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Show -UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH “ARCADIA -UINTAH BASIN RECORD PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH | \ Roy A. Schonian, Publisher and Editor ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Hntered Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Line, 214, Per Column Inch, 30c. - Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per line, first insertion; 5c ger line for each succeeding issue. minimum - charge, 30c. as second-class matter May 26, 1922 at the Postoffice at Duchesne, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months. Three RATES ............:cecssessceseesee Months ...........--.-0-s20-0 es 1.00 TS WHO GETS THE SUGAR? Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace, in his testimony before the Senate Finance committee, last Friday, disclosed the desire to wipe out the sugar industry of the United States. His admissions in effect, substantiated a similar opinion given a few days earlier by A. J. S. Weaver, testifying before the UTAIN NOTICE TO WATER USERS — cheaper than it has been, because) of the 80 per cent advance in the State Engineer’s Office, price of new gold. It is unable to Salt Lake City, Utah, do the work in promoting domestic January 31, 1934. and foreign trade that is desired Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hadden of it. Foreign exchange remains _ Notice is hereby given that the}. The Gold and Green Ball FebReservoir ruary 21st, sponsored by the M. I, were Duchesne, visitors last Fri- chaotic and grave difficulty has Farnsworth Canal and A. was well attended with visit- day. . been experienced in devaluating Company, Mountain Home, Utah,|. has ‘made application in accord—o— ; ‘ the ors from Upalco, Duchesne and dollar, with its 59-cent . gold ance with the Laws of Utah to Bridgland present. Miss Grace Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Brennick content. in its relation to the change the place of storage of Bell acted as Queen. Her attend- and daughters, of Duchesne were pound and the franc. And the 1350 acre ft. of water from the W. ants were Elva Holgate and Erna visitors at Utahn Sunday. looked-for increase in wholesale Fork of Lake Fork River in DuLarsen. Sharon Holgate crowned commodity prices has failed to chesne County, Utah. Applicatthe Queen; Arcie Larsen. was Hope Hadden was the week-end materialize. ion has heretofore been made _ to chosen to act as Miss Bell’s part- visitor of Marie Hadden, Silver sentiment is growing- -it divert said water at a point N. ner. iG —o— cannot be ignored in the world 71 deg. 42-Min. E, 2935 ft. from —-0-— Mrs. Hulda Ross is visiting in money problems. Nae the Wi cor. Sec. 29,T. 2 N,, R. Ray Horrocks is building a new Vernal for a few days. . 5 W., U. S. B. & M. and_ store —o— home, from April 1st to July ist incl. of Mrs. Manual Kofford returned were visiting at the home and Mrs. a few days last week of their parents, Mr. Marvin G. Shields. oo i « The Larsen Brothers’ are at the Hardman Saw Mill, getting lum- Wallace’s opinion, which he as “personal” seems to be that sugar describes production, which he classes as “inefficient” in the U.S. should be replaced by other “efficient” products, which can be traded for Cuban Sugar. The theory of this thought may be quite logical, but it certainly does not give much consideration to those who have invested Millions of capitol in the sugar industry in these Western States. The disclosure brings up the old old question again, of high or low tariffs, a question which has plenty of adherents to both sides, and which will probably never be settled to the satisfaction of all, though in this particular instance, it is more a question of quotas than of tariffs. Eastern Utah Considering New State Much comment is running through papers of Eastern Utah, and Western Colorado, concerning the forming of a new state. The Fruita (Colo.) Times, Sun Advocate of Price, Park Record, of Park City, Moab Times-Independent, and other papers of the section have all given considerable front page publicity to the move, though we have as yet seen no conerete action taken on it. There seems to be no doubt, but that the two sections, Eastern Utah, and Western Colorado, are both receiving little attention from their respective state capitols, and that a move of this kind might gain considerable support. Whether or not the move would be practical however, is another question, and one which would stand considerable investigating. Colorado Recognizes Road Problem. - Western Colorado has recognized its responsibility towards trying to complete highway 40 through that section, or at least the editor of the Steamboat Pilot has in the following item taken from its editorial column in the issue of Feb. 28. Surely we “Highway Fortyers” will all:be glad to see their “missing entertained February 24th, complimentary to their daughter Helen’s birthday. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs, Cc. A. Larsen, Mrs, Vera Larsen and children, Mrs. and children, gate. and Leah Richens Miss. Elva ; rs which he has purchased, James L. Solomorison has moved his family to Ray Gill’s lease. Grey is on the move cae Sans Lusty, these & Coach at Central High School spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lusty, as Mr. and Bridgland : Mrs, were Bert Purtiman of Arcadia visitors Monday. a & Hale 0 Holgate : is moving bac from the lease to his home this week. Harvey jan Prior Arcadia of Bridgland visitor was Monday. —o— The Relief Society Sisters en- tertained at a farewell party Friday at the Ward house for Mrs. were Out: There guests. . Heneritta McAffee, present twenty-five of-town guests present were: Mrs, James McAffee and Mrs. Ed. Mont, Many games| gomery:of Myton. |-were played and delicious refresh Mrs. McAffee is ments served. leaving for Heber to make _ her home, 0 Mr. John Mrs, and Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wells and Shirley and Max Bell spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs. Bell’s sister, Mrs. John link” taken care of. “This part of the state can expect no great part of thru automobile travel until highway 40 is completed thru Moffat county. It is the weak link which makes Anderson Bluebell, of - Mrs. Heneretta McAffee spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jams McAffee of Myton. the entire road shunned by travelers. We will find no more fault with tourist bureaus at Salt Lake and | Denver who direct tourists by other routes. In these — share of transcontinental traffic until we can offer From from ‘Maybell eastward it is fine, but this “missing link” in between is the sore spot. Now days thru travelers simply will not tackle that kind of a road, for they have so much better routes offered them. Let’s all concentrate our energies on the completion of the road in Moffat county.” é c; STERLING TRANSPORTATION WE BD OUR PART and Nelda Holfeltz. Oe eres the Miss Avery Barberi spent week end at the Cora Hamilton home in Bridgland. —o-— in Mutual Those attending Bridgland Tuesday from this vicinity was Victor Barbieri. : —o— Mr. and Mrs, Odes Bemis, Mrs, Perry Grant, Mrs. Ethel L. .Curran, Lawrence, Elmer, Ailene, Melba, and Claud Curran and Miss hostess. Nelda Holfeltz and the “Mrs. COMPANY > Uintah Basin Points to Salt Lake Eastern Utah Transportation Company ; - WOOL THEM IN FOR THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES BRING THEM IN AND TRY US. Mw. Robbins DUCHESNE, and UTAH i *. O— Co. : Mayhew moCity, Friday, —1— Mayhew Mr. and Mrs. Austin dinner the were and children guests of Mr, and Mrs. Dave Davis, Sunday. Duchesne Mayhew Geneva Olsen of visitor of Voleer Sunday. —o— Mrs. Vick Kofford has returned spending a few after to her home Home, Mtn. in days =O visitor a Talmage Davis was Marley Hospital for the and was reports will opération be than past operated a more se- one be- the It is understood fore. the Doctors do not give also’ that him much finding or | angle open ured below. A branded on in left hip, with as tripict- Pleasé notify the Record Office chesne,, at Du and ” ceive a Reward $5.00 the 4, 2, 9, T.. 2-5. R.5 W.: diversion described a 7 ie GO a to Helen Edwards of Ferron who has been working for Igft for her Utah F, L.. home this John Anderson is visiting his family for a few days. with —oO-— another district somewhere Thanks e . Lumber IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN AND FOR DUCHESNE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. took his wife to In The Matter Of The Estate Of FERD JOCHEMS, some times Salt Lake where she will stay a known as Ferdinand Jochems, De few days for medical attention, He brought his mother back with _ =O . Cyril Dennis in company with others are here fixing up _ the government telephone line. as Se George Leroy Merrick Mecham and Grandson spent a few day in Salt Lake. F, L. on business. is in Salt Lake . —Q-—= Our relief Committee, Mr. Dunn Mr. Davis and Mrs. Conklin are meeting in the Duchesne Central on Committee Tuesday. —0-— ‘ operation. —o— Among those business in Roosevelt Tuesday from. on Altonah were Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bowden, and two children, Harold Ralphs, Edith anderson Bugene e No, with Youwll _ Make them hapa thrill telephone call.~ to their hear. voices, too, and it’s ‘1ext. best - to seeing them, Why not sea call them. to- : night? — NO er ee The Mountain States «_ Telephone & Telegraph Co. — and Mr. and Clark and cs kiddies, Mrs. ‘< TRY THE | GATEWAY | CREAMERY | > SO ~ Quick Returns C. T. AXELGAARD, Mgr. | Duchesne, PRESS ANE ESAIREINEPT TRIE PE OTE: CRS, EF SERED LSet CLES SCENE Utah TET SR Sie CUTSMk RE eR eee Rea Se a EDI _f oad psy S | ; es Be Better Sight”| Y—WINTAH POWER BLIGHT CO. « | ELEGTRIGITY 1S YOUR MOST EFFIGIENT SERVANT 246. CITATION To Charlotte Howell, Elizabeth Jochems, Hannah Jochems, Herman Jochems, Carl Jochems, W. T,. Jochems, Florence Degan, Lou- ALIMONY & DIVORCE LAWS. OF ANY STATE in the Union and Mexico, with plain English ex- Professional is Jochems, Elizabeth Falk, John T. Wolters, Gertrude Clark, Mary Frank Theodore Wolters, Wolters, ‘planatory ROBERT G. PORTER Norbert Wolters, Frank Wolters, Aloysius Wolters, Adalaide Wolters, Vincent Wolters, Rosalia Wol- ters, Elizabeth Krings, The legal representative of Dena Jochems, deceased, Werner Jochems, W. D. Jochems, Mary Birzer, hems, Alvera Jochems, Richard, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene was operated on Tuesday for Tonsils, Dr. Miles performed the ceased. Probate Frankenhoff, Clara Black, Maxwell py 3 | Legal Advertising boys. ——-O= Prows fequently? ¢ ‘The American Legion seems to very active in our little comMorrel towns—-would ‘you _ like. to talk with them more — else : Jess Allen is hauling from Hardman’s mill, munity. “distant above. on the Forest, as he will be mighty j hard to duplicate. _ morning. be another city, relatives and ; good friends ‘in nearby’ or ié ALTONAH Maxwell A boy or girl away at college, your parents living in” and This application is designated a shin’s where the maker forgot and Abplanalp in the State Engineer’s Office as Mr. -and Mrs, Gene put the meat on the wrong side | File No, a-1242. were Duchesne visitors Monday. | of the leg, at least it seems that All protests against the grantkicks you one of | he way when ing of said application, stating Mr. and Mrs Herbert Birch were his long lost greetings. Glad to and Mr. of the reasons therefor, must be by home the at visitors see you back Smoot, hope you affidavit in duplicate, .accompaniMrs, J. E. Hadden, Sunday. can stay long enough to pay us all —o— ds a ed with a fee of $1.00 and filed in a visit. e, ees Morrison Jean and Betty Jo this office within thirty (30) days were visitors of Mrs. J. E. Hadden Forest Ranger, Clyde Lambert, after the completion of the pubSaturday night. was here this week making his. lication of this notice. —@Q— Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown annual feed lot feed count of cat' T, H, HUMPHERYS, Ivan and tle, horses, and sheep that graze and small daughter State Engineer Clyde is a Brown motored to Heber last on the Forest Reserve. Date of first publication, Feb~ |fine Ranger and has been on this ruary 9, 1934. _ Thursday. : a district about nine years now, Date of completion of public-| we well liked by everyone and hope there is nothing to the fru- ation March 9, 1934. that he may be transferred mor and Gladys having their possession two (2) bulls, one Roan Durham, branded with bar AV on left ribs, and the Red and Durham the following Secs. of land: Secs, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, a6, T. 1S., veo W,, Sees, 7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30. 31, T. 1 S., R. 4 W., cor. Sec. 3. T..1 N., R. 5 W., and Grandma Rowley was some sur- the water when released will be prised last Thursday to see her) returned to the Lake Fork River son Smoot and family, also one at a point S. 35. deg. E,, 3923 ft. 1of her Grandsons Ernest Rowley from the N¥% cor. Sec, 3, T. 2 N., walk in on her. Smoot moved to R.5 W., U.S. B. & M, and in lieu Bynum, Montana about five years thereof an equal amount of water ago and this is the first trip back will be recovered from the normal to the old home town. Smoot is a flow of said river at the point of great guy to say “hello” with a snappy kick in the vicinity of your ei water was to have been used from April Ist to November ist incl. of |] each year to irrigate parts or all of pees. | Lonesome — Soiree cen- being located S. 1600 ft. from the N% Sunday. their wives Monday night. Anyone the dam - Duchesne, Utah 30 min, W. 1950 cor. Sec, 11, T. ‘Sees. 4,5; 6, 27, T. 2 S,, Ri 4 W., hopes, This is very sad news as all U. S. B. & M. and from NovReube has been a great leader in ember ist of each year to April ist {this country and we were all in of each year following for domIt is now proposhopes that he would be back soon, estic purposes, However we still feel that he has ed to divert said water as heretoa fighting chance and assure him fore except that storage will be in that we all wish him a speedy re- the Twin Pots Reservoir, the center of the impounding dam being covery. : —Q— Miss was a a reservoir impounding SCHONIAN FURNITURE COMPANY Edith Anna court vorce, Lawyer Duchesne ‘Utah whom distribution thereof _| to should be made and that a decree be made for the distribution of all said estate to the persons entitled alimony, and annotat- legal for di- separation, annuiment, separate maintenance, custody and support of children, ete. Specify state wanted. Price. STATE in plain English explanation. L. A. | THE HOLLENBECK Attorney-at-Law Duchesne Utah Price BANKRUPTCY explained; who bankrupt, voluntarily, ily. LAWS may Price $1.00. .a involuntar- iba a LAWS ANY LAW QUESTION and fully an- swered by competent, lawyers for $1.00. Public Postoffice Bldg., Duchesne fully become DELAWARE CHARTERS; | safe, sound, sure; obtained in 24 hours WM. H. FITZWATER Notary with full $1.00. MEXICAN DIVORCE information gratis. a petition praying that the rights of all persons to said estate and all interest therein, and comment A different publication state. Covers marriage, $1.00. ee ae THE CRIMINAL LAWS OF ANY JocJoc- hems, Robert Jochems and Hazel Jochems: You and each of you are notified, That B. L. Dart, administrator of the Estate of Ferd Jochems, deceased, has filed in the above entitled ions. each LEGAL RESEARCH trained — SOCIETY 1604 Maltman Ave. Los Angeles (Clip this adv., it may come handy sometime.) — ee Utah —- REWARD White CASH Berthena -o- $ WE PAY CASH $ ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray tored to Salt Lake returning Sunday. aires =0- Every Day Service Each Way HIDES - F URS’ PELTS enjoyed Holfeltz S. months, games and dancing at the HolA show was given at the home feltz ranch, Saturday évening, of Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Hansen for after a very enjoyable evening, ice Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dastrup, thereto, which petition is on file in the office of the Clerk of the |eream and cake was servd by the. Saturday night. above entitled court, which said hostess. —o— petition is hereby referred to and The American Legion held a Perry Grant was working on banquet and social for the Legion- expressly made a part hereof. You and each of you are hereby the Moss car, Wednesday. : Uintah Basin Points to Price = —O0— him. ham D. to vere OOOO" days of splendid paved and surfaced rightways -a-/ cross the continent, comparatively few travelers will| Miss Pearl Mayhew of Utahn tackle the road between Maybell and_ Elk Springs. spent Thursday night with Miss the attending Eunola Jennings, _Ali people living along Highway 40 should largly play and dance in Bridgland. forego the urging of local highway appropriations Those attending the birthday until this bad streteh of road is completed. We canPetersen of Miss Laretta not do much boasting of being on a continental route party Sunday, from here were: Eunice until this is done - - we cannot expect to have our Bemis, Bernice and Sheron Meactourists a safe road for the entire distance. the Utah line westward Highway 40 is fine; ing were Kofford Friday. Louise and Cecil Mtn. Home visitors —o— Arcadia days. L. several =o Hol- John Gilbert is moving his family to the George T. Smith ranch the kidney ents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mayhew. | upon sometime ago, for é trouble and later reported as do—o— : ‘ing fine, must now submit to Duchesne a was Morrison J. A. another operation which, accordvisitor Friday and Saturday. . in ACCESSORIES — Ruebe Wilkins who has been in 1N., R. 5 W., U. S. B, & M. Said —oO— . year ter of the located N. 66 deg. ft. from the E%4 Mrs. Mae Burton of Talmage is ‘visiting at the home of her par- House committee, although Wallace said he felt that ber, Fen ‘ Weaver had been somewhat confused at the time. The evidence come out during hearings on the Eldon Thompson is moving his Costigan Bill which the administration is favoring, family to the James C. Thompson summer, and which if passed, will put the complete control of farm for the —-O-—~ the sugar industry in the hands of the secretary of} _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larsen agriculture. each and to her home Friday after spending She was El- a few days at Ballard. the accompanied by her sister, Mrs. City ‘Marian Mecham, and children. “Mr, and Mrs. Marion Ross children of Bingham and Miss sie Shields, employed at Western Union of Salt Lake RADIO TUBES — BATTERIES for each animals reof iona- with Pety hir is visiting in Tabsister Mrs. Ralphs Maxwell. We hope Gladys does’nt get married whilé gone, CHAOS IN MONEY Recent activities in the international money market have lent weight to the belief that it will be impossible to achieve currency stability without definitely relat__re- ing the values of gold and silver. of Silver, in spite of the 6414-cent specified price, is now actually cited to appear before said ROY court at the court room thereof in the city of Duchesne, County of Duchesne, State of Utah on 31st A. SCHONIAN WOMEN! Registered NEED NO LONGER SUFFER AT PERIODIC INTERVALS OR WORRY ABOUT DELAY! Mortitian day of March 1934 at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. M, 1934 of said day and exhibit in the manner provided by law, your respective claim or heir-| ship, ownership or interest in said estate, to the court. oe WITNESS the Clerk of said Court with the seal affixed this 21st day of February A. D. 1934. WM. H. CASE, Clerk, Date of first publication, March 2nd. Date of completion of publication March 30th. | LAXVIBURNUM] Why Buy Drugs From Your Grocery Stores - - When You Have Registered a Graduate Pharmacist DUCHESNE - DRUG ~ Relieves the most stubborn cases quickly and effectively. Different from anything you have ever used. Priced $5.00 for full size. Sent in plain wrapper, postpaid—Sold only by | U. S. LABORATORIES — Box 2006 Hollywood Sta., pe Los Angeles’ (Clip and put away!) mana eta |