Show Around the County Alfred Niels moth Willard Bean is RICHFIELD (Villi EXT ‘io Wheat Oats im demand I- ' Flour Eggs Live ciiifken' ukler began wik on Friday morning It makes a different Hovvn out of Richfield Theslieet siu i MrsAlbertNcagle is visiting Iriemis and relatives in Richfield Her home is now iu Emery county l)r Smith is absent from his olliee these days Presumably he H in liea-- ' er The Richfield Creamery is making trom -- (H) to 300 pounds of cheese each 'day Oo Friday morning the motion for 'continuance in the case of WW Bnl lace vs Butler-Bec- k Mining Co was heard before Justice Christensen and ran ted A carload of coal was to arrive for TlnSo Brandley will supply plenty ot coal for the city Johnny Cardon the genial treigiit agent now at Richfield will be moved 'to Elsinore when the freight trains start running George Cliarleswortliof Joseph was In town oh Friday with his son George The boy had his hand caught in :a pulley some time ago and they came to have It dressed Misses Mamie Foy and Amelia Crosby of Fanguitch have been in town foi Jesse W Crosby Jr several days the latter's father came id Friday home-limorning to take his daughter -- uuliia sue o One of the mo-- t Hiiceesstul paities in a long time was the Longfellow we We should ho moving quickly or Literary Society's old people's party Fioneei 1o celebrate lie will not ready afterno n The old people yesterday Day were brought in carriages to tho hou-- e One MeManneii got on a drunk Mon- where dinner vas waiting for them day night On Tuesday Justice Chris- After dinner and seveial and he is hoardtensen find him $7 entertained tlie impromptu speeches ing it out guests until tlie Hansen Band c vine Joel Shmnaker of the Irrigation Age Tlie music made tho old legs young was in to see us Thursday i orning again and soon the tables were moved He was on business connected will' and dancing was indulged in Inning the I’icss Excursion to Castilla on tlie exorcises badges were given to the old — Red white and blue denoted l’ioneer Day over eighty and three wore it sevenOn Tuesday the i abroad added thirty-seto eighty was show n by white w itli ven men to its present lorce They ty r wearers: blue showed six twenty-fouhope to retain the same force for with and had twenty-si- x to ty seventy t lie of it they can reach the mouth while red denoted tie ten years lower canyon by August Maimed the re- -t of t lie one hundred Walter Morrison will he in Arioua and twenty-liv- e Special credit is due We several business houses who will be next winter teaching school mentioned next week ought to have Walter here I gam since ill he four weeks Jacob Martenson who lives two blocks north of I’uiilson's mill took his family for a visit to friends over neai While there his daughtei Brooklyn Bcngta was taken so sick with bilious fever that they hardly got her home since then the child has been dangerously ill but she is now improving very fast Martin Thoreso'n lias been out in Nevada canvassing for enlarged portraits for a mouth past He thinks his business is Successful enough to warrant him in establishing a small store here this fall 1 1 w pronounced by one who has visited both places to be similar In taste at least to the famous Cte Springs at Manlton Colorado The iron sediment around upon stones shows tlie presence of iron though it is not as1 strong in taste of the water as in tlie great Maniton Springs It was whispered among teachers that a certain County Superintendent t my one r t W ill Speu-eeBed ’I lot (I (nines in on the iinn-pGeorge Davis Jake Bee usheil ei school ‘Truth for tealnq sail have been anested question cattle in Garfield county and are now m cart h shall i ice again'’ ‘Crush it to earth iniKiit will lise a in custody of the oilioeis at l’anguitoli the and l)ais luriu'd state's evidence Davi-di- d giant in PH”Bean and Bed Willard Philips had a others are trying to prove that Tlie ea-- e may bout yesterday with the gloves Wil-ar- d all the stealing is more than a match tor the travprove interesting further oi is lllion Verv suing of Golf elling sparrer Tims J 15 Hunter of the same plate foi A marriage license was granted on t ies $100 and lias attached lumber to Lors F Xeilson aged 20 Thursday to secure him lluntei md Jennie Almond aged 22 both of and saw-mioll'-sJ Monroe puts in a cross claim as an J5 Jennings is attorney for Golf while F WMitelielland A M Davis of the 15jan & McDaniel repu’sent thouthei Brother of Locomotive Firemen are in side i own to Oscar Velancler's funeral GOTO J J J EXSEX and have Bench and Shepard have purchased 'our spectacles fitted to your eye- in Willard Snyder's interest in the Elliot need to be swindled by traveling so and the business will k done Livery Stable pilled occulists Have y our woi as the Richfield Livery now be known at home Watches and Jewelry neatin -- IFF The editor goes to Salt Lake today ly repaiud and fer sale Call The Dancing Fatty at the Social 1‘eople we meet do not like Bryan as lie presidential candidate so well as Hail last night was postponed for or so on account of tin: realise they Avould have liked Boies or Bland FIT Cne-b- July Associations et ' Our school hoard should consist of me very shrewd business man who is careful of Hie money of the people one experienced teacher who knows what a good teacher is when he secs oheone iady with both of tho above qualifications ' Oscar Valeluior eye-sig- - d i six-inc- h wo-ke- societies WiLt - handsomest and best he oldest youngest SPKINGS CASTILLA Has beautiful shade trees PAVILLION A FINE Best hotel and refreshments Good fishing Splendid Accommodations of every character Cheap excursion rates over the Rio Grande Railway Spend the 24th at the coolest and most popular mountain resort All are cordially 19 at 10 am invited Stake Sup’ts Sunday School July Circleville’s Oration extract from 0 U Bean’s oration given at Circleville is an Below 1 Wm A Seegmillel Morton Jensen Magnus Neilson Mr Bean says he gave them the best he had in the market but refuses to t it lmd upon the audiscuss not in a position was dience saying he to judge Battle followed battle in quick succession tiH wc canlo to Valley Forge 0! how Columbia’s sons suffered xox the-effec- there v- followedtby aminlature flood Catherine Blackburn and two daughMONROE ' ' ters are sick with typhoid fever Examinations at Monroe were FriWillard Face has three children in day and all ard agreed that It was a bed with Hie same maladv and Wm coverlong tedious t ime The ground Grundy has tiv e ed vViKwldc and very fair as to blatThe questions however were ter A NNABELLA and required much time Almost long lnsti-tu- t' Miiuii llauctiett's bah) lias been every one felt the wear of ttie aud for that reason was mure real iinucll but is better now tired at tlie end of Hie examination I Ihulolph lias been ill 'or two than otherw ie would have beeti the weeks lie is belter now case Mr- - ImHoc's school begins again MiSsCS L'bbie and Saddle Staker ut Moiida) after a stop for institute Aniiabella and Mrs Durfee attended Ammlielialiis decided to not lemain Institute and examination in the compact for arbitrating the Mi Aitliur Thomas who recently water ngl'js of Sevier eo'intv came to Sigurd to make His home ' ' ' e attended the sessions of Institute I reel v of intermission iu gave tlie and Mr Notice to Creditors liis experiences as n traveler of tlie Thomas lias visited every part tu Hi matter of tlie Edate ut F A world and is better than a text liook Fei kins Deceased for interest Notice is hereby givenhy the untier--igd foul Fouls'oii adminlst rator of The trip up the Mouioe Can) on was of F A Perkins dec-us- ed hugely enjoyed by all Coder tlie line the the creditold trees a Session in natuic -- tudi s with t Be vv ill annexed-twas held which was enjoyed bv ad ors of and all persons having epiims Today at one o'clock the funeral of 'who blew olf a Jay Moirisuii a giant cap oi Oscar Valendor w i be held at the With hand of his part around Ih nome of Ins parents on First Xortli Sunday is now able to be The deceased was born m Street will not lose liis i Dot Feo being a Swede by birth ' There will be a mass meeting to- Seventeen years ago he came to Rieli-lelchoo lit t to nominate where lie worked on the farm notrustees for Richfield il eleven year since when lie went wshen Loa of 0 work cn the 1( G W Railroad as a J cpli Eeki fsly VV B J’res In Vi he went East and meet fireman Bishop vest rday to coni South h'turiiing six mouths since to him Wayne take will (manl Foi two months past lie worked at the t t say Mine in Mammoth fouling wan-eii in a few (lavs Dm Hansen vud suclevel Wednesday ceed dr Jensen as supeiiiitendeit oi ar on the Tin iftei'iiooil at 3 o'clock Mr claiidor Mar lardsoii Jens en and Co ot ot on the cage and rang the hell rui ill then enlarge their stock much a for largei mil The ojd propyie engineer Marled to hoist when biisi omething went wrougandlie stopped but two Rich of liter i one Billow Mr- Mary Died to gel mi oil but then got laid rally stt)crs departed frou He to hoist began the is eng'iieer non life at 11 o'clock Tuesday night t of tlie cage was caught on the sale Mrs iiilow w a s ariativeof Denuulrl a space md came tliiongh Stic dragged 18'R 27 born land 'as April fler mulling the lop lie m the top to Ut ill among the early fet tiers ant feet heroic falling walked ovi ahe or rlvunty the povernf being possessed 'aaid s"mmn d and all Medical 'love ( labor she very hard t could H and 1m died ilia1 was done bci and qelp i add hon’fs fnr herself His on is around aftei at (‘(lock icxt Richin Albert morning Bved jiusbaad's families Mie and sent lief' embalm'd were Cm II'’— and order field c anng the united D was met at ui last night's train un HI Min vften expired (be desire to li" hey Brown is still Vcn v ' large numbu of friepds lie i since dep"t Six years 111 It tame agahi n Judge Win M 'McCarty is north on hei md taken to Id- - lioim ante made its appearance Hunduv on s went He vaveil biisbu man nefortuu-itThe Vet she worked on un Hght breas leeledherc and was always kind in w lieu sin home fiom Sait ' 370-te- and Races for children and old folks Prizes for A suit is being filed to collect i temporary V built due on the creamery mouit and passenger iiej'e so that freight erviee can be extended hero before Joseph Sinitli and G B Loring have lie track is laid totlm mouth of tlie i miningexcitement all to themselves V boon silver Canyon deposit on the Buckskin caused it Ma (fountains Elof Nelson tlie Singer Sewing chine agent has' bought Hans Peter John Jorgenson has bought one of It cost bin ne Niles lots and will build liis home oil's fym iu Brooklyn Richfield Is sorry to loose Elof Fi20 uere Hansen and Smith have moved Mrs David Coliings Is visiting her small grocery store onto the count) mother in Springville roacl across the river from tlie depot Jacob Magleby and Miss Mary AnA special session ot the town coun derson started to Kanosli on Monday cil was held the eveuingof July 3 die will spend the summer there The council discussed the matterol J E G:ligher vice president and jail and bccided to build a premenand geneiai manager of the Crystal mine one instead of getting a temporary He expects the Fetei was hereon Friday structure for that purpose he completed in a week when to ioad Christensen aud J Ostluud were ap-- I ne company will put on a force of ointed as a committee to select a men and begin hauling ore to Elsinore jail site ior shipment The ordinance which had been drafted to compel the gleaning oj! ditches Mads Peter Madsen an old settler was not suitable and Councilman f Mon me lias moved back from Esca- Christensen apd'Ostluud were appoint- laota ed as a committee to have another Ail excellent birthday parly at grafted Magleby's on Tuesday Ephraim asClayton Gannett was appointed Joseph Hutchinson and family have sistant town marshal with $70 as comto Teasdale for the summer moved first tlie for quarter pensation was instructed to The towa-clerV A Warnick O Louis Magleby draft amendments to tbe ordinance C Anderson Mary Ann Larson and ' relating to taxes on dogs Goold are Pioneer Day comEmma Tlie town marshal applied for a mittee raise in salary and the council will xox town of the revenues grant It if the raise a such to continue LOA NOTES justify Loa laid ajiard rain on Wednesday k i - 500 Prizes given awiy t Elders George Goddard and Karl G Maeser will attend Sunday School conference at Salina on Saturday and Elsinore Sunday July 18 IP n isog- celebrate- -- ll There will lie a short session of the ‘district court on Mohday lodiuw jurors etc 24 THE PIONEERS iWDIAN-WA- R VETERANS NEWSPAPER MEN tie a There may -- pitied In MOKEEPe DAY! 1 two-acr- e team i i the rocks is lute' j'he boda Spring is Xon-partH'- I last evening wu Bishop llagley of Grass alley rabbit the lie town says 'in today have a disease which is killing then off in great numbers i) a Audeliu spent three days tlib sveek ou his farm in Dover He tells have Vs that the people of Fayette canal during built eighteen miles of have past year The canals now n'fl water in them so that the moswill i diy' up find float o!T When the watrr i -- Mrs ina Bean has been down from the saw mill for more than a week but returned on Wednesday when tin hands went up to run the mill in The form 'linn esting indeed had threatened to drive tlie fish into lie deep water arid drown them-huwas closely watched by those whoi imped to bhare the trout if any and he made no effort in that direction so it is hoped that he repented or else forgot Ills tackle Some young ladies played a practical joke upon Dr Tanner the Institute leader In ins excellent lecture upon i he natural forces at work to prepare our food the Dr made use of the following language ‘‘What do you see in mountains? and In these rocks? i see the strawberry tlie peach or the lovely blush ou the cheek of a girl4' At lunch lie was served vyjlh (i dish of ELSINORE elected pebbles in order to put to the Miss Annie Owen of tlie Twenty-firs- t test Ills vision of strawberries ward Salt Lnkt City is visiting The suit of Chris Tuft against AnEva Jensen drew Brown for $2(100 damanges for Bench and Shepard have opened a personal injuries Is being arbitrated livery stabte back of Hansen anr Jos Erickson and Jos Smith were Anderson's store They are still run chosen by Tuft Ephraim Maglcby ning a business in Salina too and Hans Yergansen by Brown Thus Doctor The celebration of Fionoer Day will Hunt is the fifth member be a grand affair In Elsinore More Loring Is an expert witness Homer about it next week McCarty Clerk and there aro twenty minor witnesses ’who never saw the Manti Is in Emil Christofferson fight It No Fourth of July celebration Chas X Smith Waller Jones and will he compensated for on Fioneei Day il S Washburn are Monroe’s candiA Mass meeting was to be belt dates for trustees Thursday n'ghtto nominate trustees Ilis Honor Judge Hunt lias a new elections will prevail oike Alvaretta Staples in company vvitl A grand Fourth of July Monroe ler mother has gone to Kanosli Mis had a better iever liealtl tier to improve staples hopes tlie ti Ip oy Homer McCarty has bought a fourth interest in the Watervvitcli Mine H T’ iraus’'U will locate iu Elsinore lot a He has purched city Ilyruni Johnson and May Christiansen are beginning to he suspected of will Is It Tlie depot being painted matrimonial intentions )c finished in a week F Bean wife daughter and mil went to Cove mountain Tuesday view says 000 sacks of wool will come to norning Fa'm says he has the best Richfield from Garfield county last in t lie land AYJis i night and today awyer who uses his brains 15 J sup 1 15 Jennings and Gideon Snyder plies plenty of steam OU knows anr at theralehotMii- - atypical law a formed have partnership 'made their olliee in t lie court house umber (filer and measurer Roy is a olid little-sadust monkey Elijah The firm needs no recommendation t a stioiij he wid for hit can carry off as huge a slab as they acquaintances taming Folks’ Party 01(1- Mam- n A m And naught prevailed but Washing' ton’s prayer He prayed to high Heaven and the ' ' powers that be counour set and To sec our distress try free Kind Heaven u pl ie'l with spring' advance We hail'd the new fwa- - aid from France Wc fought togilher against the an non foe i And finally at Yerktovvn vu gave the (leaf)’ blow Jt was there brave Cornwallis first gave up his sword lie gave up liis steel al Basiling word What wild i leiiioii'i re t ions were then in our land Tvvas tli-- ' 'ratil'cat ion 'twi- - freedom at li'Uid It reached Philadelphia late in tin’ nig id The people Him' d old thcr might "Cornwallis glad cry Then all the fa was '' m out m 4IXD TQ o n zy Buy the 'oiks weic ieniv to At die It reached tint old lie1 wab-hma- hell was his toy And then iln "Id bellm'ii' died agains' said deceased toexhibt them of joy' with the necessary vouchers within four months after tlie date of the first publication of this noticb tu said Conference rator at his rcsidancc in Hieh-Fta- Sunday School for the place the unit! bung The first day’s s vfion ot t he annual t lie ' ion of t lie business ot said in ost: Sevier Sunday S fiiool Conference of Sevier fourty MeCart) is He was a ijiom-ie- r HPs udiool Stake wll be held in Salina on SaturFOrLSON lelpin ’ id pa roil I begins POFL Bale t’ stay until Locomotive ul UorhouiJ of the Fro4 day July is at 10 am faB Administrator Will I'v'dvi' ids and Fireliiin The next day’s session will be held pareid G 'vv vur A ColLiss Twelve Monro'daus mfe still at work ibio"d iosui oee from that fraters for Admin'sU'il'"' Iu Elsinore iu the Grove on S'uulnv on the Crystal Mine roadnity Nil-so- n TO - OUROCK'S He Delivers Goods I I : til twenty-on- e weeks ago Vet sin Lecan e pr iclieally disabled sin on the even day i was tp every day six died ag( years husband Her UlicU uitl tle follows in f ’ill faith of meet ng him there h -- -- ran-ai- fi FREE Xo’-miM- i 1 V v Within city limiv s |