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Show The Fanny rage Reality Check D Whomond \ L.\ : 5 -- Do ib from your own computer! Place Class Ads online and in bhe paper! Read by thousands! Bikes, garage sales, books, for renb, help wanted, services needed/services provided, EYE SPY!, cars, compufeers....Do ib all! A collection of student-produced A syndicatedTomics. wltyAjuy &Rodcl '**;;"" IT HAD TAKEN A TEAM OF ENGINEERS AT IBM OVER A DECADE AND HAD COST MORE THAN 5 0 MILLION DOLLARS, BUT THAT NIGHT, WHEN EAT-BOT FOOO FINALLY BROKE THE RECORD FOR HOT DOGS IN AN HOUR, IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. . . 24/7 www.ubahsbabesman. com/classifieds ^ guyandi-odd.com F-Mjnus/7bny Carillo Dilbert /Scott Adams KENNY'S DISCOUNT FOOD, WATER, BEDS, TOILETS, AND BOARD GAMES I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY TECHNICAL WRITERS GET PAID LE5S THAN ENGINEERS. HE S GOTTA COME IF YOU WERE CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THAT SORT OF THING, YOUt) BE AN ENGINEER AND YOUR THIS DRESS LOOKS TOOK LIKE A TUBE AN UGLY SOCK WITH TURN ASPIRATIONS. OUT OF THERE EVEKTUALLX RIGHT, CHIEF? Scootah Steve/Steve Weller srweiier@ccusu.edu Over the H e d g e / Fry & Lewis THE JUDGE RULED THAT [ SUITES AND HASHERPRYER m> LAPTOP m> FURNITURE M\!> FINE SILVER AND CHINA m> PAINTINGS AND APPLIANCES... Last Pitch\ Effort/John KrpeS kroes@lde-Qnline.com ...GHEPUYED RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS. BOTH POOOLZSU jorge@phdcomics-com OUT&tPE RESEARCH BE TUE 4OLE OF YOUR LIFE. I EXPECT VOU TO EAT, PRlWkC AMP £i.EEP RESEARCH veys. Jr. Network Engineer. The core responsibility of this position is to assist/builclrtnstalUmainiain wide area networks at an ISP level and all associated equipment at remole sites including routers, switches. & Wireless RF equipment. Experience & Abilities skills are a plus LINUX, Cisco, Routing, VPN. NAT. Support knowledge fof All Windows, Ability lo manage a project from start to finish. Ability to handle multiple (asks/projects simultaneously and complete tasks independently. Salaries are competitive and commensurale wilh experience along with outstanding benefits. P T now changes to F/T Summer. • Email Resume to mel@digis.nel People wanted to supervise mildly disabled, people with their daily living skills and in the community on company-paid activities such as movies, outdoor activities, bowling. Itshing. elc. Flex shifts. PT/FT in the Logan area. Apply at www.goctoysalis.com or call 435-753-6606 New Spring projects! Models, Actors. Extras. Promotional work. Earn S75-S800 daily. Free Seminars. No experience or school needed. 801-438-0067 801-433-0067 Ranch Hand Needed Help needed starling April 5. 2007. Fence Fixing, branding, and other ranch responsibilities. For info Call Sharell (2M35245-3138 Nannies Wanted. Excellent salaries, car, paid airfare & vacations, 800-549-2132, www. TSNnannie5.com AGSNEEDJ0BS.COM paid survey lakers needed in Logan. 100% FREE to join! Click on sur- Orphanage volunteers needed in Ecuador yearround. Supervised, sale, rewarding. Strict moral/ dress code. Contact Orphanage Support Services Organization {OSSO), www.orphanagesupport.org, (208) 359-1767. Summer Jobs Summer Sales Work with Preventive Pest Control and make a years worih of income in one summer! Various locations, including SLC! 435-7531534 Utah Conservation Corps. Now hiring summer crews lo work outside building trails & residing public lands, www.usu.edu/ucc Great Opportunity! Earn $25,000 or more this summer selling home security symlems. Call 435770-7864. For Sale Mobile Home for Sale 14 x 70 Fleetwood Broadmore Limited, 3 bedroom, 2 Bath, 980 sq ft. Vaulted ceilings, deck, large storage shed 24K 435-787-2588 Diamond ring solitaire, must sell, 1.01 d . Round brilliant G - SI 2 retail appraisal :$8.400. Your price S3970. Egl. cert, money back guarantee. LDS • ret. miss. Call Dan 801-755-6945. Bank foreclosures and fixers. Get a FREE LIST OF HOMES, visit www. CacheForectosures. com, @Home Realty Network Cars b Trucks 2001 Hyundai Elanlra GT. 73k miles, leather interior, sunrool. power locks/windows, keyless entry, alarm system, CO player, new brakes and tires. $7,000 obo. Call Kate 435-7701761. For Renb Couples • Tired of that liny basement apartment??? Try Btookiane Apartmenls tor the summer. Only lour payments of $435. Four spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms, new appliances. Internet, and great parking. See at 645 E. 900 N. or CALL NOW at 753-7227. ONLV TELL ME YOU'RE ABOUT <SETTIt4& VOUR PUP. t MEAN, WHAT COULD B E MORE THAN OUR RE&EARCU? MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY Female roomate wanted in 2 bdrm. house-garage, washer/dryer, backyard 250 mo.+150 deposit 595 E, 800 N. Call Ginger at 435-225-2769 Housesitter. Do you need temporary housing when semester ends? I need housesitler. Let's talk. 752-9533 Simple self sign-up. 12 X 11 storage unit $120 tor summer (4 month contract) or $35/monlh. Call 757-4745. 2 Bdrm /1.5 Bath Wash/Dryer included, Pets possible, Large yard. $500 a month, plus deposit. 435-760-2327 Marlon BRANDO GHOST RIDER THE ASTRONAUT (PCI 3) FARMER Dally 4:30. 7:00,9:15 (FC) Evwiingi 9 10 Frl. Sit, Mon Mar 12:00 and 2:15 Cobble Creek Apartments is accepting applications lor the 07-08 school year. Private and shared rooms are available. See our website at cobbleaeekapartments.com lor amenities and pricing. 435-753-6376. Male openings. Why wait lo sign up lor summer and school year housing? Great private rooms at Brooklane 645 E. 900 N, Call 753-7227. (PC13) Evenings 9:40 & THE LAST M I M Z Y <l>O BREACH Dnlty 5:00 and 7.15 Ffl, S i t . M o n M a i 12:40 and 2AS Richard HARRIS UTAH THEATRE NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM Cache Valley's Premier Classslc Theatre (PC) Dally 4:45, 7:30 Sat Mat 12:25, and 2:35 Friday & Saturday: 5:00 & 8:30 THE BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (PC) Dally 4:20, 6:45. and 9:00 Sal Mai 12:15, and 2:25 S5 Adults S3 Children 18 West Center Street, Logan X-Word Puzzler www.cambridgecourtnet Health Insurance www.janetanderson. mymedicalquotes.com 1 6 10 14 15 690 CANYON ROAD.TOGAN, UTAH 84321 PHONE: (435) 753-8288,760-5464 16 17 APARTMENTS 16 20 22 ACROSS Roll with a hole U-boats Salon goops More than chubby Chamber grouping Basic core Lip-Happing woman Whole lite, e.g. Unexpected success Window over a door 23 Take a breather 5 8 3 1 4 1 7 2 8 8 9 3 7 2 6 5 3 4 9 8 6 2 4 1 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. Statesman Sudoku puzzles will range from very easy to very difficult. Check them all out. 7 MOVIES 5 2450 N Main, North Logon REIGN OVER ME* (R) 4:15. 6:45. 9:15 Sat/Sun 1:45 BLADES OF GLORY v 313) 4:30. 6:55. 9:15 Sat/Sun 1 50" FIREHOUSE DOG ,l PGv 6:50. Sat/Sun 2:00 ' MEET THE ROBINSONS G 4:25. 7:05. 9:20, Sat/Sun 1:55 ( ) STADIUM 8 DISTURBIA(PG13) 535 W100 N, Providence 4:35. 7:00. 9:10, Sat/Sun 2:10 • PERFECT STRANGER(R) T M N T (PG) 1 1 5 . 4:10, 6:45. 9:00, Fri/Sat Mid. 4:35.9:10, - DISTURBIA(PGB) CACHE VALLEY 3 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:15 Fri/Sat Mid • GRINDHOUSE (R) 12:30,400,7:30, FrVSat 11:0O • B L A D E S O F GLORY*(PG13) 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05. 9:05, Fri/Sat Mid • W I L D H O G S (PG13) 12:45, 2:55, 5:05. 7:15. 9:25, Fri/Sat Mid. • MEET T H E ROBINSONS'(G) 12:30, 2:40,4:50,7:00,9:15. Fri/Sat Mid. • A R E W E D O N E Y E T ? (PG) 1:20, 3:20; 5:20; 7:20, 9;20 Fri/Sat Mid. • F I R E H O U S E D O G (PG) Answers are found at www.utahstatesman .com look for OPTIONS: Sudoku Answers! 1:15,4:10,6:45 • 3 0 0 (R) 9:10. Fri/Sat Mid. LOGAN ART CINEMA 795 N Main St. Logan MISS POTTER (PG) 7:00, 9:20, Sat/Sun 4:30 N Mam (Behind the Mali) • THE REAPING* (R) 7:10. 9:10 Sat/Sun 4:30 - AMAZING GRACE (PG) 6:55. 9:20,Sat/Sun 4:25 • SHOOTER (R) 6:50, 9:15, Sat/Sun 4:20 CINEMA 3 60W100N, Logan (Only S3. $2 Mai) PREMONITION (PG13) 7:00,9:00 Sat/Sun 4:35 ULTIMATE GIFT (PG) 6:50,9:05 Sat/Sun 4:30 LAST MIMZY (PG) 6:55,9:10 Sat/Sun 4:25 24 25 27 29 33 34 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 48 50 51 53 55 58 61 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 Called out Not bona fide Sing like Bing Guill pang Ten-gallon item Thrash Down in the dumps Flared dress Hairploco Computer data Fountain specials Skater's jump Vane dir. Hiking housing Hard, dark wood Potato buds Small atlas map Gasp Abjectly submissive Surface quality Held in reserve Sort of seal Plain stitch In excess ot Did survive Child's play Nautilus captain In a foxy fashion DOWN 1 Laddies 2 Biblical victim 3 Group of contemporaries 4 Think a lot ol 5 Sudden transitions 6 Bustle © 2007 Tribute Mttfa S«rvtc«i. Inc. All Hghls reserved. 7 Container with a lap 8 Continental cafe 9 Going otl 10 Daughter's boy 11 Billions of years 12 Nuts 13 Goblet pan 19 Dawn Chong 21 Engravo 24 Cockpit second 25 Mine passageway 26 Oscaf winnor Berry 28 Ruckus 30 In great confusion 31 Make smile 32 Memory units 34 Soggy 36 Taylor who played Cleo 38 Birth 40 Firearm 43 College term 45 Use the keyboard 4/13/07 Solutions 49 50 52 54 55 56 . Act properly Call for Nothing Skitters' jumps Rico wine Goddoss ol the moon 57 Enemy of the Allies 58 Beginner 59 Stagger 60 Small whirlpool 62 Dream sleep |