Show u l- 3ss 9 xTATimrY5KrT'wvsTssKswTtswtss£’a'3''aMS5 9 IE r VOL HI It As our ested as jrata( KV£RT WkbkklUT GKOPGE XT HALES Main — Street half Fullic oj wedding Bloch but decided reach this for the great event likely will we will TERMS Dollars Two of Rake SUBSCRIPTION OP in election of CALL USEFUL villages 4l to young idleness in aim aged of better the spent in said learn have case are brought calling or tute is to tice There one life to which apply back on he ents them in The 3 shall act furnishing or the upon more to The be the the society of to on fined of prescription stood 9 Benner only Not Vj! tr-1 horma of one since long nf w their thfl ' - -held or owners People passing ed to turn out foot on in their streets The nearly Ac of venience are we sale sound ies ble nuisance may ceived Many these to ng the observ average dressed by uite sure ly both week selling minors the the head Will that expressing in tection may youths to ing from be our this growing It following in some parties “Some people fits ley: that if this therefore such held but cases and of that one the unfriendly grudge Ensign the our lovely val- the idea have his cr an is is one writer paper or must have kind- some it that a It held in will aaow has storm litd an t I !£ boy is of to no and is of a A reaching A of a be and majority are wider apt They emphatical their unprecedented recently to are the up the iu idea it will anc not wea any as and the ‘ is - was East king boys or eaclj The a it You are Has but tho angles at $500 value of the iu diamonds in 000: the flour - L3 Department the is Dr house If that holds Chest or at lot vies of Lounges Sett fe c Ktc VOUBSEt-TE h'Oj j go-op " T - f a secure give and once It Ch fine a have you trouble with elsiuore King’s after stookoJ it e t dealers in i 1 a fair a 1 is guaranteed every time Trial refunded bottles t Carry ohoioe a aad 5 complete They still do for NEW nttnlned and low will ihe GOODS THE maintain prices of their fair and WOMIiYG a UEECH4BIIISING IN ARRIVING JIIB1V8 All delis ng reputation dealing CONSTANTLY bTOflU— VARIOUS twelve an Vim $50 JWe diamonds smaller eighteen of top on $50000 delis Arriving assortment "EXAMINE rail SOLD QB13AP the mon diamonds twelve $-500 flour Richfield aicrelianaioo !Parlor GRt-IN of one it trial and °r dia dimonds each having crosses large a Etc you because about a If are Dining a standard of axoellenoe which admits of no superior It contains every improvement that inven tive genius skill and money oaa produce of “twenty-live or 't GO-OP Furniture may who experience it is you thing given and COTTAGE ORGAN set smaller large four hand od 1- friends CHICAGO ' diamonds making vuloo C Bank Constantly hay General II many friends money any' each the the is head-band at We fat insignias $10000 rule our v and after the thing a tried kept fifty-four comifewea in losses hills diamonds the 500 of head weather ksep Lower hand on than heavy region house any supplyjof) good a the in county snow that chemists very similar the same cally the the that iias wiped weather grass short very that be may when practi thing deep cal and product and infor sections Borne for merely the — Territory our In conflicting loss is said while losses be above the not in others discouraging very whole a some to are the we feel safe of the out tion Takoo or saying and sheep when boys this they influence ment Coon j among first to cle diet m and with work tnm igsaey interest scientific world this trial ICUB Of York being not only RPai nUW 41 Wmm It Importers ! 1 but by the HI SSH4 GolSWticN QIO in the world P timekeeper Hemmed be 7 mud oold bonllBf ease iBotk todiee' end feme stem witk works end eeeee ei rqmal viee 0s rskeos la The May lofetkor with oer ierpe r vaiinbie lino of H ensekeld Tkeee aeapieeM weU All the w wetek nr free yem we send pen te thorn who eeU e wbnl Cuts Best Arnica Salve Bruises and eaajr terms Starkey A and Pales have the llbarty renewing named Save tried their Ireataafit Rerona Oongreaa Fblla oiiWm D Kelley Uembtro Rev Victor L Conrad Editor Lutbern Obeer ver Philadelphia T Rev Cbaa W Cushing D D Rochester)! 'eeentCOtO Hon Win P Nixon editor Xu tar111 KO H worthbijtoL ditar Neu BlfmSouth frROVO re£r to the weil-fcuows who W INVITED VISITORS WELCOME CITY UTAR C tl 1 Via lnham Vroom11 H P Mary '1 Kaa Qunemo Llrermor keltro Moro rertuu MW York Cite Knight Clillwiol bio Philadelphia MrFrnk8lddil MeKhaut Hoa Schojlr Koelon Pa 813 Broadway Edward LWUron NY III Ibl adBlphla Photo Fidelia L Lyon Wolmro Hawaii SndwloA lnlandr Alnxander Rihl Invru t Sootland M rk MmwI T Oittgt fmullioZaoaiMlfn Emm Croper Utlila Spauiab Mr uouduren Judge Mrk Judge E Mr t R C I V WW of Is th oldwi and mtwt popular 016011110 tn4 mochftoleftl paper published end ha (b lrvt circulation of any paper of Me daw tn tb world Vully illustrated Beat cine ef Wood Entrav weekly Send for tclrua In Published Price $3 Pour months’ trUl II yr 861 fcY Bfoedw? A COm PUBU6BB1UK a m£W J Cobb M Ex-Vi dihorook V a ARCHITECTS M weii Edition ef Scientific 1 BUILDER Americas w taaue eontetnt eolored A ffreet aueeeee Hthotirapluo pioiee of eouotrf end el ra1do bundle Numerous enffraviniri ee or publi full pika end MHMHIicAtluDi for the Me of but dine Price pLfiO contemplate year fctopjr MUNN 4 CO Oonaul Oaroblai0 llorroeo Had Fluff Cal Blaudlord Dorrot Poliru MsrSulugln—t rhlro J-mro the Salve the in Sores I world for Jacob War Bowral Aotl tbouaDd th United Stntea New ol South otbrn WalM la (very unit r Salt Ulcers Piles It is satirfaction is Price e by all no guaranteed During per or 25 cents or to pay give mouey per Druggists box Oxrorn— Arvion brnbar pafn pukllhd by Dru whlrbrlvro Ualitnqulrlfr full Information to tbia ramorkabl uu It rat axent and a rroord or anv-al bnndrd aurprlsliHC of enmloi wide rang hroDl oaos— many of lhnv after belux aban- oand by other pbyaloiana tod Will be malrd free to any addraro o applloatioa Bead It A m KonsrtT” two tb Won prn mie of hundred a or new I brochure DR TRADE required ' jierfect In ww Olt!' sale v7 mtriinmdJikviCUPrsSrnttl’S grit any 25a (pa iUg ituffc vow mark i not npplr In pnlctlim COPYRICHTS HUNK Soial Orritii roA rroltrm) In nd pro our Ml'NH A Co Hood for iirodbouk book hnrU for Addre qulukiy procured dc 1’aoul CO Sollolln Wit UumedUtl refunded For Oourovm ef I1' a Fever Soros Tetter Chap ped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures I W Box piee the tiro Rheum prelimi- vi Punch I Pucklen'k the to I i ever speech ' Pro pttUad'A i' CORRESPONDENCE saic is Breeders “ day as aid KnxlUh Shire nd Clevaiao Bay Horro Shetland Pouea Short Horn and Holleiu Cattle of the milk aid butter boted atralufor Stock Always for role at bottom prloMe indue work! Strww Compound Bra Sufiolk watched by rob Oxygeu Treatment 1&8 Arch Bt&rkey and alenNo street Phil delphla haye been u Inu for the leal seven teen years In a acientitio adjustment of the elements of Ox ea and Nitrogen magnitixxo aad the compound la n condereed aud imo portable that it ia aeot all over lha world UT1U miitMjfitteiat OUI pro distant no commercial and Ses to o making is SQUARE & kinds M twatch discoverers at sugar their VAIII ANISTITI to anchor of OF I single new which must The EAST ) id i(NiiMhMMM in the sanguine are R Etc 4The -Glycerine as AKD WAH Etcr For Contwmptlon Attitma Boncbtu uvspfrptil Cttarrh Hay rover Headache RheumaDebility Neuralgia and all Chrono tlm and harvout Lie order Worth sweet “acrose” of acrose perfect any in speaking whispers On facta method of treat new has been advocated bv Dr which ia as follows: In the ten days speaking is prohibit fellows having immense ed an This will' allow rest influence for good and they voice aud constitutes the are loved and respected because of the of treatmenh nary state simple fact of living the d truth— the next ten days speaking Childs Paper tl in the missble whispering of M&ETI BLOCK Street all of Stamps TR1TNI not either Warren lew TOWN duct called and not with be confounded saccharine which is not a sugar aud can never take the place of sugar arti as an in Stammerers impediment light Oils AHicsiLisBXLf-naiiariciLSJiiJ one optically 40 left is — show the WISE world furniahed at publifh (Sendsump) ids book wanted A H T Press grotty iS Warren BU Rubber product a HALF- LOW PRICES QUICKTIME or does rotuto Paints & IT ILL the is investigations many recent so the starting point in the prepara be to not EUIES IT PAY! TO ILLU8TRATC YOUR BU8INE88 Portraits audeutaof colleges hotels factories machinery &c made to order from photo graphs geud stamp for specimen sheets ItetvopolltAftPrMi Agsnoy GOOD WORK chemi it GROG Name WHstmpolltui ulti like new is that range cattle during the present winter will be greater than for many years past Utah Agriculturist Advice that will right tlie reports sections price qualities PHOTO-ENGRAVING only natural it polarized of beam ' this the is it active in otherwise from that just is and its toward applied There is sugar - From taken wanting differ in had although in Any practical steps yeast dinary Our WANTbook A yot many por cold them of Republic The however hard at work produce artificial sugar for 01 ORGAN BOOK? YOU DO mate success Fisher LasTsucceed Herr Einill ed iu obtaining true which sugar will undergo alcoholic fermentation afraid is snow intensely states feeding The De properties aud kind all a Louis scale Fbm CHICAGO purposes been real zed consid has been advancement made not erable infor are great' a will out to aud sugar Of 100ZS their are large a ou largo very best we State St Germans tryiug to iu good ORCEAH COTTAGE substance aud having a sweetening the says rags end MAKS applloutkm on HICAG9 known produce' can Clothing Cheap MATERIAL BEST THIS STOOLS PIANOS generally from laboratory of much the in pretty Ready-made societies eta lodges POPULAR Catalogue production region from mt included provided is churches COKBIH1D least at Sugar Chemical those to Co’orado that be all and of market jeweler’s metal schools ESTABLISHED REPUTATION USEqUALEU FACILITIES SKILLED WORKMEN $15000 would world $600000 about value mouey any homes of the plaiD open of total in the $15 cross pearls upper head-piece the relic his It River of The in cov most The confined rim each grass in circles two the loss sustain feed obtainable industry of tion no there And their others ey winter an stock the be Christian deeper than think in bottle occasions centre of Discovery ever Limg begin with diamonds around at Good8 never used it and should be afflict ed with a cough cold or any Throat costly larfe valued is killed shot personal staunch place To twenty are circlet cr monds com shall word noble most extra the years may The Medical Journal gives possess noble character advice to stammerers: as “It live that and may so speak rarely stammerers if there state ou $20000 more dimonds placed but the the will Green in boy truthful in the that boy He the truth that discount on his such of star a from sufficiently the losses in indeed In Nevada as the delusion get manly like exceedingly about be not the mation the consequence character man is 1 ) it Character greatest shine much ly" Texas microbes a munity that stupid should the very life are opinion and for that the noticed personal is the is world writer or newspaper ex opinions opposed to those a presses held by of from In quick possibility Boy two each outlook fallen average look is evil The there to the two wiuter or on in rightly range The poor condition re perfectly cent heavy storms are likely to make disinfecting some when rightly applied all ag even under old Tower and the NeW Discovery one good ever New regalia exsiteuce in now at the of one Washing the was In Western the stock went wound suffer from of effects which agent precludes troublesome pro around them keep the that thrown incorporated mo so worth $7500 or $150000for the Besides these twenty there ago have hard dressings mant physicians there is cattle by used now only worn Siock Platte will them to it join will hope “Lot be crown royal lonatmonoy down pay hunt your it about talk be from je Crown Victoria’s guard ! forbid band scarce how his business understands In the with the times will it is surgeon says to the dressing alone a can had heard h08"' wonderful laW8 whenoiee 8eeiAour Victoria’s other stong the or and if the very heavily lard weather holds out must we to hear of great losses expect ias he week” md in a come the need feel uneasiness no ap parent indifference and neglect ia that simply evidence the operator to with Seattle Press — region have who hand days ton or New have how i u- secure a mors wealth? of Queen if be to surprising if of now likely So the lossos old-fashioned inside week a is patient and form law? We hope become and believe every parent it of some forced ranchmen the he cut mple a The just expect we not tho and RICHFIELD hua ““them m exciting know ind‘vldlia may for profits SARD WARE & 1 catt and trial discover great ered with snow and but has been very cold by of the the si but and tobacco any that Under a Queen Jowever this section is to a great extent a brush country where the live wash stock can rustle and through that be things storms would death to worst the healed heals of and age years thereof by all use under persons restricting of do in well fact 18 under prevent last in narcotics other day one for giving and which and houses that is during legislature have must of by reason of a shortage The Bear River country is lay injured and ever he remove of — one three weeks treated it is intro measures session present passed to best the into duced the the of One to so panther of is ds and V that Shoes & te a °mof what bed It neglect ntl7 ln08 long inhab what straits are stock North j’ora under of principles In an large fnnmbw &j50d)boW m wordtTO4h& 0j to as gregation ix the point the to-day treatment — u has an A W damp murder Housekeeper "T Boots get- work x°oa elements of oA Even and Perl Je-GW euici of $36250 other coant institutions dified in feed But It the time been to If to-morrow can to surgeon unless plainly a do to (hat But geueral sort induced simply treatment he lake for range into forward interest needs the wound the mountains lake? short out have any recent from the be can wound City the of to it little who on ages relat strictly be same all parts in ed attended that of men hope ordinances the the We be will and of the air been brought chemicals be stand condition bad a of has certain cn re some repaired be matters once injuries crossings in of is been recog For a time it that they alone was believed were of capable producing supuration that but theory was disputed and evidence to show un shape the over dark the are should and in for the of sects water at in into City stumbling things these removed are Ny cold a CO in microbes as lathe 1 ih? Western Colorado Wyoming Utah contained in the $10000 sameand Nevada they will be heavy and rubies pearls diamonds upon The country north and east of arches and circlets not mentioned is deeply covered with before also forty-one Rawlins $50000: Tbme exoeHent Organs are celebrated for vol variety quality of tone quick response in formed snow but there were few cattle in small diamonds roses ume artisticdesign beauty finish of combination that region and these have drifted making them the most and $25000: twenly perfect construction monograms for ornamental and desirable attractive organs loss that with small Herds un relics It in surgeon shut out the fact having the nized theory and of and changed an the all Pr°vlJe and aggregate1 to toI?kr°!1ni8ud This -many pus common needesa !° " beat- dead 1s $500000 over to ± for than be greater past but will not be so great predicted a short time age the of the Rocky Mountains comparatively light will be passed healed were now to same as unless damages by go cut each accumulation and these weeks the wound of intolera difficulty for to is of effort en manner an the bring necessary suits and be to becoming is yet change? scars th olhe Without' clouot cneering more the losses in sheep and cattle will conse inflamed or often in & 17 sleep sheets cold weather warm family of tha-nroBnnM-miutV cus- in there persons - bine in this Western country the recent moderation in the ther has mode abso The that great the the Kanje on affected wounds simple a all But When When matters these are great present The allowing incon sightly of ofwealth are - the support flowing from explorers of dressing loss and leaving streams points to store ton’s W) cure a all more before passing a were the four mountains ocean There in for an more whom possess waUb amounting itauta al between the chilling es tbeir 1IM Store room under Main street it aud °°“8 v ?eod ‘ Care- or 31000 worth ia 000 being the considered to was formed certain plac ordinances City are our forced? they people have to wagons covering the the to essetial quence plows are and left there cattle loose streetsin sidewalksjand es of time all the machinery - full are then was lute i i all drain the this the to a? the theTr worth show of o outlet and all the somewhere as an the streams pouring from mount outward slopes ains rise in their it must have a subterranean outlet the bathe the and parts in castile water soap in that Cleanliness secured way what journey all is leys ‘ interior drains Wounds was day every same and oblig street ’k to of great this favor it ago remove fence were the into continue to the to country of I - slopes a made Olsen in years b streets tied whom opponents few A of least accepted this to at as exist not generally most appears that streams fifteen aidflWftlk ever estimates the in 2 to and Tretment counted we nn main our order Ordinances the did it m regard consisted A Enforce has man no that ful °ld Good Small wisdom guest but the penalty suffer Besr hopless with learn lull a has of on Carry Goods GROCERIES homo room go people the IGOO was will "S1® there the “spare till aired cans landlords m PETERSON Dry ap boils thousands ?fen ! whom c°ld and United $5000000 tlwn resides rtIU than-1 ag0 loss of penl th the worth not are 8 Un-! several in n‘J ia entire yean man each parsons much as to but are was there now in known one who States without becoming there the But only the in Fortytwo but that existed country presence white men fact regular a there' wore Q con- and men mvara to their trouble h ? and tl16 rifik of afc ev would that peril a per sleeping iey having their on slaughter Sixty three or Now is physician vote bill have mountain appearing shut in by in use narcotic any could dried than it ago ion mo ?nd its con of the less was at nresant SoOioOofoOOOOO r other provisions apply not dared insist To- 000- millionaires f0Ur which improbable is the mountain tops flowing towards the tobacco be people from traveling any than twenty-five more practicing positions in Sec the little a ornaments useful come sons not States 000 year9 wa8 tribes it it say tribe hly States yourself unlaw and shall thereof United 000 iLi JM could persons become or W1H8 yar0 the neighbors dollars any or form any and United 12000000 is or dollars or the "MjW I860 of they beds or cold be astonishing besets You dollars par Btudy to opium in any sum hav think any viction in their we well their put and for cigar coast tribe a eighteen under this Territory to ner cigarette form of upon con be Sued in shall in age narcotic men might the and make And do of future in young it would the callings many or to minor any years use any become will for of con and of there a in number wefe country we k tbat it great va stretching from the inward slopes of the mountians to a great centad The bmm th7 age guilty be traditions fierce a the The mheory the give less than ten any sum not than hundred one more nor 2 be Sec That it shall ful a and misdmeanor a prac in is by sell shall Territory viction trade a shall who in 1 by the certained Governor enacted it Be person this of desti by pass Legislature ' trade A L shut their Though their been and Legislative Assembly of Territory Utah That the in who useful better in been in men tramp a our all the of such furnish any cigar cigarette or in opium bacco form or any form to other narcotic in any of under eighteen minor speculations” themselves world ing so position are of them fall without that are Section sons would great become chances ted inhabited for it 11- the to day to?uendS“hBV6v?Verpenei‘ signature: Governor they qualified any Bi the of sent been his for any have no man fill to dition to not is those none bill has Houses has and in with many young very young and who of The occupation in up 6000 or 8000 feet unexplored area vast Oh! Cigarette following ed both be credited to number The do could had as failed they Mormon— this of consisted the Lake the It ?ta“tly 165000 of operate miles railroad and population has our de Fuca increased to 60000000 Sixty Ocean in the aggregate wealth of ago years the east Quinault of greater was in But these king" a The how feel they trade a be of basin damp probably railroads ago in population coun miles of in canal of die who Then timatedat sympa “In Homan a Hood’s foot course no fact a the lest How would would something to' be other could time I I to days ia of have and World west cor no time kill is “If Priam old street useful some Webster Daniel having to their if folks be than in time on they world to York the employed” Sixty years unknown 26 statistics trustworthy had palling level within ten or try Straits of the San Juan in the north the Pacific City If be in These fifteen Lake Mormons the from next every year manently diseased the the Indian- or rise of by fif of positive residents trodden white mountains this good more Salt old been man in who men apparently than of crowds their- standing life much much all found with ners as be much fcpend and towns our middle are and days of of off us New the That thy” ING all see the the “For says law abiding nearly the Territory the to never of knowledge do we people on application In If has square than more go and Speaking furnished r SOME not is advance advertising ADOPT it time ElilitJUAEV conversa gradual'y and - NO the be Now Earesrrm-a vp JiL course the ordinary may ' ADVOCAr li1 UIA1I un interior Trsftf’V "!( " of days teen tional tone great the the in and Africa The shut in by country in the Olympus Mountains which cludes an area of about 2000 miles not in her like land known this railroad8 valley has Washington An have the Land to make we notify go we time to come i Mary if not Squre to we do noth intend that announcement yet Office SEVUSUCO Un Unknown inter we invitation derson’s be to Beetn whether to the aecept rUULlSuKD RICHPfr IU01LF1ELD friends j‘wtrpi-( J DTARKKT lrft ftf eiirn roiTedV Dr ” A " 'X ' ' U 'tl- |