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Show Wedding m|o: Send the (jood JNews to o}}ice@staiesman.usii.eau Russell PerfonnaceHall 73ruttt/y i Saturday April 14th 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Celebration Center 1903 South 800 West Logan, UT Newlywed Game, Prizes, Vendors, Cake Dive, Fun! Sponsored by: 94.5 .98.3 to complete the As the entertainSteve Shinney love triangle, and ment editor here you've got yourat The Statesman, I self a recipe for spend a lot of time hilarity. paying attention to This is one of what's coming out those films like of Hollywood. Being "Oscar" or "Rat a movie freak from Race," where the the womb, this is a situations start dream come true. Movies for off crazy and U nfortu nately the Moment there are a series with the crap that itevi-ihinncyipcc.usii.edu of wacky coinciseems to keep popdences that begin ping out, I someto spiral out of times wonder what it is that makes me love film so control until they reach the point of sheer absurdity. much. If you're going to sit there The problem, as I see it, is often the best work to come and with every level of craziout of Tinseltown gets over- ness, analyze the chances of that actually happening, this looked. Here are a few picks that movie is not for you. However, if you're willing renew my obsession with the big screen and that I could to just sit back and enjoy the watch over and over. This is insanity, you'll enjoy every by no means a comprehen- minute of this ride. sive list, but it should give you enough to get through "MirrorMask" the weekend. A new film, this one came They're not the biggest out in 2005 and didn't really blockbusters Hollywood has create much of a buzz. I ever produced, but that's rented the DVD on a whim, kind of the point. and I haven't been able to say enough about it since. It's a magical fairytale in "Fierce Creatures This 1997 comedy is pure movie format like the '80s freaky classics "Labyrinth" gold. It blends the outlandish and "The Dark Crystal." The film follows Helena, British style of "Python" veterans John Cleese and Michel a 15-year-old girl trying to Palin with one of America's come to grips with her mothmost underrated comedic er's sudden onset of cancer. actors, Kevin Kline {"Pink Helena travels to a magical world in peril about to tear Panther"). Take a stuffy ex-cop named itself apart if she can't find Rollo Lee (Cleese). Put him the MirrorMask. The film is visually stunin charge of saving a small English zoo from bankrupt- ning. Helena encounters all kinds of magical creatures in cy. Give him the idea that her travels, all of which look they should get rid of all but amazing. the most dangerous of crit- The effects alone are worth ters, forcing the keepers to checking the movie out, but scheme to convince him that the Neil Gaiman ("Sandman") their cuddly baby animals script is equally good. It deals with serious subjects are, in fact, vicious killers. Now add the boss's obnox- in a whimsical way that just ious son (Kline) with a few works. Even though, after finishideas of his own. ing her quest, Helena wakes Throw in a buxom Jamie Lee Curtis ("Halloween") up in the real world, the film r Free Admission, Everyone Invited Grand Prize Edwards Furniture When the theaters just have flops, these films are tops $1000.00 Shopping Spree from Edwards Furniture To play the Newlywed Game register at Wefellinl° vexon * Every killer lives next door to someone I I - a i r - . I /1 ends in such a way that keeps the magic alive. I love it when a movie creates a new world that exists on its own. This film does that better than any other I've seen in a long time. "The Majestic'' Normally, plots involving amnesia worry me. Movies featuring Jim Carrey in a dramatic role always worry me. And yet, "The Majestic" has both, and it knocked my socks off. Set during the Red Scare of the '50s, "The Majestic" tells the story of Peter Appleton, a Hollywood screenwriter trying to run away from accusations of being a communist. He ends up in a small town, suffering amnesia from a car wreck. He happens to come across the owner of the local movie theater, Martin Landua, who is still distraught over losing his son in World War II. Because the two look so alike, everyone mistakenly assumes Appleton is the long lost son. Their similar personalities and shared love of movies only add to the problems. After helping restore his father's dreams, giving the town new hope and winning the heart of the son's girlfriend, Appleton's memories and problems catch up to him. The movie deals with a lot of hard issues like knowing who you really are, the importance of the truth and the value that entertainment brings to our lives. I was impressed with Carrey's acting. This movie made me laugh, made me think and made me feel emotions. That doesn't happen often. Steve Shinney is a movie freak, plain and simple. Lists of your own underappreciated movies can be sent to steveshinney@cc.usu.edu. Some say the vote-fiddling Sanjaya has inspired could be fatal for Idol "Idol." Started in 2004 by Dave Delia Terza, then a recent grad of Northern Illinois University, Can a vocally challenged 17-year-old the site has urged "Idol" viewers to vote for string bean with a smile brighter than the the weakest contestant for two reasons: xenon headlights on Ludacris' Lexus bring just for fun, and to undermine "Idol's" comdown America's pop-culture behemoth? mercial prospects. Delia Terza believes that Backed by organized efforts to distort the Cowell manipulates the show's outcome to voting _ most notably a campaign by satellite ensure winners who will make him the most radio star Howard Stern _ and generating money when signed to record deals. an unprecedented public fascination, Sanjaya Delia Terza, who will appear on "The Malakar has become the focal point of this Late Show With David Letterman" next season's "American Idol." Tuesday, has said his site bubbled along And, according to one media analyst who with about a million hits a week this season has done extensive research on the show, (compared with "Idol's" roughly 30 million that's not good. viewers), until he appeared on Stern's radio "It's already starting to cause trouble," says show March 20. The following week, trafStacey Lynn Schulman, who has examined fic jumped to 3 million, he said. Now, if the how "Idol" connects with its fans. "People Yahoo! figures are correct, it's 7-5 million. gravitated toward the show because it was On the Internet betting site www.bodog. a true contest, providing real people with com, odds on Sanjayas finishing in the top real talent with real opportunity. Sanjaya five have dropped precipitously in the last degrades that. ... week from 2:1 against to even money, and he "The essence was about the real competihas gone from prohibitive underdog to 8:1 to tion. If this goes too far, they'll lose the audi- win the whole thing. The phenomenon has ence. They'll lose the faith." even spawned its own Web site, ifsanjayaSchulman is doubly qualified to comwins.com, where people can buy T-shirts, ment. She was a professional studio singer mugs and buttons boosting or blasting the for years. "When I put on my vocalist hat, I Seattle songster, and express their thoughts, think, "Oh God, help us,'" she said. pro or con. Rearranging his long locks every epiExample: "If Sanjaya wins, I will pack up sode and milking shouts from the audience, my childrens' bag and send them to Michael Sanjaya last week got props as an entertainer Jackson's Neverland Ranch for Blanket's surfrom judge Randy Jackson. But his perforprise birthday slumber party." mances have left Simon Cowell, the hanging One force not stacking the votes: the one judge, basically speechless. Cowell has said billion residents of India, who some have he would leave the show forever if Sanjaya suggested have been backing the show's won. first Indian American. The Associated Press At least the teen throb is aware that it reports that Sanjaya is a virtual unknown isn't his talent that is lighting up the "Idol" in India, where "American Idol" runs on an switchboards. "I want to prove to America obscure channel a day late and the country's that I really can sing," he said last week. copious contingent of call center employees America doesn't care. It's voting for him cannot program their automatic dialers. anyway. Sanjaya has consistently finished Nielsen numbers show "Idol's" ratings safely in the middle of the pack. And in are down, and seem to be dropping slightly AOL's "American Idol" poll, a good populareach week. The show's producers blame it on ity barometer that is not affiliated with the Daylight Saving Time, a perennial TV-viewshow, he vaulted into first place this week, ing inhibitor, which came early this year, and ahead of presumptive favorite Melinda not on Sanjaya. Doolittle. Executive producer Ken Warwick told TV Yahoo's Buzz site, which tracks online Week he wasn't worried about organized votsearch requests, reports that Sanjaya is ing campaigns. not only the most sought-after of the cur"Even if every single person who listened rent "Idol" contestants, he is receiving more to Howard Stern voted ... there is very little searches than any previous "Idol" winhype anybody can do that would affect the ner, and this week even surpassed Justin vast number of votes that we get." Timberlake and (gasp!) Harry Potter. Searches are up at another site, too. Buzz found that hits at www.votefortheworst.com • AMERICAN IDOL had jumped 154 percent after last week's see page / BY JONATHAN STORM KRT • •• disturbia P G - 1 3 1 PAREMTS STBOHGLY CAUTIONED O P I SOUNDTRACK AVAILASLE F _ " ( DN LAKESHORE BEMUDS c l i s ECQUDJCESOfTHIlBOflfiVIOltMCEfi FOR SOME SEHSUAUTV COMING SOON TO THEATRES EVERYWHERE |