Show 1 Jr KEEP IT HANDY ’ The decision in Bean we here Inthe TXYYOU nAVE CUT BURNED dog ftny way you will (Ind JOHNSONS BLACK OIL A CURfc TIIAX CpRES Jmitaiipns genuine Ivyare-ot goJdatziM only! I Drug Dept The DENVER VAND RI0J3RAKDE RAILROAD CO TOURIST Olf FAMILY SLEEPING CAR SERVICE 1 1 i the city's suit ('lark and Laurit7cn was delivered last Saturday by Judge McCarty We are indebted to our contemorary for a copy of the decision which pR BIll)lfeEp Youralf or aitvJ any hor-- cow blrdor ajtynlpal tjtoat word percolating water there at all least I failed to find any indications of what is usually known and termed TWASC1TY WATER publish: of Richfield vs V J Bean ctal heretofore submitted and taken under advisement by the court It was my intention to write you my oplnlpn in the ease but on accouub of the pressure of business I have been unable to take the necessary time and therefore I will render a verbal decision The cvidenco in substance is aboutas follows 1 will not at tempt to review it In detail It is unnecessary and would unnecessarily encumber the case records as it was very voluminous But I think the evidence shows beyond any question of a doubt that along from the year 1880 to 1884 a measurement was made of the city’s water at the city spring According to the measurement made at that time there were about 1991 cubic feet per minute The witness who testified to this fact and who made the- measurement also stated that there were some allowances that are usually made in the measurement that he adopted at the time that he did not make that would necessarily reduce it a little below that amount but not to say perceptible degree it would possibly It a foot per minute maybe reduce the i Dq you know that every evening Denver &lo Grande R R in conuec two feet TOOK 29 FEET OF WATER tion with the R G W runs a Tourist evidence also shows conclusive or Family Sleeping Car to Denver in The for secured be can that a according to the measurely yyhloh lQweberth $300? - In addition to this daily- ser- ments that were made after the den fendants commenced to prospect thory vice the D & R G also operates and Fridays for water and in fact had procured a Wednesdays Thursdays there distiuct Tourist Sleeping Car running stream the amount iu tho fnps to Omaha Kansas Citv Chicago City creek fell down to something like Boston and New York— no change for 170 odd cubic feet per minute then a Utgh passengers— at greatly redueed measurement was made in the deberth rates These Tourist cars are fendants’ stream which added to the managed by the Pullman Company amount that was flowing in Ihe City and are provided with all necessary spring made nearly the amount that The was flowing in the City creek in 1880 conveniances and appliances t is taking the quantities In the or with car feature Tourist together admirable train service and scenie at- both streams it fell a little below the tractions of the route has placed the amount that was formerly flowiy in D & It G In the foremost ranks of the City creek The evidence of all the witnesses Western Railroads For rates and detailed Information apply to any who have testified on that point is ti Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry the ‘fleet that the City spring is one to B F Novins General Agent or II that hasn't varied at least at any per H Cushing Tsaveling Passenger ceptible degree The eviderce also is to the effect Agent D & R G No 58 West 2nd South Street Salt Lake City that in the City — in prosjecting for water that by lowering tbeir cut running it off south soma 150 feet they would lap the channel and dry up the original City spring and ELSINORE then by digging in the old channel J C OSTLUND From now till next October I want again they would tap the same s ties piled any place by the railroad terrauean channel and thereby dry up track from Salina to Belknap I pay the south cut were prospected for wat 35 cents each for all red pine ties piled er The testimony of several of the it by the track and will advance 20 cents in supplies as soon as the ties are piled nesses is to the effect that when the For further Inf jply to my defendants first dcscovered water or soon thereafter they discerned a peratmy store ceptible decrease in the City spring It didn’t require any measurement to convince them of the fact that the 188-l:tha- Tie Contractor 1 unit 1 SANTAFE water had decreased’ ROUTE CONFLICT IN KXI’ERT TESTIMONY You leave Ogden or Salt Lake in toe evening and after breakfasting in She sumptuous dining cars of the SANTA FE ROUTE on the third doming you arrive in Chicago or St Louis season to attend to business or connect with all fast trains for the East Borne one has said recently that the track of the ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE railroad was in such perfect condition that the long distance run of the "Flyer” on the New Fork Central could be equaled If not exceeded by Its magnificent trains n J D KEN WORTHY Gen’l Agt Tassenger Dept 60 West Second South Street ' Salt Lake City Utah tf C F WARREN Traveling Agt There is some conflict in the theories of the expert witnesses who have testified in this case us to the source from which the water came and some difliorcnce of opinion as to whether or not it came from the same general source and the testimony of the state engineer Willard Young who testified for the plaintiff in this case is that he made an experiment while the case was being tried lie put an obstruction just below the point where the water emerges from i tie ground in the City spring and the next morning there was a perceptible decrease In the City stream and a very perceptible increase in the defendants’ stream The witnesses for tho defence dis- puted this fact that is as to the increase of the defendants’ stream but that there was a perceptible decrease in the City spring streamAt the solicitation of the parties to this action and in pursuance of a stipulation made here in open court the RICHFIELD SALOON court made a test along about seven o’clock or a little after It had the II W BAftILOSE Prop dam up the channel out of the parties HAS City spring and raise the water about GOOD WIIDKY $300 A two feet Next morning about nine GALLON o’clock the defendants' stream of watALCOHOL JS8 TEST-rnOO- F er had doubled in volume or nearly so CALIFORNIA GRAVE BRANDY it was emerging from points in the Best Brands of Blackberry Port and limestone formation in their cut some Cherry Wine and such other liquor ten or twelve feet above where it was as are needed in sickness issuing prior to the time the obstruction was placed The obstruction was W Cigars left there until two o'clock in the afternoon 1 again made un examination of the stream of the defendants There had been a perceptible increase From the morning until two o’clock it had raised to equal a fourth or half IS NOW OPENFOR an inch something over a fourth of an admitted - R Try our II fjvdreason's Park The Season of 1897 Five Acres ol Lovely Shade WITn A LAUGG PA VI LIIO F LOOK FOr Dancing ICE CREAM CANDIES LEMONADE COFFEE and LUNCH ejn 9i ’u J V i'n Ftr'c ami We feel win luu sihum unit jjRRlVOLE'’S Furniture Store aio loMnjr a tain creat use to tin wud Tlie j lidv having been here almost from its percolating water I will say that the part les both tlusfr nmmi'iicciiioiit and always taking nn epresenting the plaintiff corporation "'I o nuhlic Her husband like p irt and the defendants were very court has mi v trl faithful to j si nee lii very ms and appeared to be anxious the court any informa ion that tlmel mnai console to ourselves could at t lie time the test was being however and think that wlmt is our been of v V -- - - The true hare to be need Srvieranp Other i t nothing can ok i Count ies With: FUliNITUliE — - yAiti’Ers IK)V SHADES (’E CURTAINS 1UBY CARRIAGES V1 X I a -- WALLPAPER the celehratejl We are ugepls for The judgment of the court there lie forels In favor of the plaintiff on all of A fiiendly eye is slow to see small the issues except the question of damages No evidence has been produced laults here as to the amount of damages that Sum up at night- what thou hast the plaintiff has sustained: nothing — dona by day positive on that point further than that the water was very valuable' but Saying and doing well should yoke as to just what the city has been dam- together aged tbe court would be unable to deScorn no man's love though of a termine from the evidence The eviM i ssouri ci tic dence is too indefinite on that point to moan degree authorize a judgment for dan ages Let each one obey what is deepest Fastest time shortest line anGLhei Therefore the court finds all of the is him for feeding are the Inin accomodations in and world for Salve The tlie Bet purest sues in favor of the plaintiff except highest we offer to shippers of live duements Salt Ulcers Sores cuts Brumes the single one of damages and also the Pain is one of nature’s te tellers and Kansas Illifium Fever Sores Tetter Chapped lock between Pueblo issue raised with reference a to tho w hose lessons we cannot allord to distor as stock live trains all skin City Special Hands Chilblains Corns aud ownership of the stream etc On that pose with cars of number reasonable Pile cures Ions and positively Erupt point the evidence was too unsatisfacearnest deadly struggle is or no pay required It is guaranteed II P Kooser C F & P Struggle to too indefinite and authorie tory E J Flynn T F & P A give perfect satisfaction or money the court in determining that fact tlie universal indispensible law of the 25 cents per box Salt Luke City Utah refunded Price But as to the Issues with reference to soul’s advancement Getrer and all Eor Sale by druggists the water in those prings they are in We love music for the burled hopes al dealers favor of the plaintiff and forcostsand tlie defendants will be perpetually re- the garnered memories tbe tender strained aLdenj'iued from in any way feelings it can summon at a touch or manner interfering with the water It lias been well observed that we flowing from either of those two chan- should - I treat futurity as an aged friend nels and from further prosecuting o a we from rich whom expect legacy their work a) of how to get t lie When of LU 09 Ti ierdship Is the icciprof at 09 water back into t he maiu eliiionei his affect ion and lie wtioluis none to be 3 ’Z — honor said Imv lus no I'lgnl t evieet nn nin-- i LU A The proposition summed up is simplr m n y this: they have token t he wab-o-from the city and nave by moans of u It "''OSS It t w obeli it I'e f r ditch brought it down to wiHim la in1 O JZ till-uoi tU'IC lie rut hurt distance from the town E T Unit here so muen tab hood n c icre Now they could either tun it Q 09 bck or they could permit the city to VUII'lll w i he city u‘ inquired to turn t b Pride ci nop- - ut lie hull"-- aiiilli'i C stream back into toe channel m which c vioi '! !i S exeroi-i-- ’ Ip 'Of ) 09 it belongs Why it ought tube pmev lie iLipiemest natures only ilui D M tf initted to turn it at any point i hsu — CO TJ would be tbe most convenieit and the dpi! the taint O C 3 least expensive some Do not dare to live wi’hai O E O tf W 09 clear iulention it wud which your brw STT 09 someMean to be shall be bent o ing A PARTY AT VERMILLIOX thing witli alt your might Vermillion Aug 19th 1897 tf D ' nU‘ Be not ashamed to be helped for It O D Editor Censor: 4 is thy business to do thy duty like a CQ “' Some tune has elapsed since t — — on a town JIov soldier in t he n c’r of our little town has appealed u tf not thou lame if c teen can't being in your useful little paper hence wo 0 but baltiemiois mourt to the alone (O G G 09 take pleasure in mailing you a lew i with tlie help ot another it possible':' lines today We wish to show you Wear your learning like your watch that although we are few in number we are trying to keep peace with oui in a private pocket- and do not pull it On the 4th of out and strike it merely to show that sister settlements “CROWN” Organ? and Pianoes Pa Ry ' j A-t- o BEST PUMP MADE - c z $ f- sp'-akin- i r i ( i ' c i : S -- i i qT r CO i 1 Scii-ili-- 1 tES 1 : Jk-- -- J d ° c t ’’’ Ter-V- oO it BELDEjNT are asked what July we hed a splendid celebration: you have orie If you it hut do not proo'clock tell it the forenoon was taken up principally aud nuacked claim it lioin ly like and instructive by au entertaining vve ever bow meeting Belore this Work wiieti ynuwoik but when the witnessed a nice parade one that of measure of one’s duty is dune then would have reflected credit on a much There Is as much relax thoroughly afier-ooolarger town than ours lu the From now until July Beld'nwill tbe Y L M I A took ail van viitue in refreshing soul and body uy a: andsold iccci earn yielding up all responsibility an-- care M i rid iy Rich field while the children danced The Y L as there is in tire com igoous meeting AunabelU T ms i i vs : if aclive obligations— Juvbinle supperin tended thedancciutln evenElsinore Wednesday motor ing and again sold icecream Tire Y Joseph Thursday L were bent on getting some mean-witMori roe Friday which to purchase the back volAn exclmuge says: One failon of TERMS umes of the Yuung Woman's Join mil wliiskev costs about $'! and contain For the sc:i'im of 1897 Bolden will Ton dol- on an average t and tliey were successful stand at the nominal pi Ice of Tux) if lars clear of expeuses a wauled them drinks Now if you must drink whispaid cash down or $000 paid by Sepfor tlieir pains Our people were pret- key buy a gallon arid make your wife tember ty well entinued with the Jubilee fevei tlie barkeeper: then when you aie and about one dozen aiunded On the dry give her ten cents for a drink 2nd of Aug the primary association When the whiskey is gone she will made a party in answer to fin official have after paying for it $350 left and call and seven dollars were cleared foi every gallon thereafter will yield the the printing of Sister Roger’s Hook same profit This juoney she should "We have been much grieved of late in the savings tank so that when put Mr aud J of Mrs with the thoughts you have become an inebriate unable L Ivie's departure to Richfield They to support yourself and shunned and have concluded to go where they can despised by every respectable person send their children to better schools: your wife may have enough money to HAS and where educational advantages for keep you until your time comes to fill The people a drunkard’s grave all are much Improved have tried to show in a simple way their love and appreciation of this The following from a Color ado paper $50 estimable family The children whom is just tho stuff: ‘If a man had a Is Sister Ivle has taught in the S S for bull pup lie would look after It carefullso many years gave her a happy sur- y and not let it run around at night But if he has a boy it all over town prise on Tuesday evening and presentis different lie is turned loose at a ed her with a token of their great love On Wednesday evening some of the tender age to go to hell and then the Sisters set two long tables extending people wonder where the great army from one end to the other of the north of tramps bums dead beats loafers EQUITABLE STORE Our new srock of i THE BEST BRED TROTTING SIRE Southern Utah u Ji-- s' Summer Goods is in aria they are all good and substantial It will pay you to Take Capital tock in the store and then get the profits by our per cent system back Wo Like sixty-liv- e b 1 ow Goods tifc The Equitable h Store tcn-cen- inch nod the City stream in the meantime that is its volume had def creased about tint is I estimated about that I didn't make any measurement but it shows conclusive ly that tho sources of these two and drunkards come from each decade streams connect there is some con room of the Vermillion meeting house and the people of Sigurd and Vermil- They are germinated from pure seed nection NOT PERCOLATING WATER lion wero accomodated witli the deli- gathered from our homes and sown The testimony is that— in fact it is cacies of life In all about one hundr- broadcast on our streets and alleys It plain to be seen there— itis alimcstone ed and fifty persons were seated After may be that' your boys are making a formation and tho water issues from At all the meal a very nice party with a live- growth in that direction cavities in this limestone formation to events be was a Tlie given an enjoyed boy ought parts at both springs and Is of the same tem- ly program a bull of speeches recitations equal show with pup” perature and it is in no sense of the consisted one-hal- Deoi-l- Tim'd!! JUDGMENT FOR TrjB PLAINTIFF m to made loss is your and our blessing I am decidedly of the opinion that t liein to help If Jill with go possible the defendants tipped one of the subas t hey terranean channels or feeders of the 10 nuke them as useful ity spring I don’t think that tlm Imvb Ihioii to us We nrght viite court even bv a stretch of t be liniigin more hut fear we rnov tresspass u t nation could arrive at anv other errw tour valuable pace— Ev T don’t think there Is nnV elusion evidence In the rererds that wr uld support any other eonelusion r WISE t- iukgai ori'Gibi : MKRIOIU CO I1NT Y WARRANTS TO J JI LACRITZEN AND GET CASH I OU THiai The Burrville and Koosharem SAWMILL CHANGED OWNERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER continually on our yard Bills promptly sawed Address: A CRAWFORD Koosharem Piute Cd Utah |