Show -- i ilJC n FI® Father Rudoldh visited the capital mutilated the third and fourtELdbrihSsTfn of his right hand being alrnoit today S severed fdav flwteawoa K'H LKt£rdeiuJTh::w- - iihmedhitiff nPtTi'aTj ni!'Tfrthrtv&fk: ““ S11®8 dled Ia8t SuQ‘followed by Jobn Haslor of Mt PJeas-anWt li m ibhath Schools’ the middle of his left’ hand I I ant- who effected bn organization at “f greatshock 4 Bilge terribly °th J and rend- Bbe was an I once and set the band-tae“Nothingat Glenwood but eieknefa” gaslied ‘lesson' ‘2 Dr Herbert dressed Work at‘ the A K D’ Ilanpcn eays wounds and eased the Parsing mention of the Guide’ ' I tWt ITadie9Thc ln"trumtnt are frequently heard ' pain materially AstoclaWcnd tAnhT The bool begin Richfield b( District f trading- Page ioJ Pryan-- letter of acceptance is a claa in here next Monday ahle Lesson ' 3 I fn straightforward the procession carried a earnest and Striving tomifce Mr Snelgrove' of the firm'1 6 Coal epistle it y ScphocI Offlcen and ’ thei f ttir arul Snelgrove is at the Jenson Dmi'mtfDnft I7 Zn° fT‘ U°n °f the 'We a 8ucceg' Mf' Haslor 3effc’ Knndnv duts i l— 28 to ti National (Mourn The Loss of Our Dear Teacher’ Ilonse Dank Currency i Monroe Doctrine Youn£ Ladles were dresstdji white KSSON 4 with a larn-- omca l Joy Decker the popular salesman Primary the band and others who ‘department expiicfc to get in was in Richfield yesterday 1 -’Organization tM par 8 Lionel Bean is rapidly recovoring Memorizlagsi Tts 'vslue ' abusc pare It with that very able document mfrom the effects of the sad fatality u Page' a' written Me Kinley and choose by HanksVUle Art Aiams this Qr IlerblFrdid him a neatjob of ur day which he will serve f bKlnds of StoriM The yoUpg people enjoyed them- - c gery‘ I Teufne selves last Bryan's letter of acceptance Is an( ANN ABELL A Friday night they had the J TI Me Cirty paid m a pleasant first social of the fleasoh isit delie speaks in high able straightforward epistle It Lesson a M fined 1 r Tailors fcicii i ti i S Mr Court Starr of Mona is in town Buies of Cajechizatigu speed) at the Morrison Illinois IW"L1 and helped to make mu4jc for the’ nation-- ll arul ' ' alEank CurrchOv i pniue tiasoN 7 Ml ': r' dance' Glenwood spent Fprty car loads of sheep are to leave chart Lesson Exercise Sevier on Tuesday next most of which LEsson 8 arc to go to KansaA'Ctty xrfntfCimedi?te department No l A meeting of the Democratic 1l of discipline ' was hold ty Convention 2 Inquiry vs Inquisitiveness ' Toiise 'today 4i!T’V J Jolin and I W Pierce with their 2 Text Bookqjb‘Kinda':" H Jeqnignswent to Junction on aatvhrjT Col'Tatlock adine' down fron-u ' fc Methods r mrtmtUiHon T!1ria LakeCR ' Frida ere to " d Mistakes ® J 5 mpmentfor the1 Tii'ird Pages 15- M'17v- li sTudge Me Carty satin tho jUdgmenta'' f0’ btWeea the 15th land 20th of feept cut in the Farley caseThey will travel jioh boys o Iv boys sWoArbyftho Col f nrl'iwi ea3 Wl!1 beprincipal I by team' Jie bas' always befriended 'them' Eesson fi '' Hebe r Christensen has given it cut I even " lUi tle v from “ r1 Mrs v Phia MdePtrtment No 2 Lt tme he E- FrDnrfeapriihaivilieflchflri i 1 A- haa resumed its r L ‘I tralght that he is nob for Me Klrlcy I labors ’and ‘ brotipt a rew hundred rounds off °f P aaS 0f wotk f01 the year the fiietabers manifest re- - 2 Gen Lhas Anderson was in fronvEisiuoreumipunition for CK (If hndlKfrsi character of work soon! “evyfed Interest tinder the " leadership 3 Leaflets ' w Ircmqve I U'roterTo’housel0 their: new Pre8idenfcMraWiliion ' v ' i Happy Jack was made happier ’bv Ada and George children of Charlie Lesson io (the timely arrival of three dozen empq theymovy occupy'iwillbe-thiaiicstdencb ad boblson have taken quarters at Mrs f the dnest Higher Department fatally iit tho fu-- gtake Conference at Giles soL r 6 peaches and pears 1?- - Thurstbrj 9 9 NoflUJll -- 1 TpainlMi wero all gone Membera eve Grandma Teeples has been nick for 01 the prevalence of T ?upP9ad fo b diphtheiih in the!I riiell G W will make a one fare Pros WH Seegmiller and Rr J the last few weoks aijd ib'BtilDnnablA IIntake but learned afterward Lesson !! that the! tc to the De S° ° °Ut vcry“iu1ch' Ier taany friends report was not true Those who did I Reparation Preliminary Convention at Brandley went to Koosliarem' j Joined to — ' 6teP9 'atteqd felt well repaid by the great the nrevh ” J °us lesson spiritual feast they enjoyed p®J'ua' 0n I nero’ tCa ' 5Ir Crosby was called to Salt Lake j j What will ThG ' U to ity attend fuueradof hi uncle draw the Third BattahnrAnp0!0 family and fri£nda of Thurs- meetings GARFIFLD TICKET ' enoamp- - ton were pleasantly I oseph Crosby Lesson 12 iii raont t(( 0Uf town? surprised on Mon- lne Democratic contention o t Gar-- Preparation i 1 I day las by his return from DeLamar' field 1098°" 1 Judgi McCarty's house is a depart-- 1 of where he has been for the county met In Panguitch Sept 2 ire from the old style also SG Clark’s J year 8th and past nominated the following tick-He left immediately forEphriam to et: commend varitv Cha? Skougaard Lesson 13 MONROE escort his Mrs mother Ann Thurston as both Juild'ngs jn State Representative Joseph Houe- - Miscellaneous cliargs and Ex home Joseph Harris L L B now occupies ton of Panguitch We ar t pleasU learn of James Judge McCarty’s Law Office on Jst SaniHancock has begun the erection Otiristia County Clerk George E Hanks of SUbiCCV gri lua! roovery from west street of a neat M°usei which will be an ad- i tsoaious siege of illness Panguitch ' Mc Chrty left for Salt ”v to the town It will be a frame Lessen i4 Lake Recorder Mrs S O Crosby of At tbo last City Council Marshal ty this morning to attend the Uni- - bouse and be expects to have lrs1°“l itready KTIW Sabbatij''wi' for occupancy jn four or five weeba Blomquist was instructed £o notify v®raity of Utah this wintes ' Prossecuting ( Periodical blass Att’y Fdward Wilcoi ' transgressors of tho ordinances to trim reviews ' L of Escalante v Quarterly School reviews tlieir trees The Lulte David CollimM’twinai Wo'elit the' h Sheriff Edmund Allen of Escalante So’hrcqalta rcultodin Lesson 15 o( Will nark! tor Treasurer WT Owens of Class Reclta- - I Parte Alvin Borgqulst cam home land Hynim Barney as Panguitch Sunday I' delegates eSS°r Willi!m Cottom of Esca-- J tlon Mr Atwood of Loa Wayne Co I Thera was B°me friction caused ereoing last to spend a Bhort while I Adaptability by tlie ate his folks after which he will re- - J 1H soon start a Hardware Store and I desire of the Republicarts to stick to SurveyorMJ Burgess of Panguitch it98? ?' turn to Salt Lake City to pursue his I a Blacksmith Shop He will no doubt thelr Btandard bearer Both dele- - Commissioners A D Clark James tationBeCi' j gnSh “b ThoroagbaM atadies to another degree lpuf?ha8e — D Just north of the ‘ gate® Ure avowed Bryan mea 'and Vaetfer and Hyrum Gates New YorkStore hese- the other wing of the pihr neston Vernon professor of langu-Lisbon 17 Ttq following delegates were elect- - M s consider as Mr' “fwi8 MagebJ and Soren Niel-er- e ' to'the I School sinriav $tate jes and Clinton Ray of Fillmore! Thu La ®ave fnr Idaho ln a few in Richfield on Saturday and lat- - Jy?n w 24tb' JohnHousto!! CMsSln?ng ClaeB ingiDf n0P days '!?Pr0w°ntne iiom® seklilk is their er they risi ted Southern ' R G Clark Jr J J (then Marching object f'5' ThetyleofWrhfinmti7d?h parts of the I 're fot Steiner and W T 80fVlei Lait Wednesday a founty returning Monday Mr Ver- ' OHld urel make oqq bouncing bkb non is an old friend of ours hi weep ddefa4 were otect- oy came to make and we the Umm u ' LewisBaker Mother an5 son botTweil B W Me Daniel wont td courting Junction Thursday morning' Of late And here you are!! his most frequent courting Mr Thompson one of Salt objective Lake’s 144 bnen Geuwood aud hi9 time Sun influential citizens Is They really want some more ' IHanks with iifjtroctlon to work fori Lrason spending a few day evenlngSi with his daughter Mrs Dr Lor days 01 W- P- - SaW”‘ to MearfaC’er" un'"ie '‘y lhoo "JOSEPH" Henry Bartlett returned on Tuesday lug I DlSCl- - I I - — 'laJm evening from Provo where he had been is on Harvesting a at pllne going Republican Convention rapid dnabusinei trip and to visit his rattf Delegates were slow in The Famous Peg Leg Mine Lesson 20 daughter Qra who isattendinschool 1 One would Judge from thearriving s Threshing commenced last Monday It Is reported that the famons Pen nr at the B Y Academy Mr Bartlett of Plan length that the delegates are well saturated I Tbe i i9 at last plan each I Lesson is highly pleased with the Democrats “isn® lPeg are located Nothto hold their Pri- Garden Ctty with brineBrvan btudy Adapting the Union D Woat °f mary next authoratath-however fiDg can be evening Monday conditions of the ScheoTplan to the 4th P yChanuaa Mr‘ Nel‘ given'as the details of by whom and Judge Me Oartys hause Isa depart- - In ?? Monroe secretar7k Iither Ross and wrfe under what Lesson 21 ure from the old style also S G Clark's Three c°m- - ia:J circumstances cannot LeminSton aPPetnted !° We commend jWelcommg New Student they will return ! had at this writing Credentials Uw variety Charles Skau- I Dropping Old I PC90'u0n9' Fermaaent Organization ’Saturday' A Brief Names ghard has both buildings in charge Historyu I land Orderof Business i TA CalllLgRoll Mr 0Wned tbe Soda! Carl Goldbranson has gone to Sali- - Resolutions LnfP?? Darger says the generally sensible n dabo but iater removed Promotion MineffPJ-!Dgoa on one of his weekly lulSix they at up put their Carl trips precincts not represented While prospecting in! works splendldy it will handle 25 Lesson ti Odevout Mc Knleylte and that Is all Adjourned to to li? meet Saturday 30 ton of ore a desert he and four others J Conferences Mphave Jtho that blocks the way day 19th Lou refuses inpied discovered a fabulotl'sly rich gold mine! Jubilees to be linked to anything that savors And Slightly Professor Giles has started to now we go to press lana wprxea It for two months teach The Dntertainments of gold Carl is thinking of changthe children mtisid which is Just XX what f Indlan9 were not in favor of thjs kind ing his name to Sllverbrcnsorj that Lesson weneedherein Joseph )Ve hope of W0l!k ib their distaict consequently n his trips may be weekly glenwood the people will patronize him at least j abouJ-- ' braves banded 'iagrams of the Life of Christ Our conservative editor has Plenty of ripe grapes at Kirkman’s enough so it will pay him for his ser-- themsclvfes together to drive the pros- Lesson 24 gone to Fc'Salt Lake City-IllIpectors out J Review of lessons Divil now occupies the Melissa Wilson is Indians Although given in teachers! very low with Che sanctum hence the had np idea of what they were Tho Republicans of this political pie typhoid doing meeting precinct A extant in this issue battla ehsued lasting five days held tlieir George H Crosby Jr meeting last Thursday even- inff tllA 1At h In a nurchant-tailorinand Teg his Leg B Morrison J would load party establish- arc elowlfimprovlng Codv'c and charge the Indiansthen retreat to ment there is an order we are Inddefte to Lizzie Butler told fbr a suit of the finest Sam Short ’s little son died Wednes tl0n onlhel2tRreload the Indians all the time showclothing which Sarah Dali must be made ready just''bcfore con day morning ering arrows upon them Many fercnco times and then we Yates Lydia were bravsi wounded ‘prominent Mr Atwood of Loa srwpoct the journey in quest of the smiles Wm' was which r' a chief Ru' orhanksvllle will Glenwood House WednesdavTlcrh't'1 Patsarump and ?onf lie needed no more JohnCurfew of Cainsvllle arein Loa Pef his Party were driven ne was on his way to Monroe pllfT atd they wended their way to Cal-- 1 Our genial j attending county court was missed I airbanks Stanley wears wheie the broad lfornik al died they MrThiddi’iw Riik' from his pust of later Peg duty on Sunday and est smile In town their first born a- -' bern Wh° baM Beg being the latest survivor Monday Holden proved to be tho riving yesterday °r Thc' 8tory of the ba® of late place of his sojourn and angelic smiles the past tven en considered a myth but Geo W l8apparantlJ Effle Hacket is atGlenwood tho quest of his journey aS but little better ' if Bean testifies that but a few months relatives and friends She willvisiting return i Eugene Scott is a sprinter-o° 3lckness We’ll to was thought to be aftcr tbo Prospectors Were driven out her home in Salt Lake County next nationJ al repute He it was whoout somewhat abated but it and the week wound in Patsarump’s 'yblje appears that stripped Jim Thompson at Neplii R bas tuKcnanew hoJd Mw Ida shouMer was still unhealed the old Comming I Rilla Sanford CamC d°Wn from Blackburn and Orllla outli lie did the same act with Will Okerlund are chief took him by the arm and showed SnrinffvUlA iird Bean 'l U From Richfield he went aad80e-other7 hCr WlUl cannot boast hlm ip tbe balance where the whites over themountian tochase Mr Thom-aso- sister Eva StLr dnHn? her illness So of were digging telling him also how the having the best of health f Kanosh the man whom I Purr0'9 would awoar Jack Evcrsoll when lie charged Guy Lewis aud wife Jim The weather Is somewhat damn QrN ihompson did up at Scipio TlllS- Wli Both cold ha ton n855 ndMUChtoBcMwctomo ”h S"1' men are professionals and a Las Aega9 mssioDgood race of Glonwood's melons and grapes Sun- the last two days Machines °P SCHOOL ivill probably be witnessed have been day delayed much to the regret of all those ' w e the undersigned Nelson's Orchestra of Richfield' The Young Ladles of Glenwood have who are anxiously waiting for them gave !£eirl?MUing bal1 in tilc Andcrton received their organ They expected e980D3bave completed thTfJiTowinV friday eve Tho party was i to have celebrated Saturday but on ac izingVgreater yieldin' the oredit and tho music count of sickness and death they have n I'Wisltetet of a serle given it up 0 bo given under the same ' Brith3m Y°U manageLula Cowley died at her home In 19 tboi'gllfc "there' wi?l be'mo ment during thd'qjypson grin I ' WallsvJlle Saturday fever seemed I maurcd Mian ever before to Oeo Muir son of John Muir met have caused her death Funeral ser- u 19 1opcd that the town of Loa wiil wi th a serious accident on ur 1 ' l’AOE 4 Monday last Tices hoine' ?° watJ proved in tbe near future while unloading of acquaintance witn Importance hay at Mr Orrock’s Sunday Wal and Glenwood by an excellent brass band I flace IB handa werc accidentally - Im etrumenU arrived a eliprtime agoTn the children at- their homes pprtapce of parents and teachers co- ' aSt J d ’ - bn - h t i'V-'r?- s ’ v i 1 rr7St' oteuo - V i - t M ‘ i l'iuit ! I 1 1 1 ' 1 1 i i - li ‘ ‘ I rg - i BatallLtS! 32b f - J 1 : ‘ ’ T-f- I - - Oe"0 1 S - 1 V ‘‘ I Notm!mvCL‘t J e 1 nind “winw67 - ‘ fcSesdT I ‘ I Jin1WpHi'i 1 S - rJf I fers ' I I 1 gake : l 1 i 52“llty 1 ( l ‘ 'ran ‘ din Pau-guitc- h I ' ttK- tbello0 ( - 1 I : Mopp SeS“tl0“ I &j - DlAI-Inllni- a pow-wow- 1 e ‘ - - Lu ‘ 1 1 I two-hundr- 1 - g thclSoC - 1 post-mast- Attention er Big and small Give us a call treat you fair With the utmost f ’ care don’t forget to To get your I ’ m‘ I - to - I - I te I of'pX I !5u aZZTT wJtZtL 2- Supplies at AN1)lrTu‘ and Sons’ |