Show ltiitkf Hamilton Hamilton (Out) Tim January Tlio Timet received word JUNCTION GRAND Ladltt COLO John west Yeung B had ning been reporter The called of ticular chance a taking In place on held he He bo hit great the hare) was Dec had taken the drawing which ticket Young's lister No of and that wife The Mr a giving any par told the ever lottery 17th which (in win Lottery Young about A Mr had a 9845") which drew the first capital prize of $000 000 The hare w hich comes to the Hamilton ladles it Young told the reporter that he Jlr $150 10 received the promptly from money a New Orleans bank by draft through one of our leading banka here It Is mcdless tosav that the ladles are receiving congatulattona account of their good on foitune They would not hae gone Into the affair but for a friend who urged them to try their luck for a one-fortieth once Tim of Weight Nilsson remarks CJreenlind or the Whale the weight Ilia that right whale of ICO Is tons equal to that of or 8200u0 pounds elephants bears The wha’e or 440 In such a whale bone be taken at 88 may 3300 pounds and the oil from at 140 tn The 170 tons remains of the fossil which have whale been found on the Baltic and even coast of Y'stad in the far Inland in Wangapansn IVestergoth land betoken must halo w 50 least have times ltrger the which feet 60 had or at peven of a than more not common body a and a'though twenty than that heavier right or whale Ex — fr Ed have men die to head to procession a Jan Judd 1890 81 For Farmer: of inquiring into facts them to the public umns of the 0 Grand embraced County DeBeque and the J extending especially is healthful and no robust out irrigation plant life But congenial had is orchards as and irrigation and first in Denver an and feet years pro soil climate B and rich is has It about a Ute deep and mild two fruit-raising past fertile its ENJOYS Both the method and Syrup of Figs is taken and refreshing to the gently yet jLiver and fevers its c fleets the and it Syrup Figs of have it it for try 50o will any Do then one not that SAN FRANCISCO LOUISVILLE KY midst the last stages fact to nearly CAL NEW YORK Little They Im hIbo relieve Dis In the Pain Small MEDICINE Small Pill C0 Side supported Yon X worth A over fruit of also increased sand dollars This is not ELY’S BALM 1 Into e nostril and U agre mail registered Street New York ush Druggist by ELY BROTHERS 64 Warren at under from can do ditch can fifty to and acre can orchards Biliousness Sick Headache Constipation Malaria Liver Complaints take the sale and certain remedy SMITH’S otire BILE Use tie) Price It They either IQQINf1 cent “t 7 panel (coppersor slam Makers 17 else 70 of this picture A fct CO Louis do I to 4 Mo MOTHERS hundred and to of one for wish out to i pg JTV p B STUDY want vonr without put your the hands ask W Penmanship Book-keeplnf Vl Arithmetic Shorthand etc thor V loi Jow rates Cironlsrs free ntrhly taiirlit by mull AltT'i COILKMK4iI Mala bt ButfaJo N Y BKY si I f U ' should and may know hew child bearing be elTarted without Pain erUanrer sent sealed A Woiwcnrot Information Buffalo N Ye OR J H DYE paa k V la W ean smil HOTS v Circular FamiCE O'k'AUuaLL Art'yatLaw WASHINGTON DC peddling audno tnonfv reMfreWiintil sales tnsde and gtaOdadeaTeredNMFriedaiaoACoMartiosburgMo PATENTS I m eg pea q ft m VTnao w -vnuat ftu I '’CO i tSOja tueJ nrUTCWODwantM AbtR trui I H ? MMS ft ITOT'a INQG0 rimoul JOUM Baud W T MSN lor tW" advantage one not is J SiHINYlS to a than far for valuable correspondent McFarland the Junction Board of and information S always information as to ready he may his the office knows man will furnish such have name seek! when the F min the landlord but Is track undertaker’! Tha ing art 300000 favorite exerclst Is box telephone! In this coun try There li s feet Japan America (leaf snd dumb man In Kansas tall exported la Met horse north of silk my vision that startled the first foretold to I time the crept tales over me with connected from trembled head I ns re und it I strained weakness my in the darkness eyes to pierce the of the from discovering shape hope but which those sounds proceeded all silent deserted the nnd as was The have been form must grave for I swallowed up in the darkness A feeling of strange saw nothing dread weighed on my neart vague night nnd the and indefinite grew momentary Tlie effort and nnd blacker and storm nearer grew my directed to gain was some of shelter I the rain from vain in nil for light a black was rain the in and dis wildly thpn nated a the between to pools thunder low that same mud in I shuddering my ear and spurred Just my poor horse vivid flash of lightning illumi the rond feet enabled disclosing to me second a reach hut a advance in the open but ing which lind once been a door the whole miserable plane was it ruined condition For years to wind been abandoned weather I Fearfully self I hear 100 the in and entered largest of found the in had and roulil but imagined be right the nnd ns form by torted a of a his man smile of wicked fell darkness laugh mingled figure was Turning first but room Full nntless flash I point cunning again n with the I gone passed the room into wildly tho floor without equally it ten was and wonder strange chose a dry spot nnd relieving of the me that with the Btorra )no'l and I fell into quite exhausted Finally deep slumber which lasted know long but sud which was uot how violently by that denly nnd broken same demoniac noise I I weight tried was to rise ou in my vain chest fate which that I as pier than well Alice surely it fulls mortals but never while forget I shall night be to of tlm Morning a his the From The the save one It oui-uk-r $7522 New f rarh I Jl a 'ARKANSAS columns Chimney Corner CUlkMDU CU1S1NLY Chlensollk 111 Head the it has liee CATARFIL— If Is an nobtiils nnd When Baby When When sho was she became korun is says bee fly the regarded to Germany as hear ' MEDICAL Haem 103 107 1 103 for SURGICAL AND 100 chirping loud siek was we lit gave weather and Spaniards that believed where they Although Dr derail will poltielycure Scrofula Rhemnatlm Catarrh and AET RFIHriffnrn BAT) BLOOD 1) NICIN dUeanoa reeultiny In Falling Hair Pimples Paine In Uonoe Soree in Mouth A and throat Send etamp for hooka and questionlit and rent aaeured that tbs doctor our you can ho done by eoienoo and skill All communications sacredly confidential Medicine or Instruments sent by mail or expien aeoareiy packed ae marks to in lea contentsor sender Th KIDNEY Kidney are the enly erjrans In the body which rlfy the blood Any disorder LV them is alwara danarruus and serious bccai it prerente them from fully T V t? 0041 tf ‘Jan brip Acd Kidney tisese taints the blood and blood tali la uantantMible from parent to ciiua raons whose parents die of kidney disease should be particularly careful to prevent the (Uavaae from fiiiiujitf held on their system heM stamp for question list and books on your disease Consultationfree for clung sho pi Castor! i i most live one t s gave them Castoris she U t Castor! to FOR BRACES We make especially DEFORMITIES admit that Par B a ia Kvcrvwhere so ATE Rail to rite a is l 1 druggist at Iliattsvllle Kan has aliout Allen's Lung Balaam: "It Is and best selling throat and lung remedy cheerfully recom gives general satisfaction foi Lung it” Buy the large tl00 bottle mend Diseases this the I I I I pies and lfli the perish said insect but It said is the which c nent German the upon locubt tribes diabolic ns tested bronze It is in Ireland all on a is stag beet beetles a arc les de especially more known “gooldie” ns to see beetle n the rainstorm n next There web roof in said to be no spiders in spiders will spiji tiieir nor onk nn Irish nor on a cedar is A spider said to have saved are by pursuers its web spinning across a cave where is be sought refuge Tho said same of David in the Cave of Adullam Mohammed from his average at of advertisements which great Blit there lingering blood is to by np a of medicine Itself under esty that's that Integrity and it is Dr all is It is and If don’t it do just others Ulcers well as the system experienced “tired feelings” curing Tetter Its potency in and Sores alterative and restores by tho checks reputation for business jobs and greater e other laeaaalor do work Sold cartel to tnai in y ur 1’TKr-Ijst l Atalocxio soup tend t r A J BAH'tFS UJt AddressCH Uuby aLhoUtro&D ills lowerbids prciiu than by any allow in YVV frightful PENNYROYAL the and blood kindred in hlood-cieansiug vitality Erysipelas Glands do 4 Chieheater Y effects Vo experience sliscrs wxyerlsar required bo sorouted on sitters be Address Directions lions fur apromim apmutim FREK foKIXNFU -J twluuiiiu Ksi ' of of expense at Yale PENS! I G thereby dispelling all those Lspccially has it manifested Boils Carbuncles Sore Eyes M manentlg cared m by DR II I m SAQE'S U m Lte 3 yrs 44 tlTiK IK 1 1 U CATARRH U no REMEDY natter CO THK of how ocntB head long long by standing druggists la 0 i-kl-UIIR! pep i W Claims SALESMEN hot line iiutsMi) ol hv Uvxler 1 U li 8 L and Canadas TTWrul salary paid to Mil our ra sample at whulsMls snd 111 and 14 Thud ave ChlroKO FUTURE TOUR m Prosecutes Principal Examiner U S Pension Bureau lajt uai 13 adjudicatingC'aims atty since iu GOOD per 1 O N "'Successfully hence pOptllA jonuUr LuL uii Tfc The PATARR H I T th Yale been for each freshman year sophomore $7839(5 $83134 juni and $88417 senior $91970 or The largest expense reported for any for the one man was $2900 year is "there it believed although that got who wiLh were some nwny a little more than tlmt amount POTATOES QWEET W all thereby curing ailments It its ENGLISH PILLS Brand Kevl Crose Diamond aal Th only reliable pill for ntr ftafc ak Draggle! for ttc Dla nre Ladle land Brand m rvd mtemheineald Rea4b vuhbluenbaoa TakeassthMs ReUef fat Dump) for pariloatsra mad ladles for by aaalL Smmt Fmmor Uadlsaa 4 Fhliade ffo Cheudeal (Jo And N Inroads Connimption of enriches Swellings or CHICHESTER’S hon I mean tho march debilitated Kczema Enlarged and Neck Power Machin’y Foot the civilized throughout but ahen it’s hacked up is Discovery the arrests time purifies In Diseases as Steam Power PATENT BARNES’ represented as and Mtal Wcrksrs without with Ouibiaof these ns all beyond “Talk Medical Lung-scrofula Thick Of Wood Kquppsd Ok SHOPS WORK heeded the not? cheap” of long by a house established financial standing then words taken Scalp tonic powerfully strengthens or conditions it Golden if which Skin if Association of Buffalo what the World’s Dispensary Medical Pierce’s Golden to guaranteeing their Dr Medieal Discovery do refund the price paid it recommended to for or and Lungs 1 guarantee sells sound Pierce’s Scrofula trying should guaraatee mean that M SatW rumIIICKHZK' nuuuroao of such positive just In from positive paid for medicine hy And facts few that a it is promptly refunded it business will readily be seen bankrupt would medicines the ordinary in the market Only a marvelously tho containing most positive curative properties could efficacious by and money method peculiar state to well-known teems with press and other liver blood and lung remedies for represented They are generally as sure cures only one the claims’ for which for all as a cure Torpid Liver Biliousness from impure or or made a which It’s many arising backed This the manufacturers This world In sarsaparlllas case the peculiar sustain minute a claims are ose medicine diseases are every Goitre Expense taka invaluable prove in immi dnv Ireland CIIEAP IS TALK only will It will the like war tlmt ImMM but an of looks regarded believed bring letter I Injr of backs sometimes there that and vnriety also celebrated Fresh KelistMet Puntv and htronr Germlnat Onlv and 4c per gualmes laree package and novelty extras wUh Awe aG orders Haanalh 8s4 Famat 0 (fetid fllaatt rite for my BeauUfw! nf Illustrated Cntalomie Krre for bees” that SEEDS ') the tno BOOK NEW either sex good ariivv agpntB wanted at Oita Dei-e Is a chance tor you lnlrudure tilts grat woik Any oue can h1I tlie book as tits whole world is Intel eted The book will contain a full account of ofaU in Atrica and ewnctially Stanley's Kxploistions the relief of JOmia Bey lRtet4O0 Expedition100 for entirely new Illustrations maps About ami pare etc Comp ete canvatwln outfit with all instruction! wifi be mallei on receiptof Do not delay iu cents The writing order outfit snd jret teriitory at onre Address UWClil only R mure new Stanley book out fLBLlMmu to 407 DearboiusU Chicago UL Porphyry soul souls MILK BOILINQ 900 5 bless God’s WATER BOILING WITH came garden in the thought is it WITH STANLEY’S necessary mnss generally maintained close connection be a seven-year W OHIO the The ancients tlmt there was tween bees nnd speaks of “those called & strange is wax of cients with 60 tlaei FREE KYKAN MADE you bees says leaving the fell rops 60 to minute COCOA receives tradition man 4 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING It announce I’urndisp PliOMBTLT EPPS’S ns the among beetle toward to UtChlBOe CLEANING MADE is sufficiently Tho grasshopper n visitant of himself in this unwelcome country but in Germany his presence further ALL OKDEBfl M7LKD LOOMIS TIFFIN events folk rises lie with to joa dowltbaweil TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE where fmou for tuccvedin beve failed CATALOGUE lore is un but little notice to kill one lucky in England In Germany it is said to indicate good luck to have a spider spring his but bad web downward toward you when Write M rr wbst work GREAT Drill abundance in tho in ii 1 SELF in century gold indicated found Egyptians 1 THB sixteenth sacred a APPLIANCES ef Draces appliances for Deformities and Trusses Club Feet Our Tumors Cancer inhalation Faralysis Kidney Bladder Skin and vatuioi of Spine PUes Bleed and all Burgleul operations In this department we treat successfully majiy of tbs mort hideous deformities human beings whom distorted limb render them an object of pity and loathingto aU with whom possibly a they come in contact Yours Do not 4ee co that fullamenableto treatment palr call and see me a hitory of your case and rest or writ ured that will cure you if it by can be dull sconce and skiH will gladly answer any queatioa that you uiay ask as thif branch of my business has eniteted my heartfelt sympathies Br Jacobs in highly recommended on account of his honeo Ill of Sv purpose ami profoundknowledge and deserves ail w W court trement snd onnfidtsnce— Omaha See Deo it 1S8 Tfl Tlie IFMCf' Dr Jacobs positively cures many DI8EA8B8 tewhloh fit Wtwibvl they are pei uliaily subject Iw Bend stamp for beok 'ircularssanu question list on ConntipaUea Neuralgia Leucorrboea Pain la liie Back Prolapsus Uteri Filea Female Weakness Dyspepsia Skin P) Female Disease Addieas enclosing fctamp UK JACOBS to 113 Not mb 8L Omaha Nebraska is nell It e cry of other spiders were NtDnAoMi TO to crickets even in the UmAhAf the treat moat f etiral1© rfcronlo nnd SureicsJ Disevws of men and women in chtnre of a soroi of aom nktliful and experienced Physiciansand 8ui aeons with a specially foi each depai intent 111 MF3J Mdfrrin from Nervous Diwaae In anr form send far Circular Question Mat and a Private 1 v TrealiM? Illustrated to ail men and fmporially YuUNO MKV dcHcriblnir NKKVOU8 WEAKXKK8 in it vailed foi-ms cauHntr Sleepleaenc Nervous Prostration rii)sioal Weakness Impairing tha Tiror of nund body and manhood ti rmiuattn in ParaiysU luxamtj or Death Dr Jacobs will euarontoc a ineedr perfect and permanent cure in all mith disaaoea e Hiss British press generally has won a victory The It sometimes regarded of prognostications nre furnishing IIMlRIAUi inillllA f Strict For petant Castor! her siio cried Child a had Children she E Sunday cricket’s of DISPENSARY Homrd nnd Attrudctne 113 South Ihirteenth I in Eolith Indians The Tnpuya devil the America say the assumes form of a fly of our Bain is in some parts own unusual country expected to follow ly certain j I warning Ark use For others death a a cure to Tcrme circulars Aek Beems b When hap shall flies Easiest is Ei and Punch" "Tanefll's Graphic all low prices Maps opi 1AU1 Com Land Ointment of whleh a small partlele is applied to the Lrice 5oe Kohl by druggists or sent hy null 1 Address ” E " barren Ta Uazkltink Insects About Best A equal no Kaeex Thos this IS York $25000 t0 iVrbons afer el who cou iuruih a horn and fire their whwlu tiice the business Spare moments may he profitablyempUne A few Taeanele In towns atm cuds JulihSOM A CO 1444 Main street Kii'lmiotid eloses silver lin deep I REMEDY FOURNIER N News Superstitions FRENCH if save of Columbus — on An attempt is to be made to raise $'0000 buy seed for destitute fcouth Dakotans the of that agonies life niy lot 40 rhe TU12 into were to tho nnd under a cloud the the other side Is niy n again was married next Budding Colo all month” seemed into the Katiroad 63 Denver I-till 20 the next 104 41 and 1243 The mid Nlronslli Scott’s Emulsion tt Is digested Del milk and easily as rapldily ith its improve use Throat affections and Bton ForConsumptioo it is uiiequuUcrt J)r Thos Fkim Ala cbitis need “I Scott’s Emulsion on a child avs old he gaiued four pouiuis in a eiirlit months raging a swoon fever and during my ravings enough wus learned to send me to the houso which had been my destination when I started out the As previous night soon were nnyget40 fame as cask madman to ETC 09 t she of RUB3LE sold denier for jour PAVING I elegantly Illustrated comment has been a household word April ft Names and nrtdreaws ol wa in Chimm y Cornet April 15 ioroulySOc yoe WrMcto Hat and lie the lirstane One cent starnoi as palatable icate people watch time in fallen from prises 16 pages as cnaeoetsary for years Cont-st nets will appear Cold Gftin How after each meal sweet sight emli nee Use I when the and they are things only 111 boxes IJf Over 3UOUO ca8 sueoetsMEN ONLY ti eated in tho nUing Harm hostniaU I'sed In dtliy praUico by all French physician Jlcdals and ihchmiaof Innor Faria Kxpodtiona Acta with ninuu’Hl rapiditv In ttnw cjimvs ure absolutely thnsecbioiaocoaes which othor rooia dies only rehfva ruckafro rcmndlag gent COO express pr llimdomitepamphlet free tain fo Agency lSE13th fitNY Lava 1 ttila 46 Box KAVA FOIL FOB Codohs Like imitated CO ftsllv trades forty-five who can't sins' that It Is the mao anxious that ever ono should kuow iL I nnd the 10 each Thomp Isnao £j tu ll Australia hour day a man generally is A$k fol in an asylum being missed just Melbourne the eight Dp Ifottla n Footings CHEAT Md Should job not get one of the largestamounts you hare 1J0 ehanoos furoneof tbo smaller auma Competitora must send 30 itcotn OU in parinent for tho Ihimuey Corner six months H life that by ier When ing at me eyes Bor® Kffli Di iigirlaia with E0 really good genuine aic mad my afterwards thelior-tble await to has time to arrived The roging still a fearful return attracted from me will the laughter would ring and I would start my brain to find myself alono up upon of her like a murks appear alphabet When this dis forebodings threw myself upon tho floor nnd tried Vain the figure endeavor to sleep often fatigue hnunted nnd me ns sleep overpowered and seemed me he keeper flames of I 1 learned in strength returned from had escaped nnd neighborhood ing so celebration desperate by the terrors of Made I night nnd of niy loneliness the struck match nnd rushed forward a deserted slowly me I that into face the the ing tears in fflictert sol next In $1 DEALERS STONE m — O F fairte $300 CASK be dlslribuid auiuuK Ute Ural 1 perwo who retura ibW showing by plain ink Uuei howto mi'll tho window la tbo ecnier line without eroulag a black 1 he llrat pvrtoa allowing the cor t 05 toot way to enter will twite 410 the the second $5 the third cab will epidemic table knife grinders 450 OFFICE THE Pruouists and Dealers A V0GELER C0 Baltimore tea clothes by not save your ulng the best puiest most economical soap Dobbins’ It Electilc Made since 18ti4 Try ever onee Your grocer keeps It you will ute It alwats Dobbios Look for the name or will get It Generally and ALOW QUARRIES ARCH LVON8 COIOKADO OU re she and For Throat Diseases Troches Brown's Buonchial effort room the At that no BALSAM PROPRIETORS CLARK M THE CHARLES Why work was returned bed a while II good o'clock 5 DIMENSION Suffered 4 Day severely 4626 Penna Ave Pittsburg Pa Feb 181889 1 sutlered very severe pains fr m neuralgia for four daa but u a euitd bv M Jacobs OiL Mrs JOHN KLLTTLE as caus Contains I advico her It BOcts ' it seized one grog” in Relief of equally 25cts CURBING Tiret Application Boouville Mo Dec 28 1885 I suffered droudlutly with neuralgic pain hit In head h atucted face and ejt could obtaiued liihuuitaucous not attend work relief lrurn first application of St Jacobs Oil paper the thanks LUNG Flagging NEUltALGIA tho Irritation and Druggists by I two of this spreading THE KI'JIQALL RED SANDSTONE hut corn a value great form any Sold Price PERMANENTLY James St — In nnd window another form pretty gentle from when thunder but with upon own A poor bolt standing up wall the opposite against saw lying and it he the nt o’clock “3 a lasts If icn'i my The more consciousness guests Welsh I still in sunie instant him iSoine the is The ceil which the hovel boasted and the rain ing was broke away oured in upon the rotting floor and eat the broken window fearful and Nothing more more wild Yes shriek has by to So firm Is hor faith decided her to replace curing v take his upon several of bottle mak the Bronchial tha ALLEY'S who of attending rapidly so WHOLESALE pro escaped affliction California In found Cough Expectoration in I3 many w avs the shoe red are is CURES olll ac to out man a JJIJACOBSOU a spirit course the of reader she has acting to There are only the United Btate that superhuman fearful a leaped luck a my rooms two sults and Induced has take with to she friends but that up believes which to struggled struggled nnd shot Inst one Flics life Once seemed lungh she lady say that unlvereal nigh host Tha other tho In A to well the uttered desolate soak poured down crashed thunder me to the skin galloped as if for my poor horse of light of heart’s Using all my strength I forced him at the instant past it nnd same low there sounded ear a upon my peculiar in its burst of laughter so to send icy tone as an shudder A something that through me was in it It not human sounded was fiendish— devilish Conquering my blacker A was foot to fork knew no When thought upon lonely situa my own of this feeling seemed tion Something Into horse for as we to enter my neared the rock shouded in darkness lie I more lowed drop of rain thickened thedarkness and at the same instant through the gloom loomed up the outlines of the in the huge bowlder which a turn rond had before hidden from my sight shiver wrltos nearly burst my heart but in vain Just my body new sound caught ear my with mo unutterable dread filling man me on splashed big a once until “grogs” afternoon room still There the best is lately the Gaulols begin the (lay with of to one think and three or the be of rum a thimbleful or cording tastes to thoir come seemed Slowly life and to to Opium upon Coughs Bronchitis and all and Lungs Throat been quiets Free whskers gloss workers Bay muihiiie ia uot a success ing of bellove influenza It ing effect tho of hod It curing tha new epidemic I European bottle a tell of green Iustant doctors reglmou against clal medical oracle advised its readers through then a I spurred I by went began I myself Making The face my This $2000000 up for sky had memory through office eyes aloud voice own phylactic for flip for They bos rents that V an ai Grip Sriiir and tha Furls of tful dinioultieis clothes In ready-made wears dream it Star at 25 a but use druggists I j stimulating had the maniac set fire to his face grin hovel And now saw the ning at me through window black was growing the wind was howling nnd rumbling distant thunder was in the air It had which come— the storm my on W W Sometime! cenerally the in inquiries make to hint find interested half time left hope ffiugi-tr who man mU-fl spit Of BALSAM has such a magical Hoarseness Colds We have used unir Allen’s Lung Balsam In itb My nife our family gicat satisfaction Would have died believe witb Consumption had it not been for the use of take pleasure in reeoinineudiug it— (B M Suixxek Lock Icven a) beautifully fame Mow and Remedy INFLUENZA or LUNG Appreciated beauti children deformed wrote is a of Warner seeretnry and auditor York and Ohio Fennsr hauls New Many I blue before was lie not was true smile its rose the vivid so her I cereals of say sufficiently any oneVal'ev Grand next my Your W J Grand to Becrataryof has can ever have only I in crops something to vegetables Trade fact so it for irrigation fruit of indebted even and illumined this valley overlook water in more Whilst have and eyes spoke with hair glance not to brain dared the refuse still his nil by feeling the prayed had the life of hawk nnd Catarih Sage’s To valued came and Don’t Dr eoughn ami Incipient consumption cured by Dr hull'! Cough Syrup a remedy of flftv years’ lundlng and used all knonii Do vourself the favor to over the world It a will trial You he amply repaid give hoped the madman the draw noose so relaxed when my once tlmt writhed along bright und gone entirely life might be saved of her figure shrieking is purposes be used spoken will shipping is lie day the welcomed it and turning I horse loose outside pussed A tho inner lightning room miles hundred neater to than to California over dollars of fruit per worth million Ther circular Mlaaanrt Btasa W lihf Ik Lai Mo WWI impres help must possesses of an abundance on WANTED AGENTS the PENSIONS AND and cleared on ten acres set this Valley without the I RAGFi£LorrgAfflnArfiA HINTAKiAU) must sick me waving flush seven Valley There U valley with dainty about yeais clim of the in dol several create California to-day annum C increase hundred of be hundred five this hired of ten J will inducements are not and especially to the robust whoars situated in countries can be fruit in money in Grand JOSEPH the cyclones that are subject to blizzards or extremes of heat or cold for beside the advantageof climate offered more county iltsa way to I how when came sweet my standing see her ready to porch vine-covered and equal sion held out to those as ’ENSIGNS they account said per fruit the of rode longed I backward At first I would hours joyful marked man con duties Colds of death would free I lie of human pistol a of me and number coieh Thomas once hud me lie fiossessed with some new plan nnd with le drew off the rope coming some whom seemed I her ing dollars will heart torrents than on many expense and three hundred twenty acie farms invested in stock ‘with a large capital Nor is there danget and implements of the fruit industry being over-done fftlEHD If fon pernios delay claim in into their pay between crops years paradise not that pa) J F PMITH “Bile Beans" of the dollars out of still ooked tance at best at two were before me and ns lost in thoughts was from down upon breathed again to In sale the dead maniac’s glared I family four-ln-hand For rope slowly was the breath would Suddenly sounds issue to the ns effective most filace enfeebled Photo-gravure for as bought thirty-five three have I become SIZE (40 little beans to the bot suit all the most convenient ages site Uocenu per bottle are set per acre the rate at be hundred one be lars per acre peryear whilst thereafter on ate 8MALL the of BEANS value four thou to still other four dollars has twenty one thousand has now an he three about and made m and land from to at and rows worth his year isolated case What done surelyany one and a small energy best fruit lands The man reasonable capital from His and his hun hundred one acre an has old from three and value per dollars acre acre of gathered he about acre per acre income old were the results: they the m per Eer acre y planting To to per dollars with appl of ten a hundred about dollars assured fruit are trees seven per dollars this until trees fifty rias: rant the age tract was time he has 5-year-old dollars five cun particle Is Price 60 otvn whole Here three-year-olds CREAM one observa that taken and care of plantingother crops trees four-year-old CATARRH ble SO ets his dred wiu occupa As an over ngninst and ears the pressure relaxed nnd tight invention and throat to land my sudden drew the How dark superstitious the as the my the reported the A called cite will into his yield to sold and rouble in I a in rock deter assembled of villagers were and ringing merely as slight offer health to nty here by wife his between enough Price Catarrh Save Money Tine Pain this paradise outdoor competence himself invalid his From tv ill in diseases fact tales the of not departure treated I over invalid veritable a year until During planted YOilL Small by year LIVER Thej the Bowels NEW Dote and other efforts put first storm my settingout about two acres increasing year and so on tract acre the regulate Purely Vegetable Price 2ft Cents CASTES his own by ta TOKPID disease every chronic prove in paralytic wife with only a few dollars capital to start with and not even a horse to aid him has tress from0jji6piIn digestion and TneHearU A bating peifart rem edy for DizanflM Nausea Drowsiness Bad Tan the Mouth Coated ut Tongue not the and a sure tion of this evidence instance brought tion One citizen sixty years with a I’ll! violent sound of my nnd looking saw that the country the con entered upon Notonly doesthe but a congenial easy NX lord’s my phrophecy went could those of peo ghosts onward rash witness I and lie How through lpgends villuge spurred forebodings I For region FoaitUHvnirvd - will me Tiie equals right the tighter the and GRIPPE ALLEN’S 1 other his Kavanagh large stand und To piomntly relieve snff permanently cure Rheumutish or neuralgia uo Salvation Oil madman! me ex face and chuckling my again drew exulting to noose watch my face purple and my eyes protrude Twenty times with a he maniac’s cunning restored my and breath prolonged my torture he nnd chuckled to muttered his himself wagging fiendish head and oh! my God how when I strug wrestling gled to get free in agony ho with death and torture uttered bis insane exulting lnuglil should ride nnd moment absolutely was tlmt of meicv Tighter I Mr that houso favnr considerable and acquired amateur artist — Moutretl tho dark aid must travellers I welcome a I departed on to of no that it over the in hopeof spirits I fruitless of from valley which thi of value with the that rule whom wore any way none well His physical defects to sup were that lie rode fearlessly drove plemented a that of U'm of an placed he the his attention popular a an old wealthy ful wife and a with laugh realized I pression it purposo must pass I rock passes pled with light it has situated the CO and nnd my that My scientious gibbering nnd address In empty to the to extendedto were face Intelligence noble whoso rope and arms entertaining spoke ocept!on made was courtesies his of and never must ing him strong a An made member chuckles of deprived was and members neck overcame nnd hung from benches with und Godtliengony spared hud murders which me thought There California from be appreciated can sumptive who has SUSHKEADAGIIE - supply and not tho oiatnr dis creature coil noose a my more rond which head blood-curdling about steadily features his ac me his when the tlmt things of it been desolate and frightful on require apples When fruit of pro who accept SYRUP tree California suffering FIG CALIFORNIA and importance country of to lonely the alone it wus dissuade Even the by the haunted be last this quantity who substitute any gathered that its the fruit-growing drug druggist it receive count and of tried oftlie from lmd fast the a had lie LA to the 6ound of humanity’s wails! Millions of people with ache and with alls lleudttihes am! mimors a mcroilc Hood Weakness of luncs and disorders of blood there’s helper that certainly Yet a saves Thousands of people fom premature graves The rcmeilr is l)r Tierce's Dolden Medical It PImovciv relieves asthma cures coughs bromhits cheeks pminca the blood heals eruptions and unsightly pimples and Is sores all ills without rival for the that spring n from a disordeie liver All druggists Hark! morn ture legs upon until my faeo grew black from suffo nnd and cation eyes my tongue from started my head Consciousness wqh almost gono evening I vain In it nnd forth rose drew arranged other instant same me leers like horse my where creature effort the when tho on inn lrantie nt in Ter struggled I lie to same mine I ITIaii than than the remarkable man late MucMiirrough of Carlow Kavanagh Iielmd sat was in many respects never in the house of Although na commons A the torted eves struggled vainly I rolled ns strove but the shriek to sound came not n the only result of faint gurgle was be precious the of that R$mrlall A the shone now arms nnd legs were cunning smile sitme face nnd the leering my the bound Nodding a to clmnce a very out the of enemy abund budded five-year-old destitute most it in sale leading yield kinds were the door from and grapes raisin varieties lbs to started I lm unted that in remembered an area of coun miles try 700 to 1200 immediately rich in though surrounding Colorado minerals precious and settled by pros with the ex yet perous communities of few localities of limited ception a territory is al vast area this whole com when which is known hand on promptly to for all reliable Any not cure wishes is bottles by gists may remedy magnificent of all doubled even its made those 300 Fall substances have cli for me but me nnd be agent was o’clock 0 was ignorant that cherries and berries of antly From trees peach the most qualities and all popular $1 from only agreeable to in valley Grand especially in prompt beneficial excellent most and truly prepared many mend stomach the of and plums pears ever pro taste and ac the to and healthy acta kind its the to action its of pleasing ceptable and cures habitual of Figs is the and Syrun remedy duced pleasant the Kidneys on cleanses the sys dispels colds head constipation only is Bowels and aches it taste a Valley possesses of greater sources wealth and happi ness than the rich mineral camps im it Peaches mediately surrounding when It until soil the mate promptly effectually tem results as unknown were the crops of the did it dawn harvested fact not year were the residents upon in ONI5 possibilities country in and its years see which dry having and of neither extremes heat or cold and is free from blizzards hailstorms or cyclones In short it is all that could I and believe without be desired a single within tho drawback Until past to few the by and myself free to beheld I expression above pur me I 4500 until occupied was Indians its B beyond At my business— which home from Alice turn of rified my which Alice — obliged horrors level sea Its this twenty my house nwuy my mentioned miles travelling of could altitude ago olten As ife t sweet for the from midnight wonderful Grande Bio average above lied to busi horse n me was prosperous letter the happened fruit of hire one’s and vegetation is situated in The Grand Valley the line of the Western Colorado on ductions to day’s my therein away and of the admiration fast its with Jack landlord to cultivation fade rapt soil with over the have that farms the stopping means looks one impressions becomes by not I hnstouod the con genial to the invalid and unpleasant to the even it heart this sent tlmt of some thirty the city of Grand Junction (the county did not at the seat of Mesa county) first glance favorably impress me is and particularly dry The climate being the bracing nearest approach perpetual found to sunshine on this snd whilst climate of this continent a kind ness trot of town miles West to despntoed nnd Mesa the from Having it of of confines to-mirht pose ol separated col portion that or the within i riding Farmer Valley I Straining open my eyes which light of the moon tho through window man's face bonding over I furnishing through I'K— nil! try nnd Ha with My HuKincM tnkm to n mi m nil about from town twenty mile n onr coiiM not lnr He so to 'iniixff nut) nenr it looking into ami limit awaet eve your iini mg you wiy tlmt you nre true to me no e'mll mle nfti! (lod over in the nlternoon lulling nliall hold you in my nrniN Own Jack Your Ai tcj-isiuht time past I noticed in the have leading papers of this State and more Dailie of Den especially m the great glowingeditorials and correspond ver of theGrandValley ent’s descriptions Thinking there might be something in that section which would be of inter est to your readers your correspond there ent made a trip over withaview prolific Some Colo Oranqi My Pnrio Ftf Rome he change llealtli Junction Grand fruit length In Well Remarkable Fruit Region as for lurposoa Agricultural street hold State that representative Timet that ah to at Mr on day ant' H Louisiana irat reticent the affair gentleman 83 fortunate so ticket in A No of to XIG1IT THIMBLE A 4 Hblt sVi K Omaha j”4 ' (ep'ieu Til only 'r frj nr- -i ' -J JZ : PlU C p ’ |