Show Editor’s Comments ’THE SOUTHERN CENSOR : I all county courts of the State ecoiiomiea! in their list of the Do rou Want a T5arganj? Mo-- Allot Ik r rev olat am in ('em ini Amor ica bee i list here is another chari I - p uMNhed ti - surprising to see of county funds every baiuriiay hi Klelillclil the mo o A dozen daring elutiae-ier- bow of will bo very eeon them Hovlcr Uounly Utah by many All Mill i very st'iisihk: iiert uni be il tent ion of one in t he salmi of every oflU'etf GEORGE II ( IlomiY lit maxim advised buys to sluv on the omieal i bat kind in repubb but Hi af of i oiiitv commissioner The farm Farming is Ur foundation in?A ne count ci uimissioncrs are not dustry of thewmld but is not loved Way Mom trustees oi an n i ng to red nee that wav Ciiinis of Wa) no county as it should be It lias been a tendon lie saiai y ol i’rineipal Ji A ny should notice comthat their county cy with our political system to seek ion in liis present mall missioners salaiy ennui tlieir salaries pul benelicial measures for all iuclii- -t up would ei ainlv take from t lie dignity UNITED SCAT Ft srNATrtRS and often at the expense of the farm- toildo a ver 'I'be county Is' poor ' Lunik J Camion of tinScum we in Sevier This wit h many and they have dmie themselves the will lie position ing eoimminitios n a pur vvitli Artlinr Brown into superiii-ideec- y of honor own uLiiic their salaries ol her causes lias bn tight on a lime I’FPREf'FNTATlYE To I'ONGKEKH we if few more uno of vvliat they when farmers were considered behind di avi Clarence E Allen 123 for t tie ollire of wholesome lr cits haven't treated the time and most of the intelligent might GOVERNOR il i way however amj Bounty Snperiniciideol is simmeful young men went to t he oil ies This otlieroilicei lUjhei M Wells John on expects to resign Cheap evil lias reached Sevier cmml) and that is what !: iv vt lie great credit Sttlpb or siA itr rM-a li t means cheap work ' v econ-oinThe should eounl i! "I but few of the voting men vvlmliave begin oiC's T H'umuoml U at lion e STATE ATliITOl!: attended sdn ol in l’rovo and Salt We cm grai ulute om selves Hint our nierBan Ilivli!' rid lr Lake are vvilliugto ret m n to the farm It STATE THE : I tali This is partly because of an unpardono have been school board lias secured services of Many Limes Chipiu'iii Kuehael lcekstraud during the camable pride part ly because of the small built upon iim tint have proved ATTORNEY-- ! ENEI! school season Miss Beckslrand ming a fit a few was Such tier and more because the prolilsof farming A (' all right in or out id the school n vvilli their case are Iron minds n talo Ki'ie and fiorn comity away 1TT1LI' ITKINTENl an i You Can Got it by Calling on Theo IJraRdley Richfield ( v State Directory: I I ‘ n-- -- —FOR YOUR — - -- i i Furniture Carpets Rug Mirrors Pictures and Picture Frames Lace Curtains and Vindow 1 ( Tj ittk Baby Buggies Shades Rollers Lounges v -- OUR STOCK IS AS FULL AND AS ( uii-U'- rs I lil-h- i - if-N- I'm L SUPREME 1' I HIT' Uni Its S Zane '(! W UAIlTCH lohii l 1 v m Agrieiilt nral College next year 1VU il sTIf ICT sixth McCarty M m in cto it (orvrv SELECTMEN: book-keepe- Alibott M A C Sliipp Huns Ristmusen lUchlleld Kielidold G Clark iiiiniy Clerk— Pam’l Luurltzen Assessor— Charles Anderson i ollector— Tied G Willes W Coons sheilir-Jol- in M Heemder-Jac- ob ' Elsinoic There are too many of our young men that go to school to “get an education" as they say without any pur pose in tin getting It is ail right for a man to become a generally educated man in older that lie may be a good member of society or a teacher or a business man or an editor or a fanner but lie is greatly deceived when lu thinks that it is good to go to school —just to oo It is good to attend elmol for the accomplishment of some Salina UhTiflelil Monroe Hlehlield Cent rul Rlelilleld Tiosecutlng Att’y— J H Jennlng stallna surveyor— V H bnoclier Salina s aleis M 'Is & M’m- -P C I'etcrson Klohhelil Croslund nqi Inspector Jas silllllil w- c E West nimty 1'lijsicliiSchools— Jacob Mastleby Treasurer— H I’ Hansen t uruiicr— Asa R Hawley -- (ITV DUUiltOHVi M A VOIt— ul'Nl i IL- Tlivodoro Ilramlli’'' - E C l'ctersoii olijcet but il nft t Il becomes a waste t hit r of time trains to idle habits Have an object in view and work hard fur its accomplishment then school is M IN I Ids hi 'll Ill'll JciisL'U I loi n i 'I'l s' ies l ill ist In sdl Pence Simon I In L’ci ulst 1 J 't"w:ii't 1'uy Aitorucv— ' ’Ill lid I II Isllll'l id uV Ilf till MhisIihI- - O I (1 Out a I blessing xox l A few years ago I lie papers were crowded wit h proofs for publication spine are st ill seen hut they are bei lu isli iiscit Voids Yv alcvunst it coming lew Practically all the land KNeill M y lio'lmiii" P'lCsiri'iti it lor which i here arc natural Mieams of water is taken up Artesian wells will water some that is now waste are taking Rcservoirlng will supply some more: IIAlLA DAY LRUS S alls-vR- e but the j mint ity so obtained will be to pasture at cows fuid horses d focdU-lMost all the people of Utah limited at id cents a head Hood look for population a Tour-Tol- d largoi a lian vviat the State now lias The You s mild inform your friends ol bun of Latter-daSaints have been taughi snap bargaiv lor billing to believe it Hardner by their religious leaders lohn How will the population be supported : mr mines are not developed yet and lny will support a part Iron count) will lie the home of thousands win will be supported by the iron mines Other counties will have mining camps OK SUPPLY A KEEPS Yet silver or gold mining in time al 'iie builds ii) but an unstable popuindustries lation Manufacturing will always seek the lieav ily populat'd districts where the laborer can Ready-ma- de live more cheaply unless the wares ami raw material manufactured are for transporting so we mo heavy can not expect large woolen and cotII S RESIDENCE JEST EAST ton mills Now take a mineral map of the United States and look over it: or lion is in im place so abundant as in Utah so this heavy commodity will Utah be supplied to the Rocky Mountain Ric ielcl and Coast States from here Copper is found in that part of Arizona north of the Grand canyon— Industrially a part of Utah So copper works will Yet we must have in time nourish This a larger farming population should be built up by cutting up the Honey-can- s big farms so that more root crops and garden products can be raised and that we have more orchards better tilling of the lucern and grain nr— f’i l’ctersoii SlieclSiiid Poumlkcpd' John 'V I (ions 1 i 11 y " i B RaiiiiSiiy tI Burial Caskets Coffins and T rimmings t tub courthouse t lie i sc-- il - sfudetTs have become habituated to attending school in I'rovo and most of them have done exceedingly well vvo need farmers - intelligent Now farmers more than we need school teachers del ks or and the way to get them is to educate them for the place MINER A 1 ils TRICT JUDGE with Thurbcr Wayne 'J be old lovvnsile was lice Use was dose to the Cedar City organized a militia cum Helds It we- s m! hut they thought pany especially for the 4tli of July there was clay in il so it would pack fcclclirat ion 'The city furnished plcn hard in a few years They were ty of aniunilion and the boys burned (loomed to be disappointed In tliisJit Ilieli field city council once gave and now they must move It is a dis Co K $3 to erect an armory The tasteful job no doubt but such things new council lias given notice to saic should he quickly done We advise I Co to vacate the city building— gen the people to Hasten on to the new erous indeed if it will now appropriate site oml to waste no time In doing It $30 for the erection of a suitable an Jl would be an excellent such is fanning thing for onr future if at least ft comity t liiril of our sliidents at tended the lcctcd I I I I mary xtx Not one returned Carnival visitor is to be found who deplores our ' choice For the first time on the 3d of J uly Sevier county isn’t the flag of the United States will be of county queen always forward in acting but- when it floated at Washington with forty-fiv- e does do Anything it means to win stars on a blue Held indicating the admission of Utah to the sisterhood General oraers issued by Wayne county will some day be an of States excellent place for residence It fur- Hie War and Navy departments have nishes a lovely variety of climate Fish prepared the way for the change and Lake is by hature a part of the county forsevcnl months have been busy placing tho new star in the in stuck From economical con Utah has many pioneers who are flags old flags will not be ideiations tlie pioneers from blioice They stay in retired at once but will be replaced one place until it is settled up pretty as worn out arc in service only they well and then move away They thus loecome good for early settlement but prove detrimental to ltie'Cmintry after JLRawllins R U Chambers S R is settled' Tl ey constitute a floatThurman and David Evans left for ing e'eruent in all frontier towns Such 3d to join their fellow' an element has been in Wayne county Chicago July Democratic convenat the delegates but now many of their houses are va- tion were joined at Ogden by They cant They leave places for others the California and Nevada delegamd several good settlers can find half tions and the whole party is xolid for ieveloped homes to purchase cheaply silver and Bland I'he people of Fremont will give pecial inducements to a teacher who will settle there Wm F St John president ot Mer eantile National bapk lias resigned ri’o out been lie has spoken advocate Since Hie railroad was built to llieltof free coinage of silver and at varilield there 1ms been a miniature tiade ance with the directors of the hank war between Salma and Richfield The feeling in banking circles :i aiii-- i The object with both is to secure the t lie advocacy of free silver by a batik Grass- - and Rabbit Yalley’s trade president lias resulted in makag Sigurd is the place the people of the John's relations vvilli liis busiiic- col two valleys would prefer to ship their very unpleasant leagues Richwool and get their goods from xox field sought to get the trade by buildA former resident of Salt Liki e ing a new road that would shorten is now living in Newbuigii who the distance to this town Salina York writes to a friend in tin im ton So built far a shorter rojul then tiade During “The silver boom has reachoi N v Salina lias most of this time of year teams take loads of York and I think will myc'i u' wool to Hie railroad urd get vvliat country lam no longer a Rcpii o i i In freight they can on the return They can There is no enthusiasm mic is strictly can not usually get mil loads so they McKinley’’ That much else indicating that the prefer going to Salina and finish ng their load with salt Soon the wool country Is weary of the ( id panacea-tha- t give small relief and disgusted season will be over and Richfield will with the effort to switch the camafford market for more produce that' from vvliat the people recogiiic paign and in Salina later the year may get the trade The merchants from over to be the vita1 controversy to a sm device that lias been tried and the mountains have no piefcrem-tried always proving that it is nut have Meantime but the Industry it makes Thfc To see how cheap When you take flag-make- rs AT THE -- OSTON TOR A 9 OILS SCREEN-DOOK‘- S tc urn-wit- both l USHEs OOMS Sash Glass etc of Extractors and all kinds of ‘ -’ Calhand See our Acme Oil Cans I have-suggeste-d iieced tinware are made to order Gosli! Don’t it tickul Mawi! tt' freighters the big towns better watch in itself sufficient to meet the perole's out if the railroad builds a depot at needs The ttmlhcifil quest ion is the question of the campaign beyond all Sigurd doubt and the democrats are wise In the fact— Tribune Ily the way vvln’t about the Indian recognizing xox1" Creek road? The construction combelieve in resting until we We never mittee have done their work well out the work we there The road is cut up some now have completed of Southern California All as new roads will always be but the Is most deeply Intel ested In the early work is good Jn places where it of the Short Line railroad & out wash s caremight they have built it completion more and 'Gardens five It runs with Salt Lake City saving nearly ful tilling will require more water" is practicaliy on masonry shortthe ovtr miles hundred present the first thought No il won't re- through a narrow canyon but there est Central Bacilli route and will save 'irst North St cast of are places to turn out One l’ETEIl n IlECO quire more water but it will require 1247 miles over the Santa Fe route a better study of irrigation Rccaiise needs to b widened us a Only 230 miles of a gap needs be built Utah people cun manage a large load is not safe on it Then tin re- from Manvel Cal to Milford Utah stream of water they often think mainder of the road should be finished to the great give I KLI A and that before long as fall t ' flic fj KI' SI themselves killed in irrigation benefit of this new short route Over 1 niniMV road soou need will the broncho rider may handle a wild horse one hundred miles of the same are al to fjOO ierVciir oiler June xox by si rengtli but that is iw t a test of ISIHI ready graded southwesterly from Milis the ability vhc of creed the Soil LuVe Tiihunc will ir a horseman No more of ford Regardless Only 103 miles reirmtn to lie people t hi loyriwpcr to tend a large stream of water a test Richfield Would feci it ” beilelit gt'Ct graded and all of it is easy work exldh si a ml ii i'll will nt' an irrigator Man) crops can stand to the town If the tabernaeU was ten miles nearest Manvel The l‘:ind ci cry cITcrt will he nmdcli cepting a thorough soaking in the spring and link would all furnish It ii'i'i'Hv h large Importance f liic early building of if the soil is good to hold dampne-- s for a It this Short Line railroad is so great meeting gatherings place they need no more for a long time would also be worthy the pride of the that the newspapers of Southern CaliWe should Others need water offen Stake Monroe and Salina have tub fornia cannot sufficiently agitate it to have arrangement made to let some ' TORY RI ernldy fair places for hoMlua Stake! suit us and we will not feel satisfied Id E farmers have water every week and conferences but Richfield has no suit-- until die people of Southern Califorothers have as much again even two able place One l wc SELl'l TMl ' know has nia ave takCn off theircoatsandbavo person weeks Irrigation L as yet in a crude nt f300 and I'itio others Maxtield already paid neatly Jit built and wc will not rest until it condition compared to vvliat it will be as much: they are not wealthy eit her is completed— San Diego World 'leasdalc s Snow some day HdPksYille m S Rust If they can do so much olheis can do a little and we will then Is idl right Ol MTV IIKCOliKEi CIEI1IC A The 'preliminary Federal election one of best are so many though vvhu never furnishes the There iriigation Loi occurred llaiisco Sunday all over Mexico means for fertilizing tlmt there is If do the little and the tabernacle :uiJ 000 and electors were chosen In valb there s a piece of land that needs lots of other pood tilings wait for SsEsSOi: A COILlXTOlidistricts The electors rious clectorol Cainesv ilie thirty t'nw uf manure and only ten them il Curre”? various districts tliclr meet will in tons cu be Pad a farmer usually xox vote for the presiand sitEiurE: next Sunday C a most has received Fean valutt O nianui'c part only The tempting dent of the members and magistrates able naif of the munire Js at least offer to principal the ('ircicville school of no doubt the is There congress schools: sriT Mr Bran's partly soluble and water running during tlie ensuing year Diaz Gen oa of election llohinson and’ it triumphant t lie then on to land oration brought him quick retiuns fur through wi'idd carry thi-- op to the land and he was entreated to ef(n a rmitinct whose candidacy has been welcomed TUEASfHEIf The pollin all pErtsof the republic I'oa We have seen this partly while there securing him the equivaIpii'e If feffry ‘all over the were booths opened ing some and Seof faTmer applied lent the salary gf the priti bright :utino ATTV si’avKVon: s ity of Mexico and the election vier cot nty might to work out the tlie 'THclifield 'school His T oa Manstield Tlie classes ab: lower wefebusy leviee PHIiflekl Is aft cnvIcbT m ined from voting Horne SOUTH OF SALT LAKE CITY And we aim to Satisfy our Customers by deaD ing Fair with every one K WRIGHT root-crop- on hand at my SiK-ia- l dug-wa- y long-couple- d Southc'-nCuliforni- i VII-- WI 1 u-- Sweet Singers of Monroe -- scmi-wcUd- y - Mi-c- i't A BE THE BEST- - )iu-hh- i "c-'frn- corvn 1 ( - Tca-sOl- e Vil--- -- - olll-A- j'--k' 'L v ja 0 772 - i j k The Best is always the Cheapest or as Shakespeare says: “Never buy anything because it is cheap it is dear to you in the long-run- ” T HE SI N G E li Is not a cheap machine yet Thirteen Million are now in use Tlie Singer Company can suit it i- Terms to all People in all conditions W A MOEBIUS General Manager le NELSON is Local Agent Richfield - |