Show Vol No 21 Richfield Utah Friday September II 1896 1 rrofinMonal CLEAN GREASE Siivcr men who vote for McKinley detective obtained most of the con- In tlie arts and sciences When Fiance Kindlv toll us vvlKi'i yu'rc at evidence from Matt Warners bid for our silver by establishing a necting GIDEON SNYDER JENNINGS 1 154 of to E M Aliison of Ogdeu had his leg wife she coined ratio is watched One Swift ITU ONE CAN OF during being They nominate a Napoleon each year 8100 000 OoO and Fiemli broken by a runaway as it Is belived be is an accomplice IIis Wellington is iijuk 'Ltnu & histoiy iiiuts to this period as the And on the third of next November lloriicj-at-Lamost for France M E Munsford at Taylorsville Salt IIo will find his Waierlo Last Firday night September 4 the Our prosperous was silver COURTS THE ALL leaving us aud ConPRACTICE IN Ji A h Em Lake County 6a w a meteor in daylight silver Republicans held a mass convena law reducing the gress passed Ikm practiced twenty years Ml' Jennings C E Allen C S tion at Ogdeu amount of silver in coins It is not Ten pounds lmvd p the Supremo courts o the States and and Frank J C C Goodwin Varian In person Lindsay Rodgers deniesevery charge ho United Stales lie will attend for the Republican Ut'uu ui A MeDuaiols AUorutys roLtrics good counCannon were among tlm speakers ail terms of tho District ewnrttn eneli Sidney Stevens brings against him Mminimis party to emphasize tho presidential WITHOUT BOILING ty In this District They drew up a statement of prin- issue No people are so ready to District Court of tlie Iu the Utah Richfield ciples in which they upheld the views tliclr freedom of badot Judicial District of the State of Utah Harriet S- Kimball wife of PresiWe Aro Ilcady they had formerly taken declaring as the American people especially in County of Sevier is C dead Kimball Ilebor dent that the monetary question wits the the west aud an oppressive McKinley Mary A Larsen J E Ttnuman I J Stewart 0 tV Collins Plaintiff A to n kc winter suits and it is far vs great question of the campaign will lose many votes for the Collins campaign Thurman Stewart Defendant Larsen Janies The R G W is pushing the grading committee' was appointed and these better that those who intend to have body of the ticket We have long deTlie Stale of Utah sends greeting to i p Provo Canyon independent Republicans will hold a clared for silver now the first oppor- James Larsen vvinLr suits made should select thch AUoriiej llTAII convention ot tliei” cv i Defendant goods wliila all the STOCK IS NEW BICHFIELl) tunity in the history of our nation You uio hereby required to appear 1S73 a of to vote us is for free since entertains Powers given hope We have the finest lot of samples Judge in an action brought against you by silver candidate shall wc give the lie tlie above named plaintiff in tiio Dis and will soon have the finest stock of Utah Bryan’s visiting BEAN & McDANIElj Oaft llean comments cm Col Run- to ourselves aud vote against every trict Court of the Sixth Judicial Discloth in SOUTHERN UTAH ning's politics ot'our party on this trict of the State of Utah and to AUorncyii-al-LaThe body of an unknowrt mart has Editor— In the first Sept issue of flic stale platform issue? the complaint tiled therein within Call before any of the pieces are gone been found at P V JunctWfri itfc’Kad Advocate’ appeal'd an article written paramount PRACTICE IN ALL THE COUNTS ten (exclusive of tlie day of ser- Get your choice are liuarnosiTY days If you wish us to and Protection been shot but by whom is' a of this Building llichflelci Cwtice— In Audorton by fcfel J6hn M Dunning On the to all Republicans but can we not vice) after tlie serrico on you coundear send East for a piece of cloth let urf summons— if served within this As too ohc else has afford to Utah tfucs'tion Sevier County the apj of suspend out but temporarily served or If this county ty know now and we will have plenty o tit t6‘ Comrheht tip oil tnjj HrUde iidgt’id Wilson is the name of d of these self evident truths in tins district within twenty days plication M L Bbown W W Wallace man i'lefcpiocket who was run in by I bVg f&rj’e to' sUbihit aubfiididii' The in order to achieve free silver? It has otherwise within forty days— or judg- time to suit you with it JinltfO be taken against detectfvW Elsinore p lheets and Janney of Salt frrtfbfe fluff levied veftil Col: Diii’i'uirig’s been demonstrated beyond a doubt ment by default will & B youaccording to tho prayer of said nature— bolci aggrcssUe poiiited that the American i Lake naturare people complaint The writer of this is a grerft Mfillfer ally a “you trade with Attorney me and I will The said action is brought to obta!n Block Elehfleld Utah of the Col and knpws hifh to be fin trade Feda a decree disolving the bonds of matria also with killyou woman “pay a lifytttislk M people” fast Will practice In all the courts state and b'li Maggie a Officer 6f fciustlal aliilit as mony heretofore and now existing tariff difference in the cost of produc- between eral Corporation Land and Commercial ed herself with MH'tiine at a house inost s of the plaintiff and defendant and ohc Solicited learned citizen lie Business to plaintiff the care and custody ' ill fame She Was1 hilt Zti years old energetic and interested Officers in the tion people These therefore will be ofgiven Albert August and Elvina minor attained after the first great N G U and one of the best qualified asily free children of said parties and for genercoinage object— (TtafiLaLfen AKu'Sureori al relief in his poThe tabernacle choir && turned but withal he is impolitic Good generalship is needed in the if notified that are And hereby you A soldier of yore he is from Denver where it was Successful litical policy more than you fail to appear and answer tlie said Olllce at which has so be- Republican party this year to the for UNITED STATES DEPUTY party greatful honors Rad- complaint as above required the said asusal in winning great DRUG HOUSE Col is yel as during an'r previous campaign PIONEER veterans friended to the the for Court the icals on botli sides should bo impress- plaintiff will apply MINERAL SURVEYOR itself therein demanded relief as his ho beat when RICHFIELD uncompromising ed and' all should be used gently & Witness the Honorable Judges and nre drum for the blue coats and received The pail for the Mt Pleasant con- the Seal of tlie District Court of the NOTARY PUBLIC Mt Tlefisant is making great prewell bullets which tifipe rebel nigh vention1 is dictatorial in its nature Sixth Judicial District in and for the MONROE low forever' parations for the Republican Convenof Utah this 0th day of Sept IT IIANDY and offensive to about half the Repub-lean- s State tion and will doubtless do herself in Mcthe year of our Lord one thousand issue! force To the the Buttq of Utah and ninety-sieight hundred proud Mrs N H B G Clark Clerk Kinley issue in Utah is to fofee The Australian ballot system will entire Republican howevef- fce soothing in its effect We Luppn the Seal Midwifery and general care o! llM J G Johnson of Peabody Kansas a tain'Ickeicf Utah do too iiucli street broiling and comPARTY AFFILIATIONS of the national Democratic member Sick mit outselves before weighing both County and municipal tickets except sides of the question committee visited Salt Lake on Frililchfield City Council in case of legislative powers should day last' A few Silver Thoughts not be urged op strictly partisan lines N P retersen absent The Spirit of the constitution makes A sheriff will arrestpHemqcrats-a- s Dr E of Burton and Scott for Petition aDd San Pete County has a sensation' of ultimate silver the money as Republicans The best quali- gold well Moroni None of the argument Mayor and Council to grant use o Jacob Curtis city marshal of fied man should be elected TVo tick- redemption dia for now extant were nor could they be city block for an Athletic Tournamont and his wife are both asking IF YOU HAVE CUT BURNEli ets should be put lq Qiejiiel fld the ANDERTON BUILDING used against silver in 1873 for silver not granted vorce and accusing each other of beOR BRUISED exvoters educated to vote for merit RICHFIELD All were quick to see the financial was at a premium Silver was demon ing unfaithful’ have any horse cow dog or Yourself lawcase and makers of in the cept ltized in England and United States benefits derived from such but owing bird or animal that is wounded ii any then to voto for principle a time wheu it was not used exten- to tho influence it would have on the at herewill schools The Salt Lake city THE REAL ISSUE any way you will find because it like gold hid itselfs school which opens Monday next the sively’ BLACK OIL JOHNSON'S financial after not be free to election is this the quesCivil Wars Council decided against tho petition Tuition for such at the high school tion We have administered McKin- during the Napulconicand CURES THAT A CURE Cemetery care discussed Committee By remonltization of silver the UnitFIRST CLASS will be 848 a year ley tariff and tariff reform to the ed States can securo half the com- on improvements Instructed to have Beware of imitations Genuine only patient and It has been daily grqwing merce of the world viz America surveyed additional portion of the when signed Terms Reasonable us now change the medl A lively tussle happened in Iyofoid’s worse Let and the Orient ground free silver a “sure North and South) and administer restaurant inCorinne A tramp pick' $ipe Marshall’s salary allowed one month Sold at Workingmen’s Store and German papers avow that the sentiRichfield Utah $40 ed a man’s pocket of a roll of green- Curb!’ German of the of ment the majority Druggists Republicans of the West can handibacks but the owner of the money got u people is for silver so it is in France Re silver trade free by electiag cap back With rentpnltization of silver farm 0 My Old Kentucky Home it publican senators and congressmen for they Call for iu County Demo- J D and the veto power Is secured for silver products will rise price loaners dollars more will de Money seems Cedar of buy City Bp Taylor Some console themselves with the Convention of currency that tlie If you believe in Silver 16 to 1 and termined to interest capital in the that “McKinley will not veto want contraction will GROCERY PRICES thought to invite in beds that be meals for demand greater pood money coal andiron deposits of Cedar and a free coinage bill” and argue that good U mniratioj invention m c Tu y ne is now in Los Angei “h® has always been a silver man” and tcrest higher anil money more easily fur Iron Cities sleep and pleasant dreams pood $3 to $5 Trunks made to order Sevier County will be held at is tlie poor man's Books Magazines and Daily los Cal 1806 16 “made two silver speeches in congress ” cornered Silver Wednesday September by the fact that Tor $1 00 Papers The more reason why he should not money as evidenced at 11 o’clock a m Said convention to 8143 OdO 000 coinof the A hospitality that makes you feel at but $9000000 15 lbs Sugar did his assail be fourteen Why taction supported The Independent Rep home with a Sample Room on ed prior to 1873 was coined into doll- be for the purpjscof electing on if Demosilver not the sentiments for Committee qestion tho Suite attend to Central the - delegates Republican Main Street He made ars the remainder into dimes quar- cratic convention to be held in Trove For 90 cents 4 lbs ArbuckJe Coffer its dictative call andissue a call to all to secure the nomination etc ters (io to the KENTUCKY HOUSE 24 In an inde- “Friends with the mammon of Also for tlie election to them silver men join September Co Utah made was Sevier silver Monroe Glass Jars per dozen: If honest he will a By demonitization of fourteen delegates to attend tlie pendent ticket half the redemption commodity Pints 90 cents Senbill veto any authorizing the indepensenatorial convention of the 10th destroyed the value of thei JENSEN HOTEL of Quarts J dollar and dent unlimited coinage of silver for money was was time place doubled lienee the 53' atorial District other half W II Atwood of Murray lias had Two quarts $125 deciddeclares Louis St to be the hereafter platform agains convention said ELSINORE t and it silver Remonitizc cts dollar Miss kissed He scandal ChapFloy masuch If McKinley is elected the Grain ed upon of Newly equipped with all contorts Cases a kind)$37o of (choice Fruit will rise retun prosperity giant Good stahles tor man and his wife sent Floy- - awiy One nd huy always kept Also to place in nomination: jority of the American people do not Then the girl it seems forged his declare for immediate free coinage reduce the purchasing power of the teams state to tlie Live Chickens: legislature name to a check and tried to bhow and his declaration to act in accord dollar and regain its rightful place representative fur tlie candidates Also following Hens 5 cents per lb that he gave it to her The Chapman ance with the will of the American as Held before greed knifed it in tlie county officers: Roosters 4 cts “ girl is now in jail and her tale of the people would thus be acted upon by a back Clerk Commissioners Three and be us Let then up doing check being given her is not believed veto of a free coinage bill Treasurer Recorder Assessor Especial prices to laigo buyers Set our hearts for Silver’S cause INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Sheriff Attorney riosecuting A new stm k of overalls masses Let us then befriend the An international monetary conferCoroner Dr Nansen the now famous Artie Surveyor laws silver wise some free And make ence will not bring about bimetalism And to transact such other business Fredi Bananas and Peaches explorer was received at Christiana see to no future hovever pleasant as may properly come before the conwill it that Trust McKinley Why? a and fleet a small naval by squadron HOC 28 ihRclled Oats as Sherman Foraker etc Let the dead past bury its dead vention of seventy flye passenger vessels Can- such men But act act in the living present Said convention will consist of 58 nons boomed people cheered Dr Nan- gold inonometalists at heart are ap Seans Tom Roes no issue at present dead imbue' the re and And will trust they pointed a sen LOC In the evening state delegates apportioned as follows: &io Grande Western rejoiced 6 cans Fruits Railway banquet was given in his honor and presentatlves of other nations with T'is tho masses and the classes' 25 of the American sentiment TIME 'AuD NO Llie grand cross of St Olof conferred false idea Standing up in battle array The In Epvixt Nov IS Dir way to get free and unlim only One with truth tlie other money upon him SANPETE AND SEVIER ited coinage of silver is to adopt It as Now tell us who will gain tlie day when we were but three million stong A line The Herald seemingly by its pre- Capitalists may tic up funds and ere Electric Bitters is a medicine suited McKinley cracks a despots whip ip p ill band: to mature unveiling of the Montpelier ate a temporary panic but an era of Eor Republicans for any season but perhaps more genjoin his ten exnot bank robbery and the plans of Cassa-d- unrivaled “Stand by principle party” erally needed when tlie languid prosperity will follow I '01 livthe Mormon and liis pal to liberate Warner lias when land in Is tlie hausted cry fcelingprevails LIMITED COINAGE feiill thwarted the capture of these outlaws er is torpid and sluggish and the need Many are opposed to unlimited coin Il1:li England's power shall yet be broken associatbei feels at Swift ng indignant ola tonic and alterative is felt A U:i On America's bright shore: age and desire free coinage restricted 111:!' ed bank Late witti the robbery In other III: prompt use of this medicine has often to the American product Let's pull our head from out his ill show that the Logan words: Half do it averted long aud perhaps fatal bilious Have free and mouth Bank was the first objective but it unlimited 0:SU No medicine will act more fevers but of limited roar loud will Lion gold votes And ten cast British the coinage one delegate every lie too desperate an underto proved iu counteracting and freeing ’Tickets mi sale lit lfiehllelU for nil prluel coinage of silver— discriminate KOI for lion John T Caine for Governor sureley In the eailydays of patriots uml Wi st taking the lil cities No adopt free and unlimited coinage system from the malarial poison at tlie last election q defied her boasted power p I'reUlit triiics urrivo ut Hichlield ut Headache of and time silver Indigestion Constipation gold pnd afteraraplc It is suggeilcd that various precinct mid Uiidnvs i'll on Monihiys Wednesdays Shall wo limv when 70ooo0ot) to Electric Bitters! Dizziness rethose discriminate tariff arc yield s bank robbers Thurs-Tiyby on The of for m against tlie a licW election ut Tuesdays mil leave Montpelier delegates primaries Yield and pay her larger dower ? at all Drug5oc and bimetalism' $100 mid Saturdays ported to be located near Ogden they nations refusing ''i: county convention and for uom- - stores and per bottle dealers No! our conquering hero calls us l’asscnycrs carried on Freight tiainsbe are Geo Cassady alias “Butch” Ells"But” says some “we will be 'flood general nating candidates for precinct officers ‘ween Thistle and Salma Ills assembly loud lie blows be called by the respecting chairman worth Lay and Bob Meeks all of tho eel with silver what shall we do with Ioki Kicks Agent To rally round tlie silver standard inot later than ADVERTISE Kiel Held The it?” old McCarthy gang of outlaws September h II Bahcock I) l Dods'o Ami this commerce of Put oppose into Money veins it King the obtainof for was the purpose Jas II Wells Traffic Manager robbery Gcn'l Manager IN ing money with which to defend Matt The annnal out Tput of silver in the Chairman county Democratic Some Republicans are stubborn I’ A Wadlcleh ‘‘Gcn'l I’ushi'iticiT Aki id Warnor and his associates in themur-derne- world is Valued at about 8200000 000 committee Will not vote for the "Boy of the 'eneral office Suit Ialo City Utah Vernal last May A shrewd per annum one half of which 19 used Platte” Ed Newby Secretary THE CENSOR State News 13 VV Snyder Jennings Hod Seal Lye w 60AP recog-ntze’andu- - k w Wallace au-svv- er ro wn Co-o- - booms-En- ce DrGHHERBET HOMER McCARTY KEEP StJohn x cer-defe- at 9 - Smith Dentist The Wri$M House non-residen- ts i BERTLESON'Sj cratic e -' 1 I i Electric Bitters Ill y 11 111:110 f' 11 ar m |