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Show t UINTAH BASIN RECORD | Along the Concrete | Our Pet foe | [JUST A MOMENT PLEASE ATiLL 1 GET AN ORDER BLANK. ‘AND YES SIR i If Uh ih DONT GET EXCITED, WY” » (M ONIN WARMING ee uP HEMOTR (E THAT FUNNY FEELING ee It was young the eve of the party, Bobby was constantly and think- ing of joys to come. “Ob, mum,” he said, “I do feel so excited !” : his mother, realizing the cause. “What eat. “Why,” said the boy, “it’s a hurry all over.”—London “Hixcited, dear?” said is excit- WEN | OF Moe/ ya > VA v ye‘a ts ; being in Answers. . Empty A lawyer was endeavoring to im- press the court with the fact that his clients had: always: been anxious to settle the case “Your Honor,” he months ago branch.” “Yes,” we gr ‘When by agreement. said, “eighteen held responded out the (Copyright V8 LET’S PATRONIZE Transcript, THE FEATHERHEADS Fair Exchange leaned over the garden fence. “J say, old fellow,” he said, “I understand that you have Thomson’s new _ “Good,” said the first. _ let me borrow that let you use Jones’ WHY “If you'll | TRUST AFTER ALL, THE MAN THE HEAD OF THE~ CAN'T HouSE WORD You To WHAT MY Confession | sions like “Oh, h—1?” Mother—No, I envy wanted oe to many 2 use them times, bringing but up I her. with just 2 OH YEAH! WELL IF THAT'S ALL “YOu THINK OF ME | DON'T KNOW wee (—— AH | COULD BE | SUPPOSE SHE, DIED OF THE SHORTAGE OF STURDY — OAK. MEN HAVE — ae at WHAT¥ You COULD HAVE WHAT? SToP WELL, VERDA ALWAYS LOOKED UP To ME—— UNDERSTAND, | COULD HAVE MARRIED HER, PL: oR. SOMEONE — f SPUTTERING/ ? pruaereeees _ Home WOMEN THE - Industry! What get part prospereus to build up a make, makes us’! © RUTH LEWIS; Ephraim, Utah At 400- r Vico “ini, fl iy Bree aie a Utah Oi _ Refining FINNEY OF THE FORCE FINNEY, “Gy REPORT h a . By Ted O’Loughlin ON BEAT—<TA.DYME—FIND WHAT HIS OF \ AN’ WHUT _ YEZ THINK O'HIM? | gut THERE'S ONE||| Ds OUT ee In Utah and Idaho WELL= | GUESS HE'S ALL RIGHT— NOW- THIS FELLER DIME — WHUT Do YouR, r Hi ~ WHuUT'S WELL— HE'S GoT AN AWFUL BF THAT: TEMPER AND HE KEEPS A THING | DON'T Live ABOUT HIM— TH’ MATTER. wit’ BEING A GRUDGE GoT O1 BE A COUSIN IN TH’ AUTO ~ NS WE ZB +2 United States and Russia KEEPER?. Russia by far has more territory WHO BUSINESS than the United States. thority over extends Its au- 8,144,228 square miles while the United | States and_its outlying possessions embrace 3,738,395 square miles. SLY JAE Ny — Service Stations © Western Newspaper Union WE WANT A CHARACTER OF A MAN community here by buying of stores that are dealers in ¢ rmountain Made Goods”. For “What up ZEA to foundation of a prosTo have home induse “Intermountain Made Goods’, for these goods, in plain words, are “Home Industry”. Let us all do our \% \ does it mean us?. It means the perous community. try we must buy good HOW IT WORKS - BuT we enough nerve to spit them out, though I do think them.—Cincinnati Waquirer, a. WHY GET ALL aa isn’t the INDUSTRY. ‘THIS WEEK’S PRIZESTORY _ 1 DON‘T KNOW IT (s— SOME HOME my _ strict can’t : | in, de hand Gaal (ap. I’ve a BECOME SHOULD [0 4} you to expres- myself HAS WOMAN you need it.”"—Stray Stories. shock using AND HIS RESPECTED. OF THE CLINGING VINE TYPE OF SUPGMENT occasionally, Tl roller whenever ¥riend—Doesn’t it hear your daughter sneaking HEWLETT’S| The Head of the House By Oshorne © Western Newspaper Union THERE You Go AGAIN/ ALWAYS TRYING To HAVE YouR wAr/ rake.” ~The neighbor. nodded. eveadoig bei! culprits P. §. Observing family rules only kind of “home support.” “but there were no olives on it.”—Boston He the We hope our parents and our kin, Won’t know, for at the “breakfast court”, This isn’t known as “home support’, the olive judge, we’re “43 Get Free Garden Guide Book Yom—The rain falls alike on the just and the unjust. | _ Jack—Yes, and they both get stuck in the mud. 3 _ Very, Very Dianne, age seven, Bad had Afi | just ~ Salt Lake City, Utah Built the Pyramids re- _ According to Herodotus, the great Pyramid of Egypt was built ‘by Cheops of Khufu; about 3733 . C. The second pyramid was built by Suphis JI, and the third by Monkare. “ turned from a movie, and her aunt wanted to know how she liked it. “Oh, you ought to see it, auntie,” said the child. “But if you go you better take a lot of handkerchiefs. It’s awful sad—one married,”—Chicago dies and News. His Own Uptown—He hero, but he doesn’t says he life during*the war. he did it. two get © _ Facial FIRST ONE “3 look like saved a I wonder Expression , SKULL a / man’s how | . Downtown—Dodged the draft presume.,—Border Cities Star, “ yer 1° DONT USUALLY GIVE MY LEC-TURE . Mi Y FOR JUST ONE PERSON BUT AS LONG AS YOURE THE PPHi I — ANO IN ULL GO BONES OFA ‘TUBBY Iv LVEDD AND “= HEY, = BUTLER ABOUT ‘THE DONT ee BE oo. THIS 1S DUS UP IN A GRAVEL THE INDIANS, AHEAD TYR-RAN* O-SAUR-US TIME AND OF ccoecee coseew IF YOU CONT ATS HEAR MY LEC-TURE . RIGHT BUT DONT Be TOUCH! THE ME A SPLEKOIO SPECIMEN ~ SAVE FOR PIT... COL-UM-BUS TEETH UOOSE FRO TO KEEP PEOPLE "EM FOR HJOCKIN’ SOUVENIRS: i € TOUCHIN’ “THAT GLUED |! Se KEEPS HE MEASURIN’ IT LI .e He CONT BEUG VE WHAT I'M SAYIN GUESS | OUGHTA KNOW . WHAT == wel Actor—The hero Now HiMeeee Salt a SS MILLS Utah. Old Clay Dolls in Mexico a ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Hagle., ot One Consolatioa “Tt must be dreadful for you to have your own son in’ jail for joyriding.” “Anyhow, it’s a comfort to know “where he is at nights.’—Border MILK .° *Coons and Squirrels in Winter Cites Star. Trim [t Down Mrs. Dinks—What I say seems to bear fruit. GNESIA PRODUCT of MA AN INTERMOUNTAIN WHAT *& CUTE. LITTLE “Boy! With ME never ' Mr, Dinks—It might if you pruned Per! I are To Ger TTHat Red STure “tou Sive. A t15$5 - maw The raccoon and gray squirrel sleep during only the coldest part of the winter, then come out again. The chipmunk occasionally wakes up for something to eat, and-the | HAS ComPANny An’ SHe THROWED ME red squirrel goes into winter seclu- Out sion only as a last resort, prefers ring to remain abroad all winter. ~ For White Order Leghorns, Reds, Now Rocks and other Popular Breeds. Production Bred Mountain Bred and Acclimated only a short distance from our warm Hatch-. eries to your warm Broeder. We are distributors. for ‘“‘Sol-Hot’”? and Lincoln chick special prices and Brooders. feeders. Write cash discounts for on. orders placed now. aes ; “All Breeding Steck Blood Tested for ? Pullorum Disease. (BWD), by the RapidWhole Blood Ageglutination Method,: since October Ist, 1933, and all indi-- “KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES” IS A PREITY PLACE, BUT WHAT IS THERE TO DO wey! MY |DEAR MR BOWERS ~TSK - TOK - FOR EXAMPLE, THERE GOES WETSMACK MAN= HE , THE WAS HORSEBACK RIDE AFTER THAT HE WELLIXNOWN UP AND Now OF OUT FOR A AT SIX THIS MORNING, SWAM FOR AN HOUR IN THE SURF THEN ANID nlyAFTER MR. SOCIETY GREAKFASTED, HE'S OFF GOLF -- FOR SQ HOLES | PLAYS LUNCHEON S!x SETS [Ue in HIS PLANE OF AT THE CLUB, HE GEE! I WONDER TENNIS, WHY “THEY THEN GOES) FoR AN Houre TO EM THE IDLE CooL OFF, AFTER THAT HE DANCES AT Eek THE GG CASING - THEN At ueINES Pen Sik deONTIL EIGHT AND DANCES NIGHT = THEN Tm UNTIL BED TIMPANOGOS RICH? cK There are about 2,500 miles of - g . in the United VW warrdo - 7 States. F - | Utah ee navigable canals MID~. HATCHERIES Provo, CALL aa es ! s R é : 3 - 00 per week will be paid for..the best::50-word - article on “Why you alae use Intermountain Goods” — Similar to above. your story in prose or verse 4, aN BEACH = RAMSHAW. HATCHERIES 3687 So. State, Salt Lake City, Utah ‘| Mee tn SEH, THIS HYTONA cated reactors removed.” made Send In- to termountain Products Column, P. 0. ” Box 1555, Salt Lake City. story appears in this column you will re- $3 eeive check for Week No. 3409 If : your 00 ~ 2 : W.N.U.—Sult Lake City ter aii G hate ar Go Vitae hd aieMea Ketter . Bing ateSuetra Place Your eeehisLt Gel: é ea ae i Be) ae; it a bit. i greene pier - City, Ves . , funds.—Brooklyn Lake Clay dolls have been discovered in Mexico, marked with the insignia of the sun and appertaining to the cult of the ancient Aztecs, probably 3,000 years old. shave and he didn’t have the necessary One-half Off UTAH WOOLEN _ needed Ladies Knit Suits and Dresses BETTER KEEP MY EYE ON _ ‘Hirst Actor—Why did they change the show from “Hamlet” to “Macbeth"? : Second SALESMENS’ SAMPLES ce |