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Show B1 Monday, September 24, 2007 Help Wanted Phone: 801.581.7041 Fax: 801.581.3299 dassifieds@chronide.utQh.eclu CLASSIFIEDS Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted ONSTRUcTION CHILD CARE TEACHERS Manigament BANKING AUTOMOTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST. 'osltlons for Self motivated STralnino Seeking a admin, assist, for SALES S30.00O-S90.000 YEAR Utah First Credit Union Is seek- Health Ins. + Vac.FT or PT. Paid iardworklnq Individuals. Exp. Corpora uon busy private event facility In COMM. D Dahle Mazda Is build- ng candidates for the following raining. Learning Tree Schools. arperter and general laborers MURRAY 266-3590 WVC 974backcounfry.com Ing a new showroom & needs positions: beautiful canyon environment. ieeded competlve pay, year COMPUTERS SYSTEMS 5886 W.Joran 255-3325 Admin, support to office staff salespeople. No experience ound F/T. 628-8820 DMINISTRATOR USTOMER SERVICE GEARCHILD CARE req. Paid training. Call Rychard Mortgage Loan Processor by performing duties such as EADS Does outdoor gear make Teacher, FT/PT & Cook, bene- We are seeking an experienced ONSTRUCTION answering phone, filing at 509-3776 lor an appt or ap- F/T in our Mortgage Lending ystems Administrator to work elnforcing Iron Workers ou giddy? Are you Internet CUSTOMER SERVICE Dept. Job duties Include gather- its. 801-509-5649 scheduling, client, correspon- ply at 4595 S State or online it our Corporate Office in Cen- 'anted. Wage depending on owy? Now hiring Gearheads FT Want to make good money. Ing loan Information and pro-CITY JOBS dence & other duties as req. Ap- www.ddahlemezda.com PT /all shifts. Some Utah resl- Without the stress of commiscessing preliminary documenta- SANDY CITY Full Time (benefit- tcrville, UT. Applicant must be xp. 230-5141 plicant must be outgoing, detail AUTOMOTIVE sion? Ing to travel, learn new con- ONTABILIDAD lents may work from home, tion, maintaining a high level ed) Police Records Specialist SERVICE CONSULTANT oriented & be able to multi-task. :epts and software products ONTABLEDEPAGOS nsurance, 401k, PTO, holiday Effective written & verbal com- Service Consultant needed at of communication with loan of- For details go to while handling multiple projects tecesarlas algunas exp. en con- ay, profit sharing, & employee We are looking for mature and munication with basic computer Saturn of Salt Lake. Great pay ficers and our members, coordi- www.sandy.utsh.gov with strict deadlines. Position ablldad y compu-taclUn. En- isct. for gear 6 season passes. responsible Individuals to Join nating with appraisers and title or call 601-561-7009 skills. (MS Office & Windows based on experience. Call Paul our Amazing teaml! -eports to the Director of Ad- rada de Datos, trabajo general on smoking environment. companies, auditing, filing, payCLERICAL based programs). Must be a at 521-5055. ministrative Systems. Position Is le oflcl-na. Debe ser flexible y pply now at: offs, reconveyance. 1 to 2 years Administrative Assistant to self-sufficient team player & be Sii.OO/hr to start <ww.backcountry.com direct exp. In / mortgage lend-1 work at apartment building for esponslble for hardware, apaz de flnallzar a tlempo. able to adapt to a variety of sitEarn up to $13/hr after 3 ;oftware and operating Ing field a must. Additional alarlo s. Exp. Beneficlos ndlviduals who were formerly USTOMER SERVICE uations Jncl. a flex work sched. iystems, etc. Understand and lispon. desp. 6 meses. Por fa- Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. months a.m and p.m shifts, exp. In commercial / business homeless. Applications & resumes will be Part Time shifts available omply with government and or fax CV a Standard Plumbing atlent Services Coordinator lending considered a plus. received at AUTOMOTIVE NO SUNDAYS Training Manager upply al 565-4676 Beginning Yearly Salary management directives. iob Code: 4900-1178 smlnfo@miHcreeklrm.com SERVICE TECHNICIAN Benefits This professional will be $21,072 to $28,716 Is based COOK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSfSTANT Do you like to drive Hummers, after 4 months charged with implementing, co- on education and experience. Must have a Bachelor's degree :AFETERIA LEAD LINE COOK Will coordinate medical InsurCadillacs, and Chevrolets? II so in computer science or related he O.C. Tanner Company is ince reimbursement approval Health, Dental, Holiday. Vacaordinating and managing all lev- Excellent benefits. ADMISSIONS/TRANSFER this Is the job for youl ield and three to five years dl- eeklng a Lead Line Cook for Its rocess for patient testing ser- tion, S 401K els of sales and service training ARTICULATION SPECIALIST programs within the credit Applications and/or resumes ectly related experience. orporate headquarters In SLC. Ices as part of a customer serService Techlclans Full and Part Call our will be accepted until the posi- Lawson experience Is required. Our company subsidized dining ice staff. Will Interact with Individual will oversee the pro-time, M-F positions available. union. employment line Experience In administering cedural matters related to an Daytime and Evenings shifts, Possess strong communication tion Is filled at the Housing Au- AIX, Windows, Linux servers In oom offers restaurant quality nsurance companies, patients, At 801-284-7251 ood and serves breakfast and nd healthcare providers utilizongoing project or program In paid training, full benefits, com- and Interpersonal skills. BS/B5 thority of Salt Lake City. 1776 a SAN environment. Tlvoll and M-F 9-8 degree along with 3+ years So. West Temple, SLC UT 84115 unch to an employee popula- ing telephone, e-mail, and fax. an assigned area and provide petitive wages, DOE with Oracle experience is also pre- lon of 1200-1300 dally. Work- Must accurately document conmanaging or training sales and or fax 466-3240. EOE. Anyone administrative support to senior great opportunities for advancewith erred. lays are Monday through Fri- acts and coordinate follow-up departmental personnel. As- ment. If you take pride In your service within a financial Institu- needed accommodation the application process call ictivltles In a timely manner. lay 5:00am - 1:30pm. socl-ate's degree or equivalent work come Join our winning tion Is preferred. f Interested, you must apply 487-2161 ext. 1203 (voice) or Requirements: Volume cooking Must act in compliance with experience In higher education team. To Apply call Dustin at online at www.mtcjobs.com by 487-3361 (TDD). xperlence, good knife skills, igency, department, and cornand know-ledge/e*perlence 801-952-5706 or send your re- Collector F/T Rep. for our American Fork COMPUTER Adobt Fltx 2 Ap- Friday, September 28, 2007 nd four years cooking experl- any regulations, policies and with operating systems, word- sume to: dhartung3tigmguy.com Req: 07-61 office. Exp. in collections and plication Programmer nce In high quality volume es- rocedures. Minimum Requireprocessing, database, spreadEOE M/F/V/D ments: skip tracing within a Financial Experience with MXML, Actionabllshment. Ideal candidate will sheet applications, and Sungard We are a drug free workplace nstltution is preferred. Excel- Script 3, ASP.NET web services lave culinary school or equiva- rofessional and detall-orlBanner or student database AUTOMOTIVE ent degree. Servsafe or food nted. excellent Interpersonal CUSTOMER SERVICE systems required. View details Jerry Seiner Chevrolet Parts Cen- lent service & communication ntegratlon, and WebORB. ExpeCONVERGYS skills are required. Bi-llngual landlers permit needed. nd communication skills, accu- Want to make good money. and apply online at Jabs.weber.- ter has a full time Warehouse rience with SOL server and ate typing skills of at least 35 Without the stress of commisedu. WSU Is an AA/EO Em- and a Full Time Parts Runner Spanish Is a plus. Comprehen- stored procedures a plus. sion? We are looking for mature ployer he O.C. Tanner Company has words per minute, excellent position available, must have a sive training and a superior Please send resumes to tberret- COMPUTERS/IT and responsible Individuals to benefits package are included. tffiunltedf Irstflnancla1.com an excellent benefits package istenlng. transcribing, and selfgood drivinq record and be neat Juniper Networks Join our Amazing teamll ncluding medical/dental plans, eview skills PC experience, InCOMPUTER in appearance. Starting wages Executive Assistant mmedlate Positions Sil.OO/hr to start Earn up to a 401k-retlrement plan, tuition ludlng familiarity with Excel, Is S8.50 per hour with an evalu- F/T position at our corporate nstructional Support Computer Available! $13/hr after 3 months headquarters located In SLC. Word, Internet, and e-mail, able assistance, paid holidays, vacaTechnician Jordan School Disation after the first 90 days, a.m and p.m shifts, Part Time Responsible for initiating and o manage several tasks slmultrict as openings for an InstrucIon, and bonuses. For a combenefits Include paid vacations, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Technical Support Engineers shifts available NO SUNDAYS coordinating clerical and secreaneously, often under prestional Support Computer Techpietejob dscrlptlon and to ' holidays, 401{k), and health Office Specialist OGDEN Benefits after 4 months tarial functions required by the ure, and one year of customer nician. Log onto apply, please visit Insurance. We are a drug free Utah Transit Authority anHealth, Dental, Holiday, VacaBoard of Directors, other volun- www.jordandlstrlct.org for job ,ervlce and medical reimbursewww.octanner.com or In person nounces two openings for Of- workplace. Please apply at 730 Convergys Corporation Is looktion, & 401K Call our employteers, and the Senior Manage- duties and application. fice Specialists. These positions west 2100 south In the parts ng for Technical Support Engi- at 1930 S State Street (south en ment experience. Preference ment line At 801-284-7251 ment group, requires a high given to applicants with: are responsible for administra- department or call 956-3178 COMPUTER neers in our Ogden location to ranee). level of professionalism and efBachelors Degree, and more M-F 9-6 tive support to project teams. Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. provide customer support and AUTOMOTIVE fective public relations skills. The O.C. Tanner Company is an han one year of customer ser- CUSTOMER SERVICE Prepares and distributes re- Jerry Seiner Chevrolet Parts CenSoftware Developer (FT) solution to our growing client Organization, accuracy, and atAffirmative Action/Equal Oppor- Ice and medical reimburse- Tired of working nights and ports, documents, and corre- ter has a full time Warehouse Job Code: 3110-1645 JUNIPER NETWORKS. tention to detail, along with exment experience. Please send weekends? Access Development spondence. Assists In the pro-and a Full Time Parts Runner unity Employer cellent written and verbal skills •r fax a cover letter specifying Is now hiring customer service duction of required documents position available, must have a Develop software packages for Does your computer experience are vital to the successful exewhich Job code, a complete re- specialist! t o serve our marketWESTMINSTER and distributes to private indi- good driving record and be neat oboratory Integration manage- include cution of this position. This po;ume and the names of three Ing program members. Strong viduals, public organizations In appearance. Starting wages ment, process control, and data OSI Models? COPY CENTER sition reports to the CEO. professional references to: customer service and computer and agencies and disseminates Is $8.50 per hour with an evaluanalysis in pharmaceutical oper- TCP/IP and VPN Protocols? Assistant Manager of Mall SerAssist. Branch Manager- Salt Myriad Genetics, Inc. sills are required, bilingual is a Information as required. Orga- ation after the first 90 days, ations. The candidate should vices & Copy Center Assists the Lake Attn: Human Resources 320 plus. Access Development ofnizes and maintains various of- benefits Include paid vacations, be skilled In object-oriented Manager of Malls Services & Wakara Way, fers a fun friendly environment This position provides sales software development (Java or .- f you have this knowledge and fice systems. Communicates ef- holidays, 40Uk), and health Copy Center with the operafectively and maintains positive Insurance. We are a drug free and service leadership within NET). Knowledge of SOL andare looking lor career advance- Ions of the mall services and Salt Lake City, UT 84108 FAX: focused on world class customer service. Health, Dental and relations with staff, UTA man-workplace. Please apply at 730 the branch, will be responsible web development are also re ment opportunities, we want to copy center, and with the super- 801-584-3741 company matched 401k are agement and the public; man- west 2100 south In the parts for implementing existing poli- quired. BS/BA In computer sci- .peak with youl lobs@myrlad.com, vision and coordination of cies, procedures, and systems aqes various assigned projects department or call 956-3178 ence or equivalent plus 1 year+ No phone calls please - EO/AA only a few of the benefits that he activities of all mall services await you at Access DevelopInvolving teller operations. Co- of related working experience under minimal supervision. To and copy center student em- Employer. ment. Please fax to (801-974ordinates, directs, and assigns are requrled. Knowledge In Oraqualify for this position you BANKING Convergys and Juniper Net- ployees, and with all Incoming CUSTOMER SERVICE 0801) or email your resume to work In the Member Service cle database Is a plus. Chemmust have an Associates degree Afternoon PT Tellers works is looking to hire a limNow hiring Inbound Customer and outgoing campus and erinjohnson In a business related discipline. Build a Professional Career with area. Resolves more complex istry or biology background Is ited number of positions. Plus postal mall including metering, Service Reps for Zlon's Bank. Three years experience working Usl For More Info and to Apply problems, and oversees cash, also desirable. Please send or we offer great benefits Includ- sorting, and shipping mall and Qualified candidate will have H.- <$>accessdevelopment.ccm. Online Visit www.dfcu.com. EOE balancing, and accounting func- fax a cover letter specifying In a construction office or In a packages, and with copy center S. Diploma and previous cus- CUSTOMER SERVICE tions. Must project a profes- which Job code, a complete re- ng: similar field Is required. Other BANKING operating copy center equip- omer service exp. or banking Want to work for the UTAH image to members. sume and the names of three requirements are listed on our Bank oF American Fork Is hiring sional JAZZ? ment and ensuring timely pro exp. Email resume to: website. Wage: $14.89/hr. and a Data Processor for their Amer- BS/8A degree and previous professional references to: Come Join our game night team servlce@Jandsrecrulting.com Advancement Opportunities In cesslng of work orders. a rich benefit package. Job ican Fork Operations Center. management experience within Myriad Genetics. Inc. Attn: Huand be a part of the ACTION! or call 631-6409 Computer Networking Will enter Image Items, and bal- a financial Institution Is pre- man Resources closes: Sept 28, 2007. Refer We are looking for ENERGETIC, Competlve Pay Rates Westminster offers a competl CUSTOMER SERVICE to Job Number: 2693 Apply on ance transactions and end-of- ferred. Bi-llngual Spanish Is a 320 Wakara Way, Full Benefits Package Including tive benefits package including Put your degree to work at Personable, and RELIABLE Indiline at www.rldeuta.com or In day deposits. Work with remote plus. Salt Lake City, UT 84108 FAX: Tuition Assltance Farmers. Farmers Insurance viduals to help us with givetuition remission. person at one of the following sites In balancing Image Items. 801-584-3741 wants motivated college grads aways during Jazz home games. Paid Training Mon 1-8, T-F 4-8 p.m. or until E-mali resumes to locations: jobs@myrlad.com, Must be able to work all home 'or our Property Claims CasuaiWork Environment For a complete Job posting in finished. Must have HS Diploma gwilde® utahflrst.com No phone calls please - EO/AA 1110 South Geneva Road :eam. If you're focused and games this season. eluding application Instructions or GED, be at least 18 yrs, have or by fax to Employer. Orem UT For more Information, call or please go to our online appllca goal-oriented with a desire for good computer, 10 key, & prob- (801)320-2635. 3600 South 700 West - SLC UT achievement, we want to hear For details, please call apply801-629-6060 COMPUTER SCIENCE tlon system at lem solving skills, and be able Applications may be 135 West 17th Street • Ogden to work Independently. from you. Rapid promotion for or email Wes Brown Media Code:340 SOFTWARE DEVELOPER https://Jobs. submitted at www.BanklngNIrUT (801) 325-2581 or our top performers. Positions at Job Code:GAT7 westmlnstercollege.edu Fax resume to: 801-642-3101 vana.eom/Employment.h.tm UTA Is an Equal based in Salt Lake City. Claims wbrownj-utah|azz.com Jiverstock.com Jn Salt . or Email to: ]ob*#bank*1:conK-|( COURTS http://www.ti*nhfngnlrVai1«7-' Is seeking Lead ETL Software www.convergys.greatjob.net Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V Reps: Property Investigate DELIVERY ASSISTANT EOE Second District Court - Farm cause of damage to customers' IMMEDIATE OPENING! com Applications should be re- Developers. Job duties: Design, ADMINISTRATIVE IngtonIs seeking a customer BANKING BRANCH MANAGER celved by 9/28/2007. homes; estimate repair costs; The Local Pages seeks development, and test operat- Convergys Is an EOE M/F/D/V Associated Food Stores is hiring service oriented Individual to explain policy coverage; settle delivery assist, to assist w/ coAre you an experienced banker BICYCLE TECH ing systems-level software, an Administrative Support Speperform general clerical duties claims. who wants to make a difference? Specialized Bicycle has some Including building and main- CONSTRUCTION ordinating of nationwide delivcialist for our Education & DeZlons Bank Is looking for an en- exciting new opportunities In taining processes to populate ESTIMATING/DESIGNLumber n a court setting as Deputy ery. Must know Word & Excel, velopment department. Supplier Is looking (or an expe- Court Clerk. The position ergetic, positive, proactive Indi- our growing SLC facility. detail minded and meet deadthe enterprise data warehouse rienced professional for Its Estirequires a combination of three 4-year college degree required. vidual who can lead the sales CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS lines. Some warehouse work reand structures optimized for re- mating/Design department. To FT M-F 8-5. 3-4 yrs. exp. In ad- effort as a Branch Manager in years of higher education WARRANTY SPECIALISTS q'd. Email resumes to porting, to support Utah's pre- estimate, design, layout and mlnistratlve/offlce management two of our large, well-estaband/or clerical/customer ser Company laptop, digital camera jreldllnq@thelocalpages.net or mier eCommerce web site. Mini- perform material optimization Is required, as well as a mln. of lished, commercial branches In vice experience In an office en and cell phone provided Successful candidates will have Call 801-963-1702 ex 224 mum Requirements: Masters This professional will use de90 wpm and advanced knowl- Murray and West Valley City. vlronment; computer literacy & extensive technical knowledge Degree In Computer Science, edge of Excel, Word and Power- These key positions will be resign tools and software applica- keyboardlng skills at 4 0 wpm;Incentive pay for Span- DELIVERY TECHNICIAN Point. We offer excellent bene- sponsible for commercial lend- of bicycles and accessories. Information Systems, or related tions to provide a variety of excellent spelling, grammar & sh/Engllsh bilingual skills. Full time and Part time openPrior bike shop experience exfield, and 5+ years of related technical services to Its cusfits including health, dental, vi- ing and business development. ings for a delivery technician. Interpersonal skills. Applicant tremely helpful! Computer, Inwork experience. Necessary sion, 401-K and tuition assis- Candidates must be willing to tomers. Qualifications Include: must submit verification of typ Must have great people skills. Great opportunity for a student ternet proficiency, and excelskills Include Teradata, Busitance. For more Info and to ap- accept the challenge of growing 2 year technical degree or Ing speed, which can be Competitive salary and gener- or others. Duties Include delivply, visit www.afstores.com or an office in a well-established lent customer service skills via ness Intelligence, end-user equivalent construction indus- obtained from ering medical supplies to ous benefits: phone and email required. Spe- reporting tools, ETL, PERL, call Jerle 9 978-8557. medical, dental & vision; Tu- patients, assisting with warelocation. These positions re- cific knowledge of Specialized UNIX, Control-M , Business Ob- try experience, wood framing www.typlngtest.com construction background pre or website ol your choice. Hlr ition assistance, profit sharing house activities and other require commercial lending, small products preferred. jects XI, Data Integrator, Sunop- ferred and the ability to read Ing Salary -Sl1.05/hr DOE. Po and 100% company-paid pen- lated duties as assigned. Applibusiness, and consumer credit Send resume or apply at: sls, and strong SQL skills. To blue prints and other construe sltlon Is full-time with benefits sion plans. Apply online at: cants must posses good cusexperience and at least five SPECIALIZED HR apply, submit resume to: tlon documents. We offer tomer service and communicaApplications may be obtaine www.farmers.com EOE years previous successful 1137 S 3800 W, resume<ftoverstock.com competitive wages DOE and ful from the Administrative Office tion skills, a good driving branch management experi- SLC, UT 84104 benefits package. E-mail record and be able to lift 50 lbs. of the Courts, 4 5 0 South State, COMPUTER/IT ence, along with strong FAX: 801 973-2558 resume to Please bring In current driving SLC, 84114, or at BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST sales management skills and a sbcjobs@speciallzed.com record from DMV at time of apwww.utcourts.gov. Blue Healthcare Bank Is looking sllvlab!$standardbullders.net team building background. S C H O O L . www.5peciallzed.com plication. Work schedule Send applications and for a Business Systems Analyst CONSTRUCTION Eitlmitor ADMINISTRATIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE CABINETRY to review, analyze, and evaluate With knowledge of earthworks, resume to Aloha Reynolds, Seeking friendly, sales and ser- Is M-F, some weekends. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Applicants must have proven Olympla Sales Co. business systems and users vice oriented applicants who enutilities, Gov't. UDOT work, 2525 Grant Avenue, success in banking and com-Loading Trucks needs. Formulates systems to bonds and all aspects of design Ogden, UT, 84401. Seeking an exceptionally orgaJoy face to face peopla- interac- Apply at our office, fax or email mercial lending. If you meet all Door Dept. parallel overall business strate- /build nized critical thinker for an adplans. Comprehensive (801) 395-1051 phone, or fa: tion to provide a positive expe- a resume to:. of these requirements please Cabinet Builders to (801) 395-1182.. gies. Writes detailed description benefit package. Salary range ministrative role at Challenger rience to our valuable cusapply online at Maintenance Mechanic of user needs, business func- $65k+D0E Fax resume to801 Closing Date: October 3, 200' tomers. Previous customer ser- COMMUNITY NURSING SERVICES School. Strong writing and www.zlonsbank.com click Will train. 18 or older. Health/' tions and steps required to de- 908-0198 or email resume to at 5:00 pm. computer skills required. Please vice experience and availability HOME HEALTH & HOSPICE on careers and refer to Job Dental Ins., 401k, paid vacation velop processes. We require a submit resume, statement of into work weekends desired. 6949 High Tech Drive russell number 118134 (Murray) & bonuses. Drug screening req. bachelor's degree In a related tgwolperconstructlon.com terest and a brief essay exSales bonuses and a benefit Salt Lake City, Utah 64047 112297 (West Valley): 1537 S. 700 W.. SLC field and 4+ years experience pressing your views on America package including medical, den- Fax:801-233-6109 Bi-llngual Spanish Preferred. CONSTRUCTION FOREPERSON CARPENTER In the field or In a related area. to hr@challengerscrtQol.com. tal, vision and 401K-Proflt Shar- Email: bphelps$cnsvna.org Delta Petroleum Corporation an Large building material supply ing are available. Equal Opportunity APARTMENTS Equal Opportunity company is seek-lng both ex Applicants meeting the qualifi- independent O&G co. Is seeking Leasing Agent Needed for large Employer Employer perienced and non exp interior cations for the position need to a Construction Foreperson foi community, FT/PT. Experience Please apply In person at the DELIVERY TECHNICIAN Western, CO - Vega. Rspbl for; Trim Carpenters. F/T with bene BANKING BRANCH MANAGER a plus. Fax resume to 601-567send their resume to Salt Lake International Airport Full time and Part time openproject/s mngmnt & onslte Washington Federal Savings has fits. Pay dependinq on exp. Must CUSTOMER SERVICE - Want t> 3090 or email: JobsCSbluebanklsb.com supervision of all aspects oi make good money, Without th by following the CAR RENTAL Ings for a delivery technician. an opening for a Branch Man- have own transportation to Job Je n nlfer.car lson<£ba chcorp.com 1 construction Including cos stress of commission? We an RETURN signs to the NATIONAL- Great opportunity for a student ager at our Price Offlce.The se- sites & pass a pre-employment Equal Opportunity CAR RENTAL counter or send or others. Duties Include delivAUTO BODY Repair Tech lected candidate must be able drug screen. For more Informa- Employer. Candidate must be mngmnt, bidding, progress re looking for mature and respon resume to ering medical supplies to ports, verify compliance, re slblc Individuals to Join ou Auto Body Repair Busy ORP to generate mortgage loans, tion call Austin at 801-647wllbournep2@natlonalcar.com. able to pass background check views, JSA, HAZOP, HA2ID. 10+ patients, assisting with wareshop. Call Gordon 455-8700 grow the deposit base, role 0466 or apply In person or and drug test. Amazing teamll $11.00/hr t ______ house activities and other reyrs prior exp. within Industry In start Earn up to $13/hr after CUSTOMER SERVICE model leadership, and create an send resume to: AUTO LOT TECH lated duties as assigned. Applicldng exp. with regulatory months a.m and p.m shifts, COMPUTER/IT TITANIUM SOLUTIONS Austin O'Farrell Jerry Seiner South Jordan Is atmosphere of teamwork. For rules. Engineering degree BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST When Mortgage companies are cants must posses good cusseeking a Lot Tech. Must be de- consideration please fax re- 9150 South 150 East Part Time shifts available Blue Healthcare Bank Is looking preferred. Must be able to ef NO SUNDAYS Benefits after serious about helping home- tomer service and communicaSandy, Utah 84070 pendable. Benefits available. sume to 801-533-9271 for a Business Systems Analyst fectlvely communicate w/all lev- months Health, Dental, Holiday, owners and they can't make tion skills, a good driving Fax 801 565-3502 Must have valid drivers license or email to utah.hr record and be able to lift 50 lbs. to review, analyze, and evaluate els of staff and external con' Vacation, & 401K. Call our cmcontact they hire us. Working or Email and great driving record. Must iywashlngtonfederal.com. Please bring In current driving tacts. Occasional travel awa ployment business systems and users glllesple3»bmcwest.com work evenings & Saturdays. BANKING line At 801-284 together to help homeowners needs. Formulates systems to from Western, CO req. Qualified 7251 M-F 9-8 preserve homeownershlp. We record from DMV at time of apPlease apply In person at 10487 MEMBER SERVICE REP CARPENTER plication. Work schedule do make the difference for many So. Jordan Gateway, South Jor- We have an exciting opportu- Finish Carpenters Needed. 3-4 parallel overall business strate candidates e-mail resume to CUSTOMER SERVICE homeowners. Full and part time Is M-F, some weekends. dan or call Brett for an appoint- nity for youl Join our Specialist years of experience. Must have gles. Writes detailed description recruit ergideltapetro.com ASSISTANT-Fashlon Compan' shifts available between 7:00 Apply at our office, fax or email of user needs, business func ment at 495-6824. team as a FT Member Service own tools and transportation. tlons and steps required to de CONSTRUCTION seeks enthusiastic leader fo AM and 9:00PM. Alrport-lntcr- a resume to:. NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED Call Clarence at 330-6523. AUTO SALES LOT ATTENDANT Representative and enjoy a varismall office. Duties Include velop processes. We require a natlonal Center, 5225 W. Wiley Do you like to drive Hummers, ety of locations and co-workers. CARPET CLEANER customer support, problem Post Way, Suite 150, Salt Lake COMMUNITY NURSING SERVICES bachelor's degree in a related EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Cadillacs, and Chevrolets? If so Specialists work In all branches; Carpet Tech. Paid weekly. Earn field and 4+ years experience Great Benefits solving, computer literate, City, UT 84116 801-322-4442 HOME HEALTH S HOSPICE Fill out application at this position Is perfect If you $400-$800/wk. Paid training. In the field or In a related area. this Is the Job for youl great communication Ext. 701 Great Benefits, 6949 High Tech Drive like meeting new people, vari- Depend-able 3032 S. 1030 W., SLC auto a must. skills and multitasking. E-ma Monthly Bonus up to 5 0 % of Salt Lake City, Utah 84047 or Job site at Multiple Full and Part Ttme po- ety In your workday, and learn- Bcne-flts avail. Tues.-Sat. Call resume to: Base Income. Paid Medical Bene- Fax:BO1-233-61O9 Applicants meeting the quallfl 9800 S. 500 W. 298-9507 for Interview. sitions available. Morning Shifts ing on the fast track. Our rayliasw@rayHadeslgns.com fits based on Mln. of 30 Hours Email: bphelps9cnsvna.org cations for the position need to or email resume to: and After-noon/Evenlng Shifts. Specialists enjoy a monthly gas CARPET CLEANING a Week, Fun Environment - We CUSTOMER SERVICE . send their resume to Equal Opportunity ]obs@>emconstructlon.com Full benefits available with card to cover transportation. Technician S35k+ comm after are a People Oriented ComC'mon You know our name. Jobs®bluebankf sb.com Employer No Phone Calls great opportunities for advance- Flexible hours and days are training. pany. 801-913-2086 or Now tell us yours. We're one o OELIVERY/MtrchandUar ment. If you take pride In your possible. Apply online at CONSTRUCTION 801-443-1034 the most recognized brands I Equal Opportunity Employer, For housewares distributor In www.ucredltu.com or In person work and have a good driving Ogden Based Commercial Con financial services. But we'r CHILD CARE North Salt Lake. FT Monday-Frl. record, minimum of 18 years at 3450 S Highland Dr, Ste 109. Experienced Teachers needed. Candidate must be able to pass structlon Company looking fo more Interested In hearing you background check and drug $8-10 hr. Call 801-580-4067 EOE old, call Anthony at 952-5738 Pre-Englneered Steel Erectors, Kim 266-1544 name. 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The 801-731-0717 Automotive LOT TECHNICIAN JANITOR Evergreen Canyons Quality preschool seeking FT 2 task oriented Lead Technician, NOW HIRING CUSTOMER SERVICE Ideal candidate will have a dePROJECT Positions Available In Sandy We Offer: Is looking tor a weekend Janitor & 3 yr. old teacher. $8 hr. & up, Good phone skills & communl CONSTRUCTION Want to make good money. gree and a combination of 4 MGR. 5 years experience In un West Valley $9 to Sio/hr (depending on ex1 to strip and wax floors 1 to 6 ratio. Full benefits. Prof, cation necessary. Mandatory Without the stress of commis- years teaching/related work exPlease Contact Anna at 801 environment. Call Tasha 4 5 5 - yrs. of hands-on exp. & work derqround & grading. Willing t perlence) j^* . sion? We are looking for perience. Professionalism In all 272.-1892 or Apply In person at relocate to St. George, UT. Sem Tell us your ambitions. 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Call 801-201-9368. 1 Ata01-2B4-7Z5iM-F9-8 KBR Systems. call our Job hotline at (80 to work part-time In the ComFull time. 3 years cxp, WANTED) MURRAY 266-3590 WVC 974The UPS Store 902-5521. EOF. Flyir-dropptn, puter Department. Textbook $12-$!6/hr. 487-1028 Inn on tha Hlfl 5886 W.Jordan 255-3325 WELDERS CERTIFIED WELDER Retail Sales Associate - Smart; $9-$12 an hour paid weekly. Loan Program available tor 225 North State Street SERVERS WANTED.- (ull/p« RIGGERS NEEDED. Will be exALARM TECH needed Make More Than Your Computer savvy; Friendly; SLC metro area. M-F. Housekeeper and clerical time. Apply In person at Th< pected to travel. Drug test re- those eligible. Apply at the Unifor Installs and service calls. Parents Good worker. No Sundays Very FLEXIBLE hours around quired. Apply at 6087 W. 5400 positions, no heavy duties, versity Campus Store Customer Country Club, 2400 E. Counti PT or FT. Experience preferred your school schedule. 4760 S Highland Dr, 1905 W RealEstatelnvestlngForStudcnts.FT/PT Service Desk or call 581-3616 Club Dr.(2380 S.) 801-466 S., West Valley or Fax resume to Coll 877-224-3577 call (601) 208-5498. 4700 S com 966-1061. EOE. Dorlnda or Sharon 328-1466. 8751. for details. FEATURE Fum FOR FAMILIES UTA CHALUflJGEK National |