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Show Reality Check/D.Whomond The Fanny Zfc it from your own computer! Place Classrfdsonline and in the paper! Head by thousands! Hikes, yslSf Coks, for rent, kelp wanted, services neededlservias provided, DjE STyi. cars, coniputets,...T)o irallf A collection of student-produced A syndicatedTo'mics. Brevit^Guy & Rodd . guu and rodd. com F-Minus/Tony Car///o Dilbert /Scott Adams ICXtfCMit2L0.DlV.Sru>*.!>*! ZACK, I T S COME TO MY ATTENTION THAT YOU HAVE BEEN TRADING AWAy THE LUNCHES I PREPARE FOR yOU. SO TODAy I'VE MADE A LIST OF RESTAURANTS I N THE AREA THAT MAy SERVE SOMETHING yOU'D PREFER. HOWEVER, I DOUBT yOU'LL FIND A MOTHER'S LOVE ON THEIR MENUS. BEST, MOM S c o o t a h Steve/Steve Weller srweiier@ccusu.edu CATBERT: EVIL DIRECTOR OF HUKAN RESOURCES I HIRED TWO PEOPLE TO UORK ON YOUR PROJECT. i ONE I S A AND THE OTHER ONE I S HARD OF HEARING BUT DOESNT KNOW I T AFTERGLOW Dyer the Hedge / Fry & Lewis DON'T TELL ME TKEO'BRWK ARE ON THE ROCKS ALREADY Last P i t c h Effort/John war is THAT rrs AIM RAT FROM SCHOOL. TH eOORCmUQ HK TW5 « O f FOR SOME MUAWXM. snaes. Krpes kroes@Won\\necom IMS. FROM OCR ROOMMATE HMO'S TERRIFIED OF RATS. i»ervowu.aer SOmFHtTTY STROM REACDOHS. LON<5 HAVE t TOILEP TO CREATE A CREATURE WORTH1/ O F MV NAME... O F CARRYING MV RECOMMENDATlOt-J FOR WWW.PHDCOMICS.COM www.kft-onUno.c0a1 C20M John Krott outstanding benefits, P/T now changes to F/T Summer. - Email Resume to mel@ldigis.ne! People wanted to supervise mildly disabled, people with their daily living skills and in the community on company-paid activities such as movies, outdoor acin/ities, bowling, fishing, etc. Flex shifts, PTyFT in Ihe Logan area. Apply at www.gochrysatis.com or call 435753-6606 New Spring projects! Models, Actors, Extras, Promolional work. Earn S75-S800 daily. Free Seminars. No experience or school needed. 3 2 6 9 8 Ranch Hand Needed Help needed starling April 5, 2007. Fence Fixing, branding, and other ranch responsibilities. For info Call Sharell @435245-3138 • Nanmes Wanted, Excellent salaries, car. paid airfare & vacations, 800-549-2132. www. TSNnannies.com S800 weekly guaranteed! Slulfing envelopes. Send a seli-addressed stamped envelope To: Scarab Marketing 28 E, Jackson-IOthFl. Sutte938 Chicago, IL 60604 5 3 4 3 2 4 9 601-438-0067 801-438-0067 7 5 1 8 6 7 UMM. MAYK I CAii DOWU iP OM 7 1 8 2 8 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. Statesman Sudoku puzzles will range from very easy to very difficult. Check them all out. AGSNEEDJOBS.COM paid survey lakers needed in Logan. 100% FREE lo join! Click on surveys. Orphanage volunieers needed in Ecuador yearround. Supervised, sale, rewarding. Strict moral' dress code. Contact Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO). www.orphanagesupport.org, (208) 359-1767. ummerjobs Ranch Hand Summer Help. Summer help needed at bison ranch located neat Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Grand Telon & Yellowstone National Parks. General ranch duties include tixing fences, animal care, watering trees, weed control, bam maintenance & upkeep. 5-and-1# days a week. $1,350/ month + $1,000 bonus lor completion ol agreed-upon objeclives. Living quarters in ranch bunkhouse with tu!l-kitchen included. Please send cover letter and resume by email to jobs@jacksonlorkranch.com or by fax to 402-970-3487. Summer Sales Work wilfi Preventive Pest Control and make a years worth ol income in one summer! Various locations, including SLC! 435-753-1534 Utah Conservation Corps. Work as part of an integrated crew on disability access projects on Cache National Forest! www.usu.edu/ ucc Utah Conservation Corps. Now hiring summer crews lo work outside building traits & resloring publtc lands, www.usu.edu/ucc Great Opportunity! Earn $25,000 or more this summer selUng home security symtems. Call 435-770-7864. Mobile home lor sale. S6.5O0 obo, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, lots ol siorage and shed. Nice carpet, paint, drywall nol panelling, high speed internet, phone, cable included in pad free. Cheaper than renting. 752-1461. Diamond ring solitaire, must sell. 1.01 ct. Round brilliant G - SI 2 retail appraisal.-$8,400. Your price $3970. Egl. cert, money back guarantee. LDS • rel. miss. Call Dan 801-755-6945. Bank loredosures and fixers. Get a FREE UST OF HOMES, visit www. CacheForecJosures. com. @Home Realty Network ;rs&Jruc 2001 Hyundai Elantra GT. 73k miles, lealher Interior, sunrool, power locks/windows, keyless entry, alarm syslem, CD player, new brakes and tires. $7,000obo. Call Kate435-770-1761. Simple self sign-up. 12 X 11 siorage unit S120 lor summer (4 month contract) or $35'month. Call 757-4745. 2 Bdrm /1,5 Bath Wash/Dryer inducted. Pets possible, Large yard. $500 a month, plus deposit. 435-760-2327 Male openings. Why wai! to sign up lor summer and school year housing? Great private rooms at Brooklane 645 E. 900 N. Call 753-7227. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES are one working day prior to the day of publication is desired by 10 a.m. Cost per submission is 20 cents per word, $2 minimum. Minimum of three publications per ad. Reduced rates for quantity insertions are available. Commercial rates vary, depending on frequency.Go to www.utahstatesman.com to place ads. VISA, Master-card and Discover are also accepted for payment. Use 797-1775 to place phone ads. Advertisers should carefully read the classified ad form, TSC 105. The Utah Statesman reserves the right to refuse any ad, display or classified. The Utah Statesman has authority to edit and locate any classified ad as deemed appropriate. 1 6 10 14 15 17 Brooklane Apartments. 753-7227 Only $425 for summer for private bedrooms, new self-cleaning ovens, and new dishwashers. Discount for signing up for summer and school year. NSNDNP. Come by 645 E. 900 N. or call now! 18 19 21 22 25 27 32 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 4 Answers are found at www.utahstatesman .com 44 47 49 50 look for OPTIONS: Sudoku Answers! 52 53 54 57 59 64 Gamenights featuring; D&D. Mini's &RPG Star Wars Mini's Versus System Magic the Gathering Heroclix Pirates Warhammer 40K 68 69 UQIUSI 70 71 72 Monday 3:30-9pm Tuesday 2:00-9pm Wednesday 1:00-9pm Thursday 2:00-9pm Friday 3:30-9pm Saturday 12:00-9pm 72 West Center Street, Logan ACROSS Flower holders Knife thrust Needle case Column lype Pleasure craft Joe of "Good Fellas" Viewers Pose a question Trial by fire Fraction ol a joule Our star Piercing in tone Grooming product . _ Hawkins Day Fair treatment Whiff Fancy vase Legal defense Hood's pistol Sara and Farrow Sought mutual agreement Knight's mail Footwear finish Loe ol the Chicago Eight No-seatsavailable letters Forensics series on CBS Quartet member Cralty Knives lor stabbing Heart connection Point a finger at Boss of Tammany Hall Schlep Jaunty Santa's helpers LOGAN ART CINEMA IPGIM DoHy A 30. 7 0 0 . 9 15 Fr*. Sol. Won Mil i ; 00 a n d ; IS FARMER THE LAST MIMZY IPCI Da-ty ';(.</ J M r IS In. SJT. «'JIIWII NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM (PCI Daily 4:45,7 30 SilMal 12.25. and 2-35 THE BRIDGE TO TERABtTHIA (FCl Dally 4 2 0 , 6 4 5 . a n d 9:00 Sat Mai 1 2 . 1 5 , a n d 2 2 5 1 ? 1/ (J) © 2007 Tribune U*<&* Sentcos, Inc. All rigWs roerved. 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 20 22 23 24 26 ULTBUTE f"G) BO. HE GHOST RIDER THE ASTRONAUT X-Word Puzzler Cobble Creek Apartments is accepting applicaiions lor the 07-08 school year. Private and shared rooms are available. See our website at cobblecieekapartmenis.com lor amenities and pricing. 435-753-6376. 753-7227 2297 North Main, Logan 7S3-6444 1 2 3 4 5 DOWN Small drink Little piggy Middle of dinner? Isinglass Use cutters 6 987-65-4321 9TP7 Tightly stretched 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 38 43 45 Assistant Ecstasy Long period Tic- -toe Shoshone Shuttle destination; abbr. Henley and DaniQl Seoul citizen Asnor and Sullivan Need Nest-building fish Soup dispensers Gung-ho Preposterous Basswoods Allow to "Cheers" star Nicker Forbidden acts Metric units Gaping mouth Set apart 4/7/07 Solutions 46 48 51 55 56 58 59 "Agnus __" Mutineer Motel listings Organ knob Kind of grapes 7 Mournful wall Mach+ plane 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 Yucatan uncle Bank payl. T-shirt size Porker's pad ^ Aulo gear. abbr. Golfer's gadget Want |