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Show Thursday, December 8, 2005 13 ™ DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Tbo Chroniclereserves6wrighttotonyor edit dautfled BtfwrfewwnH on the basis of good Lasle and propriety, Onca « h siari to run, rtfuwto CLASSIFIEDS will not be made. In keeping wim the Untorsify o( Utah1! poScy of rwHTncriminaikH), The Dally Ulah Chronicle doei not ecctpl my KhwtiMfrwblhfllirtitoleUntfirslypQlcy.w Noad can disoWnato on to baste of national origin,TOO,odor. roGgicn, age, o dsaUty, vtiersn status, stoat ortenlafion, or gendv. Roommata »ds are PH an exapbon only in royanl to gender. AdreiftemenUrequiringa lee must so itate tn tha ads, in keeping with The CfuwWrt desire to run honetl Phone: 801.581.7041 Fax: 801.5813299 - \ 1-20 words Perweek Per montli Semester. 21*40 words $27 Perweek $38 $81 Per monlh $114 $215 Semester—$325 Campus Lovin' Cute. Tall, English Major Looking for a woman to , fulfill the three CV Coffee, Chatting, & Cuddling... Because it sure is cold in the desert! If Interested Call 801-318-6649, ask for Erik Seeking A Friend For the Holidays Deadline is noon, two days prior to publication. GREAT CONDI auto trans., 148k miles, A/C. pw, 12-dlsk CD, new tires, leather, red. MUST SEEI 4x4 Great for the winter! $5200 obo 801-699-5857 Avenues House 4BR/2Bath Formal dining, fireplace, wood floors, Includes washer/dryer. No pets, no smohlng. 633 E. 3rd Ave. SliOO/month 80K, Great Condition! Power-Steering, automatic transmission, Good A/C, AM/FM-Radlo/Cassette Player, Good Gas Mileage, Well-Maintained. Clean Tlllel Asking S27OO/OBO (KBB-Value S2780) Call Doyel at 918-6007 Sunny 2 Bedrooms, Wash er/Oryer, Fireplace, Private Balcony, Yard, NS. Jan 1st S850/Mon. 702-875-1193 Female House Mate, Food»Fun»Music •"CINDERELLA'S"* 366-55OS Private Dancers-Party Girls -Bachelor/ette Partieswww.sexyclndercllos.com 314 Main Street Park City. Utah 84060 Liett2005-IOIt Sugarhousc. Own Room, Bathroom, Laundry Facility, Kitchen, Own Room, Bathroom, Laundry Facility Kitchen, $480/mo. 484-0282 ~"~ "19960A"R K B LUtT ~ MAZDA PROTEGE LX For Sale. 5-Speed Manual Transmission. 107K Miles. Power Steering, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Cruise Control, MP3+CD+RadlD, A Great Sound System And A Sliding Sun Roof. 52,800 080. Contact: sldd@cs.utah.edu or 801-403-9850 PERFECT SKI CAR!!! Huge Duplex 2 Blocks from U 11999 Oldsmoblle Bravada AWD, Pwr Everything, heated leather seats, sunroof, CD/Cassette, $7500.00 Call 801-414-9561 3Br/1.5Ba, fireplace, private driveway. Coll Tara at 561-2822 or 557-3702. LEASE FOR SALE!! Insurance CampusCoverage.com The source lor student HEALTH INSURANCE. View ALL your options ONLINE or ca 111-800-429-1097 GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNT BRAND NEW COUCH black microlibcr IKEA style sola recently purchased barely used $150 lovely black computer cabinet $50 small black bookshelf $15 kitchen taboret with butcher block and wire mesh drawers Remodeled Luxury Condo! Congratulations! At Farmers we know how hard it is to be a good student, that's why'we give you a discount on your auto Insurance I Call me today to find out the best way to get your I Insurance coverage back where It belongs! i Hallee J. Hatch I 801-450-6422 FARMERS Personals Rarely available shaughanessy 2SS S. 700 E. »16 Take Trax or Walk to U. Natural floors, maple kitchen, spacious 2bd, private balcony, carport and storage!! $750/mo. Great opportunity available nowl Call Les 301-7355. SaltLakeApartments.com -Free to Search Rental Properties, Photos. Full Details. No Login Required. Unique listings. Special Offers. To Buy visit AreaCondos.com TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED E-MAIL US classifieds® chronicle.utah.edu $35 Call 205-5181 Enrollment to Career Step Medical Transcription. $1600.00, a steall E-mail kristynnmarleffya hoo.com. 1 For SaleT 19 Phillips TV/VCR Combo with remote. 4 years old, excellent condition. $75/obo. cash or certified check only. Call Jake 580-0924. HUGE APPLIANCE SALE!!! Washers.Dryers.Stove Ranges, Refrldgerators, Dishwashers, Freezers and More. S50 and Up. Includes Warranty!! 3419 State. America's Best. Call 577-6564. Townhouse duplex 1597 S. 1500 E. near Einstein and Star Bucks. Quaint 2Dd, Do You Have A Special Ibath. Hard wood- floors. fireplace, w/d-hookups, Someone? Advertise In neighborhood, pets Our Personals For A One- charming $900/mo 277-8223. Day Discount Rate. 581-7041 Call Services EDITORIAL SERVICES ; proofreading, editing, typing, formatting of all papers, J projects, theses, screenplays, etc. Call Emma for a quote: 918-0389 Have You Lost Your ~ Avon Lady? Cell Keisha at 801-502-7831 HOLIDAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Ahd Empire Financial Group Is Offering Tree Consultation And Flexible Payments. With or Wllhout Credit And With Or Without Bankruptcy. To Make This Year Ope To Remember Coll And Apply For Any Type 01 Loan Now 1-800-963-4839. NO FEES INVOLVED, www.emplrefg.com Learn to draw blood from the bestl Utah School ol Phelbotomy. Call 898-9306 or www.utahphleb.com PARTY GALS1 Need some romance in your life? For Inn Ideas & gifts call Wendle at 801-671-63S6 & Mention Code Kels48 UofU/DOWNTOWN: 1st Month Free. Immaculate. 150 S 800 E 2Bedrooms. 2Balhs, Hook-Ups, Garage, Pool. No Smoke/Pets. $850. Call 483-1292. Travel Spring Break In London Join us in London, England for spring break 2006. Trip open to students, employees, family and friends (over 18). This package Includes: roundtrlp airfare, first class hotel, dally breakfast, theatre perfomance, tours of Stonehenge, Bath, Canterbury, Dover & London. Space Is limited to 20, $300.00 deposit will reserve your space. For Itinerary and full details, call Lynn - 840.56t8 Typing WORD PROCESSING, IBM-Compatible Computer, Laser Printer, Also ISM Typing. Can Chech Spelling, Grammar, References (Specialty: APA). Mrs. Neelcy, 467-2738. WORDS PROFESSIONALLY Composed, Edited. Word Processed, Typed, Proofread, 1 Transcribed (Cassette Tapes), Scanned, Laser Printed, Faxed, E-malled. Theses, Dissertations, Resumes, Family Histories, Applications. Formats: APA, Turablan, Campbell, MLA, UC Press. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Others. Graphics, 30* Years University Experience. Carolyn: 277-6725. For Rent 1-1/2 blocks from U of U trax, hardwood, pets oh, $650, 553 5. 500 E., 556-9463 Salvi Harp Daphne Looking For WORK Or A JOB? How About A BUSINESS! We're Searchinq For Partners Not Employees. Ambitious, Self-Motivated And Entrepreneur Minded People Wanted To Build A Business Globally In The Wellness Industry. Call (772) 708-5580 (For A Confidential Short Clip Preview) WWW.bigpicturecall.com/glen/ WE PAY Y0U~$200 cash MORTGAGE DISCOUNTS FOR UNIVERISTY STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND EMPLOYEES Call Joel Nelson, Midtowne Mortgage At 307-4000 Ext. 224. Email: joel@utahlender.com Child Care Looking for money tor holiday presents? In need of cash for next semester? Professional Family seeking chlldcare In our home Immediately. Mornings with our 18 month-old and afternoons to pick up our 7 year-old at school. Must have reliable car, clean driving record, and qood references. We're looking for energetic sitters during the week and on weekends, too. Pay commensurate with experience. 521-5111 Roommates Nanny needed for 8/month Room available in downtown area. 2 Housemates are clean and courteous. Washer and Dryer provided. Private Room, shared/common areas. All utilities Included in rent. S265/mo with e $265 deposit. This Is a gay household. Call 801-641-3405 ROOMS FOR RENT! $275-5375 Per Month, Utilities Included. Close To Downtown, Walking Distance To TRAX. Call Jill At 661-4141. University Student ApartmentMale Roommate Needed! 2BR, Medical Plaza, available December 14. S337/month, utilities-Included. Email yusung74@gmail.com or call 585-4404 Automotive infant, 2-3 mornings/week, flexible hours, Plnebrook area of Park City, Competitive wages, references required, call anytime 801-824-4981 " NANNY WANTED: Enthusiastic, creative individual needed to care lor active 2-year old boy 10-15 hours per week <TuesdayS Thursday 12:30-5:30 and possible Friday alternoons). Start In January for regular schedule, sooner for variable dates. Sugarhouse area. Must have transportation and excellent references. Email resume to Trad at traci.thompsonghscjjtah.edu or call 484-6912. NANNY/MOM'S HELPER Needed For 5 Year Old Boy. Alter School And Some Saturdays. 201-8496 Volunteer Opps '93 GEO TRACKER Hard Top Convertible Engine Runs Great! Interior Looks Good. 23 MPG, 5 SP MAN, S950 080 Call 910-9165 Car/Truck/Van-Runs Or Not Top SS Paid! 485-511) lt'5 Worth Your Time To Call vvv/w.ca rsold.com Have tuni Be a role model! Help with tutoring, homework and reading with kids. Anytime between 8am-5pm. Spanish helpful, but not needed. For more Information, pleaae contact Tyler at tywillskKtmsn.com or 801-230-4642. Wanted I8ARTENDINCI $250 Day Potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Call Now 800-965-6520 Ext. 153 $10,000 BONUS For Your Language Or Learn A New Language. Special Forces, Airborne, Aviation, Military Intelligence, UofU And Westminster College, Scholarships Available. National Guard And Army ROTC.Call Brad 581-6716, 673-2969 Or Slop By Military Science Bldg 23 Room 106 OUTSMART BADGUYS DESK CLERK 7:00AM-3:00PM 4-5 days/wk. Can Study on Job S7.00/hr. SCENIC MOTEL 1345 So. Foothill Dr. SLC UT 84108, 582-1527 Earn $70 (or a 5-hour eventl Promote brands through In-store events. Positions are part-time and flexible! Visit www.eventsandpromotlons.com to dpplyl " EARN~H 0 LI~DAY~GREE N WITH THE BIG BROWN TRUCK! UPS delivers more than packages: Tuition Reimbursement/ Benefits/Bonuses. Apply now. positions close 11/10/05. Also, Full-time seasonal available 11/28-12/23. Apply at WWW.UPSJ0BS.COM FIDDLER'S ELBOW Is Looking For P/T Hostesses Must be 21*. Thurs-Sun. Hours Vary. Call 463-9393. Contact Cindy Or Joeanne Or Stop 8y To Till Out Application. 1063 East 2100 South FLEXIBLE HOURS. FAST CASH OPPORTUNITY: 110 W. 600 S. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84101 EMBASSY SUITES IS INTERVIEWING For P/T Servers-Host/Hostess. If You Are An Experienced Server With Great People Skills, Call Chris Or Cameron At 3S9-78OO. Or Fax Your Resume To 359-3753. ADVERTISERS WANTED Do you want to earn S15-S50K this summer? Yes you doll If you know how to talk to people and If you know how to work hard, then It will be easy to earn the money you want. If you are skeptical,; I understand I was too. Call me and I wilt set up a time to talk to you and explain everything. You'll never know unless you call. Michael 801-755-4593 ALL POINTS WIRELESS All Points Wireless Announces once-in-a-llfetime sales opportunity! Outside Sales Director (or Sprlnt/Neitel wireless company. Sales experience a plus but not required. Flexible hours, excellent earning potential. For more Information call. (801) 293-0334 If You Have Contacts In The Following Countries, Or Speak Multiple Languages We Want You. Please Contact Us ASAP; Canada, Israel, Japan, Hang Konq, Indonesia. Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand. Taiwan and Sri Lanka, Call Summer Today For An Interview (801) 815-0410. GREAT JOB FOR STUDENTS. Part-Time, Evenlng&Weekend Shifts Available, And One Live-In Position Available. Support People With Disabilities. Call 262-1552 Ext.143 For Details. Fill Out Application At Columbus Community Center, 3495 S. West Temple Or Fax Your Resume 262-2066 Att: Sara Holiday Help And Winter Break Work Openings APPLY NOW! Start after finals $14 base/appointment flexible schedules scholarships available training Is provided sales/service all aqes 17+ conditions apply call nowl 263-6700 www.workforstudents.com Make a difference and have fun doing Itl The Sorenson Center needs Jr. Jazz basketball coaches for grades K-12th. Games on Saturdays or Thursdays. Requires two hours per week. Clinics Dec. 10, Coaches meeting Dec. 13th. Call Josh 974-2420 joshua.decola$slcgov.com Students receive 6 0 % Off advertised price. Online Credit Restoration Company Seeks energetic and motivated sales professionals. Previous telephone sales experience preferred. Compensation includes hourly warjp plus productivity. Earn $10.00 to $15.00 an hour In a fun upbeat work environment. Send resume* to hr.1 acfldemycredit.com or Call 433-0004 Opt 6 ORDER FULFILLMENT POSITION AVAILABLE Are you looking tor work during the holidays? Sky Harbor Suites is looking for several different positions that need to be filled Immediately. Contact Tla for more Information at 539-8420. AUTISM CLASSROOM AIDE Part-Time Opportunity For Students, Monday-Friday, Worklnq W/Young Children W/Autlsm At The Carmen B. Plngree School, 780 S. Guardsman Way (Adjacent To U Of U Campus) No Experience Needed But Must Care About Young Children With Autism. $8.38/Hr. Call 581-0194 ^ T backcounfrry.com BACKC0UNTRY.COM Is Looking For Gear heads To Join Our Customer Service Team. Full-Time Or Part-Time Shifts, S9-S9.50/Hour. Send An E-mail To |obst£bac kcountry.com Telling Us What You Know About Our Gear. Companion Corporation Inside sales position 15-20 hours/week. Make your own schedule. $10-12/hr will receive great training and sales experience, outbound customer and non-customer sales. Please send resume to: cwalker@companloncorp.com 801-943-7277 Position starts at the beginning of the semester. CREDIT MARKETING GROUP Is Looking For A Highly Motivated, Upbeat Sales Consultant To Join Our Expanding Team. We Are Looking For A Consultant Driven To Earn $1O-$I5 Per Hour. Work Only On Live Leads That Have Requested A Consultation. Job Benefits At Credit Marketing Group: ••Great Student Jobl "College Atmosphere. "Flexible Day And Evening ShlftSl "Good Student Pay $1O-$15 An Hour. ••Paid Training. ••Close To University 01 Utah! What We Look For In Our Candidates: ••Soles Experience. "HS Diploma Or Equivalent. ••Some College Preferred, ••Computer Proficient. "Sell-Motivated. ••Excellent Communication Skills. Email Resume To Info9lexlngtonlaw.com Or Call 800-641-2454 HUNGRY FOR GREAT F00D7I Starving for CASH!? Take TRAX to The Dodo Restaurant at Gateway, where we have been feeding and employing u of U students for over 20 years. "DISCOVERY • i t l A I C M Our fast growing company Is seeking people with general office skills for various clerical office responsibilities requirements Include: Office/computer, Communication skills, Attention to detail, pi ease indicate preference for day, evening, or graveyard shift, send resume to Krlsten. 866-244-8828. Part time positions available: Courier and clerical. Flexible hours. Friendly attitude, good driving record required. Company vehicle. 352-1405 mtolympustltle<£msn.com PHONE INTERVIEWERS Schedule Appointments For 5-5tar Resorts. Avgeraqe S9 To $15+ Per Hourl P/T Flexible Hours. Ho Sales! Call (801)836-0963 Quality Support Solutions, Inc. seeks a Lead Employment and Life Mentor to work as team leader and one on one with people who need life coaching. Interested only In applicants who are great with people, self-actualized, charismatic, easy going, social, extroverted, fun, adventurous, and humorous. Applicants must have life experience, a bachelor's degree, excellent English writing and speaking skills, a Drivers License, clean driving record, ability to pass a background check, reliable transportation and auto Insurance. Flexible schedule with some weekends, 4 0 hours/wk, $2,700 month. Please email your resume to qssorg@qmaH.com RESIDUAL INCOME Make Money When People Pay Their Utility Bills! Call Kamle At 463-2967 SKI PARK CITY 4 Young Women To Work At CHATEAU APRES LODGE For The Ski Season. Will provide room, Board, Ski Pass, Salary, About 4 Hrs Per day. Please Call NOW 435-649-9372 Is Accepting Applications For Preschool Teacher. Experience Preferred. Must Be 18 Years. Morning And Afternoon Shift Available. You Must Be SelfMotivated, Enthusiastic. Dependable, And Love Children. Please Apply At 475 E. Herbert Ave. (1035 EL) Salt Lake City Or Call Kathy 364-4874 Ext. 103 C * O U * Immediate Availability lor Day and Swing Positions! Survey Research Calls Only No Sales. $8.50/hr + eligible lor raise every 90 days. Full benefits plus tuition reimbursement. Internships available. Contact Kirstla at 6975 Union Park Center or 801-569-0107. Immediate openings for experienced-gymnastics/ trampoline/tumbling, preschool/team, and birthdayparty staff (>>Black Diamond Gymnastics! Offering-part-time positions for cnerqetlc/motlvated/creatlve&dependable coaches. We tralnScertlfy! Call Joy 435-615-1800 Indoor Heated Detailing & Storage is looking for hard-working, honest Individuals for r/T and P/T positions. Secretary, Manager, and Detailing. Must be good with assorted computer programs. Close to the U! Coll 485-6283. L&L HAWAIIAN BARBEQUE Is Now Hiring Full-Time Or Part-Time Cashier Pick Up Application At 3S8 South 700 East Manhattan |»ft Manhattan Loft Is Looking For P/T Warehouse Employees. This Job Pays $1O/Hr And Includes Moving Furniture, Painting And Cleaning. It You Are Looking To Work With A Exciting Team Call 466-5577 For More Information. FLORAL Need extra cash for the holidays? Huddart Floral Is looking for you. S8.00/hr «• Bonuses. Work In a beautiful environment with lun people. Work Mon-Sat afternoon hours. Call: 561-6785 email: Pcolesethronlcle.utah.edu NEED: SPANISH ONLINE TUTOR For ISyear Old 6oy, Afternoons. SIO/Hr. 3 Times Per Week. E-MaH Resume To h|zhao@>5 stdrads.com UJ i Ads for Campus Lovin' are free! N A M E N A M E 1 N A C 1 R C L P U T 0 N E S F STARTING OUT OR STARTING OVER? Century Theatres-Union Heights, Sandy is opening soon! Apply In person at 7670 So. Union Park Ave., or online www.conturytheatres.com We olfer: •Free Movies "Fun People "Fantastic Opportunities •Flexible Hours Entry level and Management positions available. Join our Tea ml Century-16, So. Salt Lake, 125 E.3300 So, Is also hiring. Apply In person or online. www.centurytheatres.com STUDENTS NEEDED For Utah Films, TV. Extras, Modeling. Dally Rates $72-$695. Member BBB Utah. Call BOt-680-0660 • E|A R L S |A|R E A S O]T I N i l T Q. if) ka o UJ In Mldvale near 7200 S. TRAX Station. Duties Include order packing, processing and customer service. Flexible daytime hours 20-30 per week, fluent English speaking and computer skills needed. Call for resume submitting Instructions 801-566-7579. ST. JOHN'S PRESCHOOL Business Opps Newly remodeled home close to campus. $3OO-$4OO/month * utilities. Call Carter 801-244-3400. Real Estate Volunteers needed at Mountain View Elementary. Rapid Survey Group Is Searching For An Individual To Do Basic Data Entry Work And Special Pro|ecls For A Growing Insurance Inspection Company. This Is A Full-Time Position. Candidates Must Be Computer Literate And Detail Oriented. $9/Hr To Start. Please Email Resume To: res umed'ca si tels.com 3/4 size Ebony Excellent Condition. $7200, 801-392-1401 Wanted 3 Male roommates. CASH NOW!! FOR YOUR duplex Music Walk to U! to take our lease that ends In May. HUGE 1 bd w pool/ hot tub/ exercise rm. $639 a month. Available ASAP Can 243-3203 Help create good Web content In your spare time. Writers, editors, designers, programmers, and others needed. www.LDSVolunteers.org HUGE APPLIANCE SALE!!! Washers.Dryers.Stove Ranges. Refrldgerators,Dishwashers, Freezers and More. SSO and up. includes Warranty!! 3419 State. America's Best. Call 577-6564. Graphics (Logos, Pictures, etc)* 1 Week $16.00 1 Month S48.00 1 Semester $129.20 DATA ENTRY Make a Difference! Furniture House orApt/House452 S University SU1330 E.) 4BR/2Bath, Clean/Cool Home! $1.35O/mo.- Negotiable I Big Evap.Cooler*Fireplace, New Palnt/Floors&Moret Great Areas! Apt <5> 368 UnlversltyB5(1350 EastKOpen!)Clean Units In Cool Home w/Newer Paint/Carpets!Laundry & Storaqe £ offstreet parklnglMust See! Stop-by/or call for apptlBob 604-1861 or Kent:(owner/agent) ^299-0a07/656-4357.Also check out other beautifully remodeled Aptsl Go Utes! SCHOLARSHIPS Chlcana/o Scholarships available lor 2006-2007 school year. For details visit our web site at www.sa.utah.edu/chicano/ bungalow For Sale Available ASAP. Walk To U Or Ride The Shuttle To Class. No Meal Plan. Your Own Private Bedroom, Share IBathroom With 1 Other Girl. On Campus Apartment With 2 Other Roommates. Large Spacious Room. All Utilities Included With Rent Plus Cable And High Speed Internet. Call 336-420-1798 For Questions Or Appoinlments. call our office immediately. All Classified Ads Must Be Pre-Paid. Borders 1 Week $5 1 Month $15 1 Semester $40 '96 Mitsubishi Mirage S 755-5665 COTTON WOOD HEIGHTS 15Mln. From Campus. 20edrooms, ISathroom, $595/Mon. Covered Parking. A/C, Dishwasher, W/D, Hook-Ups. No Smoking. 694-9380 Reverse Text 1 Week S1O 1 Month S30 1 ScmoslGr S8O "94 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd. AVENUES 1BEDR00M APT Laundry, Storage, Walk To U, Security Deposit, 10/Month Lease, No Smoking, Heat/Hot Water Included, $415/Month, Call 328-2066 CAPITOL HILL HOUSE. My friend Is a super cute girl who Just happens to be a little shy when tt comes to meeting guys. She's cute, (unny, smart, and easy to hang out with. Just trying to set her up with a cool guy! It Is getting cold! Why not llnd a cute girl to snuggle up with?? Call LaLa at 867-4631 2Bed that an advertisement Is not vaOd or is a scheme toripyou off, please 200 So. Central Campus Drive Room 236, Union Building classifieds@chronicle.utah.edu • wmf.dailyutahchronicfe.com • f: 1 adverttsementi. II you have any proof or evidence to the contrary, or feel The LATITUDE K E I T A U R A N T GROUP The Latitude Restaurant Is expanding! We are hiring for positions including management, servers, sushi chefs, sushi apprentices, greeters and kitchen chefs. Please fax or email resume to: 801-456-1311 or cs£>lat It uderg.com TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED E-MAIL US classifieds^ chronicle.utah.edu UNIVERSITY STUDENT APARTMENTS Has Several 2 And 3 Bedroom Units Available. Eligible Students And Full-Time Staff Or Faculty Are Welcome. Our Units Are Open To Married Couples, With/Without Children, And Single Parents With Children. For Information On Eligibility, Rates, And Policies Visit www. apartmentSArtah.edu Or Call 581-8667 Daily Utah Chronicle WANTED: Business/Marketing Student with strong management and sales skills to join sales team at The Daily Utah Chronicle. Candidates will be hired with the understanding of working through the summer and 2006-2007 school year. The initial hire will be made for an advertising sales executive with potential to become the Advertising Manager in the summer. Internship credit is available through the business school. Part time, commission and hourly compensation. Send resume to jsorensen@chronicle. utah.edu or call Jake at 581-7751. UTAH JAZZ Business/Marketing/ Communications Ticket Slaes Representative Part-Time Do you want to work In professional sports when you graduate? This is how you get your foot In the door. The Utah Jazz need college students. In the past two years we have promoted two employees to Fulltime positions In our organization, and three management positions with other NBA Teems. The Utah Jazz Is looking (or college students who want sales experience In the sports and entertainment industry. If you have good phone skills, selling ability, and an excitement for basketball- we would love to have youl You'll make $8.00 on hour plus commission ($16.00 an hour is our current average). You must be able to work Mon.-Frl. 1-5 or 5-9. You must currently be enrolled In college or be enrolled for winter semester to apply for this position. College credit may be available. To apply, send a resume to c|ensen@utah)azz.com. Please specify If you are applying for the 1-5 or 5-9 position. It's a sign of mediocrity when you UTAH'S 81 STEAKHOUSE Is Looking For Youl Ruby River Is Now Hiring Hostesses And Servers. Experience Is A Plus. Apply In Person Monday-Friday 2pm-dpm. 435 South 700 East Call 359-9739 demonstrate gratitude Superior® •J-Homc improremenT Superior Home Improvement I j looking for students wrth excellent communication skills to set appointments for our sales team, working 20 hours a week Mon-Frl 5:00-9:00 pm. S240.00 to S75O.OO+ per weekl •Paid training •weekly pay + bonuses •Permanent positions available 'Advancement opportunities •Fun atmosphere Call Rich for an Interview at: 801-638-3700 Or apply online at: usasuperior.com Sprint Jr ^ M n Utah's largest Sprint retailer Is looking lor FT/PT sales associates. Great Pay! Earn hourly or commission whichever is grooter! Bonuses & Incentives! Get trained now to maximize holiday season traffic. Opportunity for advancement. mall resume to JobsS=connectedwlreless,net WANTED FEMALE SHIRT MODEL S20 per hour 3-5 hours eBay Auctions xs/s sizes pretty face very Important send pictures ebaytshirtmodelSJyahoo.com THE HUKA-6AR AND GRILL A Private Club For Members, Is Now HIRING For All Positions Including Cocktail Servers, Hookah Man, Door, And Cooks. Please Come In Or Call To Apply. 151 E. 6100 S. Murray, Just North Of Fashion Place Mall. (601) 654-0524 The JCC Is Looking For Experienced College Students To Work With Kids After School. You will receive an individual membership and work In a fun friendly environment. Please call Jerrad Strand at (801) 581-0098 ext 116 or E-mail jstrand9slcjcc.org. with Wasatch Pizza Is Now Hiring Shift Manager? with Flexible Hours. Apply In Person From 1-5Pm Any Day Of The Week. 820 East 400 South. Contact John At 359-2300. We pay up to $75 per online survey! www.MySurveyCash.com moderation. Roberto Benign! |