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Show DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 8, 2005 Ron Harris has been hired as associate vicepresident for diversity in health sciences, but the Graduate School's position for assistant dean for diversity has remained unfilled for two years due to budget cuts. Initiate programs to address student retention: The Health Sciences LEAP program has recruited and retained ethnic and minority students. Rodriguez also noted a number of scholarships that have become available since the recommendations were made. "Other initiatives have been generated than those that were originally anticipated," she said. DIVERSITY REPORT CARD continued from Page I student diversity. Develop training sessions to make employees aware of diversity: These training sessions are no longer offered. Improve retention of ethnic and minority faculty and administrators: A Dual Career Program has been created—and used to some measure—to aid in finding on-and-off campus work for partners of faculty and administrators. Hire faculty to respond to diversity issues: STUDENTS! j.layton@ chronicle.utah.edu RECEIVE A 20% DISCOUNT WITH ID OLDESTJEWELERINTl-rEINTERMOUNTAINAREA Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-5:30 Saturday 10:00-4:00 Characters portray everything from children to a dancing mouse in the classic "Nutcracker" ballet. 'NUTCRACKER' HAS TIES TO THE U continuedJrom Page 1 Matinee performances will be Dec. io-n, 17-18, 22-23, 2t> anc * 31 at 2 p.m. Two matinees will be held Dec. 24 at 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. On-stage children's Sugar Plum Parties, featuring ballet characters, refreshments and treats, will be held following each matinee, with the exclusion of those on Dec. 24 and S17 to $65 and are available through ArtTix at 355-ARTS and www.arttix.org or through the Capitol Theatre ticket office. Tickets for the Sugar Plum Parties are $5 and also can be purchased through ArtTix and Capitol Theatre. Ticket prices range from f • 14k and 18k gold • White & Yellow Gold • Platinum . ,.;. .-•/, • Titanium • i'"'^.- ' • Tungsten • Bridal & Wedding Rings • Custom Designs • Anntvei-saiy Bands • Certified Stones X BENNION JEWELERS • ^ ^ Loose Diamond Headquarters 364-3667 59 S Main • Salt Lake City www.bennionjewelers.com a.gregory@ chronicle.utah.edu We accept: Visa, Alasccrcard, AmEx &. Discover Urge S Splurge? USo Deserve This! Write letters to •'BES the editor. Hard Day at School, Work, or Play? Pamper Yourself & Bring Your Friends. $18One-Hour Massage* *w\Any Spa Treatment! STUDENT CLINIC HOURS: HEALING MOUNTAIN MASSAGE SCHOOL M-F lpm-9pm 455 South 300 East Suite 103 SAT 9 am-6 pm Salt Lake City, UT 84111 SUN 10am-6pm letters® :hronicle. Utah, edu (Free Underground Parking via 500 SOUTH) Book Your Appt. Now: 3 5 5 - 6 3 0 0 J "* . •• •: '•! - v ELECTIONS ARE COMING Las elecciones estdn viniendo As eleicoes est&o vindo Wahlen kommen ; Les elections viennent stanno ,:-..--.*.. A *•*- ,-; J -*- -+i • ''i r-J,--*l\S-- " FILING DEADLINE • ; • _ • • % . * . * • ' JANUARY, 2 7 T H 2OO6 * PRIMARY ELECTIONS MARCH, 1ST&2NP FINAL ELECTIONS # MARCH, 8 T H •i tfc.i.. -J-..V. & * • ' • i v - . V *-''/••*•• CO TO WWVAUSTUDENTS.CO/^FOR VOTINC INFORMATION |