Show THE SOUTHEEN CENSOR ! "I 'never vote for a lady for ao offici- SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS FOR USE IN' al posltson because men need those SCHOOLS la Published kyeryFriday at places to support their famllieB''sald SxiT ieb County Utah an an ' v agist a few days tflnce tG £ a MORRISON D AN offices to are CROSBY be Our the tc then given fr t$r NAMES OT BOOKS c Z will needy are they? A woman can and a A Ed fill many places as good and cheaper CO J3tate Directory: AME&1UAN BOOK Chicago than will men ' Counties like men should get as much as possible for the Golden Book of Choice Readings ' It Is business money UNITED STATES BENATOftS Book of Tales jrfrMk J Cuion Readings In Nature's Book JL:Rnltas Utah has many good farmers hut Seven American Classics SBEPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS w Hexing like those of other stages they are too Seven British Classics RfifidCr qoykSnor much machine farmers who ralie Garpenter’sGeographtcai liHrtw M "Wells and Primet Reader Geographical IEOHETAEY 'OF STAYE grain hay or any other low prided Johonnott’S Historical ftfekdeH: T Hammcxd machine crop In preference to the more Grandfather's Stories v STATE wAUDITOB: lucrative Stories of Heroic f)ee6ft poultry dairy and orchard 'kKor(aii'RlCUMdi''Jr Stories of Our Country STATE TREASURER: products THE STATE 41 u r3 a -- rn T3 r“ : A n in ail Ti k 0 Af tt TORNEY-OENERA- Bishop SUPERINTENDENT INSTtfUC-I'TIO- ’PUBLIC N John R Park SUPREME JUDGE'S ChMlssS Kane la'Yr’BARTon J A MINER DISTRICT JUDGE FOR SIXTH DISTRICT: Win it McCarty 1 isnFri ' cdintTY bifa'EcTArtti CdMMISSiOYERS R R Belli GleBwoid " Wi H Robinson) SiiHria J A' Ross Joseph Richfield Clark Clerk—Bam'l’G County lilch field "Mohroe Astsuor— Joi A Smith Richfield W Coons fislff-Jo- hn Monroe Siipt- - Bchooli— Jacob Mas'ehY- Tax Collector— Treasurer and ’Ridiifleld H P Hansen Presenting Att'y— E W McDaniel Richfield Satin Surveyor— P D Bhoebjr ' CITY OIRBCTORY y ' MAYOR— Theodore-BrindlSCOUNCIL— E 0 Peterson J' M Jensen N P Peterson -MortenjJenseh Joseph S Horne Reeorder-Oa- rl Gojdbransen Treasurer— James Christiansen Justice of the Peace—Simon Cflrlsterfsen ' Marshal— G W Blomqulst v City Attdrney— I J Stewart ' ‘ Poundkee per— John W Coons Water Matter Nldis L Anderson' Quarahtlhe PhyilClah-- H K Nblll M D- - COMMISSIONERS ‘ Fremont Teasdale Giles Alonzo Billings Charles Snow Levi C White k As long as the revenue of ou’r'goveV ment&re gathered by tariffs ’'so long to 111 tbe bulk of taxation fall' on tlie The income ’tax falls oh the poor rich heaviest in ‘proportion to the money they are making Mih Loa Joseph Bckerslei Ien Boys Stories “ “I will Spring Autumn Winter Tin Shop Grecd Y get beet bargains 8n extractors honey You and Cans! tin v numi trough alumi- - eaves roofing ware arid Work East of Social Hall ' Do JXot Forget TKat Home & Miller Undertakers : Keep constantly On hand’at their establish ment in Richfield a supply of COFFINS GASKETS HANDLES SCREWS LININGS &c arid they can fill brderson short "rvVaM Glimpses of the Plant World Tom Brown at Rugby (Boards) “ (Clothj “ “ Golden River of the King Books and Book Basins ' a - ‘ w i There is a heavy fruit crtjp In the far Sevier Valley thls year worse for WornlS than it should be We need a tree lnspecter to enforce our spraying law badly Itl8 Boaids 11050 ClothA SWOT” MAYNARD ' i MERRILL & New CXJ Pe’rvopy Feruci rernun-bwall by nail dred l‘s ‘i:-12 1 20 900 ’ ( Single Nos paper covers 24 2 40 iSOdt Double Nos cloth covers English Classics 30 3 60 27 00 ( Triple Nos cloth covers 12 1 20 900 Historical Classic-Reading30 1 3 00 25 00 Shakespeare’s Plays HOUGHTON M1FFIN &CO Chicago f Single numbers Double numbers Paper Triple numbers (Qaaruple numbers were taxed the young mao would pay all bis taxes When lie was young and have none to pay when he was old and no longer actively engaged in money ing y Remember the Dear Departed ’ll 1H 12! 22 I If Incomes instead of property o y Itlvereldc Literature Series ' 33f 38! 37 42 (Single numbers 1 mak- Ddufile’nVtthbers: ( itU'W SHELDON 34 42 51 '!) Sevier Branch ife West-Boun- d - East-Boun- effects is to build reScrvdif'S d Morri AS AM TM A21 885 84T W n 3fl 535 805 530 am 85SamLv BELKNAP Arl0tpm650pm If a person wants one article In Train 21 will ron Tamday'o Thnradays and Richfield be or she must often run to Train 24 will ran Mondays aturdaya Wed-kMda- and Fridays If the stores every utore in town carried one line each and that more Wi Heigh Gn'l Passenger Agen complete tbe trouble would be obviatGeneral oBcefialt Lake City ed Utah H L MOOLA Agent Richfield O Dodge Gen’l Manager F A 75 75 ’ (to 75 75 75 75 fa) 75 75 60 44 29 75 55 36 75 24 29 24 30 30 36 36 30 30 33 30 33 84 - 92 40 40 40 40 10 1 10 ltias established hts - FlRST-dtAS- I 55 K - 00 1 t: Pioneer Oil House 36 JUST RECEIVED— A Lot Of Chicago 1 - WRIGHT ’ 30 o WORK EXCHANGE FOR PRODUCE S INSCRIPTIONS ‘ (40 36 36 i Marble AVprks bn Center St East bf Co-o- p Store and is prepared to make grave stones and doj all kinds of r f Cemetery Work ONLY French much land uncultivated and much The World and Its People: that is but sparsely watered When Book I First Lessons AS the Seven Mile reservoir is built there Book II Glimpses of the World 837 will be plenty of water for all the The Earth and Its Story 853 488 land 1229 109 104 rj rcman 0 ' German come and to Americans go Eiiropo AND Greek Mxd home to tell of the placid waters of Mid sidings Primer of Politeness AM p m Ar OGDEN Lrl230 pm Lake Luzerne but is there a prettier Bert’s Primer of Scientific Knowledge'' — AS p m Ar BALT LAKE LV 183 p m p sheet of water on the globe than our Bert’s First Steps In SclentlflciKnbiVlddgei Book I animals plants Atones and soils AS 857 own Fish Lake? A18 1006 Book II physics chemistry physiology AST 1A38 Book III physics and chemistry 1110 AM A view of Rabbit Valley shows AOS SILVER BURDETT & CO 11M STATIONS ' 1 Historical Tales l ARTHUR HENRI B Chicago 1 k 15 30 45 50 25 40 50 60 iid 0Q & CO Show your regard lor those who have gone beXore in 4 21 Triple numbers ( Quadruple buiubei8u if iu THE WIIITAKER & RAY CO San Francisco Cal Cloth 25 The protracted dry spell of this Eliot’s Selections form American Authors summer Is apt to be had ally summer J p:f4PPINCOTT CO PHil&ipbla Pa The only way to: lessen Its blighting ctnd hotlce Having sold their Planing Mill they are anxious to sell the lumber which is well seasoned tiAXHSi DOORS he they have on hand and will sell thd grbUnd occupied the lumber yard at a reasonable price f oh cash s i Richfield : Natural history of Selfeorne From Seed to Leaf for reservoirs I can a said a merchant a few days since He f is a very njfio (for an increased prccterityt apong farmers is sure to resijlt In a larger trade for the merchants — Swiss Family Robison fftferh®)— (oioth) Grimm’e Fairy Tales Part I (Boards) " " “ (Cloth) “ Washington and nis Country (Boards) “ “ " V (Cloth) Tales of a Grandfather (Boards) “ “ “ “ (Cloth) Kingsley’s Water Babies (Boards) ris to take the IV do all Fillmore Brothers Burrviile Proprietors Round: tip Year All facilities Tor carrying express Old World (Boards) “ (doth): “ from-th- “ “ Stories from Flat6 Plutarch’s Liyes hlh-standar- d AT LilDr&ry Autobiography of Franklin Seed Babie- sGods and Heroes (Boards) place formerly occupied by tbe Contributor B H Roberts is to be the edit- for the new or so that a injured is magazine Prosecuting attY! - South and East Free Mclinlng chair cars jud pull SigurdLoa and Coyote eleman palace sleeping cars of most Stage Line Direct at connections aesign gant the magnificent Union Station St GRASS AND RABBIT VALLEY ROUTE Leu Is for every where Tickets on sale at all stations 06 Rio Grande Western Railway Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning E J Flynn except Sunday reach Burrviile at H B Koosar noon and go on to Loa or Coyote that C F &P A T F &P A night Salt Lake City Utah Accomodations for passengers and — “ (Cloth) “ “ Each andAll Seven Little Sisters tores Mother Native Told iiMi The improvement Missouri Pacific K’y Footprints of Trkvel (Boards) SCHOOL: Loa w ft ftobinson TrEasDrER i Ldk T A Jeffery A GINN & CO Chicago pro-tfe'eie- y All publishers whose books have been adopted re required by contriwjf to ti)4k$ arrahgenlents with some wholesale or Jobbing noiisO in Silb Lake school boards or school officers at the Utah City to furnish books to dealers ' John R Park Price Wholesale State Superintendent of Public Instruction Little Book for Little Folks Crosby’s Senator Rawliiis Is peing hit at for Loa II M Hansen his vote to h&Ve a tariff on pine lumbassessor: er Incorporated Into the Dingley Bill id'll It Carf Cainesvllle From any standpoint that action was sheriff: proper Isn’t Utah as good as any Geo Chappell Lyman state to have its home products BUPT at the retail ffrlce t- Shortly after Iho war more money was needed and the silver mines were Bht nOw the demand is developed and for gold Utah is putting its share ihtd the totters of the world It BOOK CO Chlpa£6 — - - 30i 1 CLERK A COUNTY RECORDER tjdUMTY 33 Kansas The Colorado Short Line-tCity St Louis Mo and all points ii WAYNE CCitJNTY DIRECTORY 21 2a ‘ The School district : “i I Stories of Great Americans for Little ' Americans — Stories of American Life Him Advehlure : Stories of the Chosen People— the party Do we know how to appreciate our climate? Do realize the value of our dry healthy atmosphere? Not till we see some of the consumptives of other dirties among us do we? ! i of i7t s Wty FarhonSStiriei Old Stories of the East Robinson Cruso- e- ‘ C-7 73 02 a eVCr It ( Old-tim- t The bemocratlc party Of the state W&s factionlzed by the sehatorlal fight would noW be betOf last winter ter for tbe party’ to lby aside factional fights reorganize comihittees oh a friendly basis and all wortt for the good 2' 4 57 ’ Stories of the Olden Time Ten Great Events in History be a matter of controTobonnott’s Natural ft i Story Readers What tariff of as to rates the versy should be for tbe old fight as to tariff or no tariff has ended and tbe fight of Neighbors wl'th Wingi ancl Fins Some Curious Flyers Creeper And Swimtoeri futurity is between the'tarift an& the income tdx'lis ’ifteahs supporting tbe government Eclectic School Readings: It It will W '"i 47 J Legends of the Red Children 24 e Stories Retold 8 60 9 The Story of our Country 08 m b Lincoln The Story of Abraham hP!1 is which purchase toabe the at Price price The Introductory of retail dealers by the pupil during the introductory and exchange from August 15 1897 till March 1 1898 v old IsrvMor-AuhlSThe Ekcbahgo Price is the pi fee to begiven WltW-ubook on the same subject The F O B Price Is the price at whl’cUi the publisher agree todellve at their place of business to any Utah dealer school books free on board icard or school officers the freight or express to ft1 paldiby the bufeh the Wholesale Price iu Utah is the price at which publishers agree to furnish books to wholesale dealers or school boards or school officers at au£ b ordfered to shipping point °h anV railroad to Whlbil i4dld publications shall be delivered (p the state of fjtah the cost of transportittSoe beyondl such shipping point to be paid by the purchaser the minimum wholesale quantity being one hundred pounds When books are ordered by a local dealer from sbih'd Wholesale hr jobbing bohse In Salt Lake City the latter Will fhfwilh books F O B in Salt Lake City at the Utah Wholesale Price The Retail Price In Utah or Mailing Price is the price at which books will be sold by dealers to pupils or the price at which books will be sent postpaid by th publisher? tO anv person In Utah Utah wholesale dealers or jobbers will also send toks in klij quantity postpaid to any axMtesbdny Utah - ‘ o1 -- VVEltNEK SCHOOL ' Jmmi Obl0uan '0 02 Lie c W f 24r 49 - Pass's Nature Stone: J'imit Life & B u: i 4 “ Sixth til-s- : " “ - :u 77 Third ” Fourth ' Fifth “ WHITEWASH BRUSHES Brushes Paints and Oils Glass' Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc PainNt Farmers Attention Machine Oils Call and get my prices before you order Don’t forget the place I WRIGHT K l |