Show -- ' I I 4 Live cblckem taken at itaantl Orrock’a i ii J’itH Grandma Ramsay T4fc'“ Lai- la home from ' Salt - Grandma Wright 1 toSalt'Lake city t ' has returned home 11 i ‘ Collins lias boat wieeek' " Lawyer forthe t ' been Id Salt Lake ii - ' I yes- council city t v r' ir ’geMulr is improving rapidly n b k V t( u he cut received on barb Wire Vv f‘ r H vie a uw slt of groceries at (f supply III Equ'tableStoje V the - t ( l antine physician for the town i them that they are appreciated Henry Outzen and Halger Humlose Clayton Gannett was granted a liwill prepared Tfho RLcbftelij p a team a for pro- quor license at the last meeting of the h exchange teji Rooks’ when needed left vpltl? four horse W ‘It Out-aocouncil town Mr specting tour ou Monday Mja J IJ Campbell (nee Della HerVesday the by vfaseayedhop9 But few trees have died In the bert! Is 9 v?r from Reaver oo f visit arrival of boy number eight at the replanted on the south bench The street sprinkler is being used to sidence part of tbe Richfield House this spring ' f S(U t watef thO trees In the city cewetrjr ndrson’e Park is the flgce for The Jail is beng overhauled As Fred Muaser of the JuventlQ In Sunday School celebrations soon as It is ready the curfew ordin atructoy officers vacating in the jong-t- y A wpm&n sold lice eradicator in ance vvlll be put in force Richfield a fpw sinpe and James r Carl Tuft Heber Magleby and mediUp to gjpg to preaijj nothing h$s B Morrison applied sppm of Swindle atwill spend the winter been beard of ttye escaped Oljris bfad-sc- n cine to a loyis ' palf Th6 calf died tending the College at ' Agricultural '' whether the flee did or got It is an Logan Ci ijrnwu W IL King was a ahsprptlve poison and siiould be appliArthnr Louder and C F-- Judson eouit bound prssenger on Saturday’s ed to crevices Instead of to the skin of representing the ronrosadress-ma- k animals trail In town Ing system Bpth are Judge McCarty and! Reporter Rollo hustler? Attorney Stewart ran up to Marys-va- f' for ' i i professional night from JuncbWess this made RIchJed Bp Maglelpy has movecl to the WCdktion whither thgy had bpen holding from h's lately court The grand Jury k Arbuokles' coffee 131 ceptpat hadufing the father who willpurchased occupy part of the a Jerpa fqjipd six indlctpicpt for vari' some tor house time yefous offenses The mining suit was Mrs Fanny Willis of Salt Lake is Maftfu Harris has sojd his town probeyapse pf a npeded change spending fb° week With her sister postppd in tbe papep perty ty Joseph Jolly of Mt Carmel Mrs Byuce Morrison Mf Jolly intends moving his family D A Nelson thy principal of our ' Mrs Jkq Israel passed through Monroe to In the near future school came down frofn Qgden here oq Sgnday headed for the moun- high Next Wednesday evening InstructWednesday nighf aqd spent yesterday tains oq q vacation trij) Visiting tqvyns of the county and ors Nelson ftnd Hayes of the Richfield 5s F Mount now proprietor of the forming actual ntnpes Vftlonr leyd-it- high school will speak at the meeting Ploneef Livery Stable laying piflveps LrPm POW until school house on the value and need of high it from W F Snyder opens ho Will trayel in thy interest of schools Don Fayasworth la over from Beave-e- r educational Institutions Delbert Webb Yernon Jones Lottie certain dressmaking Assessor Joseph A- Smith ran a few Lisonbee Sofia Smith James Mauson county parlor is cheered by bis presence errands on Main Street Wednesday In Lydia Nielson Edith Asay and Archie Beside being assistant in the high answer to "How ape the sheep?” he Larsen will be students of the B Y school Henry Hayes will he principal replied "They are in extra good con Academy on tbe opening day condition The feed op the ranges has of our district school tills winter Mrs M B Shipp and family have t been better than usualare reached Monroe and are There Annie Petersont who has spent the moving Into are low Just the W MMcCarty house The doclast eight months in Richfield return- many buyers yet prices now wo are dipping hut there is no tor will not move his office onto Main ed home to Mt Tleaaant yesterday scab to speak of on the sheep ” Street but keep It at home instead Mrs Nellie Sorenson of Salt Lake Live chickens taken at Orrock’s The one year old daughter pf Lorencity spent the early part of the week store zo Farmer died ffom tbe effects of with Mr and Mrs I Stewart fever on Wednesday at H a m scarlet i Prof' N P Neilsen formerly a Rev E E Work who is visiting in) is This the last of a family of three Annabella is spending some Richfield will be the speaker at the! time in the county Mr Neilsen Is Another died last week frocq the same Methodist chapel Sunday evening one of the world’s great Violinists and malady Mr and Mrs J C Anderson of Is Five houses are quarantined because giving a few recitals while here On Koosh&rem were in Richfield on TuesThe places and Saturday night with his brothers and of scarlet fever day They report fair crops despite sisters and Norman McCarty the patients are! Gard Doxford’s an 11 the frosts of pianist he will entertain the people year old girl Alma Magleby’s a 2i year Peter Jensen and II P Hansen have Richfield at the Academy nail It old boy Jacob Magleby's a visiting Don’t nephew frond Elsinore Bengt Larson’s filed a notice of appropriation to sixty will nodoubt be A great treat cubic inches of water flowing from miss It for anything a boy of ten years who is nearly well Cottoned canyon To awaken an interest in our high and a girl who Is Just coming down Qo-o- ' 4 - ’k1 n 44 - 44 4 ' ’ TTrriTlN’u’s -0 ' ds Ile-be- trae lst Qr-roo- yir-Chas- - i - " Reportsjfroni'all 'th reshlng' much 1 nes school five speakers will make a tour Joe Bcrtlesen the rustling merchant has decided on a new line of ne is going to run the business Previous venBrooklyn creamery tures at operating this institution have been made by strangers but Air Bcrtlesen enjoys the confidence of the people and will no doubt suceced us he deserves to do are thatwheat Is shrunken some oati of the county during the week The are a little short to tbe acre and a five are D A Nelson II N Hayes little light to the bushel VictprE Bean Jacob Magleby and George II Crosby Jr Their appointJudge W M McCarty and family are Sunday Nelson and nayes ments have come to Richfield to stay and ( afternoon at Redmond evening at are now getting their household goods Salina Monday evening Nelson and Into their beautiful new home! Crosby at Glenwood nayes and Bean Live chickens taken atOrrock’s at AnnabellajTuesday evening Nelson ‘ Tomorrow (Saturday) II O Magleby Prof Me Carty the genial prinicipal apd Crosby at Elsinore nayes and will beginjils furniture business He of the Salina schools spent yesterday Magleby at Joseph Wednesday even-Itfhas an extra good stock of furniture In Richfield and returned home this Nelson and Hayes at Monroe and will keep stoves ranges and tin’’morning Yesterday and today the county ware in the little building to the Andejln and Sons have received teacher’s examination has been held south A tin shop is being built in their first consignment of tort books at tbe new school house which an employee will make stove and are prepared to exchange at the are are: piping and do general tinner’s work participating regular prim 1 C A W Walker E Barr Cowley For further details read the advertiseThe ditch belonging to the Davis Lewis Jones Nephl Nielson Lester ment of the Pioneer Furniture Store Rouff ’works on the Bolltho— Hess Wright Chris Jensen Burton Bean placer has been attached by the work- Charlie Olson J E Heppler Misses ELSINORE men wbo made it Wallace and Brown Lydia Jackson Sadie Staker Sofia No one from Elsinore attended the Goldbranson Lottie Busch Ettie Morare attorneys for attachors Choir excursion rison Libbie Stakes May Bullock Principle-!NewtoNoyes and InLena Randolph Frandson has gone structor John Johnson of the San Pete Ada Ivie Libbie Sylvester Mercur to work in the mines Allred Stake Academy are prepairing to make Sorenson IlaonahScorup Clay Millie Emma Jensen Emil Chrlstofferson aod family a tour of Sevier and Wayn§ counties Louie Baldwin Clara Butler Lizzie Dastrup have gone to Manti for a week’s visit in til interest of that institution ' Cora Barr Lillie Simons Albln Ostlund and Frank Johnson Arthur Louder and C F Judsori Mesdames E F Purfee Allie Clark for Provo to attend the B Y leave spent the week in town worslng for Martha Crosby Academy today the Penrose dress making system Arbucklcs coffee J3t cents at Orof d la Louder friend a Prof Neilsen the violinist enterArthur rock's and w6 'were pleased to see iiiin tained the people here Saturday night s On Tuesday the Boar! of the Otter filled Wiliam Lewman tbe vptcran surv- Creek Boer voir Company met with The house was well eyor of Garfleid county left for his tlie parties concerned and purchased Charles Fantin James C Jen-eHe expresses him- of James Forsliee 640 acres of land for and Will Sylvester are muvlng their home Wednesday self as highly pleased with Sevier $4200 In cash and two notes due In one saw mill neater timber and preparing county and thinks of coming here to and two years for $l2()t) each of Byard to begin sawing “ g " 20-2- " Seeg-mill- I boy-hoo- u Reside ' ‘7 ' J 'S Every bottle Is uot dis- CO i y T 1 ‘ i i 1 M - ‘iTLCfl SIRED ’'it CHRIS MfriiSHfl '1 QPQ4PM line of Largest Best and Cheapest f p ri y 1 while J and I£lng Sunday Gents Fumi'iblngs in the County wife and man other towns people' v '' j'- of On ’t- ) ’ ’ V if-?"- was stung on J L-T Herring few were away from RlcHfield' 'Chris lacl-- ' sen fijedj in two the padlook on the ittae end of the nose by a bee a IdayB since The nose was soon swell- - main door of the county Jail went In- ' i the Highest price til Positively t for Eggs drain 'V AND S6lb:i to the Kinp residence hid adjoins JjOWHJ' the jail fook M Kj'ng’s Winchester Lumber Lath and Pickets Good t rifle climbed the high' hoard fence and 'Bargains on second hand Horse power was gone Jt was atjout 1:30 when he and drive well machinery left but it was nearly 7 when his absence was discovered Sheriff Cpons WiHjtreat you well Give us a call M w! MANSFIELD Mgr ' Marslial BJomqulst and others set out Ln pursuit soon after They followed him oyer the east mountains where I i a hewas still on foot At this writing he has not been captured and being a Y t ) JOHN-JOHNSON fleet footman who is well versed in the contour of the country it seems ‘ h MONROE UTAH not’ lie probable that ’' i badly and' the 'swelling extended time the face In a' short The In- ' jtensepaiu caused fainting but now the sufferer has much Improved ied !to k MERCANTILE l : i Ostlund tells of a race that he andfeometle receivers had with tbe passbnger train from Aurora to Salina ‘Ostjund et ah were on a hand car at the lower end of Aurora when the train passed the switch By hard work the hand car was pumpqd into the flrat side track at Salina ahead of the Iron horse but the receivers and all th$ others were nearly da vfhen they got here J - ‘ ” v iieill ’ "I I BMTIRE ROOK” " It tJ v My business Nutice Etray Vw (s now located at the Building near the White Housed in my possession the impound- Qujat y Articles Carrikd ed anlgiql described as follows: iw‘ A V t Is bedroom suites I t stock carry ODe black heifer about three yeays and gen School ' will began oq Segtqmhie'r IS pld right ribs al?o baty purrigoL carpets sofas will oc: er ifi tlolos of furniture: and aftfer two Or threweelp ANNABELLE Ebeireaaer Dalton Hiels Thurston home again and Mrs Durfee are all t I haye A cupy the new building- 0 Goods AiW Undkrtakbrs’ F on left ribs marked square A supply of caskets and colfins of all sizes with proper trimmings arc always in stock and ean be quickly pre- - A Mr Carter from Iowa will he principle of the school here this season s pared Ellas Nebeker has purchased Sam crop and two swallow forks l(y fight ear and square crop off left ear nancock’s plape and will hereafter If the abuve described apiipal Is not Annahellq claimed and taken away witJiinlQdays Victor E Bead and Henry N Hayes from date I will sell the same on Tueswill speak in Annabella Mjnday evenday the 2nd day of September 1897 at ing on educational mqtterq 10 o’plopk a m at the vvlp o needed in Monument Mills pound ip - J 'p FIELD M'AN ’ instructor Johnson will fIJC' I'" music at the same school ' ' — ’ " A sbn of I vw TflURBEIt WAYNE COUNTY Whoop ing cough Asthma Hay Fever' Pneu UTAH monia Bronchitis La Grippe cold In the Head1 and for Consumption It is STOKE HOW LOCATED- AT - ' ‘ 7 7 :r 'jC'V safe for alleges plesanttd take and abbve ’all a Sure cure It is always The New Towjisite r well tro take Hr Kihg’sNew Liffe Pill ' t 7 v- - " In connection with Dr King’s' New Best Values in All Lines Discovery as they regulate and tone A Good Line’ of Ranch and Range i J fr" " the stomach and bowels We guaran- Supplies tee perfect satisfaction or return v ' Free WITH SHEEP AND' trial bottles at all Drug BUSINESS money ' ' 7 ' “ ‘ stores and General Dealers 'CATTLE MEN ESPECIALLY DEU 'P Ai a uu Regular' size 50 cents and 8100 g ec &&'& guaranteed It will cure and appoint It lias no equal for John Johnson has accepted a position In the San Pete Stake Academy Mrs for the ensuing scliopi year - 1 t LYsrura and for consumption ' be special ’'1 SLAV 'i ww This is the best medicine lu the world for all forms of coughs and colds ' wasdonoln But little business o ' ’s rf' I o 'S i V‘ ‘ - '1 li f 1 ‘ ’ Jamea H Wells has been recommissioned a notary public “ t loin' 4fe ' H- i pangultcfc1 r - t Hcrt-for aCOOO m cash and 1 iv Lone Tree Is now down HH5 feet Mrs Retta Ilarmon who lives near Smith of March 1st next Theertirowein contains mineral of a 'Joseph vtas bitten by a rattle snake a J2W00 mile duo some three week's ngd Since then she year of George Black 3tU) acres for low grade They expect to stiike a note ¥700 cash six in in due $000 convulsions suffered with richer rock deeper down has greatly for same and the another fits and other hymbtobu of’ fkilsdn but months It is now fully decided to not do any due In a year Thus foi tintoo Is improving right alohg ' budding on the Rio Graudc (Vestcrn the best unoccupied reservoir site in Cknbob Tho road this year Most of tho ties now acknowledges receipt bf 1320 acres' passes r Utah consisting out will be used iu repairing! of an invitation to kn excursion of the bauds tile' of the' Creek Into Otter Odd Fellows to Audrcason's Park next Mrs Peter Larson ha9 a cancer at was timely Tlid company securing Sunday The Odd Fellow’s and and shows that we have some wide the side of her mouth that threatens guests will nod jubt have a grand serloqa Injury Several otter awkke men on our lead in irrigation to-d" tjme'at Park Many thanks' are also suffering from cancers1 ‘‘V matters 'Arbucgles’ Coffee IK cents at Orrock's D A Nelson principal of the Rich4 r M’i‘ The well know oil and paint house field high school and Georgell Crosby MONROE O' : of I K- - Wright will hereafter be 1 K 'talk in tbeinterestof theiilgb A large number of bathers visited Jr will Other fathers Wrlglit and Sons school at the meetipg house Tuesday the hot springs yesterday ‘ would do well to give their 'sons and " ’’ evening' Dr Shipp has heel? appointed quarInterest in their business and 6how Wright are ‘at K I Mrs - ' RICHFIELD : Gluwood Utah Monroe fJtah SAUNA WfiSS CUfpiAGS The tabernacle at Richfield is near- Dated this 23rd day of Aug J897 C A Wlnget Town pound keeper ing completion and will be ready for use the time our phildfen’s children are old enough to attend churph Anew window was pqt lq place this weepa$ - attending a of the Presbytery at Logan meeting Miss Freece will again he one of the teachers in tbe mission scljool atKays-vill- g Miss Botllda Freeoe iq next winter Salina flshernpio hove pub away their rods and reel? and have giyeu up all thoughts of angliog A few years ago Salina Creek was allye with tryut now not a fish Js in the ?trean Lost Creek used to be an angler’s BaradiSe It too no longer furnishes sport O F Pierson Drop ff The Best Place To Get VALUABLE PRESCRIPTION Editor Morrlson of VFbjilngtoa Ind ’iSuno writes: “You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters ?mf Jcap cheerfully recommend it for SULPHTJB FOR DIPPING constipation aud sick headache and as a general system tonic It has no At Orson Magleby and Co’s Mrs 2625 CotAnnie Steble equal” MONROE UTAH tage Groye Ave (Chicago wa? all run down could not at nor digest food We have 10000 pounds of sulphur had a hackach'e which never left her are prepared to make as good and and felt tired and weary but six bottles of Electric Bitters res toyed her terms on It as can bo made by Salt health and rpneyved her strength Lake parties Save the freight Prices 50 cents and 8100 Get a bottle 23 at all Drug Stores and General Deal- ers A Flour - Graham 19-- When unscrupulous to anyone CfTY PROPERTY FOR SALE BLACKSMITH TOOLS FOR OR TRADE-nORSES discoyerd that they parties i could obtain money easily from the city lot with an adobe house and I will trade a set of blacjcsmith tools capture and s&le of mountain trout good stable In south part of Rich for horses or a'wagou they gave no regard fo Jaw but began field Will trade for farming land Joseph L Jensen Rlcnfleld a war of oxtermi nation Traps nets and explosives have been freely used in all our streams and now they have ft become exhausted A few years hence a mountain trout in Southern Utah will indeed be a curiosity t Pioneer Furniture Store IJ STAKE CONFERENCE Last Saturday and Sunday tbe stake conference for the Sevier Stake was bieid in the grove at El&lnore The HO MAGLEBY PROPRIETOR weather was all that could be desired As I buy by the carload I am able to sell Stoves Tinware Chairs and the Elsinore people had made ' i every preparation to make visitors Bedroom Sets Refrlglrators Sofas Cupboards at the very lowest prices that A fair representation comfortable have ever been had of the ward authorities was present lumber home made and Imported shingles I also handle as were those of the stake Apostle F M Lyman and President Golden molding lath etc Kimball were the visiting authorities The bishops’ reports show financial prosperity in the wav of good crops and the like while from all was gleaned a busy time iu which few religious duties were attended to The Deed MONROE UTAff of improvements for the material betterments of tbe people as well as for better lives was dwelt upon by the speakers and all express themselves as having enjoyed the conference and the open air meetings ’ i i i well-season- ooooooo o o'o o oo V ? |