Show Editor’s Comments HMory 8m written imtnTTtln' trrte ' District Com t of Thermopyhe The praises of tiie jnders Uttle band pave been sung and recited M)TtnAin)OFT:yi vthIn theWith fiuorosoope Thomas in every language- - but it Is not tjie iij Kdison cap now look i'll i U C V I W f I I v through 21 feet He fierce ono action of or quo UourJor Missionavv day of solid wood" Nothing mciIKJttLh a n McudAy letter illu July one minute that tells of valor it is uni I f A Robinson had beeli assessed with I rn t jw the I wasi jkiitil piogress lie answer to duty’s roll-cathe - Elder-Jlobcafof day Christensen returned 1500 He represented that a nuido in his y experiment DRY-GOO- DS that third slicop'1 home from Scandinavia on Tues- ter day' ami week aftse-weeh lien tl io id sheep belonged to each announcement was tie nf & shows the hero T1 ci Mormon Batday after a twenty eight-month- s mislor L A and 11 'IE Robinson and tiie made that Mr Edison lud pet reeled talion will a noted band be long an sion jin assessment roll was' ordered IIo appears 1o be in excellent apparatus that enabled him to look ehangqd most devoted health and says that he has eujoved history as America's 1?' Ctisto for labor in through Jilll of ' mm eight inches of wood the wis whole his mission greatly While absent be baud world marveled furl her considered and not allowed Many persons spent one and a half years on tbe IsHill of J' C Murphy and Co to fur doubted the possibility ol it Now land of Tromso in the northern part stamps and seal for Count v Clerk fl- eight inches of wood offer only a slight of Norway Then he took a trip of impediment to the eye iindei the N owed two months and went as far as Ham- j Hill and report of I)- L Llddlc J e lay and there have been times when the conditions wdre pecttllaily fa merfest the most northern town of of Kalina showing fines collected : able the world Finishing his visit here I might tell of the Indian massar i that Mr Edison lias penetrated ‘of duo Amount $5 $650 in ease of i 1 t a sheet of stool ' 14 ' £ he was transferred to Aalborg' ‘'Den- - tween here and Cion wood but heath Bert Klnlth insolvency allowed of an inch iu mark where lie stayed fch' eight en Indians did that thickness Answer of A Greeuwood assessor They shot sonie Porous (jUbStanses like cork for months His first traveling compan- - of the adults and a baby’s head of Millard colinty replying to coup- split I ai1ldo i ’op was Ilanmer Magleby whose death I That horror to parctlcally offer no obstacle tit Sevier referred tiie county ote hardly surpasses ' V all to the tl Horoscope $1 just after ills return homo is so much that occurred in Salirm a week ago to--1 county attorney iv m k k I ‘lH’rlh Ox-rw Through tlut-Vm'Ll E Cn r x l ' of cork objects may be seen as dls feet ’amented day‘ Three little girls were listening Arruorju-vriON- s no fuom baaky Elder Christensen returned home on to the program wrtll all the uneasi-- i asthough tlierewas noodstruc j J M Lauritfcen deputy 2d quarter tinctly tion at all and there is reason to the steamer “City of Jtome’’ which I ness of children ’on Such occasions $1250 office ' j expense $300 landed in New York on Sunday June when "one man who had been told that “a coVk wall of sufficient IT T Aaimen treasurer ‘all urjd salary I 28 thickness tc obscure the vision coiijd from liere lie sailed to Norfolk time after time not td do a thing office expenses ’ ” V t4250 I A a and thence came home net bo set up ’ by rail killed ono"of thetn and injured the 2 p in ‘As matters arc moving now” dc- t He brought with him a great many other two Content ion of Rad Supervisor A p ' wll° Wils t specimens of the work of the people marbe-thaWicked' Intentions dersori and Ilyrum Cojby over reniov-far0"- ” It : photos and natural he history specimens I are not’needed to establish crime We al of water-duaiilsT?li work re(‘entl’-‘Agreeably settled infIMr’ soon be able to look clear through Wo were very much interested In some I punish men who have once exhibited to make needed repairs Colby the earth into China” And this Idea i wooden ' spoons used by the Norwp- - these wicked Intentions! t6 stop them ( ALtOWED Pitta must occur to everyone who see the gianssomo horn spoons and moccasins front repeatlng'tim action If a pei- E BKloyos $475 Justice's services wonders that are being' perfected at of reindeer hide of the1 Lapps and Ison has become so ca’reless'ftnd deaf tjo allowed ' ’’ the wizard’s laboratory m Orange As and many 'group the caution 'of others as the reports landscape photos J M Laurltzen notarial foes $20Q for Mr Edison himself he says that show Orson1 Kelly to have been be Is Richfield Advocate sjmplies for lie ' ! wants to perfect his vacuum too dangerous a character to run loose only 1 ' i 1 V-- ' i it I i i ji I ' county offfeesand DlstrlcCCourL tubes so that they will stand M2 lamps’ on The effects School of Elections society Jacob criminally Nonpartisan ' Magleby quarterly salary and eareless and St man'of Criminal' intefl-- 1 state Institute Senses 8100 SO ’from —that is’ tbe power used in the 32 incandescent Rgbts-a- nd I " ' ' then pne may in I tions are the same It has never school fund There’ is & growing tendency toward I Report of E E Keyes showing fines see through anything except the earth Utah so have the people at school Mr Edjson’s enthusiasm and energy elections divide upon party lines Of I disobeying all regulations on holidays I $4 amount due foy ceryices $13 was ' - r' x I continue I unimpaired- - The things lie late the custom has grown up In some nights after elections ahd such other allowed Your ahcl Ilosier-You- r parts Richfield Is qne of thoso places times These are times when large J Report and 6ill of Sheriff J W has already accomplished marvelous aro’ have only whetted his The present School board were elected crowds gather an4 itshmre impor-- 1 Coons examined and $10950 allowed In u appetite for more He sticks at his upon a Republican ticket but to their I taut that order should be maintained from salary fund In I and does lie experiments then day night tnan at any other time Public credit they hfive never at any time July 70am not seem to know wliat fatigue is Fpr show n buy’ partisan Ideas or discrim- - opinion has grown to allow all law and Ordinance preventing explosives 48 Qo-o- pj hours qt a stretch he keeps going at on these occasions Inatmi igiinst any Democratic teach-- 1 order to be over-ru- n from being fired on court-housblock times and he then or Then In what way has the parti- - an3 there needs to be a reform It la stops only long passed and sheriff instructed to en- enough to snatch four or five hours son el benefited the Republi- - ail rght to have a good time or such force the same' : ‘ sleep when he is up and at It again cans? The members of their party occasions as long 3 the good time of Thos Pitt to Elsinore I one Ho never leaves the laboratory now " has does not endan'ger others but Co-o- p for $400 stricken off who were elected as trustees have had Mrs Edison has gone on a visit to n no flnanciil remuneration The party I to go farther shows lawlessness more Mortgage of Ileber Harwood to El-s- i £ friends and this' him furnishes ehjoyment has collected no campaign fund from than gives nore $380 stricken off perfect freedom to do as he likes them In fact they have been non- REDUCTIONS While his wife was in Orange she compartisan in actlop though elected on Elsinore Coop $500 pelled him at times to come home goFremont nonpartisan ticket Then too the K 500 branch So no ing te the laboratory after him and Democrats have received Injury 91 I M Jensen I refusing to stir until he Consented to so bee Tbe far ii harmless When the great pioneer and “Path150 has E Wldin spirit 40 with her to the heuse across in Hansen Karen of American politics is to give the vie- - Finder at the Rockies” went 50 through : P Peterson Liewelly park But he grudged the few tor the spoils That very policy has re- - Utah he built a little cabin in whaj MONROE iiours he had to spend away from his Carl wtndersnn moved thousands of competent Re- - is noW Wayne cbunty ‘Here too lie room and eo is he Strickdn A experimenting though VSS ASSOBTMEM office CABBIES from some cached and and wrote FIKSTCL his x publicans Whigs wagons and : ' I OTi f i most affectionate husband it is A Lowe put incompetent Democrats in their name upon a rock In time the In from parties unkown aoubtful if he did not hail his wife’s Likewise it has removed I dians found' the wftgons'and burned places 1 ' ’ I f ( V ’ J j H St John II rip with enthusiasm J of Democrats! 'Between thousands the cache and tie competent j them Farnsworth and Cooley Not the least remarkable thi ng about i from office and placed maoy incompe- - cabin lay a stretch nf land that is now wonder-workthe is the mafiner 765 tent Republicans in their stead Such the townsite of Fremont the first We also W L Parks O Lemmons Banana which he to infuse his own maaages A net on town stood can he 160 the Fremont river Fremont treatment N ephi' nder?on by nuf enthusiasm the all into around For-ipeople and Patenjb Yfodicines 561 O M‘ tWL'Namksv r public schools politics the is not on the direct line of travel from him His assistants are as earnestly office the railroad to the settlements lower often the 250 shrewd Peterson SorenC gets politician mortgages j interested in the work on hahd as he 50 Yet it Is a warm cosvj and the competent man is retired on the river Hans PetersoH reduced to s lnmself and iemain with him Con' Next Monday there will bo tip elec- little town of people Built as it is Eva Sfarf tax remitted tantly ’‘Quitting time” has’ been will-thition of an entirely new board and we in a canyon it J Ostlandrtort’ge strickenoff 500 year have a ‘ abolished at the laboratory entirely The boprej Ordered all mortgages re hope every town in Sevier county crop of apples It is built In a plac ill the meanest laoorer From the place guards against this evil Regarding where fountain scenery lends it beau-- 1 corded to W It’ Dale’ as trustee to be Richfield we have spoken very favor- - ty and its pretty cliffs its farms on assessed to Middlesex Banking Co of to Utochief assistant all hands stay I ’ witl the chief far into the night ibly of I J Stewart as one trustee flats higher than the surrounding M lddlesex Contv-"”-'- The reporter left the place at mid:N:E- L reduced 'I)ort)min P to a of and the alpine appearance of mortgages iMr Stewart belongs family country night and there were then no more IIo lias himself bien ai its surroundings makq it a romantic teachers ugus Of test than there had been at At present there are several teacher and a good one too ljis mid-da'Mr Edison himself was as 1 tious arj never flavored of partisan-- vacant houses in the town This is livclfte a cricket Between times at Ism We hayo hoped to Bceone of the I mainly because of a floating pioneer -- xBY the “hufip'” as he calles his vacuum ild board retained and think no one! element that is now Ipayhig This tube he skipped and danced about Hie more competent and better situated room is made for more stable settlers cracking jokes telling funny place aro 0JQ 'than William Ogden There many tq move in t and acting as frisky as a boy stories Richfield but The in preladies good hospitality competent Yet he had not just out of school ' nous qualifications seem to have best I of the people will long be remembered I twenty-four-houan closed in eye fitted two men and one woman for tbe by us It reminds the editor of his ‘‘TirCd?’ he said in a surprised tone A dozen competent women early life in Arizona 'place I hot This Isn't' work This ‘Certainly no bouse one business we made but have has Fremont named but be jfould lots’ of It What do we is ahd fun’ Co Tills business J A Taylor ‘choice as yet ‘ -- to want for? We’ll keep at tired get' economiIf after this editorial is written seems to be growing and is 8 or 7 o'clock in the exanlne(i :a accepted until It lprs®Ete morning nominastock of while are candidates good cally managed noupartisan tUc cwufy turnlfih ses‘ and then we’ll go to sleep for a little ' °rdcred of ’ted wo will vote for them but the goods is kept on hand laws one copy to each justice of while”— N Y Journ al One strange thing Is that this town sion ono to e unty treasure one to nearly 8000 feet high has a crop of peace and one to the county court sheriff apples while in most towns In the Secretary J R Rippey of the State auditor get same and take recounty State the crop is a failure ALSO- Board of Agriculture has returned to when distributed ceipts office ’ in bis Columbia after spending Geiils' uiMl Boj Rohe and Burial Mioe The Mormon Battalion NEWS ITEMS Wednesday July 8 1896 a week in the city arranging for thorMill Mr and Mrs Ephraim Blackburn Mortgage on Z Wood's property ough and efficient enforcemnt of the Fifty years ago tills month a band assumed tbe title of ‘‘papa” and strickenoff oleo law during tlic late summer and of ragged exiles were camped where “mamma” on Monday morning The Mortgrge of Smith Drug Co re- fall trade Agents for the work have ‘Omaha and Council Bluffs now stand couldn't say It though duced from $800 to $400 been named and their activity and IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH KOUG1I AND DRKSsED LUMhK! hlv a mob of lawless Westerners they of Bank Jffanti are Eatings of Mortgages Tburber people promptness are expected to result in MOULDINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS AND SHINGLES moving many had just been driven from a lovely in twelve cases corrected a new Tiie dealers are onto the frame their rigid enforcement buildings We arc also Contractors and Builder of the Mississippi city on the banks all known to the secretary and viola on wagons ‘River The memories of Nauvoo and townsite by putting them Our ASSESSMENT puce aie fair Call and see for j ourselves tors will be apprehended and vigoritheir wrongs were still fre-J- i on their All of tbe Tburber merchants are James M Tcterson cash in bank RICHFIELD HORNE A MILLER It is expected that ously prosecuted new town oninds still In their rags and with in favor of moving onto the to to $2765: $5355 the law will generally he observed reduced S mortgages ‘their sickness they loved tlielr coun-Som- e site They know a good business proV James Christiansen mortgages re- and that but few will be reckless of the citizens of that position The duced to $2070 enough to attempt a violation Tiie Fremont Irrigation Co will driven them out and the had Pleasant Commercial and Sav- present arrangements are however country Mt nation bad failed to protect them sue John Curfew for appropriating ings Bank total reduction on mort- deemed sufficient to insure a strict obI servance of every provision of the law yet when a call c ame for five hundred water that they claim gages $288344 'of their best men they responded new belfrey on tiie Lyman school Tiie court subscribed one dollar a in any emergency— Dispatch J?he government did not need them bouse month for four months to help run tt is the president's call for 75000 volLyman is a little town but the the Richfield street sprinkler of July in Sevier counTiie Fourth liad been answered by 250000 pe are lively and they have good Hill of n P Hansen county treas- ty was quite an unlucky day: One Yet the five hundred were I times esponses urer tabled girl a daughter of Thomas Crane of Ordered by board that the asses- Klilirjq was sobaflly hurt that her leg jaised an(j jir8 Coleman of Hebron 5r The government did not have arms Wa9hlngton Coi are visiting his par- - sment roll bcnow used for making es- had to be amputated and she died the I and clothing for them at first ents at Tdtsdalc MrsColcman’sfath-the- y timates for 1890 In Richfield a following Monday went in their rags poorly armed er camc witb them to visit liis daugli-t- o was on Adjourned sine die fall let the side-wal- k cap giant Leavenworth Kansas where they ter Mlg Cena Mansfield a thirteen-year-ol- d and boy Joked it xx Then came the focelved supplies and blew several fingers off with it Ja trogresilogm the spring Work up Jong tedious march through Kansas P A young man In Richfield The object is took above Thurber Well I neter New Mexico and what Is now Arlzi wa- to tbe wreck raise the powder giant enough 1 Colored photographs are now taken In For many days they had little to i Oia of London and exploded it Tower all— Amcm-j abundance That Is’nt eat Many took sick and were left befifteen feet of a house hurting ber of the Paris Academy of Medicine within hind others died by the way Yet one no but breaking nearly every declares that they made a very sucthis band wearied not It Is possible window cessful experiment by photographing (only to those who have crossed westxox by will power upon a sensative plate ern deserts to know what they sufMrs Jennings as Goddess assumed 300 kilometers(186 miles)away from the fered Food was scarce animals gave a gracfvil position in the proces-sl6vwj men pushed to help them Tbe Old Telegraph nine of Bingham object photographed tVhatBCxt? Slim perhaps has been sold io ColohMo parties I O'R alj "'r ROCK'S S T 0 if turned ll : j us-tic- v - t Carries a'firstclass assortment CROCERIESPAlNTS OILS We have just placed a large order for Shcfes and will be ableto sell Men’s Solids Leather shoes from $110 to $325 Also equally good Prices for v BoysLadies’& Children’s uitfll you have seen out Aev 1 r R uo stock ’i I ’ Price on produce'this week: " ter-claim- i r Give us your orders: they will receive ou cldsiest attention and Goods willbd DELIVERED FREE OF CHAfeGE within cityTimitsw °n We are Your Money Savers ‘ J ’ 1 ! IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY Duy Your Groceries 'Your Dress (goods ‘ ' - Clothing Shoes Straw and Felt Hats fact everything y6u need your family at ascy ‘ The Richfield e which keeps an excellentquality of Goods anc gives the highestMarket price fpr your ' PRODUCE Co-ti- p ' i Jt Bertlesen’s Grocery Btoce off--G- Groceries faints Oils Glassware Chinaware Tiqware T 1 have er ranges I s Is Bread Bie ‘Staff (Qf Bife? J NO ONE WLLPISPUTE IT THIS AND ALL oTHER ESSITIjl'TS ARE IvEPT y -x-- JETVSEIX CHRISTImSE1 A Save your etin”by tratjingwith then) rs TTn derlakers &Goiitract0i's ‘d We keep on hand a fine assortment CasketsXoffms&Funvishms Our Planing is always ready and oui Lumber Yard er peo-mtee- FEINTING & TABBING NEATLY and EXPEDITIOUSLY 16 DONE AT THE CENSOR OFFICE A ICT i |