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Show SPE NL AL RT UINTAH BASIN RECORD 1 Santé Speculation as to a o . Woman’ S Changing Status Copyright by Harold By HAROLD TITUS Titus , CHAPTER IV man called, “Healthy “Oh, Jim!” al- . to play the _evan/sentsen! _| Let’s spend our Some friend may need cash at He ‘ ‘When prices all go up they make, - Our bills and coins seem smaller, hard earned ‘HOME walked INDUSTRY corer | gones Te - aie Thebaila. o cae cate: MRS. LAURA MB : wear Anthony, Idaho. Stopping store early : ‘ seated Oil Refining ee and it was busy selling to an Indian girl stepped behind the Her Guide at oval satin, the Her light bronze large eyes forerunners were - which the followed ASK World Cival war affront war, the and. famine it. YOUR DRUGGIST staring like at scorn showed’ in him INTERMOUNTAIN That and pride her “When He paddled was eyes. FOR dians PRODUCT to the wood there until noon. back, he at ‘the sis- But a man. does not canoe so quietly that ‘not sure he hears, bet? paddle even his| a dog is twenty rods A man does not walk upthe| I take it you’ve|away. % 4 ° don’t like to stay home. He remembers how to make birch canoe. He likes that. He can make canoes ’til he die. He wants You keep fish, to. Plenty rabbits, : on him as_ they had . : ing, are pretty fancy stuff. Ang as a matter of fact. . again. And with and the man swung it. turned upstream I goes to a lunch,” said | not see Drake’s Franz, whose so he approach, He die. in a lodge. He| camp them, “Yes. and | bush, In- this time, was Franz. Their two canoes floating. side by side, first attracted his attention. Then a_ glistening paddle blade flashed in the sunlight as the old was Some- Place 3Vouk Order Steve Now For White Leghorns, Reds, Rocks and other Popular Breeds. Preduction Bred Mountain Bred and Acclimated only a short distance from our warm Hatcheries to your warm Breoder. We are distributors for ‘‘Sol-Hot” Brooders and Lincoln chick feeders. special prices and erders placed now. cash ; Write for discounts on “All Breeding Stock Blood Tested for Pullorum Disease. (BWD), by the Rapid Whole Blood Agglutination Method, since Octcber Ist, 1933, and all indicated reactors removed.” RAMSHAW 3687 —_ HATCHERIES So. ‘State, Salt oo Lake City, Utah HATCHERIES Provo, Utah Patience and Hope “Patience,” said Uncle Eben, “ain? g’inter bring much luck to folks dat hears bad| news and is satisfied to sit down an’ hope it ain’t true.’ The heaid market so far has not _ proved equal to absorb both the _ synthetic and natural nitrate. per week will be paid 200: for the best 50-word o : article on “Why you - should ase Intermountain. made Goods” — Similar to above. Send \- your story in prose or verse to In‘termountain Products Column, P. O. Box 1555, Salt Lake City. If your ‘“stery appears in this : column you will re- $3.00 ceive check for ae W.N.U.—Salt Lake City Week No. 3408 bE Terese ai 7 pa aoa ERE a tee OR Re om OTE ld > ARTO Perhaps she Sei A are. * “Come along, then, »or’—hesitating—“T don’t want to. drag you into aity jam.” LaFane laughed softly. “Horry,” been 4 resent them. The old man began to talk excitedly, looking and _ gesticulating down the stream where pene had although her Steve words read the “He He wants if that that,” want ducked, Not in any house.| she said again justified anything. he merest saying?” Franz “Sure enough! as| - “Think I’m going to let you get away with that?” Franz demand- (& his: paddle: ”1in Well .. . here, To this Mary made as passed on: they their river had sanguine feminist will happen now, went “All Injun and no mistake! !” Steve laughed to himself as hes resumed laugh when his mind He realized Franz him, Drake But he did not| went back they 8a: pogettor Some~one was | heard him say: “No more d—n foolishness! Hear that? You’re going back to the farm now and stay there!” The girl did not answer. She looked steadily at the man and deep anger smoldered in her face. Franz wrested the paddle from the old native’s hands and dropped it into his own canoe. Then, shoving himself along, he roughly | grasped the girl’s wrist. “Going. to do as I tell you without any fuss, or ‘ve I got to herd you back like a pair of strayed sheep?” he demanded. He twisted her arm and though her expression betrayed no feeling of pain Drake knew that it must hurt’ severely and he called out sharply: ; “Let her go, Franz!” pe |. The man turned abruptly. eyes were pale against flush of his face. “What the h—l’s this “Not a great deal, you are hurting her. I’m telling you! Didn’t the His angered Fe He John Stack stooped for his. of the national advisory flung out a hand differ only slightly in form from the to erapple transport planes With the figure before him but he| ental airways. to| Was too late. The canoe rasped bot-| that McNally | 0m, water splashed. The- wings Steve floun- pot of used on transconti- the mieten would. span, 29,1. feet; the fuse-| what- ' “Perhaps Women,” as Sherwood Anderson said in his last book— meaning that the idealism of the. race might find its final hope in wom- anhood, Perhaps we must accept a less glorious future. But one thing: is certain—that it is an exciting and’ unpredictable thing to be a woman-— in 1984, Plan to Use Pythons to : Cc ; b R Combat — bbj P Rabbit Fest: With varying success entomolegists . have been introducing insect enemies to destroy fruit and other pests: for a long time; now an experiment: in that line is to be made with larger: Australian farmers lose- . animals. heavily every year by the depreda-. tions of wild rabbits, and plans with-. out limit have been tried to destro~ the rabbit pests without success. Now the ‘government is to expel ment with the python of India, Like the boa, the python is a large snake,. and like it also a constrictor. It has. no poison glands, and while its size. is terrifying, tamed, and venerated the python by many in a is easily of the natives religious way. It ig was right: that to give the man dered, LaFane behind “him?” ‘| uige Would be®40. inches in diameters} -eapable of swallowing a.young anteadded*teason for’ disliking him-was+- fingers....t ore ».at:,the. -figure.” ‘thera; fhe plane would have eompletely-re~ ilope, and..a-rabbit. would. be.a-smal) to invite more trouble. Back at headquarters, clutching the heavy shirt. The move caused an inarticulate syllable Steve went ‘vactable landing ratapuiated like to burst from the man’s lips, all but lanes, and could NEVER —iKt from these folks “Get Beat let ‘em alone | had to do as they please!” been ' | Steve lying behind fished made a point no “Get out!” he said, grasping the rails of the other canoes and shoving Franz’s out into the current. LE you bother these people ‘again Vu over the horizon, you skunk?” Until then Franz had made no comment; did not even remonstrate when Steve shoved at his canoe. But now, stung beyond discrétion, while perhaps, he taunted: “Want her yourself? Want her—” But as Drake drove his paddle deeply to be close and seize the man and retaliate for the insult, Franz grasped one paddle and started rapidly down the river, “You keep right on doing that!” Steve called, satisfied, though his voice still shook with. just anger. “I’m going to keep a check on you with this pair and if you give ‘em any trouble at all you'll think h—l’s busted loose for sure on the Good. * Sulkily, Franz paddled on and Drake turned toward the others, The girl was canoe the and native watching although stolidity the her he face the slack He with precise caution and the end fast to a stump. had worked in darkness; he he . Bk _ FORGET THIS TABLET Means the REAL ARTICLE : ; Of Bayer Manufacture : |. | 2 Remember this for your own protection. Tell your friends — about it for their protection. Demand and get . Genuine BayerAspirin. . Genuine Bayer Aspirin Does Not Harm the Heart his gun, and rolled a rock to This all required time and it took more time to set the gun with proper firmness, stock held fast by those well arranged rocks. Next, he stripped branches from a young birch, carried the cord back from the gun around that, on down and parallel to the trail for a dozen feet, around another tree and finally across the trail itself. He took in had its fuse When you y goto hig aspirin, just remember this: Every tablet of real aspirin of Bayer manufacture is stamped with this cross. No tablet without this cross is GENUINE Bayer Aspirin. the trail; another, and still a third. He arranged them in a sort of nest,. with meticulous care, and then took a ball of stout cord from his pocket and unwound it. departing thought on sound At a moss-grown boulder which the trail skirted, he paused, put made land ‘ ASPIRIN of a breeze carry him to the beach. He stepped out in the reeds and carefully drew the canoe in until it rested on. bottom and then with great caution took the trail that led through the thicket to Steve’s cabin, In his hand he carried a gun, down gear or would be the early Wright ee ; on your way. | sound would travel far in that atit. Get away| mosphere and yet a canoe which and ie computed speed of 600 miles. an hour, or nearly SO per cent of the speed of sore. of flying. Baal approaching , with | Salt Lake moll Newest Hotel _ TPES SOE te Rica as PS a TS Re a = LE4, FLORESTON SHAMPOO = Ideal for use in connor ae oe Hair Balsam.Makes the hair soit and fiuffy. 50 cents by mail or at drug- gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N.¥. |. “All Injun and No Mistake!” a twelve-gauge shotgun, safety off, set for the first unsuspecting traveler on that trail. s, Pearl Steve cut the cord, set the safety | and ejected the shells, He gave no sign of excitement but when he spoke his voice was somewhat husked., er ee CVE ptagaiers eRe ntay eae Meg te ine ‘Don't Fear Motherhood | HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE had moved slowly, he had listened, always listening. And the time which “Buckshot,” “he said. “It’d have of your d—d af- could read in it, along with relief, elapsed gave two men, walking the blown my guts out. _ Much obliged, fair...” Franz began, but Drake the shadow of a shattered dream. beach so quietly that they disturbed LaFane. . And can. I get you gave him no heed. “I don’t think he will bother you,” no pebble, an opportunity to travel No use ‘“What’s the trouble?” he asked ‘he said, “but if he does— Do you from headquarters to the foot of to keep this to yourself? talking until we have somebody to | the girl. know who I am?” the trail where the canoe lay in the talk to.” — Her eyes were fixed on him and She did not answer; just averted reeds before he had finished, “That’s right,’ the man “pald both fright and suspicion showed in her eyes. 1 LaFane had glided into the light their depths. She gave her head a “’'m at Good-Bye. You just ask that fell through the store doorway, “Good night.” He went quickly down the trail. | slight shake, there for Young Jim if he tries to a tall, statuesque figure. He stood Three days later Steve paddled up “Whatever it is, it’s my iectnese: - make you any more trouble.” He & moment, at some distance, before the lake bound for the wood camp. franz declared hotly, “and you looked at the old man in the bow he spoke. He was agening, filed with miswon’t come horning in, if you know who, beyond any doubt, was des“Jim,” he said in his cP voice, giving. vhat’s healthy for you.” perately ill.. : “will you come here?" 2 TA MOAT rm the first time?” “Tf this is any ere airplane capable ee mouthful for it. The serpents: reach the usual length of 30 feet, and while they ordragged him from his balance, but lage. dinarily stalk their victims, they ean The engine and pilot would be OPENING CHAPTERS OF THE STORY | ee tore free. completely enclosed, vision for the make considerable speed, and can “Drake, his hold gone, was fall- pilot. being. provided by windows or also throw themselves forward in‘Stephen Drake, with his four-year-old son, is rescued from a blizzard stantly a considerable distance. The wings by Jim Flynn, big timber operator, whom Drake has robbed. Flynn gives ing prone in inches of water while indirectly by mirrors. EaFane stumbled over him, It would be possible for a python Drake another chance, and the father, until his death, impresses on the would be centered on the fuselage. boy, Steve, the debt they owe “Old Jim.” Twenty years later, Steve méets: But a foot had found purchase, a A model of this. plane: has been to kill a child, and one naturally won“Young Jim” Flynn, his benefactor’s son. Sent by Old Jim, incapacitated leg had straightened; under that. ‘ested fn wind-tunnels and bears out ders whether in adopting the python through an accident in which Kate, his daughter, is temporarily blinded, } drive the canoe shot outward and Mr. Stack’s calculations. The plane | Australia is not. getting something to take charge of the company’s—the Polaris—woods operations, the youth is indulging in a drunken spree. Learning of. Polaris’ dire straits, and hopalthough LaFane hurled himself for- would have a landing ‘speed of 102 more objectionable than the rabbit.— ing to do something for Old Jim, Steve hastens to the company’s headquarward and swam stoutly he could Columbus Dispatch, niles an hour—a dangerous. speed, ters. He finds Franz plotting against the Flynns. Worsting Franz in a fist not overtake it and as he gave up but one which could perhaps be cut fight, the Polaris crew assumes that he is Flynn’s son, and Steve takes the. sound of swift paddle strokes with proper auxiliary devices. charge, as “Young Jim.” A photograph. of beautiful Kate Flynn, which Aluminum The Steve finds, immensely increases his desire to aid Old Jim. He gains the reached them mockingly, game kind of plane, equipped with Aluminum was first isolated in warm friendship of LaFane, queer woods scout. ‘Steve, reaching into his pocket for 3,000 horse-power engines and new 1888 by the scientists Davy and Woh| a@ flash-light, turned its beam on his. types -of propellers, could fly at a ler. ¢. ed.. “After holding you two up all to LaFane’s, got the” fishing tackle left hand. In his palm was a button, this time, think I’m going to—” the man had mentioned, paddled to ‘torn threads clinging to it; aaha, “Hold on!” Steve snapped. “Let the mouth of the creek below the brown button, . . < me talk a minute. : store, and until dusk, took trout, “D—n!” he said. “Ooms on, La“Where’ve you been living?” he and pondered on this and that. Fane, let’s have a look at the trail.” asked the girl. “Where is this He stopped at the store after dark The light. of the torch showed shanty he talks about?’ and sat for some timé on the steps them the cord and, edging around “By Shoestring.” talking with old Tim°Todd. They it, ie reached fee gun. It was _ “Handy, eh?’ Franz winced from spoke softly, but their voices carthe scorn in his question and Steve ried in the still night. Almost any Bye!” to you?” except that Let her go, you get me oat, An to But we are, quite Shvdousty, ina. ‘state of flux and change, so far as woman’s status is concerned.. And it behooves nobody to be too cocksure on what the outcome is bound to be. FLYING AT 554 MILES AN HOUR sapproach,: ) ae : eee Sa SE oa a sey thoroughly negligible for the most OF ‘committee for aeronautics. This is canoe with a light whiff of breath, 131 miles an hour faster than the as in relief, ‘| present speed record. - “Looking for somebody?” ae What such .a_high- speed | plane Steve’s words, so. sharp, so unwould be like is. described by. Mr. expected, caused the man to gasp; Stack in the first issue ‘of the Journal. But he did not turn, did not hesi- of the Aeronautical Seiences, reprinttate. He pitched forward in a lunge ed in the Literary Digest. It would for his canoe. simply Joughey as reeds. surely ‘touched no- “response did not thank him nor for the aid he though on high VISION iniles an hour, using. existing engines, stealth. could be” built today. by. applying He loomed above them so tee known aerodynamic principles to its that they could hear his breathing, désign and construction, according to so near. that both could — have! had. rendered. She spoke a word to her father and dipped her blade and them the coming, I’ve got two. Take this. Good luck, now, and if Franz follows: you and starts bothering you aa just get word to me.” whatever. She for the paddle suggestion. of reached took I| his homeward way. He wants to die in the said to him: back | pang. could He know that. is says HAVE care, At the cabin trail they halted, Steve laying a hand on LaFane’s arm. _ Just the breath of a. sound, the — will be a permanent ee i a of the current generation. Women, if you remember, were conspicious |some fifty years ago as the Little Ladies who gilded fly swatters as a decoration for the home—in a word, they were the complete intellectual washout. Today things have somewhat changed, Today a woman like your feiss servant can, without shame, admit to running a Woman’s Page. | Today a woman can confess that she lives In a woman’s hotel without fear of being accused of being a perfectly as it Uncle Eben, “I don’t ax no ques-| grasped the paddle and pulled his; pe had left his canoe drift off| passed the cluster of buildings, vie *bout whur I’s gineter sit, canoe closer to the other, gesticu- but now shoved After a time the man in the canoe All I want to know is how long | lating fiercely with his free hand. ihe other Eolas the bow between| | ceased to paddle and let the breath ‘Pll be privileged to stay.” we 3 “That’s for you to decide.” himself, and again realized that her were . “That would only be a guess. I could almost touch’ him as he passed but I could only guess.” “Well, seems to. me that’s the time a man should go.” answered, Steve rubbed his chin, ‘Gertainly she was a beauty, he remarked to eyes s “Whore to go by ‘the Mad haven’t enough grub “here going very long.” “Lots - “What are you getting at? body gone to. my shanty ?” LaFane nodded. Woman. Birch is good there.” “But how're you going to live? the girl said and dully—or perhaps of it—and that. Then, start- encountered of Eating Bxcstion off at home? ‘What pay,” spoke and/know stares of white men. jing ‘MILK of MAGNESIA AN four winters ters’ school.” oF “What’s your name?” 4a “Mary Wolf.” “Well, Mary, wouldn’t you Phe spring?” “He’s a sick man. He’s got his ticket. The doctor told you that. Back in your shanty he’ll keep warm and dry and have something to eat and if you go dragging him off into the bush he’ll just lie down and never get up!” The girl answered: and then looked back into her face again. SALESMENS’ SAMPLES in was the|ter a fine whole sorry story. like “Why, you’re crazy to take him widely inte that country!” Franz burst out. . | had the conviction that she had surmised his admiration and had put upon it the usual construction. Presidents and Churches “Mary, I ain’t got any green,” Tom Herbert Hoover was the only Todd said, turning from the shelf President belonging to the Friends on which he kept his scant stock of or Quakers; Warren Harding was a Baptist; Calvin Coolidge, a Con- dyes, “Give me blue and yellow,” the gregationalist; James A. Garfield, | girl replied. “I make green.” ~~“ Disciple. She spoke with the broad vowel values usual in Indians and also with the careful inflection of one who has been schooled in a lanLadies Knit Suits and Dresses~ guage other than their own, and : ‘Now One-half Off. turned her back on Steve, he UTAH WOOLEN: MILLS thought, with conscious purpose. Salt Lake City, Utah He went out smiling sardonically. Those Indian girls, he told himself, probably were justified in Teassiani Loss in. Wars About 15,000,000 Russigns lost suspecting the emotions behind the lives be ““You’ve been to school, hayen’t you? I can tell from the way yout lk.” skin of the grossness which was this because would accrue with years. A lovely young animal, he was thinking, as he reached for the can of tobacco, ‘Salt Lake City, Utah their ; Impressed Steve had risen, left Tom Todd and followed as LaFane turned back into the shadows, They walked to the water’s edge and halted. “Don’t go to your oe tonight,” LaFane said. “No? Why not? What’s. up?” The man shrugged. “Don’t know. he’s| a 3 ; she replied 9 gaze simply smoldered, in those three short was set and they held on Steve as his gaze ran her body, still slender but with those voluptuous lines that are something subsequent go,” Service ” “You got though she and as counter racially flat face was and She wa doorstep. Todd to help himself, his interest caught by her appearance. - Idaho Garden the Tim | goods Steve . Hypatia Hypatia lived in the latter part of the Fourth century in Alexandria, Egypt. She was the daughter of Theon, an astronomer and mathematician.. Her learning made her the most influential teacher in Alexandria, eS Free at the headquarters one day for tobacco, on Old Service Stations In away Steve saw an aged, wasted Indian | crops come from if I didn't furnish | disappeared. _ y Utah what ‘“Haven’t I bought you two flour and pork? -Where’d you’ve gotten those clothes you’re wearing if it hadn’t been for me?. Where’d your seed for mosity for the man known as Young /Jim was in the cards, it appeared. | At 400 a MOTOR Olt tell’ me to _ WNU re gare really a good all, him woman can express an interest in the progress of her sex without any intimation of her being a shedder of - Nowadays there are two subjects Sweetness and Light, or a prude. which certainly command the human intelligence. They are women and There was a time, not so long ago,economics. Looking over any civil- when nobody talked economics exized bookshelf, one is astonished to cept solemn young men with Ph. D.’s, find to what an extent the role of|and radicals. Those days have modern woman is involved. One ts | passed. Now, anyone with a vestize also astonished to discover that our| of interest in current affairs must . future, in terms of wheat and oil, is evince some appreciation of the exbeing wisely discussed on all sides. periments under consideration in our Looking over a shelf of our Ii- nation’s Capitol. And, by the same brary and without cheating we find token, everybody today who is alive seven titles in which the word Womto contemporary happenings must an is involved, out of a _ possible awaken to the fact that woman is a twelve. That, mesdames, is high brand new element in national afmarksmanship, It means that we, fairs. as a subject for controversial writ- he him with Laird || hesitated to shame ashowed her face. She|in the store earlier that day. He he aad, “Or you ae ‘ only Suess, | niendid force in the W. @. T. U.| on encountered the lower river. But theanother momentin and then said: | had, too, the feeling that once more | too. movement; ‘Today,.in a word, a she detected his thoughts but this The sand deadened their” footencounter with Franz to add to the time, if they were true, ae ad not falls and they went” with utmost “That’s a lie!” Beane, cried. already heavy burden of his ani- PARKINSON, St. might “No. and you after simply. “I it seemed to me that, maybe, you could use a little help here and there.” He smiled. ehchimctaely. “We go to the Mad Woman,” she answered simply. “My father is sick. He wants to be in the bush. He”’— with a look at Franz—“tol’ me not to go.” “heats It, en?And Is 16 2... that is, has he any right to tell you what to do and make you do it?” He thought that something like pride and, also, something kindred have in mind, whatever his relationships with unfriendly competitors might be, he surely -was a factor to be considered, Steve realized. Where the man headquartered, he did not know. He- had seen him only twice since arriving at GoodBye: on that first night when he fought him down and, again, when ‘THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Of the Intermountain West By buying things for taste stand a nation’s test! “Won't it, A Whatever the reasons Franz The day for resolutions Is long since passed and into] was representing Franz, and determined that there was no hope of a quick and reasonable settlement of the right-of-way stalemate. there. dollar. PATRONIZE assumed. McNally “Is thing to take sick?” “He wants “Have I got to tell you in so many words to go to h—l?” Steve ignored this and addressed the girl: he managed role he had and ; laughed Palmer, Woman’s Page the New York. World- Telegram.) Shoestring to see a lawyer, one of | trouble is? There is trouble of Some) Bol gene crops. Jia: an trail to another man’s camp with |mop we have made more tremendous the two in town. ‘They conferred | Sort, of course. If you, too, say it’s} “Some,” she said. “He can't work | a gun in his hands for. seri 00d pur-| strides towards achievement than I can, Not him. He pose.” none of my affair ’ll get going. But corn now. with the other who, they learned, any other group within the memory home,; our But, somehow, Steve what’s the row?” ways to remember that he was sup‘| posed to know more than any other there knew about the Polaris situ- ation. : for me?” “I took you on once be- | derisively. fore, Franz, and I know pretty well what your threats: amount to. You’re getting rough with the girl. I don’t like you and I don’t like that sort of thing, anyhow. Now, phe T WAS difficult in those first days always to present a front devoid of surprise when addressed as Jim, always to answer promptly when some (By Gretta Editor of a 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM $1.50 Just opposite Mormon Tabernacle ERNEST ae C. ROSSITER, Mer. Sowers of 103 relieved me of ie Bepeecss and that heavy ache in the small of my New size, tablets 50 es, liquid $1.00. Large is tabs. or ae ve oe rate De Our Part ae VERTISING is as essen-. tial to business as is rain to growing crops. It is the keystone in the arch of successful merchandising. Let us show you how to apply it to your business. _ |