Show — Ml by tli 3 3:1 ik $3 33 f (It— Dan Jensen lias Just sent a lolti-that practiced and none but they themselves knows of a certainty that their from London at which city be has ar- RICHEIE LD S Jl' SUM r at Orrock’s J’lie Going to Thomas yesterday Triutha REWARD $100 leaders of this jiaper will lie pleaded to learn Unit there is at least one dreaded diseil"e UoM deuce has been able to bum Iti fill itfl sthge hud t bat is Gatrtl ilfi Hall's Catatrll Clll't? Is tlie only positive cure knowh to real reason was cowardice a sycophan- rived after a pleasant Journey aiVross tic fear of offending by opposition the the sea He wasn't sea sick he Says bulk of Utah’s voters gone daft over and enjoyed the journey having a He has Visited CaAUU VjunVruw areu’t independent coinage and bryauistlc splendid appltite verbosity Washington where lie had the pleaBrothea Metcer please diagram ami sure to shake hands with “Father McAtvuod of Lea was in town He also visited llaltiimne give tlie construction of “they” in Kinley New York and Philadelphia front "but they themselves knows etc?” Cliristensen is borne from which city he took the steamer tt Live chickens lore i ouV i 1 lie Catarrh being medical fiaternttv constitutional dlsehsiv requires a Hall's constitutional treatment a OatarrtiCure is takenrittter'uailv acting directly upon the blood and mucous MONROE leaves Castilla surfaces of the uystehh thereby destruirCfor The special GLEN WOOD All cases of scarlitina are fast recovtroying the foundation of the disease rt t:CS tomorrow Niels Ileileson leaves for Idaho ering and giving the patient strength by will look fora new locaThere was but little business at tlie He Tuesday MonAndelin in A 0 spent one day building tip the constitution und astion and if I10 finds it sell his store city council meeting yesterday roe this week sisting nature in doing its work The and other property and go Into the Tirley Outen will leave for his proprietors havo so much faith in its Norman McCarty is putting in the stock business entirely Joseph : ‘ v mis-sloua- held on iy Tuesday next week curative powers that they offer One the improve Hundred Dollars for any ease that it new pipe line is being put into carry fails to cure Send for list of testi- at Marysvnle O F Pierson ever on Is Christensen and family Mrs Jacob Sargent and family paid A are visiting fi lends In Grass Valley our town a visit one day last week water to his bom-- ' which is now nearThe train from the north did not Miss Tessa Bartlett of Salt Lake is ly complete rrrive until after midnight last night visiting with her friends tlie Misses Lester WTight is over from lUchth-lbe ill p n old The Riclif prepared Quist putting' a roof on the mill books when needed to exchange Hans Tuft and family took a short The fruit crop is heavy this year Albucklcs coffee I fit emits at out to Marysville the middle of the but most of it is small because the week trees were so poorly trimmed to return will Mrs Gardner Doxford IS visiting Mrs Helen ‘McBride her home in Taragoonah tomorrow with lier daughter In "CirclevlUo and LOA i IE MS is not coming back till The Hansen Brdss Band will go to Gard says she Ed Breadsgaard of Monroe lias been Castilla 'with the press excursion to she gets ready running a photograph gallery In variMrs Lars Nielson an invalid also moirbw When ous parts of Wayne county make '“Andellns ‘'will have a full line of the mother of Trot Nielsen will a Teasdale took he leave to ready In Monroe made text books on band for exchange in a her residence temporally which piece of home carpet while she Is being treated by Dr Shipp few days his looked old and useless tc Mrs Mads monials F J CHENEY & CO Sold by Druggists 71c Toledo O Hall's Family 1‘ills are the best Address Co-o- tot THE GRANDEST REMEDY 'e Chris Jenson and Lon Forbu-d- i have Sarah Dali lias discontinued duties and now does formed a partnership and will run a as saleslady at the blacksmith shop on 1st Wesu Street duty at the Boston store one half block south of the Kentucky W‘ II Clark and W II Secgmiller House hare been appointed lartd appraisers Abralihm Sorensen is having his by the state land board fine farm residence plastered painted Miss Hattie Motile was a passenger A young and repaired 'generally She will on Saturday night’s train lady says Abraham Intends doing spend some time visiting her parents something else in the near future Co-o- wagon missed Mr Greeve Cliilliowie Va certifies 11 B A merchant of tiiat lie had consumption was given up to die bought nil medical treatment that money could procure tried all cough remedies he could hear of but got no relief spent many nights sitting up In a chair was induced to try Dr King’s New Discovery and was cured For past three by use of two bottles years has been attending to business and says Dr King’s New Discovery Is the grandest remedy ever made as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community I)r King s New Discovery is guaranteed colds and consumption for coughs It don’t fail Trial bottles free at all Drug Stores and General dealers putin for padding When Mrs Adams carpet and a book she had lent to Ilroadsgaard she went to Lna got out papers and hail him arrested md brought back from Hurrvillc and Bd took a change of 011 to Teasdale vvlieic his ease was disremie to Lot missed Tlie piece of carpet is variously valued at from thirty to fifty the BE SURE TB LOOK HERE NEXT ISSUE Carpenter Contractor ents Builder here Mono Burns and family came over A new Couple of new people have for tlie Eph Blackburn trial AADI3KM)S J just taken up their abode in Monroe one a little girl at the home of Ton Loa people gave a party Monday pr ( pnetcr of the cnly planing mill Winget our city Marshal the other a night that the visiting attorneys and in Richfield and is best prepared ot a very small boy will remain at Alma others might have a good time Charlie any one in the county to do all kind A N KoscDuauin foinimly ol tin: Maglcby’shome At last reports all Rhodes managed the tloor making of wood work Wiite to him If you Logan Nation spent must of the week were well "and the little ones making only one bad break when he forgot want any thing In his line as: in the vicinity of liicV folu lie goe friends fast his partner Turned Work molding to Castilla tomorrow N ielsen the world Prof N P J II Curfew was up from Culnes-villIlougli or riuncd Lumber The valley was visited by a heavy violinist is visiting with his first of the week It failed to strike brother James D Nielsen Prof The Loa Dramatic rain fall yesterday Company is pretown but was very heavy between Nielsen won the 2nd prize at the paring to play considerable during the Worlds Tair and the 1st prize at the here and Glen wood coming winter They have organized Smith is preparing to make a Min Winter Fair and hence forth will with properly drafted constitution make his headquarters in MonroeThe and by laws had some scenery paintlip through Wayne county and look a concerts in after dental work He will begin at Professor Will give few ed and are waiting for winter thill the county before starting on a lour Tmisdale and work this way they may begin work Tlie Best Place To Get the Eastern States and through Prosecutor McDaniel Attorneylloff-iuum- i A new dancing floor of Oregon pine Europo MadSheriff Coons and Chris is to be put in the Co-o- p building J The Y L M 1 ice cream sociable sen left for Sal ina this morning MadJ Smith went to Sigurd Wednesday to BLACKSMITH TOOLS FOR sen wore band cufTs and will have to given last week was a iiuge success get the lumber After HORSES answer to the charge if shouting both sociably and financially Billy Ilay and others have gone to I will trade a set of blacksmith tools one and of successful enter most the Archie Storrs entertaining programs consisting of the Colorado River to work on the for horses or a wigon C JI Blomsteberg of Piuvo a memChallin and Co will put on everything most people can think of placers Joseph L Jensen Ricn field ber of the state board of horticulture an extra heavy force of men for severand a few tilings only a few can think spent today in Richfield lie is pleas-- d of was carried out a grand clean up al months now land ( lirUlollVrson with ttie fruit trees of Sevier CounShoo irt tide (o order Protillj- - alter was had which showed 1200 clear A new elevator is being built ou the Hen ii reiuout ty though a l'ruit tree inspector and gain in favor of the Y L M I A north side of the Roller Mili A lurjio assort mcnlofcwifocllonerlc '11 e r more spraying is ceded lclnus btatloncry and notion treasury considering the dull time in Charles Lougce writes to Ills brother Cam and See Ora 1'ine Line of Cioahs The old folks are having a grand which the sociable was given the Y from Idaho that he is better' suited Utah Elsinore Some gap of them L M 1 A deserves a medal time and Loa with that country than with arc having a party at the new uliool U "CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE his that place is for sale house An extra good time is in store ELblNOBE OR TRADE Both bands are out and many c George J Forsyth has purchased a A city lot witli an adobe house and Chus Anderson went to Salt Lake are being Used to haul the place In Vernal and Intends to sell out stable In south part of Rich business good Thursday morning doing here and move away soon 1 uesta to the party field Will trade for farming land was bis aim Sessions of the district court in Loa On Tuesday night Mrs Mary Bean Amlrcason’s Prk 0: the place The Elsinore Co-ois agent for the seemed very interesting Crowds gathwas surprised by lier Suuday school Co and is able to sup ered to hear tlie proceedings from first for Sunday School celebrations class the occassion being her leaving Utah Sulphur till last Some sixty guests congre- ply any demand In tbatliue for Mexico i’nr Sale Clu-uwas had time and extra an good fi : blessed gated A great many Anton Sorensen lias been easdale pee A Good rarm With House and Lot Mrs Bean left for her future home in with an increase in bis family in shape the Blackburn trial Enquire at the 13 road bent Ranch at the land of tomalcs on Wednesday of a 9 pound boy Mother and babe 13 11 County Trcauavr Jeiery iias been Brooklyn are well doing S Manning the Grass Valley cattle unwell for setcrl weeks past being For press Day Excursion to Castilla owner was seen this morning lie Peter M Kick isn’t sure whether t at times in great lain Spring August llih: Tickets will be of cittl not some body stole a dwcn or won complains of heavy lo-- cs sold August lltli limited to date of from the Bscalaute Desert for the bottles of soda water but they uie sale $150 for the round trip Special GOT $110 AND SKIPPED past five years because of cattle thiev- gone all tlie some train leaves Richfield at 658 a m J II iCylc who has been quite well es Every year some are missed and If L Moule Agt The Choir had a dance on Monday known in who the thieves arc seems hard to tell inanypartsof Utjli came innight which was better attended than to Sevier county some two weeks ago NOTICE TO TEACHERS Fisher S Harris a member of the any party of late John F Petersen claiming to be state organizer for tlie i State board of Land Commissioners fb- Choir leader paid all the expenses The Teacher's Official Summer InsHome Forum One day w liile here he w'll aceom blown Tomorrow will begin at Provo Monday titute Ilalger Ramlose to cash a 850 The Chas Fautin & Co saw mill s So guilder ami Clark check for him and his request was August 16th continued for five days They On M k the three will start up next Thursday The check was on a Every person intending to teach in 1 a on w 1: tnuii arc moving the mill to a patch of tim- - complied with t lie district schools of Sevier county I’wi'mi wil produce about fiOOOOO bank in Grand Junction and was a a a in drawn in favor of C H Hilesand en- during the year 1897— 98 should be in to -- ce the not 01 lumber schoji land They attendance The great educator G dorsed by him holders cf the land when possible and Hall will be the leading inF I) Jluisli a photographer has Mr Kyle went on north and nothing Stanley ask that they inquire and find as pitched his tent on tlie Relief Society was thought until a telegram from structor Teachers Examination will nearly as possible what day they will lot lie will stay ten days He will Grand Junction told that the cheek Nj held at the close of the institute be in the different ieinitie- Jacob Magieby make beautiful colored pictures for was fraudulent Sheriff Coons went In the article “A t'apc Drought 200 a doz lias got some fine samples to north in search of Kyle but found to Life” in this week’s Advocate we show go and see them lie has just that he bought a ticket for Chicago fin Mns paragraph returned from Cumorah hill Palmyra and had lie also swindled gone ii was their Co N Y of which lie has pictures Tuttle and Sons and Mautl Co-oout for thi treachery 10xl2’for sale for 25 cents a peice of $50 and $10 respectively The l’hocnix I'iie lmuranes Company has paid 81100 to t lie Lvoi family for the store binned at Marys vale lirl I rid ay t e d A Eoller Mills lr Flour - Graham o ( :h j O u ci o o 0 b o b 6 ' to-da- y 1 1 p p - iTorNews I' ! Every person knows sofo&Hfrfg bf his neighboring town and he can hear from it - through the Censor Few realize the value of a home paper to an absent friend Send him acopy for a present 1 i de-ur- 1 1 p aiojj fi FEW POmTERS 000000 oooouoo |