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Show Thursday, December 8, 2005 DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Robert Downey, Calendar ThursdayDec. 8 free. Ah, the perks of being a celebrity junkie. Ah, the holidays. Speaking of celebrity junkies, Calendar met Christian Slater the other day, and he's, like, 13-feet tall. No lie! And he eats cars-mostly European models, we don't know why. His favorite? The 1975.9-litre turbo diesel Peugeot A g e n t Orange, A time for spiking the eggnog, picking dead animals from the side of the road to give as gifts and dancing topless at the office Christmas party. It's a time for sitting on the laps of only slightly creepy bearded men whilst begging for a new Game Boy. Rollicking, raucous, good times. From First to Last, playing at Lo-Fi Cafe" (165 S. West Temple) at 6:30 p.m. for $10. playing with Charlie Don't Surf at Burt's Tiki Lounge (726 5. State Street) at 8:30 p.m. for $10. A number of Calendar's close friends have big holiday plans-going on cruises to the Caribbean, heading to New York for New Year's, road-tripping to Tijuana for pills and prostitutes...er, tacos. You know, the usual. Our bags are packed, our earmuffs muffed, our normal muff muffed and our socks pulled up around our thighs. We're ready to go. We received our confirmation from the center yesterday-printed on Frequent Try-er cardstock reserved for repeat customers-and we're a rarin' to go. Now, if we could only find that Roommate Change Request Form, we'd be golden like the goose. Straight up, we ain't bunkin" with that Draino-sniffing bottom But Calendar does not have such plans. This holiday season, Calendar has something extra special slated for ourselves: Rehab. That's right, kiddies-Calendar is getting clean. While you were all dreaming of a white Christmas, Calendar was busy having one. Actually, we were busy having one too many, and when we awoke in the alley behind a sleazy brothel a couple days back, we realized maybe we have a problem. And, as Calendar is a responsible events listing, we maturely identified our crutches and opted to get professional help for our afflictions. Goodbye, NyOuil. Goodbye, Zima. Hello boring, boring cold sobriety. Plus, we had a fling with Betty Ford a little while back, so we get spa treatment at her facility for feeder Dave Aude, playing tonight at In The Venue ( 2 0 0 S. 5 7 9 West) at 9:30 p.m., tickets at the door. Dude smells like feet and rotten pumpernickel bread. We can't clean up our act with those types of distractions. We require penitent concentration, not unwavering dry-heaves. Calendar hates pumpernickel... Serving your Neighborhood new see tare "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" Directed by Andrew Adamson Four British schoolchildren step through a wardrobe and discover a fantasy land full of swords, sorcery and a Christlike lion—oh, I'm sorry, I mean The helpful place. s a l t l a k e c i t y For your convenience we are open 7 days a week! 4th SouthA^CEHardware Store Hours: 612 East 400 South Mon. - Sat. 8am - 9pm Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Sunday - 9am - 5pm Phone (801) 364 6567 •Mononucleosis • Chicken Pox /Shingles * Epstein Barr Virus • Chlamydia • Other conditions may be BANqkok TliAi 1400 Foothill Drive • Salt Lake City • 582-8424 MEATUSS MoNdAys™LuNch $9.99 DJNNEII $7.99 ipu.i.o.ir With Purchase of an Entree of Equal or Greater Value "••VALID ONLY IF ENTIRE BILL IS PAID WITH CHECK OR CASH"" Nol Valid with ANY Other Offers, Trade Coupons, or Mcallcsi Mondays"* Limit Oirc per Parly • Expires Dec. 30, 2D05 Visit Us on the Web at www.bangkokthai.com Qualified Doners receive $200 per donation, plus mileage reimbursement.1 Please contact (888) 306-5215 for more information. Leftwing Monsters: The Series ASi Calls are Confidential Site $04-030 further icrwing miy b« wewwry In order to quiHy. Arafat • Fidel • Pol Pot • Stalin Che • Mao Zedong • • MAGIC: T H E GATHERING • • GAMES WORKSHOP • • • ROLE-PLAYING GAMES • • ONLINE COMPUTER GAMING • • HASTUR GAMES AND COMICS VERTHENETW0RKS.ORG STORE HOURS: MON -THURS: l 1AM TO I O P M • FHIDAY: 1 I AM TO MIDNIGHT SATURDAY: IOAM TO MIDNIGHT • SUNDAY; NOON TO 5PM SANCTIONED MAOIC TOURNAMENTS - -, 6831 S. STATE, SALT LAKE CITY . PHONE: 8Oi.3S2.26O3 on I - 8 7 7 - H A S T U R S WWW.HASTURHOBB1ES.COM NEW PRODUCTS: $5 BONUS! FREE E N T R E E (Valueto $15.00) >Heq>es Simplex HI! ; Present this coupon on yourfirst visit and get a 801.363.7697 • 609 S. State St. www.biolifeplasma.com suitable; call for details. 1 Directed by Stephen Gaghan What do you get if you put slimy businessmen, Washington lawmakers, Middle East royalty and a tubby CIA operative into a blender full of Texas Tea? You get this toxic FIRST TIMEDONORS! NEED MONEY? WE NEED YOU! jg/ "Syriana" Receive up to $ 1 8 0 a month. Study while you donate life-saving plasma! BioLife You could qualify for a special blood program if you have recently been diagnosed with any of the following: a "holiday-like" lion—named Asian. (PG) NEED MONEY? Plumbing, Electrical, Paint, Fasteners. o AXIS tt ALLIES COLLECTIOLE MINIATURES GAME MAGIC THE GATHERING: RAVNICA SETTLEBB OF CATAN TICKET TO RIDE GAME MACIC ft ILLUSIONS Movies Opening on 12/9/05 INVENTORS & ENGINEERS: Have a product? Started a company? Need funding? Contact us. We fund, merge, or acquire. SOURCE www.RDIsource.com RDI thriller about the fight over oil, starring George Clooney and Matt Damon. (R) "The War Within" panic over the enormous blob of insurgents on their radar—only to find out that it's just Michael Moore, in town filming "Fahrenheit 9/11: Part Two." (NR) Directed by Joseph Castelo A Pakistani man joins a sleeper cell in New York City—as in a "terrorist" sleeper cell, not the portable animal kennels your parents used to force you to sleep in. What? Was I the only one? (NR) "Scrooged" Directed by Richard Donnor If Ebenezer Scrooge and Gordon Gekko had a baby, he might look something like Bill Murray in this modern retelling of the Dickens classic. "Occupation: Dreamland" When the guy at the Tower Directed by Ian Olds and Gar- box office asks for your money, tell him, "Bah humbug, rett Scott American soldiers invade b'otch!" and see what hapFallujah in this entrenched pens. Maybe you'll get in free! documentary. Watch, for the ( P G - I 3 ) .; •:,:,-• ;v scene in which our troops Compiled by Aaron Allen Rock the dreidel of love The LeeVees keep the melodies kosher on new album Tfie LeeVees nukkah songs. Some may say that an entire album devoted to Hanukkah is ongapatchka, but the truth is quite the opposite—one album isn't enough! The LeeVees aptly titled de• ••• . but album, Hanukkah Rocks, Stop your kvetching, there boasts tracks: "Gelt Melts," is a new Sandier in town! For "Applesauce vs. Sour Cream" once, Jews have some music to and "Latke Clan." Upon hearing the track names, many be proud of. No more may be sch"Dreidel, vitzing, but Spin, Spin, The LeeVees Spin," or are nowhere even worse, near as "The Chanubig of an kah Song." embarassment to Jews Now as Adam there is no Sandier. reason for These songs Jews to feel do not rely-, ferklempt o n t h e i r • {• every time kitsch value the facacta to entertain; "Jingle Bell Each track Rock" blares on the radio. No, there is new boasts genuine musical ability Jew rock in town! that will even keep your goy It all started when two mes- friends entertained. hunginas had a cholem. Adam Adam and Dave did a mitzGardner (Guster) and Dave vah for Jews everywhere. I am Schneider (The Zambonis) so excited I could plotz! Mazel had the chochmeh to make tov! a rock album entirely of HaDana Green Hanukkah Rocks Reprise Records Four out offiveStars of David SNOW SHOES • TRAVEL BAGS • CAR TOP SKI RACKS USED • DEMO & NEW CLOSEOUTS www.SKITRUCKS.com KIDS SNOWBOARDS AND & ADULT S K I PACKAGES SNOWBOARDS PK6.DEAL W/BOOTS NEW $188+ USED $99+ $240 Leedom Helmets $25468 XXXS-XXXL CROSS COUNTRY, SKI BUDES, TWIN TIPS, &TE1E PACKAGES NEW SHAPED SALQMAH HEAD OR DYHASTAR PACKAGES Used Kids Ski Packages $99 - $177 $288- Now $99 Kld« Pkgs. $188-$388 Huge Woman's Selection - Gear & Clothlngl ALL PACKAGES INCLUDE BOOTS, SKIS, BINDINGS, FITTED. WE SERVICE ALL SKI BINDINGS, PARTS, TOO Ski Bibs $5-$99 New & Used BUY USED SHAPED 8 M ADULT PKCS $99+ WTTHNEW SHAPED SKI $250 SKI SALE U5EDX-ECREAU SOLOMON 5KIY7/BIKDJNG S99+ www.SKITRUCKS.com 1200 W. No. Temple Inside State Falrpark In Saft Lake Bring In this ad for a free ski hat | (801)595-0919 (FREE ADMISSION — FREE PARKING) WE HAVE SHAPED SKIIS!! TRY OUR DEMOS AND GET HALF BACK Energy Resources Class - Metallurgy Eng, 1001 Sustainable Energy and the Environment Fulfil s Physical - Life Science Exploration Need advice 4 about the ailments in life? ;v Write to our This class will discuss fossil fuels, nuclear energy, renewable energy - solar, | wind and geothermal - and the effects of energy production on our columnists with! environment. We will examine strategies for conserving energy and creating a question and I a sustainable energy future. . . ^ get ail your | problems solved^ M-W-F 9:40 to 10:20 in 212 Browning Building For more info contact Dr. Jack Hamilton 581-6348 orjack.hamilton@utah.edu !chronicle.utah.edi£ |