Show w County Commissi nr rs The'reguui mssion of the Count' Coianls-'oner- s Some me rcasjLJvityXJulB£ithO“ ratty I Celcbroties an not and will not go against silvcl In the coursoof a wide experiencl ot j met Sept V I'We haielrtht left the Re- AND iStvi one is almost sure tom-m(applause STATE notable rU M peo NORMAL Ami-vith all m: If cnyloaving has b'eu present publican fa-ttpie wiio must ever remain a name ' SALiT LAKE CITY only done it has h ft us” 2L C Rasmussen road : -- fis0r of to so (applause) many and whose name is K(j The next academic year mi i Snlina rcrented thateortam A a ties familiar O U Bkan “McKinley electoii that one foelsauaequ-iintancloth had closed tlio county rnH west September bo w must field in the those that put by of which creates Interest in all The following courses are j pertain desire may vote for McRiuley Sulina The matter was o ‘’d to ing to them Many 1 being Course in General Science Lotus County attorney with In tructlons to constantly met with and not disfranchise ono fifth of ' ' readers dd tlio voters 2 ! Course in Lileral Artt prosecute said parties of the state” well to make their a u J Course in Mining The most prominent McKinley men ' Mrs Ann 10 Carlson of Richfield Of the Pacific coast no otic is any1 Erigineei ing J Advanced Xorm-i- Ceruse were made application in G Wi John present Meteor more o person respected and o”d than is Hi- Bean L Each of these leads to the baccahelp in II Out ren Ileber Christenstjie suppuit of the mhior children of Jordan of the Leland Stanford Jrj laureate degree the Normal Diploma N C Lancaster deceased In person he is a large on— Rep id 10 00 University by provision of the state law j ivas appropriated man standing Winteempt( t lie holder nearly if not quite six from a'l examltutionsin Father W W Riley nd-- J for fur feet bo is not in tlio hast affected Tlie Ballot the public school sys(( m by Lher help nd was the large body of stud s under hbj given $'00 on imp-geFour Veprs Normal Courst poor account control lie is very approachable and' S3Tstenb a certlfimt 0f (o Fading ALL-WOOwill chat atfablv o- garluatloi w‘U my student The following Judges of election LATTES’ crO"'U uh'--Hi6 holder from teach-e- r ' exempts who desires a few minutes of is vere chosen: It evident in that inHuy rd takes hjy timei laui: ’nations Mr i term of years' In speaeh he nch'vld°' do STORM SERGE qaiq and voting will le made llu year under 35 4 i’repar-ito-Comse leading to And a Large w slow He has a most intore i new Aunabclla the uaau-no- r system cf voting In lie flrfi the co Latest Variety ei rat terns Drop's in Goods at equally Low hriccs Herbert Cleaves egiate coui of clollve- pve- Fre- place He tickets can not he had from ig Ids lecture1 UlC 10ht' i4(f Jas S Ahbott rrrr"KXElRYbT0Cf is ail f w tuition free in quently saying to Ids students ‘‘Dnn’t ample liondepartments' ding outside of tin r e“"a- "John Gardner the satbM “H Tem' take ffiv woid f r It find out fo foi Tlievo’er buihPnp charge trance must to is an an wiim the go your uu-'scl'-ebootl fee registiation of own ten foi haye your d dollars pen provided opinion'’ it is voting Aurora Impossible to listen to Hr Jordan's the purpose find there he will fine One lcndred fi o scholarships ar$ John Larson scries of loctures on Evolution with- tickets pens : ’ d s’lcb In' connection with the things as an maintained ii- Madson Norma School R out coming to the conclusion that h- needed These tickets wiP have ppliontions for apt bceij George Iloldaway is a deeply religious man Deni (o such scholarships must 1 Religious' furuis’mj hv ttm county Each ticket pointinui without being dogmatical die oner will contian the nkhie of all the candil be iMde to the nte Superintendent Burrville if riiH'" Instructloii r the state district county! took fora topic “Standeth God within Jutes through tlio Edgar Fillmore the Shadow” and in the coursd of hi and precinct olucers in which the voteij C ounty supeiintendent ' W Scliock '''Rep Siao Ij lecture said that laj‘ cadeinic year t hetruly believbd tliatj resides When the vbter cad not read Jos S Whitehead: Dem nmch of ‘the dissention cniiic be-- or is physically disable' to make the1 thoroughly equipped Training School cause many failed to do more' than1 ballot two Judges of different politi-- l lias l - "toe ii cm 'tlio Universb — LFOIt YOUR Central J ty cal groundwhat gy mnasium Fmdy ho called tfre dust of the1 and a manW A Stewart parties may assist Each voter ha: Rep ual lids of the Bible instead of rtmcnt have been1 Soren Anderson getting alt ten minutes time inside of ihe rail um " “ Rep tlio true spirit whidn is within tin five tninutbis inside of the booth When1 added Peter Christensen Rem Entrance e- -' mi nations may be held book inside of thlA'oo'th one of the judges! at tin limne 0f t)l0 applicant ' Prof Edward Howard F Elsinore Griggs wild will hand Hie voter a ticket which is : ’ J C Ostlund 'Pent some time in the Provo summci arranged alpliabdtlc'JiVly- the r ernes of under the suDorvismii of 'Hie County ij01) Supen-nciischool a few ihe 1 candidates of no oue party will b i'hris J Jenson: ': weeks ago is believe tin of accredRp most popular TTofessof in Hie same1 put by theprsclves Thevcer will here ited scliools mayTie'ndniii (ed without Henry Larson Ren i 1 1 is University lecture rooms are al-- mark in ink anbt in a’square ajiposite tXiUll'y'lf : I' or cut Glenwood hikI ways crowded and a notice on the the name cf the candidate for whom otlior inforniu u(s Cliels ITeileson t tion ardre-- bulltin of a popular lecture by him is he or she wishes to vote Rup Then I’resi he Talmage t A W It uclianan the signal for standirg room R0n will hand !‘:s i ote td ohe of the judges dent of the University’ rr the iiiider-’igne- d only 0 C Cowley Prof Griggs Is in person very D I Dem Mien Secretary llni- Tlu-boyish who will put it iu phe ballot U looking lie lias regular features yery voter must then not enter inside the ei’isi ty of Utah Sqlt Lake City Gooseberry Hoar cat afid a sertsitivte mouth Hi guard rail until tlic polls John W Mott OR' HOCK’S' ‘tJtnh University t We Have rt' rc-o- i'nee STORE— Richfield Utahi SRSuRRRl'' Just Received a Full J)nj Goods r And will be able to save you every Dollar spent foi Fall - Goods i Australi an Line of :i 25 cents on an and Men’s suits from $655 to $lgCO gpodvalue We invite you tocall ndtroubleto show goods nt L rfi-- - bilCp 'pie ' a w - L'1 rn - m i Do Toll Want a Bargain? ' You Gan get it by Calling on Then Brandley Richfield ‘ I - Furniture Jaby Buggies Carpets Rugs '' 'Mirrors "futures and Picture Frames1 ?iace Curtains and Window Shades Rollers Lounges j OUR STOCK IS AS FULL AND AS 1 r Good As Any SOUTH OF SALT LAKE d-e- ntf Harvey C Heath:' ‘A M Casto Joseph X Warenski L II Jackman Eward Newby A Monroe C Rap Rep R01a Rep Rep Deni' East of P Christianson Jaeo'o Magleby W Bohman Main Str r Rep Rep Hem Monroe West of Main Street II E L'sonliee Rep Walter Jones Rep JV A Warnock Hem ' Redmond department in the University is Ethic and 1o Ftudy Goctha's Taust iiiulei his direction is of its self a liberal education Picveraiuf Anna Shaw rccent-- j b pronounced him “The Meal man’' because of his stand upon Hie Woman Suffrage question His lecture was given In Sail Francisco and created a sensation He is emphatically a believer in the movement I rof Earl Barnes w lise department is Education in this University is an I energetic man whoe looks and man-- I nor would proclaim him to he the busiest of b isiness men he is quick ol speech an- movement and one is not suprised t the amount of work lie does Fesides 1J is ory of Education lie has classes on the Development ol the Western Intellect and Child Studies These latter are intensly inler-- I esting to an intending cm an expor-- I Kalina West of Iiedmond Road Rep W II Rex Rep T G Humphreys Dem J W Phillips Salina East of Redmond Road teacher They include all sort s of original work often covering several years of study upon one child or set of children lie is particularly fond of children’s drawing and has carefully enlarged a great many child draw- ings from which it seems that they bear a marked resemblance to each other Teachers who desire to ei tei the Child Studies are always welcomed but the work schbol-whio- he Uuiversity n Bryanite Pluck The McKinley guns are silenced Rrynn batteries did it Wednesday night was stormy but Republicans came out to test the silver sentiment Six McKinleyltes were pitted against The matter of appointing a registration agent for Redmond was reconsid- thirty-fou- r Bryan Republicans Can ered and F P Peterson was appointed you not guess the result? Tlie delegates to the county conveA resolution was adopted setting ntion are:-TBrandlcy JWCoun Saturday Sept 19th as the day to be- L M Bolitho W F Snyder H E gin the house to house canvass and Ilanen G W Blomquist Olof Lund Wednesday Sept 30tb as day for It to and H S Ivie pnd Alternates:— H S Christensen Mrs For the registration to find suitable J M Laurllzsen I’cter Jensen Mrs J B Jenuing Miss Eliza Hall 0 U places for the election to bo held Also fixing $ 2 5 0 a day as the pay Dean Niels Anderson Alma Nielsen for registration agents The delegation will treat the McKinG If Poberts bee inspect or of the ley men fairly and give them a Fleas inf coimr timi iiiddle district was instructed tocarc if enough McKinley men can be found (or the bees of the northern district to make up the delegation Bryan Hills allowed: Republicans are fair minded men else Richfield Advocate U875 they would not break party ties for Co ‘MOOO and Kelley principle Wo commend the act and $‘10530 Kelley and Co for the day that party will not long S Lirldlc expense in Jacob JohanI) wiVhl such an intlueiicc over uters In $7 '() sen's case heu i dHega-tlnntoHie- $3 (0 Crosby Jr Edward Payne was appointed Justice ot the Peace of Glen wooit Precinct George 11 Tcannini Hunt's resignation as Justice of the Peace of Monroe was accepted and W A- - Warnock w is appointed to fill the vacancy J A Heilstrom county abstractor submitted his report asked that Ids work be examined and that he bo released from f a t Pi r responsibility Attorney Jennings Clerk Clark and Recorder Lauritzen were appointed to examine (lie work and repoit at next meeting Edgar Fillmore John F Anderson and Georoo I' VAms wore appointed school trustees for Hurrvillc School ldistaiet BUCK LEA'S ARNICA SALVE Tub Biisc muve ity Hie world foi Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Li Hung Glang lias lust left United Rheum Re Sores Totter Chapped states The great chinauian asked Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin many questions come of vhivh ap- Eruptions and positively cures Bile or ou pay required peared childish to Americans Ibis guaranteed On meeting new men lie was an- to give perfect satisfaction or money-refundexious to know their wealth and was I ilqq 25 ceyls per box much disappointed the insignificant Fon fsALK itvArL Hero gists and mm of some of our politician's for- OlSNlJKAL tunes He could pot comprehend lmw great men could do wittiont numerous servants Li was amazed at the hurry and rustle of Americans and sped of lIic railroad trains high building and as many European statemen he ROLLER-M- il IS wondered where the government was t to he found- - There was nothing but people no n Hilary to goveni Li ’book hands pith Grover and expressed gratitude a tour friendliness toward his government at the close of the Chinee Japanose War He has no i iove for t ho Geary I aw but was pleased with the way iu which his countrymen received him He will have his English engineers adopt American WoxKWorking Shop methods His trip will do much to t I vU ' so modern civilization open China local offices After the delegates were chosen a friendly word was indulged i “We lutd better have a I would like to hear all parties talk express an opinion McKinley Republicans Bryan Republicans and even Populists I was going to say 1 don't believe rnpulists can have an opinion Mr Brandlcy Mr Hansen and fillers are Just as lamest in tlieir belief as Where is a McKin ley Republican?” H P IIaxsen— “I thank the Advocate for my election It published my name as a Rryan Republican anil the people want such Let’s nng together on the local ticket” Mayor Brandlfy ‘‘Since 1 have beer a member of the Republican party it has declared for sil”cr That is STATES- - THE ELSINORE Will supply you with Flour bacon and Lard I’LAMVG IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY i j 1 VM Buy your Groceries Yoxr Dress Goods "Your Clothing and Your Shoes Straw and Felt Hats Hosiery In facl everything yrtu need in your family at The Richfield Co-o- p PRODUCE Sweet Singers of Monroe t MOLDING Tl tlM G IHIACKUTS John Farley has gone wi’d jLWm Noyes while traveling over t lie divide at the head of Clear Creek came AND GENERAL WOOD WORK i i upon a man nearly naked who was in Hie act of covering his body with hot DONE AT MV MILL WEST OF grease and who on seeing Noyes set on him accompanying dogs and threatened to kill him if lie came TIIEBOULSON ROLLFR MILL near Noyes retreated but later reAudcrwou turned and took the man in charge keeping him at his own camp during the night It was no easy task for he had to hold Farley during the entire night so anxious was he to cut tiis visit with Noyes short The next night Dorius Bradberry living near by joined him and they together guaided the man who they recognized had Next day they brought gone wild him to Richfield and delivered him over to Sheriff Coons Dr NM11 and AT THE I)r Herbert were called in and an examination made Both Doctors -that lie wasatfiir-tewith Acute Mania WE ALSO The man was herding Have n Good Mock of L M I 'sheep for Andrew Olsen of Reaver A Kicuriy-itiiMl- c Mioes ClolSiln of au a ago if forty years Drink is the cause It is NT ELS IIE1LESON reported that Farley ’or years pufi Pr prielm has spent his entire earnings for drink lie lias no relatives in Utah Sheriff Coons accompanied him to tlio asylum Thursday morning but it is u: C‘ BINDING TWINE Best Quality At very Lowest Prices -- ABE THE BEST- - The Best is always the Cheapest THE SINGER Is not a cheap machine Thirteen Million are now in use yt The Singer Company can suit its Terms to all People in all conditions E NELSON Local Agent Elsinore unfii-tuiiat- 53 0 i 1 Mis-iouv- m i conceded that the Sheriff will ret urn SUBSCRIBE for Would Rot Act Constable Carter would not interest himself in the Clear Creek wild-ruwhen Dorius Bradberry reported the matter to him Carter said it was out of his jurisdiction J ustice Warenski would not get o it papers till railcy had done some damage to justify it Noyes and Bradberry acted es constable and justice and succeeded in placing the unfortunate under Sheriff Coon's care A n early winter is predicted A llM CEIISOR IT GIVES ALL THE Southern UtahA Best Dealer la SCEEEN-HOOE- S Machine Oils Faints and Oils lath sash amJ brooms Panel Dcors Glass and Putty W ants 150 a year LO all lie can get Call and see his Acme Oil 2 CanS CAL NEWS or Shakespeare says: “Never buy anything because it is cheap it is dear to you in the long-ru- n ” Glenwood Co op Ve-TEn- to-nig- ing Fair with every one Hams which keeps an excellent quality of Goods and gives the highestMarket price for your A Wild Man his two CITy And we aim to Satisfy our Customers by deal ' requires much time and care Besides the class work Prof Earl Barnes lias charge of the Expcrl-- I mental is carried on at l it CHINA’S GREATEST MAN |