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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH ALTONAY -UINTAH BASIN RECORD PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DUCHESNE, 7 Roy A. Schonian, Publisher and Editor 7 ae ADVERTISING RATES : - Display Advertising Flat Rate, Plates, For Per Line, 214¢, Per Rintered Agate | Column Inch, 30c. Duchesne, Utah, March 3, 1879. Classified and Reading Notices Found, 10c per Miscellaneous, second-class matter under SUBSCRIPTION ONE YOar the act of RATES -..-.-.-csc-csesnecerncsnserenns $2.00 line, first insertion; 5c ger line for SIX MOnths -......ccccesecneeccnsessnseee 1.00 each succeeding issue, _ charge, 30c. minimum Three Months ..........---.:ccs-ceree es 15 Olive Hugene erson in And do _ we need it? eat : | 3 __ Boys, she was a terrible depression, but we’re wak ing up now, and let’s keep rolling. Just for a starting point, why not get a real live Fish and Game Club started. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is still true, and a little live interest in our own natural recreations would be a mighty fine thing - for a whole lot of us. Incidently, those who heard Game Commissioner Cook at Gateway the other - night, must have been impressed by the figures he quoted, concerning the dollar value of that kind of | 7 play. We have been informed by various sources that - geveral of the Carbon County sportsmen would be glad to join our organization if we went at them in an agressive manner. Let’s get going then. We have about half the fishing waters in the state. We have - gome of the best scenery in the country, and deer and some kinds of fowl in abundance. Why not do something about it. If Duchesne is not big enough to promote the right kind of a club, why not a County Club? Those boys from Altonah and Mtn. Home expressed their sentiments the other night. Get them all in on it. Why not? — Se This is not intended to imply that we do not already have a Fish and Game Club. We have, and it has done.a lot of good work in procuring fish for our waters. We do think, however, that a lot more support could be given it, and hope that a little extra interest stirred up right now, may do a lot of good. Let’s talk about it. DO WE OR DON’T WE The question of whether or not we want Leota Lake taken over by. the Federal Government and turned into a bird sanctuary is one which we must answer at once, and one which most of us appear to be rather poorly equipped to answer. Jf the sanctuary is built, it means that shooting -.on it will be absolutely. prohibited. The question seems to resolve itself to just this: Will the migatory birds use it merely for a safe resting place on their travels from the North, South, or will some of them perhaps nest there, and in so doing,. venture onto the surrounding territory where we may get a erack at them. Clark and If the former is true it would seem that we stand to lose most of the shooting we now to be the case, fine. have. If the latter proves Which will it be? has and Mrs. daughter Roosevelt on returned she her John And- Bernice were business last ious — an Central operetta actions, kins, High School put last Saturday were dismissed, some were arrested, The Attorney General went to work investigating other cases. Administrator Hop- Sat- urday. : quite a growing interest in public affairs. ~ Beebe from Grand Junction where has been visiting some of The MAYBE WE’RE WAKING UP From the amount of Public Spirited ideas express_ ed recently by visitors to the RECORD office, and the constantly growing attendance at the Gateway Club meetings, it looks as though there might be _ on worried and disconcerted, sent out Army engineers to check up on CWA work. ‘When one was sent to Cook County, . Illinois, night. Merrick was takfor medical aid. It which Joe West is here visiting daughter, Mrs. Reed Lyons. it as the city a permanent ganization, would his of part a modified of bringing end his at once, he course. its activities it will be allow- ed to live until May 1.. On February 15, CWA workers in the South will be discharged at the rate of 500,000 a week, and the dis- The Mutual put on a play Monday night. pee eS. Prows the latest GOODYEAR } SPEEDWAY Supertwist Cord Tire - guaranteed, All Hog Growers atives, To —_—O— Cyril Dennis with others are here fixing up the telephone line, Mrs. Delbert in Heiner. Shiner is visiting A new ruling reduction Sign on the agreement Up corn-hog permits ll hog producers, regardless of the size of their base production average to qualify for hog reduction payments hy reducing their little average and production of hogs for market by not less than 25 per cent, according to Director William Peterson of the U. S. A. C. An eleven pound daughter was extension service, who is manager born to Mr, and Mrs. Chester of the AAA for Utah. Mathensen, February 9th, Mrs.. The original ruling specified that Mathensen is the daughter of Mr. if the 1932-33 litter average was and Mrs. John Lemon. : eg A large number attended dance at Myton Mr. less scene folks and of the the young Valentine Friday night. Mrs. Wallace Carroll spent Friday evening with and Mrs. Frank Griffin, — ber than three, farmers signing the agreement were not required to reduce hog reduction payments under the agreement. The charge was made in consideration of an unexpected interest in the program among farmers an average fewer three Mr. producing litters per of his friends. Owen left Wed- from paying the processing tax on. nesday for his home in Vernal, after spending the winter with his sister, Mrs. Reed Lemon, 300 pounds or less of hog products —Q— their own raising which they have butchered, providing that their total volume of hog products so, sold Mrs. A. E. Drollinger was ing on Mrs. Thelma Webb day. : eee Miss Fontella Galloway, Mable Chapman and Eugene er of Myton were seen on_ street of Ioka Saturday. sold or exchanged year, and derived callTues- or exchanged | possible because more people buy Goodyears than any other tire, Come in, look at,yéur % size! a of Miss Hope Hadden eee Mrs. W. M. Ivie and small son of Tabiona visited for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Rhodes, in a marketing from hogs of does not exceed 1000 County agents have detailed in- formation regarding the benefit payment plan under the corn-hog contracts of the AAA. They will gladly explain the provisions of the plan to anyone who makes inquiry, Director Peterson said. In counties where there are no agents hog growers may have the provisions of the contract explained by applying to agents in nearby counties the Extension Mr.-and Mrs, J A. Morrison en- tertained the following people at chesne, Mrs, Snow and M. Spratt, Ruth Spratt — = : Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snow of Boneta were the visitors of their daughter, Clay Miss Ruth Snow, last Sunday, ieee Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhodes and Mrs. W, M, Irvin were Duchesne visitors Thursday, : . ee ; Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Hadden motored to Salt Lake City last week. The itors | | ASHTON SERVICE _ STATION O'TOOLE SERVICE STATION Duchesne, Utah Freel Your Goodyear Tires restriped with silver on sidewails B following people at the home were of Mr, vis- and Mrs. J. A. Morrison Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Fairbanks and children of Duchesne, Ruth Snow and Lucille Rhodes, Mr. agriculture, We wonder if what industry needs most isn’t more good, oldfashioned character, integrity and experience in owners and operators of various properties We are moved to make these remarks after looking over 4 statement of the Bank of Califor- -.Jnia, that has been run strictly as a dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brennick and children of Du- : Prices subject to change without notice and to any state sales tax Mrs. with Roy us Farnsworth again after is the Ward _ ACCESSORIES under and has been divert of} said water at a point SCHONIAN FURNITURE COMPANY | _ Duchesne, Utah ~— to] N.|. 71 deg. 42 Min. EH, 2985 ft. from the W%% cor. Sec. 29, T. 2 N., Re 5 W., U. S. B. & M, and store from April 1st to July ist incl..of each year in a reservoir the \cen- greatly during her absence. of Utah to] ion has heretofore been made the doctors care for the past two weeks at Roosevelt. She is very much improved, and we are very glad to see her smiling face again, Zella is an active worker here in missed the Laws change the place of storage back being with 1350 acre ft. of water from the W.| Fork of Lake Fork River in Du-|» chesne County, Utah. Applicat-} . omen ter of the impounding — “i Lonesome dam being greatly. Good luck to and Mrs. Charles Abplanalp entertained the following & bank - - no side issues frills since 1864. It has paid its 10 per nual dividend, depression pression, and generally 2 per cent. Its ratio of deposits is 1 to cent anor no dean extra capital to 5.13. Can legislation produce kind of bank management? Secs, 4, 5, 6, 27, T. that bought “horse a tractor for $3,000. farmer” has made: a he bought it The “tractor farm- er” is broke - - too much capital invested for the possible earning power of the land. The tractor is on the scrap heap. “know the business ” All inefficient, the people the “relief measures” in the world save the Mayhew and Mr and Mrs. Shelby} wasteful and the ignorant eee 1 failure, 4 from fequently ? py ed to divert said water as heretofore except that storage will be Lyons er of the impounding dam being located S. 1600 ft. from the N%4] cor. Sec, 3. T. 1 N,, R.5 W., and the water when released will be returned to the Lake Fork River at a point S. 35 deg, E., 3923 ft. from the Ni% cor. Sec, 3, T. 2 N., Mrs. Sarah father, Joe by. Shirts. West, This Mrs. one ; It is becoming All ing ledge that if business call. hear their : ory. The national after Thousands life is built on stand just ency and it ingly, Only industry a foundation to withthat kind of an emergmet the crisis unflincha handful of companies found themselves in the life insurance financial structure is as sound and as solid as it has ever been. Remember the date, March 19, Financial this of of the pub-} notice. first March publication, mean taken greater to heart, happiness, greater security and prosperity, for us all. public-|| ; UNTAPOWER BHT ELECTRICITY IS. YOUR MOST EFFICIENT SERVANT J Professional “Cards ROBERT G. PORTER Lawyer Duchesne Utah Manners are the ways THE CRIMINAL LAWS QF ANY jexplanation. L. A. love, into explained; Attorney-at-Law at least a rich varnish with which the routine of life is washed and. its details adorned. If they are on the surface, so are the dewdrops which give such a depth to the morning meadows.—Emerson. Legal Advertising | REWARD Anyone finding or Utah possession Roan two Durham, on left ribs, Durham branded with: bar and the branded Red and with tri- angle open A on left hip, as pictured below. Please notify the Re- x4 cord Office at Du a . chesne,, and re- ceive a Reward of $5.00 for each of the animals re- may .beeame a | ily. Price $1.00. | MEXICAN DIVORCE LAW6 and gratis. safe, sound, sure; obtained in 24 hours H. FITZWATER Notary | ANY LAW swered Public Postoffice QUESTION by competent, | lawyers for $1.00. folly an- | trained Bidg., Duchesne Utah “ROY A. SCHONIAN | in bulls, one — | DELAWARE CHARTERS; WM. Mortitian (2) whe information _ Registered having $1.00. || bankrupt, voluntarily, involuntar- ef now repeated and usage, they form Priee HOLLENBECK doing things; each one a stroke ef genius or hardened state wanted. Price | STATE in plain English with full oe happy | ete. Specify $1.00. Duchesne _ Manners Quick Returns Feb- 1 the work of life insurance in solving our economic and social problems. The lessons. of the week, and TRY THE 9, 1934. Independence Week starts, Listen to the addresses and read the articles and advertisements that are intended to give the public a better idea of if digested | GATEWAY " | CREAMERY FOR difficulties and in most cases plans have been worked out to protect the policyholder. Recent surveys show that when completion of Date’ of completion of of persons insurance stating’ declin- of the contract, the the grant. therefor, must be by} duplicate, accompani-} ruary 9, 1934.— for cash value, before the termin-|} But the Date who had had good positions, and many who had been actually wealthy, lost everything, Poverty and distress swept through the land. ation Office as} 'T, H, HUMPHERYS, | State Engineer ed by close to fifty per cent, while taxes skyrocketed to undreamedpeaks. against application, lication bank- income Relephone & Telegraph Co. ed with a fee of $1.00 and filed in|} this office within thirty (30) days|} ing had been as soundly managed and stood up as well as life insurance, all of us would be vastly White telephone designated said know- and is protests of the reasons affidavit in : common application in the State Engineer’s File No, a-1242. . of REMEMBER THE DATE - - MARCH 19 AV Make them hap- a he Mt, Home’s oldest settlers was here also, shaking hands with his old friends and neighbors. Glad to see you again Joe, it makes us think of the old happy days gone their you R, 5 W., 'U. S. B. & M, and in liew mother, of with You'll thrill to in the Twin Pots Reservoir, the cent- you towns—would ike to talk with them more thereof an equal amount of water One of our old residents, Mr, will be recovered from the normal Reed Lyons and family were visit- flow of said river at the point of P ing Saturday at the home of his}. diversion described above. ae As with banks, so with farming; their salvation depends on ‘men who distant of each year following for domestic purposes, It is now propos- ends. The con-/. sistent profit out of his farm, even during the depression, and his team is as efficient today as when 2S, R. 4 W,, M. and from Nov- ember ist of each year to April 1st. Pete in what ever venture you take up when your mail contract A good practical farmer that we know, bought a team for $300 a few years ago, when his neighbor Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs, Ray} cannot Mayhew. - - no _A boy or girl away at colJege, your parents living in. xother city, relatives and food friends in. nearby or Secs, 1, 2,9, T. 2S, R 5 W.; and all U. S. B. & and that his term will be up next July. Pete has been one of the best mail men that ever hit this upper country, always on time and him parts or all of!} of. land: Secs, 15, 16, 21, 22, 29, 33, 84, 3b, 36, T. 18., R. 5 W., Secs. 7, 17, 18, 19, 20,29, 80, 31, T.1S, BR. 4 W.,, The people of Mountain Home are very sorry to hear that our mail carrier, Pete Smith was under bid on the new mail contract, pounds per marketing year. If Terrific demands for policy loans Millions of dollars) § the volume exceeds 1000 pounds were made. the producer loses his exemption, ‘worth of policies were turned in Miss Millthe Marie Hadden of Duchesne week end visitor at the home e seen ance year, and to give these farmers an ation 6 sci eee opportunity to share in the pro- better off, Miss La Rue Neilson attended ceeds from the processing tax . Facts and figures, not theories the U. E, A. meeting-at Vernal which is collected on the slaught- and hopes, do the talking. DurSaturday. ae ering of all hogs for market, re- ing the past four years we have gardless of by whom sold, At the ‘geen the greatest shrinkage in the —o—— and | § Owen Timothy was pleasantly same time, a new regulation was market values of securities surprised Sunday night by a num- announced exempting farmers other investments, in living mem- Miss was a packed with value—at a price Brandon hospital, Mamie possession of a bouncing baby grandson, with mother and baby doing nicely. is quite ill, missal movement will move grad- never complaining, accomodating nervous ually north as the weather grows to everyone and always going out a warmer, With ‘of his way to help others, all due respect to the new man, we _ Mrs. Eliis Maxwell and daught- New Ruling Allows know that Pete will be hard to er, Shirley are here visiting relreplace and we are going to miss and Look Here! George at the Roosevelt Company, Mountain Home, Utah, accordnow boasts the has made application in she is suffering from a breakdown. The air is filled with theoretical schemes to stabilize industry it’s our belief this is the most reliable tire you can find. We say that because of the service it’s giving our customers—let us tell i you how it’s standing ‘up for them. A real Goodyear, factory BATTERIES — a ' Mamie Morrison spent most of Notice is heréby given that the Reservoir last week with her daughter, Mrs, Farnsworth Canal and or. that Things One Rémembers money « 1934. Chic- of announced adopt Instead to an —O-— Mrss. Morrel contains Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Gentry, Miss La Rue Neilson and Thomas ‘or by writing to Gentry attended the supper at the Service at Logan. Presbyterian Church, Tuesday night. a little 31, wide move got underway to keep each year to irrigate the CWA in existence - - it was lowed with a “cottage meeting” in the following Secs. due to pass away shortly. Mr. the evening at the home of L. M, 9,10, 11, 12, 18, 14, Roosevelt, however, doesn’t want Miles. 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, —Oo— Harold Ralphs, who has been lout to Salt Lake in the L, D. S. Hospital is here. He is still suffering but is some what improved. —O— @ For January located N. 66 deg. 30 min, W. 1950 ft. from the E% cor. Sec, 11, T. eee ago, the entire Illinois CWA com-| 1N., R. 5 W., U.S. B,& M. Said. is reported that she has been sent mission resigned. Genealogical conference was water was to have been used from on to Salt Lake City Hospital. At the same time, a nation- held here last Sunday with several April 1st to November ist inel. of stake officers in attendance, folMrs. Johnny en to Duchesne J. W. Jenson is doing some | carpenter work in Myton for Tingley and sons, Oe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson were Myton visitors Sunday. oS State Engineer’s Office, ‘Salt Lake City, Utah, ~ Make Headlines A few weeks ago CWA graft ‘charges appeared in the headlines, | The President himself was getting hundreds of letters a day comchildren. : plaining of shafp practices. Job——4 . selling, political preference, false Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jesson are expense accounts, padded payrolls, the proud parents of a new girl. these were the bones. of contention. The government moved fast. Mr. and Mrs.:Wm, Ralphs, Mrs. Employees guilty of even suspicMrs May 26, 1922 at the Postoffice at _ For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost and as UTAH | NOTICE TO WATER USERS. |) : CWA Graft Charged 1604 Maltman Ave. Los Angeles || (Clip this adv., it may come handy sometime.) — ea |W OME Ni NEED NO LONGER SUFFER _ AT PERIODIC INTERVALS OR WORRY ABOUT OELAY! LAXVIBURNUM| Why Buy Drugs From Your Grocery Stores - - When _ You Have a Graduate Registered Pharmacist DUCHESNE DRUG _. Relieves the cases quickly most and stubborn effectively. Different from anything yeu have ever used. Priced $5.00 for full size. Sent im plain wrapper, | postpaid—Sold Uz. pike Box & only by LABORATORIES 2006 Hollywood Sta., Los Angeles (Clip and put away!) | |