Show e Vol 2 Richfield Utah Friday August 13th 1897 No 18 General Canovas piime minister of CONDENSED NEWS Utah’s honey product is not large Spain was sliot down byanassasm 1 3 Stewart 0 W Collins on Monday The views takon of the this year 8TE&ART and COLLINSi killing are many spme justifying the f ' AUoriieys ht Ldw murder a An Eisteddfod will be held in St George this fal On Sunday at Pinto ‘fifashlngtou B B HOFFM4NN two boys Si and a (j year old it I County Attorney at Law Yhere is now considerable talk of a were burned to death In a barn they Will practico in all the Courts State sugar factory at Goshen had set on fire They were sons or ( i and Federal C Knell i Office Unco Block The Sugr beet cropln Itab is rathUTAH RICHFIELD er slim this year A pretty monument has been erects ed by the Ilaug family in the Pay son M I Shown W W Wallace Judge J J McClellan an old setter of cemetery 5jie work was done by a WALLACE a BROWN ayson la dead special friend of the late Hermann II Attorneys at Law Haag the artisp booms— Wrioht Block Richfield Utah Shields Brothers general merchants Will practice lu all the courts State and Fed eraL Corporation Land and Commercial of Bark J G Logan who wag in Richfield City have tailed Business Solicited several tipes this summer and was of the General Coxey has been nominated formerly superintendent JOSEPH ECKERSLEY Mine at Bingham cjied sudfor governor of Ojilp by the Popvfcjsts Ronsd iq Salt denly at Jihe Lincoln Attorney at Law ’ l!uescay Heavy drinking Bake pp a Heber' Murdock of City for Joseph County cause was Wayne County Attorney the UTAH fifteen yer pl£ boy was drowned on LOA Tuesday Beutgerf a wealthy sawsaga manuM W MANSFIELD facturer of Chicago ta’on prigl for murThorntqq Lapqbert of ebef City his wife and boiling the body Lawyer cut his throat to kill himself but is dering in caustic so that it was entirely dis- ' j alive still tj Public Notary A reoenp experiolyecj ip two hours Utah THURBER ment proves that the body would have The latest battle in Cuba resulted been eaten up in that time DR 0 H HERBERT in thq defeat qf the Spanish forcc under Weyleft Physician and Surgeon THE TRATfiUER TRIAL PrqjmiQiutl and Business Cards 'ill ’ ’ ! It' aid and Joseph S Hoind as secretary The bnrpau wllj work to nd labor for the unemployed The exact plan has not been formed as yet utah i Win-na!muc- f Yesterday is supposed to bevp been Lieut B S Wells taa replaced taken up will the closing arguments UTAH Lieut Laasiej! qs commander pf the p the Moses Thatchef tyial pefore RICHFIELD N G of Utah the high council of the Sali Lake M B SHIPP DR Stake From the reports it seems sure Lake of Saif Joseph Gramiper Cify that the charge of apostapy ms not Physician and Surgeon was killed by falling ffqm a ladder on- beep proved agajjst the deposed aposOffice and residence at the to a pavement the tle though charge of unchristian Kentucky nouse Is of more force conduct like Is : : Monroe Utah A decision ffiU po $op)tbe had Sat The two colleger at Logan' the A C and B Y are expecting a heavy urday night after the defendant has DR E SMITH pppplgted k1 defense attendance this wiptqc OEfice'at Pioneer Drug Store t I Dentist Anderton RICHFIELD MRS T Building UTAH N H ST JOHN Several of the University professors are In Southern working in thp interest Of the Ut Branch ROBBER Normal school n if k WHISTER Right at the Robbers1 Roost there but few men novy Deputy Sheriff M'tdu'ifeiy and Genital Cine of the Ski R S Campbell has been plpcted Jack Uotrell jnforms The Censor RICHFIELD UTAH managerof the big electric pewer com- There were more a little while ago bine George Q Canqon is pfesidenji fiut they fiave gonp Some pf the gang FLORENCE ALLRED recently stole a bunph of cattle near Licensed Obstetrician Blue Ufofiutqins and drove them Glen Miller B?9 Qualified as U S the Most of the Rooms at Mrs Millers across the Marshal It is suggested that he be- tq Teljurlde Colorado street north of the Public Square cattle have since been recovered gin duty by wping out RobtjergRoost While mot tfie people were away HOMER McCARTY frprq their ranches ap the Jubilee the U 8 Deputy The Ontario mine at Park City is Roostprs made a haul of some say 400 In to close down Since its dscDtery head from near Ireland’s ranch Mr MINERAL SURVEYOR 1872 it has yielded $31000OOQ worth Cotrell tells of the haunts of tills gang and NOTARY PUBLIC of bullion They have stations all the way from are i $ ROOST JNqs MONROE UTAn " The Monroe company’s agents were here Wednesday to see MrKenyon and It may be worth something to know borrow $1000 The Richfield company that the very best medecine for restornervous system to will borrow $2500 All of this money ing the tired out ' a healthy vigor Is Electric ’BUters' will be spent on reservoirs' This medecine is purely vegetable acts by giving tone to the nervd 'fcehtres? in the stomach gently stimulates the1 NEW TIIURBER GROWING Liver and Kidneys and aids ‘these 01 Wo are informed by Bp Mansfield gans In throwing off impurities in the blood Electric Bitters Improve1 that the new townsite is beginning to the appetite aids dlgestidn and the Mansfield pronounced by those who have trie(f up it as the very best blood ’purifier and there Grant Sidwell and Co and neive tonic Try It Sold for GOe or si 00 per bottle at all will W follow with Drug Stores and George Strlngham theirs in a short time The walls to General dealers ' DISTRICT COlTAT Jufige we hftvwntyet heard of its adjournment Tbti’flist thing done wipto arraign Griffith alias Blue John on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon ne tocl the statutory time to plead Toe trial of Ephraim Blackburn for rand latceny was next bogun The were J case the to Jj&ryaeieoted try T Ijiwenbv II 0 Larsen Jed Mott James Anderson Frank Edwards N E Taylor J E E Akolund tho new meeting house have been finished and carpentets are roofing the building The disti let school anti notice Tq sxqcK-iipBpublic meetings will bo held on the Notice is hereby given new site this winter if all goes well 30th day of August " 1 fi v f $ M 4- - 1 A E that on the a 2 o’clock V House' m School at the Bast April the defendant had sold a Brooklyn p meet- a be be to Sevier will Co' and to ft there not him Utah left steel which did Ijfq Better legacy gaq belong s In mind a ing of the he animal child than a quick active of the Rrook- whili he did not claim he presumed had beet (riven from shapejy iealjf)y tyxjy Nothing assists lyn Canal Co which has been called Escalante as his so he £ook it in more In acquiring that legacy than" a for the purpose of amending Art four of the Articles of Incorporation p charge sold it and deposited the mon- school house that is artistically built u and ventl- - said pompany so that the same wiil heated ey with James A Taylor to keep un- - well lighted Mseated ' no public building read of follows: owner Ilatcd the For til he fourd pn ' ti irseemed from the evidence that should more carefu work be put than Tho object of this Incorporation ls to take out a canal from tbe Sevlers this anight not have been the samon the school house main- 'steel that was driyeq J!fom Escalante riyer in Sevier county Utah to as tbjis anlnai belonged to E P Pec-to-l same in a northeasterly ditain Evry qian ljfiowrj fo fijstory ‘jlqmes rectionthefor the purpose of conveying up” qs a clnractej y1u heas been lands lying beARer the defendant sold tfiq steer dead !ew revolutjuns water to irrigate the for some ttijc Albeit Steven9 cattle lhspeqtor for low tbe same and also to construct of public thought qyq pfiqpgejj the of was the to purchase and subijotifiei Wayjie County view of pfiarqcters more in the same reservoirs and anito sale wqnt for capital stock of any other Tedale bought time thqrj fias tljq thoqgljt revolution scribe The mal back and found its ownqr similar corporation which at the time of the past twenty years changed that of suoh purchase or subscription shall defendant was arrested brought be- of Brigham Young fore le Justice of Peace at Fremont be or is about to incorporate the vote of the capital over to A andrfiound appear fiefore or of depression Whenever yeqre district court stock of said corporation is required Xfter listening to arguments bv times of trouble come over the Ameri- to carry said amendments and a full of Lin Prosecutor IJckepley Attorneys Mans- can people they begin to talk attendance is therefore requited By The order of tbe Board of Directors ' field and Rapp and Attorney I J coin and wish for him back Stewart the jury was given its charge more he is thought of the more is he J A Moore President and stayed out two bour end brought found to be the pnq American presiJ F Peterson Secretary dent who was the great friend of the First in a veidict of not guilty publication Aug 6 people v0if t Tuesday attorney Hoffmann -ttrmr: haye- - Charles Lee bound juoye over for grand larceny discharged as arq going to Sunday our not properly Provo for institute The Censor has the commitment vyas rEKFECT HEALTH REGAINED THE WONDER OF THE AGE made The motion was allowed and a word of advjce for them Listen to Grandest startdiscovery in the annals of Mr Lee left the court room and what is said but only believe those medicine ed to leave for the mountains but was parts fhat your own thoughts say are Guaranteed to cure more diseases overtaken at the griit mil and rear- right than any other medicine treatment or rested 'flqat evening Judge MpCarty system known to the medical profesw sion “No MAN made’) remedy but held fils preliminary examination and Loa for a town of its sze is really nature’s’ true panacea bound him over of business It is sure a Vatuma is an antiseptic germicide Next day he was trjocf but at last quite place to increase iq thqt Roe and nothing it positively destroys all “microbes’ reports the jury had not agreed upon of every kind name anJ q and germs will fielp it better Ifian a towp a verdict nature It is healing and soothing to The defendant vyith bjg firother the mucuous membrane It will perare Nielson one manently cure the majority of cases of Peter Walter aqd Bronchitis Catarrh Dispepsia all catof head fout Elsewhere we pufijisfi a list of Ibe charged with driving Stomach troubles all diseases of tbe tle off the Muddy Creek into Emery state textbooks and of a number of Bladder Bowels Kidneys Liver ConNielson Is supplamental boolj that my be used stipation Piles Old Sores Rectal County aqd selling them Lee h is The list should be preserved Diseases Walter and Ulcers Eczema Scrofula still at large Blood Rheumatism Neuralgia Poison his tuined s’ate’s evidence against Diseased Diseases peculiar Discharges brother Chqrles insists that he was Two Main Street merchants have to Women Nervous and Physical hired by Nielson to drive tfie pattle f complied with the order to put blue Weakness etc and his brother says that he was not YOUR AILMENT MATTER WHAT NO sand on their side walks now let or whereyou live write us a full his NOTES others follow of your trouble and our consulttory Wm Jones of Junction was admiting physician will advise you’ what-tdo in order to regain your health ted to United States citizenship Work will sjon begin in good earnest Consultatioq is free and sacredly conJoe Bash Jack Cotrell and others of on the stake tabernacle “Roof jt or fidential Terms very low For proofs posse are at bust” should be the the famous Ireland-Busby word from now enclose 2 ceut stamp Loa as witnesses in the Griffith case till next year Local agents wanted everywhere We advertise ycu In No canvassing Tho attorneys appointed to defend Address with your home paper Blue John are R E Hoffmann M W are to The Utah editors going haye stamp Mansfield Rapp find Befirt Later the a THE VATUMA COMPANY excursion out to Castilla tomorrhig CHICAGO ILL name of John Meteer was addedZIZ 0 P ROX ow The time of trains appears elseThe water suit that involves most where all of the water holders of Rabbit Valley will not be tried this term of court Durfee Farmington New Mexico to points in The Mexican people do not say the Wyoming Recent developments of a THE WRIGHT HOUSE price of silver is down fiut that tfip uature not to be made public show K I Proprietor price of gold is up They nearly hit that the robbers carry their own mail Wright the mark too They have a ferry boat across the Colorado River and are In conjunction First Class in Every Way will pals who seem to be peaceable W W Curran who went to Kl°n citizens dyke from Casper Wyoming a year Terms Reasonable It is to rd the country of these two ago says he can now buy all Gasper rascles that is now most needed ’aced Richfield Utah with his wealth then the robbers can be isolated One of these Bert Avery by name lived in JENSEN HOTEL T C Iliff whose grand sermons Poison Spring Canyon end supplied Utah Elsinore been heard all over Utah has the members of the Roost with beef have Newly equipped with all comforts Grain Oqod stables for resigned his place as superintendent burying the hide and offlugs In the and hay always kept yearns sand of Methodist mission work The wind blew the sand off and sixty hides were found and Avery MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME7 compelled to pack up and loave Mr Govenor Black of New York has 1 and 16 to Silver Cotrell is concurred with by most all in If you believe abandoned civil service reform good meals good beds that invite to nearly members of the posse that this is the William H Hale the Scientist has sleep and pleasant dreams good way of breaking up the handits Bools Magazines and Daily Papers lately scored him for so doing you feel at Ahospltality that makes Room on home with a Sample INDUSTRIAL BUREAU ORGANMain street go to A big colonization company com IZED posed of Colorado people has asked the THE KENTUCKY HOUSE Utah state land board ior 25000 acres of For some time the authorities of the Sevier Co Monroe Mormon Church have boen aware that land in Grand County as a bonus T Bean Vermel Rapp the work of caring for the people who RAPP and BEAN was were out of employment Near Valley Nebraska a party bf Lawyers have done They being poorly Will practice in all the State and excavators found nineteen skeletons movement with a organized lately Fedral courts and United States Land buried without coffins They were W B Treston as president and R S Messrs Rapp and Bean able probably emigrants of the ’50s Office to look after this as secretary Campell and experienced lawyers in all probate work land water mining and criminal litl Last Saturday an organization for The steamer ‘Mexico” took a lead gation was also formed with W II Will attond all sessions of court lntlie of gold miners to SitkaAlaska aqd yvas this stake B lxth Judicial District and adjaeontcountlcs load a of tourists Seegmiller president W II Clark returning with of Southern Utah when it sank all aboard were rescued Morten Jensen and George W Bean ps In Anderton Building Rich kl'ldt'tuh Office I hOM ETII I NO TO JvNO V ‘ Richfield $150 AJYear w stock-holder- e ' t I k t ( 1 1 ’ J j t° two-thir- 1 vatuma teacy 1 ’ i- -i ' 3 ( Jncor-poratio- I o h t - reser rams ass ured No longer is roservoirlng talk alone Change Not An Old Friend A Maxim ThatHoIds I Good in Friendship for It has now become a surety The determination should by many com in It In panics jis highly commendable There Is always one thing to be remembered in business tbat you never Wayne county there Is a set determl Ever since 1871 the nation to build the one on Seven Mile lose anything by dealing with the tried and trusted It has never been has been doing business In Richfield But here In Sevier county the main Richfield has It of treatment the public always had nothing but found wanting in its tug is over a San J Kenyon agent for tbe Salt substantial articles on its shelves and still has supply of the same Lake Valley Loan and Trust Co has in be been here and from him the Sevier ' Valley Canal Co yesterday borrowed $3000 part of whlh will be applied on the Otter Creek reservoir and part on ESTABLISHED 187L RICHFIELD CO-O- P the Three Creek The Vermillion company has decided to borrow $550 Theo Agent the W ells company (of Joseph) $400 Business Is of Great Value I’f Co-o- p Better Summer Goods can not the County found ' A i t A ' Brandley ' i' A s r - y I |