorid sustained- unammonsiy Notice tt construction HOMESTEAD 6 Xfvandn’ean was presented and sustained uuammously Land I a Laic glrcn k No hlgh-s-tent freh Ainea Halt hereby NOTICE OF FINAL 1 name x FRANK with not claimed and taken away to the In days from date wlllbesold at C’ltyteslray bidder the R’chleld o’ lhuO at pound OB the 7lh day of March clock p m Jon v W Cooiv Ciiy Poundkeeper 21 Utah Fab 1‘0 Richfield Sevier Co Lord at Feb 1ft Ice 1 If mission the Offlce 175 3 1 FOR x MACHINE Hit-gms 1 Mor Counselor Bean made closing remarks The Sevier of I -lao au of in er ty 1 Sen t Which v xi LE’o -i Dumed'oeliler tans filed notice of bis tlonto raoke final proof In sunport of his claim aud that aa4i proof will be inude be'ore the Judge bis’ or in absence the County CI01K of fserlor Coumv Utah at Richfield Utah on Vlandi 2tta ITOv-z: Don C U E fofcO ror the W lA hb hoc 81 Tp 24 Bomb range want L M tie names tlie following wlcieses lo prove lo Confliimus residence and ruitlupon vation of said land viz: R Haulwin Kau Wiley Herring §ora James Shaw Peter Jo hansen all of Elsinore Sevier 0 Utah 1) HOBBS Register In my pssMssloa the following de animal: brown mule branded One lge baek or brand left thigh and illegible on witb an aad aaJdle maiked etoulderf collar also has a shoe baa bn tall shared on right all the Land Hot W I bav scribed fo pcrfectia PROOF No fcolice Ettray mM HOMESTEAD FINAL 1GG Lake OF 1 1 lm rihL Salt O13 one FRANK ac iu on tho pi town to prove He names the following witnesses and cultiva residence hi continuous upon John land viz: Peter E Olsen lilu of said right aad J H 01tau Christensen GH Utah all of Kooshsrem D RegisterROBBS command of Smith partof south most 3iiO PE3F THE KW aud saiuts U’e of a J mirj 1 anil Carter WttS for wrong some length keep the of The kEKhrnest expense ab-a-nee accused are the short a is us and save hundred Also bless and in im aesount City Ulal' Oh 18"0 hereby given that the following Notice named eettler has filed notice of hie Intenof final proof In nupport tion to make claim and that suld proof will be hi in hia before Judge made the or Clera of Sevier County Ihe County 1890 h Utah oa April 7Ui lit at Richfield for the NE Oloof UeliquiHt H vi: 2fl 28 eoutb lion Tp range of NE neo g would fTkaiw hand Carter acliine S8Wifl3 hereby is when M be terms our honored iM ii l!ij IE bny Land when uns promptly mail get to and $L00 Utah 180 Jan 2 the to Niue Urged Saints sen us with more Notice is hereby given that the following fast all the ab ard filed notice of their in hold to the for boats with settlers have to ship Zion named mon final proofe In support to make lost A grbat boats the Lord would land her safe in were cfalms and that satd proofs of th Ir ihe Judge beacli or iu his ah drifted the the harbor The earns will be mode beOre on y Clerk of Millard county the Umm ena 14 off IJiau at F Hinoe City on March 1S90 day eleven boats Apnistle Lund then addressed were wrecked Millard P O viz: (ieorg Uull of ltoldn aud fifty fishermen Fi Utah H No 879 for the N NE the Saiuts breth Counseled the coomy nf NF'4 section ll) Tp 20 south 25 th yA On January tha priesthood which wc-st ren to honor rnnue twenty-throe fishermen drow the following witnesses to prove lie names were they hold for that will abide with lesldence upon end cultiva his continuous A ned on the coast of throughout all guldl'ind viz: dm Evans eternity it tion ol Thomas Jr David Turner the Ch Wood it Evans flmstrous storm swept faithful hon will be over they are and II Utah of Holden Md nid county of Soukomo and diode P O Mil Crane K inosh by millions AIhoOwbuV ored when they go coast No 8281 fr the E Utah U E iaidouutv fishing hundred boast Vx the gWJ4 NF section who have not priest wore NEJ-i NW14 west Funoal z4 l'p 24 sou h range out and never returned gospel tho ordi The und es to prove H uarnes the following witne for six hundred reldonc bis cootlnn u upon andculltiva been over thereof have not land Charles Hcinbold sai viz: to bo rtslmruieii supposed drowued tion of Paxiou they the John fukes John Miller all are George same and P O Millard Ufa in of Kanosh county these wrecks have been obs rv have been revealed from heaven March 15 DUO Mary of A Iso H'pkm on iu ed and whole villages Millard couulv Utah H E 7937 are inuur Kauosh twochurches are but on the HE of Ion for the SR M NR K VR earth aud oua is opposed to the niug Sw and 8W N’V of section 2) Tp N W west 23 tooth range that other The evil spirits rebel Ii1 21"— Cii the following witnesses to prove Feb M10 names ago ami cultiva in her continuous residence upon led heaven all they doing are nndciTuhers aiedetsrniued James uve snld lend vlv Abraham tion of the Jr Charles y Jese Saints to dishonor llatn George Pnn can to get if the Wi their money even ITt corpse uus Pe Millard n g sh o n'’iio m their tabernacles tlint they so of diow In the Ah red A lo not'CM Is heieby given (hill he to wait case Ir thel notice of hs not be Ing tier his to return named so permitted i Irtirtt T1 ft J'fiBft Ann) of moi lnunprt poor WHO (lU‘U at lenlion to ipMke to 'V‘1 thatsi Id God cl proof will he made hh street iis 11m 053 Robey North d lork of M 11 CuuiHy hef no the County h speaker touched upon tha until the bill CM U ah Mar had to wait Mil H Iitjh on corpse Kinder jOnels Ml1 is‘n vizi Inttii If the subject of dead that to Said paid Larson lime HiA foD the W 'mmI county 8 was was 17 the cUoa 27 Tp dilb spirit loaves the ‘4111 K but body been buried Sunday afternoon iauo7 we those who hold the priesthood will tho the foil 'Wing witness to prov undertaker presented iis H name reMideiB'H upon and otiliNa hlH cn lnnouH be busy in preaching to the spirits bill of $72 tho widow had no mon iy Webb IDnry ttm of said land vUi Edward in Referred James Chi lt lanrm: Dune prison Hawley to Christ gotho car:iReferred hearse and prison Co Ku'herford all of Gun Is P O iii to the Bpicikworld to the back to thesedriven Utah open age were NK negHtor F HOWW aud doors sot tho captive bles remain d prison and the dead body A Thompsou Jor cla lunnf park hence hood nances changed coinnsMyv wall fr'WgafcL'AK' all themselves their i4 that by do iPMATEl Elec and will growers Orders instead ' costs elsewhere o 7EZES 1 men fidience tdikver of B No good hear otVra God of Joseph is off YVol and druggist settle the linen ! who least the and pays his tithing who pays if 11a tlm on man Blanket prices inmEi id WM 5 he authorized is fine not prisoners flue high spoke Said end perty he because his with fine wheel broke Jack April 20 ou thp of the talks ed Air ponitentiury The the and corpus on the to also speaker man punctually Thus and a to " 3 - Speke them fcc the Saturday on of to lived a applied writ a as result in dealing colt coming two years Any bradded NP combined will be information of the same thankfully received by L P Peterson dark themselves YV'e YVatliingtou Saints brethren their appeal satisfied subject has 50c 1 From present vvrvV This ' duties mon of gospel impris au Merchants Strayed will lay glad authorities blind yielding Treated their teachers magnified they the against of duties if Yams reasonable you the install knowing to to L Academy enjoy U3 L?p?l and knoledgo things taught the as iiosicsrtY vooL Borsar old y or we leaders spirit might we Spoke oil the thought that for bring 13 exclu 0035 reported they Urn” Authorities day our the principles tho costs $120 had been assessed reach he and had against him has and been ordered committed for their non Clear Creek Can Air Moyle appeared them descended about payment had mile a our about At ( cil men in the ponitentiary imposed where the law thorizes no fino brought out with the connection Gurr case charge fellow Elliott in teams yon of son last west Recorder district the in costs son 1889 Kelley lislied oning abked office the The article wo pub Advocate last week wiiiiirig "We Dyspepsy and Stomach any parties mediately thdr example in keeping tho of word wisdom Also gave good advice to the some young Urged the saints to attend Lubes their meetings regularly Hoped there was none here guilty of find ing fault with their neighbors aud thought greatest have that brethren he Said the said and such goods OB boon all oust and of number then Yas ' there will Liver Sold at by bottle notified report G Clark S tho will if thenticity pos able than arose that true law is of indebted opening authorities of men be ter Board Beal Deprecated peo exer Woliley who disgracing as the going to teachers and the position to which Noble ap of by if the pointed him teachers could not set endeavoring to tle the case let it bo before disfranchise him” taken the bishop’s court and then if not is fully recommend tric Bitters by and We All sustained urged ments part speak Slnko missionaries Monroe on back quiet as better the who to callings the of but esteem to affairs public p edified saw ought have to this had in Digestion for G vote rier themselves 7 Bros of not to the therefore was ever tax-payers fear no Saints till are stake doisig day audience those to-day op who of power from as the wish was should speak he from be a total wards -1 short opening Bean arose have Uie " liov was of Southern of demand t8 m of by principal the the usual read to p Counselor the was oo-t I closed Ins Jine if Electric Bitters to directions aud Eupepsy per follow be in in to H to it attain be Dyspepsia m Gilbert statistical foundation Vbjut the to know Saints Invoked or the who The iu all After Sa Young much experi salvation time usual would Bro p have ersisted Kidneys 2 o’clock by ordor unanimous the through might his have be till ought you may may it use mon unanimously Apostle Lund said ha had listen ed with much interest tlie to re ports of the Bishops also to and report a not Sabbath room all they Good the general Church authorities then presented aad sustain ed aud being report early the those We and them upon bo ave solely territory as in Mormon a is the and have truth which found influence gave did do the the you yet tho studies Andrew by the 3 The home say Seventies passing are Couucilor sible behaved comes of adjourned requested Gazette says of Arizona votes Arizona Mormon the of damagogues political Tabernacle not them to report 7 cises in of by ed a very Gazette well be can territory as of see and gave sing (Ariz) The rage newspaper “Tlie Mormon People conference to can souls throughout Urged the After m an all the supply fi life diseases gospel adjouued to Brcss FLimzals still inch one must guarantee that used according tho amounting were as to stake Tb Referred for duty Meeting com variety of has the courage to speak regarding the Mormons more m a visited his of the provent observe the a said p quorum temples Beal here edify tlie be gave Church would their of W Bean exorcises Choir quorum Mugleby knew he be Are prepared Utah in their Thousands are search and befor mourning cfl"He Thousands they find it not of dollars are spent upon thousands annually by our people in the hope the of at privilege that they academies instructed in the true 2 Counselor by then He tlie the wished what is fact enjoy had the Called Thurbur quorum temple dovil aud close than a D Priest thesaiut3 soon the up Gave of lie Snow inches Notice j dead a(Cotlllt Benediction quorum Lund then tlie in necessity education Conference building ad Heppler account tho apprecia Besides tt sub and arose lie with pleased to meet was Saints of this Stake Gave a in This the in awakening un of principles Bishop Cooper by the Choir 41st the in speeches passed bo children might Also urged tho Saints to attend to of the work that is required them Benediction by the brought party Presco tho clos A the Miller the trials Bro to tending by Apostle assist of with by 30th gave of BOUGHT L j C3WJ donations see of snow Eup®psy duties tithes to academy sive Bro of 19th deep evening and i fitting Anderson broad is but pany was suppled A choice viands this it and given to our teaeliers Principal to all eujoyably ing reciting games position pre completing P the Feb their tlie few order the the was residents ed with brief expressive of any the spirit beginning are more people good a There the throughout the waa for Hall council speakers there of and vailed disag tho some the at t Tho reeable Richfield in H of best gatherings in Nellie whom their to of City sever Most alive began seems com- conference made by to that ence of the ou the and the Stake as far as in good condition The students present Miller each teacher with an appropri love and ate gift as a token of their The recipients respond respect Notwith and largest that the prevailed witnessed ever of one cold ing of inches tabernacle High the of Conference Richfield the Carrie Miss his Anderson and Marinda Halliday J Bro jury Stake and P to The pupils Party evening surprise Spoke Stake short esteemed tion jump it Mr of sum action but understand the for Richfield case a we in the Jos ants Hoy weapon Commis Salina the most thoir a inches wards And also Richfield and encour of tithing Bean Singing Prayer Binging Bro A ed before in commissioner over the Annabella of tried against deadly up came was week of a by entered last Kelley J W Fairbanks an assault with The On pleusout much complaint of of were to Glenwood excellent Called Chloe Advocate: Editor the tinguished A remarks Committee rprise Saints 2 Bean was aging said been that Poulsen several Six snowing Parowan — Snow snowing hard 2d of 11LLU still and that I some the of reports - the J M Lauritzen J E IlerrLER Alice Hoyt at are the of from Stake the Bishop tho report a wards good I made recommend Morrison and Mrs Bnchanan J T passing Boll with we Richfield gave al repoits of wards six of Eight inches — still snowing snow of inches Moroni — Three snow was thi3 on r keeping in Benediction Miss prevent I 0 Annie build have then the Said WO and snowing still Manti — Spring would hard about Eight Ephraim— said and & snowing still and aud arose IstvO Feb deep Monroe — Snow Poulsen SiO 0 Abroad Snow now deep Choir A T place took Glenwood — Snowing quite snow Sing Poul case funeral jneoa the the Wicker Park the Church raised the The m order a to Bean Bean bishops Somo this urged faithful called we the improving of can you effectual? shall and Poul Jensen Schow fire a of wards paying Saints with the Monday 10 heel ft - afternoon God return btfbl’i 12 r3 before ofthe of and money I this that to hear now ward The very dealings and people Counselor Bean iug remarks and journed 1 11 2 p m Alice Miss — Jos Mr How Miss fire set Marshal along and for Lord trials of Bevans A Queries methods memory 11 night to not not had side Bright and more would could Field their from destroying books school furniture? Miss referred Miller To HAND IN QuKIES building that checked alarm $25000 Monday minutes the a Bean corner frame building a What D of east south ing by 1 recommend undertook persons the to o’clock 9 Song— being committees two 0 as Caneron matter Mary Maggie Poem Original Asylum of Fort The the to and appropriation an the there Territorial the of the the Spirit to the several bless the with time Hearing Congregational done Lord the was G commencing was with met and them of Spoke of lie with meet them Bishops Hoyt tho for upon it be short a congregation I or 1 Holy matter mandmentsof God that they might' interestin spirit havellis continually to guide in the Argu Miss’ The — Mr Teaching— Cam Fort the bride ho’irvs ill in but widow ix izjtrxt rsA's'r"- ? uneofined exer the must May worthy can but lent rej baptism His be They hoped the congregation comfortably situated he be Eph said Richfield in to Fort siuce years of ject of by purchasing to buildings branch a visit to Legislature the called Saints be m mothods Educators Mr — ap appointed nine through p ing An some ploased occasion D Flora your Miss Song— 3 Lake 5 committees Mr Stevensen Harmon Supreme the being and of with them time to Beal of H raim the the loading Ward Court The Miss Give against or the of Third election taken gum 2 4 be pretfont iu school? I Music Inst 7 the to the precincts Fourth shall pupils Boan in man a election canpidates People’s E Jenson 1 issued of J Afternoon Secrotary certificates Chaa author has Znne games Mr accompanied be must of from au to How chewing II un the name communications All sure it of the particepate school children? the would give Bishop with t but publishing advisa or in to the we publish to detremental it flesh jisrr ? -s The Isaiah to according in judged Singing by Counselor Ellen Heppler which week pleased receive we ble communicatiou a last decline must til B" “L Is I the them r Sweden in laboring ap Hellstrom Bro next our will which Hellstrom in pear Bro from communication be n&z rejh-- by Counselor W ing by the Choir l’rryer by bishop ' ing faith order to jw Conference Oberg Singing by the Choir II Counselor Win Song Miss Emma Heppler Prayer by 4 5 Lecture School Law of Utah Clark V E said Ter Supt Bean Counselor Bean arose and to keep 6 Paper How pleased to meet up a he with so whs Interest the throughout of tho Saints Child’s and inasmuch many School Miss Sarah Gardner Lund and oth year as we have Apostle Queries "J the he brethren from north er Miss Essay 3 & cise may Stake Conference by Counselor An men us m Richfield of will in for 1890 23rd c-sr recorded as diuance A Present outlie stand Apostle II G Lund Counselors Bean W II Clark of the and W Stake Bishop Poul Poulsen Presidency derson Hansens in dance M2 deep Sevier ference Schoolhouse March loth 1890 comencing at 10 a m 1 Introductory Address Mr J Lauritzen in fall of snow winter foil this morn deepest The ing ciiwy held in be free left mid ns IiiKti tuts Teacher’s County to er field District now 9 Richfield tho For edition another having are Quarterly Stake spirits Programme evening We Sevier js Confer-eii'-e summoned win broken limb the homo arrival Ogilvie Sunday on snow On Geo Dr his ayiM0RI eopa Tha following out of gives ih it reduced to ' ri 3’l Add n ' 8‘JuOuto CUOiKIhH Mk r the of It bulk It leeaer lorsrry We fiftieth part ropeseUrgea doublettset u a grind will ale show e yo loader at least from the Mart xvitk MUMkifram Mpreecrirorse experience Betlee write el ome Wa nxy foaitAAtf Malm AfrtoeMS UALLA1T frt'o Sea MSS SR I to il 1MM fbiiiuioipius about t la v |