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Show Monday, September 11,2006 10 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE LETTERS TO T H E EDITOR Packing heat with pride on campus Editor: To all of those pansies who didn't want weapons on campus and wasted five years of time and money, I just want to say IN YOUR FACE! I have been on campus ever since this whole tiling started, and I knew what the outcome was going to be from the get-go. According to the Utah Supreme Court, I am allowed to carry a concealed weapon on campus. I feel safer already! The Utah Supreme Court said the U did not have autonomous authority under the state constitution. Well, dun! So here is the deal: As a law-abiding, former United States Marine, I get to pack heat on campus when I want, where I want, and there isn't squat you can do about it! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! With all due respect, of course. Jason Clark Senior, Political Science/German Chronicle perpetuates Greek Row stereotypes Medical Laboratory Science Degree Lookin ,i Medii: 1 professionals^: : technology * J • health care : are knowledi individuals who p^ tory tests on blp<| fluids, or tissue saf inologistsproyi 1 *; • the diagncyi1"" : or inji| of h e i diverse and s] ! lent. } www.patb? • PREREQUISITES FOR ADMISSION TO THE i "2+2" CURRICULUM EMPHASIS: j Chemistry, biology, mathematics courses and uj$&j) i cumulative & science GPA of 2,5 or higher. i 1 $ ^ S i w ; i t o u Submit applications between January 1 and H B April 1 for Fall admission. Editor: I am glad that the actions of the Sig Eps have put Greek Row in a positive light, despite tasteless cartoons—although after reading Matt Patton's opinion editorial ("Give a little love, Greek Row," Sept. 7) I wondered why people think the only thing greeks do is party. You might be surprised that there is much more to Greek Row than meets the eye, or the stereotypes. Did you know that ALL Greek chapters have one week that they dedicate to raising money for their chosen charity? Some choose the Huntsman Cancer Institute, Make a Wish foundation and Children's Network, to name a few. Also, the greeks get together for. an additional week— Greek Week—to raise money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Even though the greeks are not going to create new food courts or parking structures, they do promote and participate in activities that better the community. So, Patton, I would argue that the actions of those two Sig Eps were not a fluke, but rather indicators that the greeks are decent people. The problem is that no one has bothered to look past the stereotypes to see that greeks care about the community and try to make a difference. . Cara Winegar Senior, Political Science Cartoonists Wanted! <\& ,\ michele.stuart@path.utah.edu m $ h 1801-585-5452 ; University of Utah \ Department of Pathology |3ON. 1900E.5R477 Salt Lake City, Utah 84132-2501 "4+1" OPTION IN MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE FOR POST-BACCALAUREATE GRADUATES WITH A BACCALAUREATE DEGREE IN BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY OR MICROBIOLOGY Contact: Larry Schoeff lschoeff@path.utah.edu or 801-585-6989 www.path.utah.edu/mls ^i^^^^^^ Tired of running on empty? Pick up a UTA Ed Pass at the Union from desk. Commuter Services, the Bookstore or any U-card office and ride For FREE. Contact Matt Piper: m.piper@chronide. Utah, edu |