Show CENSOR Ill MG A TIO Ar i eV'yea zm ago T1IE DECISION OF THE fHESOUTHEEN ' "'u IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 4 crosby and morrison I ' AND X0 W SUIT 1 actually realized the changes that have taken place for the need of more li ''ATTORNEY-GENERAwater and the lessening opportunities A 0 Bishop' SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC JNSTRUC-v- j of getting it they would be surprised TION Ten years ago Manning Creek used to John R Park reach the Sevier Elver with a fail " : SUPREME JUDGES sized stream but all the water is now Oharles’9 Zaneb " G W: BARTCI1 taken out by the fauns above ' J 'A MINER At that time Bullion orpine Gieek D 1ST RIOT JUDGE For SIXTH DISTRICT: ' ' tVia M McCurty' was running into the river but now SEVIER CdVSTY DIRECTOR V the farmers who uie located along on i Its banks are having a lawsuit over COMMISSIONERS the water there not being enough for IL II Boll Glcnwood II " W II ROblnson Sullna the people who own land on it With 'J' A Ross Joseph Beaver Creek It Is much the same Samfl g! Clark Richfield County Clerk— tilcbrjor— M luiSpSnncr Layton Clear Creek ranchers were located on 'Assessor— Jos Al Smith ' Monroe tlieir ranches at tb it time but they Sheriff— John V Coins! Richfield Schools— Jacbb Monroe did no farming ti speak of while now IlUpt Magleby Treasurer' ami fax Collector ' ' they raise large crops and are increasH P Hanson' Richfield Prosecuting Att’y— EW McDaniel Richfield ing their acreage every year Duel D Shaebjr Salln jKvjj-'Creek still remains untouched but il CITV DIRECTORY the only creek in Flute and Sevier y A YOR— Theodore Brand ley 'OOUNCIL- -E counties that still Hows into the river 0 Peterson ve lb While these creeks have been diverted j MiJonsen) N P' Peterson ' Morten Jensen onto the land laying by their sides anUorne Joseph other cause lias been operating to lowRseorder— Carl Goldbranson er the water supply of Sevier county Treasurer— Jarnfes Clirlstiansen Jostlco of the Peace— Stmou Christensen Canals are every year being taken out ' Marshal— G IV Blomqulst above Some of the largest canals in I’lty Attorney— I J Stewart ' Hu? Fanguitch yalle'y were not taken pOPoterson IV Coons'1' l’oundkeeper— John out until )87— 8 and since that time Water Master Nfijls L Anderson several thousand acres of land lying Quarantine Physician— ll Ill Neill M Dunder hem )uiye Jaeen placed under Circjcyilleand Kingston-toWAYNE COUNTY jpjREjCTQllY cultivation haye enlarged their canals and COMMISSIONERS now use alinost double the water thal Alonzo Billings Fremont they QRce did Then there is' not the Charles Snow Teasdale water in the river that there used to Levi C White Giles lie Tlje sheep Ijtjve tramped trails on COUNTY CLERK A COUNTY RECORDER the mountains go that when the snow II M Hansen Lor melts instead of soaking into the assessor: ground It runs off and the snow water II 0 i? tn v Gainesville all comes down in a rush Then tne sheriff: sheep have eatpuof the underbn sh Qeo Chappoll Lyman clipped down the grass and ruined SUPT SCHOOLS other shade that once protected the W E Robinson Loa snow from the glare of the suno that treasurer it melts much earlier in the year than Lon T A Jeffery it once did Then saw mills and tie PROSECUTING ATTY: camps have been cutting out the timLon Joseph Eckersley ber at a fearful rate and that loss lessens the moisture of the atmosphere greatly Sevier county had Lis water to use and year by year lias had its supply diminished When we point out to the people further up the river that they have taken our water they mi the seepage will ropay u Ye- they take the water just when we need it alumi- and at all times of the year it is seeping hack It would lie all right if they would irrigate their lands when we don't need the water hut they take it all when wo need it and we get a small part back partly when we need it and partly when we do not of Here at home we have been increasThe South Bend ing our acreage and Sevier Valley canals have been taken out just at a time when tluu companies further up were taking out canals The new canals here can not hope for water and the new canals further up the river are getting tlnur-b- y taking it from our old canals The Idea has long been held that the county companies should settle tlndr right-an- d I I ‘ : v i ' ' — ‘ ’ v “ ’ - 1 ( Street-Supervisor- - x i o ' AT insepejIy connected with t hut t li e dry lot people have lost Had the' nothing on the long run obtained water from tliQ firm's supply the rents would no doubt have been high and they would have been at tin mercy of the owners But the Sevier Valley canal has the best outlook before it that it lias ever had and a few years hence It with the help of reser voirs will give them a supply mucli cheaper and much more plentiful than i limited spring could do Last of all the decision vindicate-rh- e present city administration ami shows that they have been honest in their intent ions and ttiat they were correct in their claims that t lie firm hud city water Furthermore it show-ththe base of their contentions was i proper one Unit in the expendituie of money to lower thecity spring then contention against the water being taken across Fifth North Street ami their many other actions that the) were tlm supporters of i iglit and that hey have been the friends ot the people as against a few who sought lo rake away their water supply and though hitler anathemas have been thrown at them for their stand t!ie members of the presentcily cmim'i! g reton record as men w ho ried the city throueh aclam " Yii-haw n period of its new- and to though regret' tiling abuse corner street lidicu'e Hie enmity ol some people hate cu m is at t dong that inis the ram im them in he I Ml Greco’s Tin Shop You get best bargains - on extractors honey cans tin and eaves num ware trough and roofing work East Social Hall Richfield San Pete and Sevier Branch institute against Hie comabove but that is abandoned panies STATIONS now Reservoirs arc to le built the AND Mxd people who have the water are tube Mxd sidings 630 p m Ar OGDEN Lvl230 pm r allowed to keep it and we will p m 525 p m Ar SALT LAKE Lv 130 p m we am 730 350 to waul what JCTLv340 315Ar THISTLE 345 preferring get that to going to law" West-Boun- d 28 t lieu East-Boun- d rcsei-voi- the Richfield Advocate go about it to straighten matters up‘J It has defended the trio of water digHow will gers and shamefully abused our city On what will it now base council to its claim being the friend oft lie people? 530 am SMarnLv BELKNAP ArlOO pmOOOpm Train 23 will run Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays Train 24 will run Mondays Wed- The Commonweath is the name of one of best papers yet started it Utah nesdays and Fridays II L MonrE Agent Richfield The paper is published in Ogden with I) C Dodge Gen'l Manager Jacob Foreman us editor If all numK FA Wadlclgh Gen’l Passenger Agent bers can be made as good as the liist I Babcock Trafilc Manager Ur tiers! office halt Lake t'ily one the Commonwealth ca n Lot UtU c-ceed I if t lie It o tl cud y vmi i iir! be some will tt s Iiinil mad)' A It Cai : South and East ROUTE Every year we send half a luinaied tn imrH'ern schools and they come home tmi Inisust ic over teaching or some othi r oecojat ion they intend b to follow ll Voiili be o fj v li V" ion! orit i'o'v ie ul Do Hot Forget TKat udeiils -- ! I v al (' U en tlill-L-l- lege millin' s! mast: ti urn lb it lew -s j tbiougli enitnliy hi I Corrib inaii-Tiki’- o notice lilt le call lor hooks when Eveiv icy aiv tip! li) book aba'- man a mi ftnii in siuu'el lead at lend he Im y or b’sloi el rnnel me p - Imt i n te the i oned LATHS DOORS &c they have on hand and will sell the ground occupied by the lumber yard at a reasonable price for il om being i jilejadiec mim-- t ‘spam cash liie ivin" world icgei d lie erne! ' 's' ill i ('ey is s‘i m g ol is men Inlaier y lie iiii ne execution o! it ex'st'unv of U'n g mn't show s t : inn- : j t ! i" i - ( I e -- I evi foili done by Hm-- e as Hoy think people i' o ft h i w b- - be n a'ul vote If you have you’ ilea Im regud'ng w Hu- ill (u!k - tiun in a t good after the oh" tmn liking now miideiii it will !’' rl ull-- t i believe in a ' ineome tax lie iu'o'm: I''C is ii“ t to hi me ull-i-t lie Le-- t 1r j lie poor can have Remember the Dear Departed Show oi m is over v Mount Pioasmt Pyramid: U is about tiiii' that somctliing should he done in legard to the coining luuriin-pelection If the citizens are deof sirous getting tugetheron common grounds and select a t icket not ou national political lines that should be done: The lir-- t tiling to ascertain is whether Hie people want a nonpartisan election If they dc not the fact should be known in time lor the respective pintles to put their tickets in the field and give the candidate-an- d their friends an opportunity to work If a citizens’ ticket is to b? accepted It will take some time to got it in readiness so tint with a li'tie more Hum two monHis tome n net much time lor fuithcr delay d ba-'- d' plowing is one of Hie best treat moots to be given hard day laud The haide-- t mineial clay is made mellow Marble Works on Center St East of Co-o- p Store and is prepared to make grave stones and do all kinds of MlfsT-CLAS- I week s 1 K ! is in hot water this liiiiio'inml the birth of a baby CuN'sim 1 when there was no baby there We've had cigars ready to treat but no one Ins called in yet WORK EXCHANGE FOR PRODUCE S INSCRIPTIONS by full plowing and plenty ol manure The " Cemetery Work Fail i who bus established his ONLY ' your regard for (hose liuxe gone before in Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones AlimUH UENR1E 1 elc do - Having sold their Planing Mill they are an xious to sell the lumber which is well seas- I ml of OAKETS IJAXDLES SCREWS and they can fill orders on shor LIXIN'GS Sic- nk - com he Miler Undertakers mentin Richfield a supply l i I 1 & constantly on hand 'at their establish' Keep 'I 'I" Uu i lo iiiue i’m e' i ill in IIorno In-l- 1 i - - - I' 1 i'- VATEMA COMPANY te bri-m- i paper everywhere advertise ycu in' Address witfc E iitor whipping about rea'!md its Free reclining chair cars and pull Umax when Iiitor Wallis of the man palace sleeping cars of most eleLoaves Sigurd 0 am every morning L’ai is Post wa- - limit on almost to a jelly Direct connections at cxiiept Sunday reach Biirfviile at gant design Iy the way whielt paper of all lias Hie magnificent Union Station St noon and go on to Loa or Coyote that been made one whit less fearless bv a Lf uis for every where night Accomodations for passengers and vicious assault on itseditoi'-- But the Tickets on sale at all stations on for carrying express facilities propei Rio Grande Western Railway people of Paris just did Fillmore Brothers Hung vviien they t idled their voieism II B Koosar E J Flynn Burrville iv O' if l lie feanes- - pui mv of tile liume U F & P A T F & P A Proprietors paper Salt Lake fitv Utah 1 - We f v ( wanted v i - ” B -- -- cent slariip' your home stamp THE ANDEITiOV C 2 Local agents No canvassing Builder — J AILMENT or where you live write us a full liisj tory of your trouble and our consulting physician will advise you what to do in order lo regain your health (Julian in t imi is free and sacredly ccnp' tideit!al‘ Terms very low For proofs enclose Contractor Carpenter YOUR I i 111 ide-th- ’juaiin ' KNIihh'p I w i Utah ' ' WHAT c 1 -- m Ntuinry :iml notions Sfk ltu Finis Line of ' MATTER proprietor of i sic-m- l ant tiller rmfivtlonFls hnvoussortMuMit of IuIih’s municipal polit ies n Kieidieid ami various incoi porah n ' uos Kum n hail and the people u down an think the nmter out in advau'i Lt is seldom too that people wdl s l:r Mite i eiisloms si among the what they think Thcie are at on- i lot to find I'aidL and s ty "Hi c c my idea- - all the time'’ hut ti m A good engueer siioiml hcimp! qid their very few wimoxpie-Hie Olkr I mk oh proper lime Leading iu-ilc :oai inm ‘ho budding of i dam associate w d h lh“ people in piii b of water it not propel s ii i v social or erchis osi i"d dhiim d v be ua'igeliu- a ied 'most beyond embtiiin times -' the pel !e won t ex pH — lit n - ie u! - n I to Hud ii'Wv Mb chi - in the ja imire- - ma-- Oc'Cl I) uorioland many Rcpuhlci " p! a bill u ill e a aul a h I'l'uiuplly oi-do- NO be-- e i to r Upumi etc Weakness liristolTersoii- - 4 the only planing mill P 0 BOX Z12 CHICAGO ILI Will the N'eplil Republic ami the in Richfield and is t prepared of Provo Etonian please do us a favor anyone in the county to do all kind They thought the Advocate was do- of wood work AViite to him if1'ym ing so well because it masted the ity want any in his line as: thing Will they now a hint that council inned Work M'llding the Advocate was on Hie side of three men who were trying to take the city’s Kongli or BMuiinl Limihcr vat or supply and that Hie city eoun-i- l Sigurd Loa and Coyote of Richfield was a body of honest Missouri pacific K’y men protecting the people against the Stage Line Tlie Colorado Lino to Ivansas long? City St Louis Nfo and all points GRASS AND RABBIT VALLEY U ici peql" 1 -- i r'iuul i i Jt -- 1 tl sucee-st'uli- v l -t -- ' n u n o i it thi-s- w - ii it ol - Mnl-e- I The: people remain uiimo rpninted older atu much vnulti have better gives will be a warning to others not nne'i better opport unities fnr growl li to tap the water supply so springs and dtliey had municipal governments think to carry their case The injunction is also a sensible William M Palmer was in Richfield tiling arid shows Judge McCarty V Tuesday He complains that the road-nea- r good judgement ou practic'd alTaiiv Aurori are still in a miserable In at lea-toplace in Utah biasing oudition The stompers lor the in spiiugs inis opened lip caverns that Demon i ie at Paity la-- t fail promised iiaxe carried pari ofihewatrr away t he Considerable pe pie good roads Then too Hie lowering of the sourer lias been in that direcdime already of that spring would have been seldom tion worse Auruia needs than it but when water woks aie considered t town of lie county any other The question of irrigating dry lots the successful termination its suit The precedence which mil in f ineilieinc a Id I Jk8 THE (rii'arantced ip euro more diseases 'dive jlliJimn any either medicine treanmnto imely the fmlt of system known to lie medical prnfes--ioiih! we should h i vc iuim her rigid "No MAN made" remedy hut' way nature’s' trim panacea" Va' mini is an antjselio germicide it pnsiliwlv (lest inys’ lif 'mlciolies'’’ Parents do t ry to sbutvnur cliiki-'and germs of every kind name and ti to M'linnl on Nothiho tii- dav mil lire H js healing and sooHjing to d Is c to will pei-mule clnldren Hie mucuons membrane ng ouigi'n’ of Hie cure casesol wn-majority tlientliers aie way rnanently hun to tart all is Bronchii Catarrh Dispepsia' i head spomneli nmliles all diseases of the Uladilei Bowels Kidneys Liver Con-- I st Files Qid Sores Ueetal endlc-s ipatimi ol life The should ai rout ine Di rases Ulcers Eczema Scrofula itnes he hiok'-Try vkMt ing on the Blood Poisou llhemimUsm Neuralgia' mountains while the weal her is imt Diseased DiscliargeN Diseases peculiar lo Women' Nervous' ami Physioa bf'f'liri- - Tnc ' ' OK AliiiiTinals !i'i 's - WONDER ’ i ’ The nip lia-l- 'arrrrfTs Tre"'fUiTeTVikfiiTif ?irVfi!’ri' Smsfor-- 1 das it ' b '"O' r r b We bad a conversation with Ilomer On Saturday Judee McCarty render of pollin' tl gain It is tiu'lhnl in week irto' last ed McCarty his decison in the city's suitueaiiiM Sie the regard di eiu id rj is impioviug lint mil bes rigation problem and the changes that lean Clark and Laulltzeu all the m-- i ofpihU'ut inlhmii'jes n Hi have come to the farmers uf our counexcept damages being in Ovoi lias languished fort 'Vimn tm-inty during the iast ten years 1 1 1 4 sure- of the city Furthermore tho’5urt v d e mil elements ot uucei taodv an ly a time of awakening to the farmers restrained the firm from further proseremoved d is a sure to improved as tin of Sevier County yet the people as a cution of their work rill’ wliolo still have but a poor Idea of the The decision is the end of a lieutou vlll In to M Mr Mc- controversy that lias been of sever changes that have occurred li IV in Sevier minty where Hie adCarty has surveyed laud on most all ot months’ duration and lias fact Ionizer the tributaries of the Sevier Itiverand social political and religions circles o vantage of (own corporations is ensih VVliili to bo seen towns of six bundled jiopu-- I being a dose observer as well as a Iliehlield to a great cxient In the oiiilyinj student of forestry be has accumulat- the ill feelings that it has engendered K mu ioeorpoiaie ed considerable data on t he subject arc to be regretted the city council iv districts sii'di towns as F inguitch i e with over loot ITere Is what he says: “I! the people to be commended in ils linn siaml Ivinab and ' a weTT lind-ing- I UNITED STATES SENATORS Frank- J Cunnoh K1 J L Rawlins REPRESENTATIVE TO CONORESS i i: - - W II King GOVERNOR : HeberM Well 11 ‘ liORETARY OF STATE T Hammond ' ’’stfATE AUDITOR: Morgan Richards Jr ' STATE TREASURER: James Chipmun ?S 1 - State Directory t i Wheat over a d d bar ft is egretahlajjiatmneaid bad ministration papers will 'try 'bi be to l)iMm:sVpuigre-- s i'orthc iwhu-lr Utaii Richfield Sevier County By AT WATKh WRIGHT Pioneer Oil House JUST RECEIVED — A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES Monroe needs better sidewalks kept free from weeds Richfield lias good sidewalks but they are badly grown up to weeds Elsinore needs to lay of sldevvuiks on many of its streets t A crcniKry laying idle in Hie fanu-jin- g distiirt of Brooklyn and chant- sending north for creamery batur it - e ideal what we need mer- Paint Brushes Paints and Oils Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc Farmers Attention Machine Oils Call and get my prices Bon’tforegt the place I K before you order WRIGHT |