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Show = Uintah Duchesne Basin | Courier . | Vol. 10, No. 32 Newspaper % VOLUME 3. - a TITLE tc game at of the Gateway Club, held last Thursday at the New Palace Cafe, Game: Commissioner, Newell B. Cook, Superintendent of Fish ‘Hatcheries ‘Fred stopped route Defa’s Hall in Hanna guests from out of town were Ralph Rowley of Mt. Home, and Clarence Jones, Tex Rochell| and: Howard Dunn of Altonah. Aguests total of 31 members and enjoyed the luncheon. The main address of the even- Monday night. Wood and Caldwell led Duchesne attack scoring 12 and 9 points each respectively. Ivie made high score for the losers. The Duchesne girls won a pre- ing was given by. Commissioner liminary game by a score of 17 to Cook, who gave much heretofore unknown THE SCORE DUCHESNE yj Gl SRAM WEN ann coyncty nae -<nprsoae lee SBECDNGN'S. 1... -eeueyee,| iP al [Peal 0) | 4] NE GOM, oon spiunsinvnn ernst {| 6 | O | 12| CISMONT .,... ated cer ey tty CASPER jon eyeeen uate |-O-{ 0 [ 0 WEG, cece penne tet] AO: | 0) NV BRCED is Sse Reteeneannt | O|0|0| Total a2 | 2 | 28! TABIONA, ce. [arse | ae] SEE OW. pap ade mccanqneranos 1 | 0} 2] A tise cps ls |o| 6 WRG io sie egdesnnndeng nye {1}; O| 2 | DORCREEING | ckigs ences [-O.| & | -0 NUIGS: csieansun saves opaes titi’ PO. Oy) OF N. Jones... S| 0 | 0 [0 Hf. JONGS ..2¢-ceosea: sche | Gsi 0 ’ Total | 5 | 0 {10 INDIAN TALES Albert B. Reagan, Ph, D. (All rights reserved,) Be Satisfied With Your- . self As You Are ject IN the a great man while who had ig peas Be ago there such long hair that it reached nearly to the ground. on Once when he met a crowd of men looked at his how he caused it each one wishing long hair a journey men All of the hair, wondering to grow so long, that he had as himself. When way limb, jumped off. his hair became much as he wanted, In. climbed on a tree, saying. hair “I am long,”. having tied his hair to a limb, jumped down; 2 but his hair did not get any longer, . Two Views On Silver After the first flush of enthusiasm over President Roosevelt’s proclamation fixing the value of - gilver, had waned somewhat, two distinct views concerning the move appeared. One is that it will cause a worldwide increase in the value of the metal, thus restoring the lost purchasing power of the silver-standard nations. .The other migratory is that its importance has been ex-. aggerated, and that it will be nec- Lake City o oe Dwight Wadleigh end with and Ed transacting ment received, but the valuable formation gained, Wilford Jessen of Mr, Whitney, permanently located at the hatchery at Springville, gave a very interesting address on the care and raising of fish, and other of Price business basin in poe Mr. week and end : Mrs. G. V. Billings were visitors to Salt Lake ings Donald promised would that be some provided good. dogs Marsing, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dickerson and children returned from Monticello, Utah Tuesday where they have spent the past winter. Mrs, spent M. the Patrotic program in honor of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington featured the meeting of the P. T. A. last Thursday evening.. Participants of the program were stu- dents of the /quartet 4th from the grade, a Faculty and male Mr. R. G. Porter, who gave an address, After the program, several school problems were discussed. Refreshments were served by the entertainment committee. We are growing teresting glad to see the attendance meetings. very to these in- Duchesne Has New Relief Committee After having served since the inception of the Direct Relief Act, the local Relief Committee, Mr. Leland Hair, Mrs. Albert Stephenson and the newly appointed mem- for J. home as purchasing power is con- cerned, The next move, whatever it is, will be of vital importance to the commercial well being, and _ the economic recovery, of the world, Nellie Muir. Theodore Camp, of her in sis- was a_ busi- Leon Burdick, who is attending school in Duchesne spent Monday in Bluebell. . : Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Porter to Salt : titions, lic Display Less than Daughters of Re- Day. a week covered wallpaper, till March Order your garden seeds now. Ist. the “Stars” are starfing their work so that. the opera can be publised at an early date, New Bulletin Discusses Wild-Life Restoration By wild encouraging game life, farmers can and other profitably use lands taken out of corn, wheat other crops, the Bureau of habits Research and - just published by the U. S, Department Agriculture. Though new as a farm crop deliberately encouraged, game, it is shown has worth Survey, may well serve as of 13 different species will here and some and there CHET E CHEE: with have bright fresh made forget ved. The that profits bulletin also discusses not invol- only ‘methods for increasing the food supply for wild mamals and birds but also outlines cover-requirements and recommends means for wild-life protection. It tells how to make a farm-game survey and explains various methods now being used by sportsmen in paying farmers for Services and shooting | privileges. Copies ‘of “Improving the Farm Environment for Wild Life’ Farm ers’ Bulletin No. 1719-F) can be obtained at 5 cents each from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office Wash ington, D. C, MARRIED paint ay ‘real Point, Utah; Gladys of La Point, Utah, 21; of La Foster, 18, egram early Thursday morning ions, however, comes the informa- tion extra that any women must to Board woodlot Mrs, was H. S. the Liddell Roy | Schonian. farmers tribution through for of the the windbreak planting, The stock is Extension made Service. Nine hardwoods and four evergreen species are offered at prices from $1.50 to $2.50 per hundred trees. There is no limit to the Mrs, J. P. Madsen, Mrs. L, C. Winslow, made NeHie Muir, Mrs ma Mrs Roy H. S. Schonian, Liddell, Miss Ir- Poulson, and Mrs, Arthur Mrs. Jack Meiling of Pro- was a guest, The lesson was ed at supper and bridge last Sat- for orders of less than 100, The law. prohibits the resale of any of this planting stock. . The sizes of the trees vary from two to eight.inches for the evergreens. and from nine hardwoods, to 24 inches Professor for the Dunn re- ports. The urday evening the following various available species guests: Mesdames, Charles Barton, are: L. C, Winslow, R. M. Pope, Ed Green ash, hardy catalpa, SiberHart, A. J. Feller, James Dalgle- ian elm, black locust, thornless ish, Mrs. Barton Muir Nellie of San won Muir and Diego, high Mrs. Mrs, Neliie score. be cut off, hence ing honey locust, Russian olive, Siberian pea tree, black walnut, golden’ willow, Austrian pine, ponderosa pine, Scotch pine, and blue spruce, removed, is as formation as Precinct Ernest Schonian Hart who is visiting in while Mr, Ed Hart is in eles. Contract bridge, Mrs, Feller had high Duchesne, Los Angat which score was sister of Mrs. tpn Results of the past four years of tree planting in the state show that with woods are average care, better suited the hard- for farm Killian, Mr, and Mrs, Farrel Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Wardle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wardle, Lynn Johnstun, Mrs, Lola Rich- ens, Mrs, Stoddard, Owens, Edith Timothy, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. However if special the evergreens, more permanent ter windbreaks stores, operated ium-sized care in can — be they and will provide be bet- time. cities, in. large were There’s' hardly an is responsible been felt "per industry Duchesne To Get New Lac Ladies’ Shop has 21 ahead. isn’t feeling the change, rific jump in automobile character med- up rum, this and cent, Its mail order department, which serves the very small town and the farm, was 80 per cent ween Lab- Mrs. Irvin Cole: aii announces that she will soon open an_ exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-wear shop in Duchesne. The need of a shop of for much of the about completed, for her and The Chateau announces her opening Saturday, March 3rd. spent Dance another Club enjoyable memeve- Chat- —O— ‘ Four Mrs, date of Duchesne’s masons, Brown, Emil Munze, Guy Hollenbeck and Roy A. Schon- are Arthur Cole for 13 15 and Midview | Upalco Bluebell Altonah Boneta Duchesne 10 Hanna. : Fruitland and Strawberry Utahn 7 4 6 T 7 8 5 3 2 Talmage loka Mtn, Home Mt. Emmons Arcadia BLUEBELL HOME Is RANSACKED BLUEBELL HOME When Mr. and Mrs. Lutellus Burdick of Bluebell returned home from a meeting Tuesday evening, they found their home had been in‘The ransacked thoroughly. truders, however, apparently succeeded in getting away with nothing more than $1.50 which they found in a trunk. There had been quite a large sum of money ia the trunk, but fortunately Bur- Mr, dick removed it before they left. the house, and had it with him. No clues indicate have been who the discovered, to intruders might have been, FIRE DEPARTMENT ON THE JOB AGAIN ‘We were startled for a minute we Wednesday evening, when heard the fire siren on the still. night bably the air, but realized that it promeant nothing more than usual Fire practice again re- sumed. It’s nice to know that the little difficulties have been stra-_ ightened out and the boys back at it again with their are. old Week Ending Feb. 20, 1934 Date High Low | Day Feb, 14 AT 20 Clear . success shop sisal 19 Myton Antelope uw 14 = ll better. here this is ; making, selling, repairing and servicing of cars. The department stores are likewise doing much ning dancing at the Legion eau last Saturday night. of program spirit. bers handling bet- terment, inasmuch as. a thousand other industries contribute to the perience the that The terbusiness for some time, and Mrs. Cole’s exin CWA end. planting than the conifers, as they | Timekeepers Administrative are harder and faster growing. given J. ian attended lodge in Myton day evening i | Pres. quota— New aes Cedarview and Monarch Roosevelt... Roosevelt ° Precinct Neola sections of Utah. Each is adapted to particular soil, moisture and elevational requirements and these pecularities are listed in the circular. Murdock, re- TABULATED CHANGES FOR THE COUNTY FOLLOW: (Figures Cover Men Only) present, M. no ‘déAintte in. how future cent when the entire to come to an in honor of her mother, whose birthday it and Mrs. Barton, yet to Those A. women, will be made, but it is that they will come at of approximately 10 per ist. May until per week, home, Hart, and guest of honor, ‘were: the Mesdames Muir,, Feller, Halstead, seven ductions expected the rate and These species have all been growi| Precinct: under farm conditions in most Tabiona .and | Mrs. was. are be- and Oo Mrs. James Dalgieish entertained Monday night, at Mrs, Hart’s besides the hostess 45 men Office. There dis- number that may be purchased by one individual; however, a charge of $1 for each 25 trees will be towards guaranteeing her in her new enterprise. Wardle, County, on orders coming from the Salt Lake Office. The figure was originally set at 62 but a tel- and Mrs. Preparations John Harmon a total dropped from in Duchesne cost were: Bridge class of merchandise should go far new the 23, guests Murdock. a man. are Friday, diversion with Mrs. Helen. Hollenbeck winning high score. Special —o-— at Stephenson’s, all trees Mrs, Maroni Chatwin, 33 of The trees should be ordered at ual for individuals cooperating in the program being sponsored by Tabiona, passed away Sunday at once, as they are shipped in the her home following several weeks order received, said Mr, Dunn. Adthe President’s committee for wild She is survived by her ditional circulars or other: forestry life restoration, recently appoint- jliness. Mrs. Gennis Nielson of Monticello, Utah and Mrs. A, F; Bailey ed by Secretary Wallace (Jan. 2) husband, three sons, Ralph 4, Rex information may be obtained from agricultural extension Farm 2 and the baby born Jan. 30th, her the local of Ferron, Utah sisters of Mrs. G. Entitled “Improving the J. Hollenbeck, were guests at the Environment for Wild Life’, the ‘father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. agent or by ordering to the Extennew farmers’ bulletin No. 1719-F, Albert Sweat of Fruitland, Mrs. sion Service at Logan. Hollenbeck home Tuesday. Albine, —— discusses how the farmer may én’ Myrtle Sears, sister of Mrs. James Dalgleish, who is courage desirable wild | creatures Idaho, Bert Irvin, Kenneth, Karl, In spite of all the obstacles to be on his lands, particular reference Lester, Le Mar, Clara, and ‘Emil- overcome, the signs of _ better employed in the County Treasurer’s office spent Thursday at her. being made to game species, It ine Sweat, brothers and sisters, all business are growing more numerof Fruitland. also considers what returns may home in Myton, ous. A short time ago one of the —_O— compensate the farmer for alter—o— best of all of them appeared - the Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brennick ing his premises and policies in faA group of Roosevelt. friends report on mail order sales, which were dinner guests at the home of vor of game and other wild things. L, D. is a sure-fire barometer of the surprised Mr. and Mrs. the Young Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren oer last Most farmers, it says, find Bridge rural purse. Sears, Roebuck mere presence of animals and was the diversion of the evening. showed 30 per cent improvement Sunday evening. (as birds sufficient for encouraging The following friends from Roose- over last year, and Montgomery - Mrs, Rock Pope accompanied their increase, but they need not velt attended: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ward 45 per cent. Ward’s retail Utah. Pioneers, Wednesday Feb, 28 Albert and Héfective of 52 names will be the C. ‘W. ‘A. rolls and} ness visitor in Myton Monday, while possibilities as a source of followed by a delicious lunch, and checking ane on state road condit- income, each guest was presented with a ions. This publication, says Paul, G. lovely gift, by Mrs. Dalgleish. —o— | Redington, Chief of the Biological. have been pleased lately with the much improved appearance. Completely enclosed sound-proofed par Mrs. cided upon Monday Porestes Cieulur Tells Of Trees For Utah The women removed are two each from the sewing circles in Duchesne, Myton and Roosevelt, and the stenographer from the School vo of Hollenbeck _ Mr. were:. “Oh: Brown. Food ne _\far some opera, Utah, she has —o— Guy to present spend months some time at the ter, Mrs. Kelley. special industriously will who several where un- Jensen, Atwood, left Tuesday School supervision of the. music Rulan A Jones, is work- time in March the guests The Woman’s Study Club met ‘with Mrs. Iverson Saturday afternoon, with the following members present: Mrs. A. J. Feller, Mrs, R. M. Pope, Mrs, Lioyd Pope, Mrs. PRESENT High birthday. A de- evening. ofa Biological Survey points out in an illustrated, .64 page farmer’s bulletin prepared in its Division of M. past eared A ing and |. Duchesne P. T. A. HOLDS. VERY INTERESTING MEET of —Oo— posing of the lions if he could be assured they would be properly for. son Duchesne the be ready for shipment from the nursery at Logan about April 1. The nursery is maintained by the School of Forestry in cooperation with the federal government under Clarke-McNary law for the purpose of supplying trees at a low and OPERA. _ The The Grant Editor TO was Doctor”, This-opera is full of thrills and laughs and we are pos- given by Mrs. A. J. Feller. itive it will be greatly enjoyed by Carlos all who see it. The cast was de-.|. Mrs, Ernest Schonian entertain- time. —O-— on to assist in dis- for some Miss Thora Sabey spent the week end in Duchesne, as the house guest of Mrs, B. W. O’Toole. exon sagehens in their district, and ways and means of controlling the lion menace to our deer, Mr. Cook home Marsing is recovering nicely from a recent appendicitis operation at Price hospital. vestigate this project further, and make a decision after Mr. Cook had talked to the Vernal and Roosevelt sportsmen. of the poaching by ee SCHOOL der the teacher, Emily of honor. Mrs. Guy Hollenbeck was winner at bridge, —o— The Business and Professional Women’s Club held their monthly social/evening at the home of Mrs. §. President sibead visitors to town Wednesday. in streams. City. They were accompanied by spoke of the value of ‘Miss Glenda Daniels of Salt Lake, the Beaver to our fishing streams, who has been a guest at the Bill- question HIGH William business Clyde the North touching 180 : Frona Morrison, points this week. on their protection Our visitors from pressed themselves, | SCHOOL ITEMS was Duchesne Stoddard and Altonah were | 25—Col. Clark captures Vine cennts, ae 1779. “OWN ——-O-— Wilford Jensen in- 2—U, ss R. A. Gillis made an official vis-| it to the Uintah Basin last week..| bird and of the enforcement of eo laws in general. Following the speeches a round) table discussion was entered into, and opinions expressed for and against the Leota Lake project. A Committee was appointed to in- ; Car- Friday. Quota gave the County authority to Keep Agriculural college nursery for an extra ten men on, Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mr, and Mrs. farm planting this coming spring | While the County was originally C. H. Selch, Mr..and Mrs. H. S. will be mailed to farmers in all given a quota of only 20 women Liddell, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Murparts of Utah on February 1, ac- it was necessary, to carry out the dock, Mr and Mrs Guy Hollen-cording to Paul M. Dunn, forester projects outlined, to use seven exbeck, Mrs. A. M. Murdock and for the Extension Service.. tra women, in place of that many lovely Mrs. Nellie Muir. Many. Approximately 65.000 small men. With the reduction instructgifts were received by the guest all. th dts of ve frst telephonecompleted, 1875, ~ friends in Duchesne. and Mr. =< last on 45 Nien. 7 Women Taken From Rolls... Redivetion To Continue Gradually Until May First © Iverson, Miss licious diriner, cooked and served Tree‘ planting circulars listing by the hostess, Mrs. Roy Schonian | the kinds of small forest trees that and the guests, was enjoyed ‘by will be available at the Utah State 22—George Washington, wars rior and ee born 1732) Ha: this Lake City Sunday, where she will weeks. a essary to decree unlimited silver ber, Bernard O”’foole have resig- visit for several . —_—C— coinage, at a fixed ratio with gold, ned, feeling that they have given The organizers of the Theodore. before the President’s purpose is of their time and energy to this achieved. Mr. Roosevelt can dc work long enough. They receive Camp of The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, are elated over the this under authority contained in the thanks and gratitude of the enthusiasm displayed by the memCounty Commissioners for their a rider to the Agricultural eee bers, and congratulate them over faithful service ment Act, the fine work they are doing. The new relief committee apThe President himself has emfj phasized the importance he places pointed by the commissioners is All daughters or grandaughters Roy <A: Schonian, on this power, and that has lent as follows: Babs Murdock of pioneers prior to the year 1869, weight to the belief that he will Chairman, Mrs to this organization, Mrs. Helen Odekirk and Mr. James are eligible: Name " exercise it in the near future. Hatch. Peace be with them. Until that is done, it is the general Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Porter have gone to Salt Lake City on busiopinion of the silver producers that JUST TO REMIND YOU ness. the silver-standard countries will Contract Bridge Club, Saturday : ‘remain under the general level so afternoon, Feb. 24h, with Mrs Patrons in Bill’s Barber Shop ' z a Salt party 21—World 7" Washington =ifonument is dedicated, 1885. man who are located. in Price at the present time, spent the week themselves as being highly gratified not only with the efttertain- as Furthermore, and, create this stretched they could do likewise if they wished. After he had gone on his way one of the men, going to make my to City. week. mem- asked what he did to cause his hair to grow so long, he said he climbed a tree and, after tying his hair to a to the Lake and Mrs. Ernest Schonian | motif of a delightful 20—First ‘through train rock ro reaches Chicago, Miss Alice M. Todd spent sever-| sanctuary on Leota Lake. Several of the members later expressed the was information Salt al days in bers present, made a very stirring plea for support of the Fish and Game Commission and conservation laws, and introduced the subject of the proposed Federal pro- to Clayson @ 30. Meiling|. Madsen. _ in is admitted to site Union as a State, 1802. s “Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Porter and son Bob made a business trip to. Salt Lake City Sunday, returning to Duchesne Wednesday. ern Division, Game Warden, Earl Clyde were the guests of honor. Other FEBRUARY RS —o— — C. Ferron of Roosevelt in Duchesne Friday en- Staples,. Mr, Ivan Ann NUMBER Advanra _ County | CWA Mr. and Jack Provo, Miss Margaret Marrott Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Miss fragrance.” last guests: Mrs. In [Reduction ‘Started John. Madsen: en- following Iverson, '|Geo, "Beauty withone virtue ? is a rose smshoat Mrs, Year at dinner Monday even- ing the of of visitor to Pyeusene and Mrs. _G, N. Nelson, Cashier of the | First National Bank of Price was W. M. Whitney, and Supt, of East- Duchesne copped the division “M” men title by virtue of a win over Tabiona in a fast, well played meeting Mr, tertained Per oat DUCHESNE | WINS ‘SOCIETY| last Friday. a business sae Sa oe hausen Sibietines; Can Game Law i occa, Fish Conservation Enter Into Round Table Discussion 23, 1984. nthe deon cntlaw ig Pend Lake regular FEBRUARY } ‘Len C. Thorne, Juvenile Judge for Duchesne and Uintah Counties was in Duchesne on official busi- ness the FRID: AY T OCALS At Gateway ( Club Banquet At UTAH, alors DUCHESNE, | bee Basin. a Uintah RAOAaMwW The NOR ALL jt Awana Covers Game Commissioner Talks : TO THE DUCHESNE COURIER WEATHER Feb. 15 51 Feb. Feb. 16 17 50 50 Feb. 18 49 Feb, 19 — . 42 Feb. 20 Precipitation 41 24 REPORT - 825 Clear 28 Cloudy 32... Snow 21 25. 35 Clear Cloudy Rain EARL S§&. WINSLOW - Co-op. Observer nial elec SUCCESSOR | |