Show 1 j t 1 1 ?' te '- - 1 ' ' 1 't ' 't a - ' - -' 1 ' — - - Ii - - - - - 1 - - - - ' I 'IC 7— t - 44 4''4r'rlO''4-:4r''4e4t'"4r4r:44 4 4 4 ti 4 44 No 14 l ' 4 Id 4 4 Ite '4! 'ft tig 0 ''444-1a As 4 " 4 4: 4 "'04 11 - '11 404 Nt 4 4 - - s" - 44 ? 4 4 4 4 44 Of -- I Is 4 4$ Nil 4 4 Friday MorniniLCAL - - ' AND BATH AN EXPElkj 'stt A—Salesmen Ag - 'alit Salt gake - I 4 4 -- t 4 44 44 - if Med FOR — 4- -- 4 - 4 — - 4 4 4 4 4 4 Nit 41 V- - 4 V44 - 'Ne 110illirqindg0101'10--45Vr Nt 'At 1 Nt - - 44 4--- 44 4 r'4' '4 --4 -- 4 4 4 41 14 16 4A 46 - -- S 0 'Or - - - —aAugust 16 1940 t - FURNISHE - - - t - Zeibunt— 17—APARTMENTS LIS ES - 28—HOMES FOR -- SALE FOR RENT for SALE - 48—MISCELLANEOUS j27— may AND SUBURBAN) (UNFURNISHED In 'small Utah RESIDENT SALESMEN EMBASSY ARMS a CAFE SUPPLIES WHOLESALE-WEAtowns Capable of selling meritorious STEAM HEATED MOORP14 d 220-22- 1 finance corsecurities in APTS AND 73 7 COTTAGES WORK EVER IILIUMIIIUM Ate° IA IMAM Ed EMBASSY with mei:tree gas range corAGE INVESTIGATE made has specthat already poration complete iins cutlery Eiectras triers 200 GARAGES necrefrigeration hardwood floors beauti success SOUTH 3110 EAST tacular Igo 120130 experience rotaoriablo and Prices 000trarlee Out calls work griddles Majestic hotel rangw no bath SCIENTIFIC massage and fully decerated: AT ONCE IMO( charge for cooking 3 rms well arranged HILICREST Shearer BUCKINGHAM essary as we train you Producers No FRUIT JUICE EXTRACTORS Adults only Export work Wait 836-15914 S Main room 205 Mist Po gas Or refrigeration baths fres cooking gas tree parking may look forward to permanent conused sales and cash registers cow Call service 13750 month: -2 terser' masseuse Was 2275 Annoy Must be trustworthy and will COVEY Convenient location nection KENSINGTON apses Isar with Owner Las OR sPent pieta equipment— Was e611ILITIONS-LBUCKL$650 00 ' Covey lineament Co jug lOyeli IrOOMS SEAS MONTHLY-WEEKLIns to work Liberal commission and SWEDISH and41ater massage baths rults RATES OUT Or nig SMOKE DISTRICT this home Four Was P552W with WESTERN FURNITLIRE CO 24i8 So State rms- '3364 Hrs 104 weekly drawing account to right par ALSO LA FRANCE APTS glassed-i- n exsleeping porch Glistening 135 SO STATE 10 Li BADGER APT RENTAL SERVICE HApLE TRANSIER STORAGE CO Give references RUTTONHOLEkkbemstit -- - Was Alta eyelets Wilms previous Two competent nursers 6152 WAYNE-DELMACOTTA0-61oak new linoleum jloore newly pip Specialty Shoo 4 E Hwy W 9969 perience etc Box Mayflower Van Service We& 11T4-- 1 Let 111 show Yott Bail Lako'll sholesst ASSAGE—Ma Thompson kiCIENTIFIC Any sits Or plan you desire 2 to t pered and painted Just like a new -----or STEEL tom rms home or On Wiled a 645—b-RbNEARLYEVERYTHING furnished or Front t haunt CM unfurnished titmice IN asstreet apts size Any bona all with paved ' tgiltuartemu u2tc:T VvIn ca814 3158h1042w BEDBUGS- - EXTERMINATED oessments paid $295 00 down' balance I2—BUSINESS Opportunities and 4 schools price No charge Free trans 111 W urea near bus Hoeeme Crcaulnd Al LowErt PRICES tesdtr olittrt ---—w--2nd go Was 3330 Wax 4725 and see ett 1068 E 17th Sa 62374 monthly including take& TELL Us YOUR PROBLEMS marriage and bath Out calls LICENSED rubtioATos:—Ddburo rats SCIENTIFIC 4585-and H call all lots outside 1120shever windows PeMiss room 205 WILL take partner for $3500 on 151114 S Main iron beams channel iron Steel Angle all Insects Pennock Hy 9460 of air and sunshine Spacious lawns I 0 11S ' Cali 000 popular low priced automobile tersen masseuse Was 2275atu91NO MONEY NO and larger tang& ' pips 3 12-a—Housekeeping ROOMS shrubs and flowers rats LICENSED FUMIGATOR—Bedbugs in northern Utah town Koch 412 Jude Hula Was 222S st tubes Boller dealership steel staircases oil ruba ale bath hot A maesage best VERY HOME LIKE JUST amt probusiness a all intecti Pennock Hy 9460 trusses Roof thriving Datnr crusher filters Oliva ItIL kitchenette Atlas 0 226227 bldg Hrs apt everything I It casts no more Enjoy the best new MOVE YOURSELF ail rods shafting ladders C011ittina Fire peels for exceptional year with :Urn 150 N Main 5(1 GoNou Adults TRUST pl service only pIncomparable a COMPANY for modelt on their way Write 01 CLEANING—DYE1NG Adults Rent a truck love rates Wall 1406 main& Iltri 1265 So Ist W Priees reasonable OPPORTUNITIES fire 215 Kearns Bldg Was 6200 poititment and Investigate for your Realtor Was 831 COVEY INVESTMENT CO FR R1L kitchenett e hot wtr $12415 DRIVE IT YOURSELF Co 36 W 4T1160 2 tile Broadway DYEING co" -- self Box A25 Trib-Tel- e 2111 E So Temple 6 5871 Was new ROOM turn tio 2nd homes cash-carr- y H 4561 238 furnace 9 ear E East small 8 Everything 75e 265 RENT A RUCK Business Opportunity BARGAINS bLIMMERMAYS---- 4 payments easy terms 1654 Redondo light 513 and 1 rut CAL Nicely 111111- aim strictly 1 KM– SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT Established of unusual merit ave Onen eves H ST HOUR WEER OR MONTH mod rms Ins rear 218 W No Tern &rt Gibson good COnd 29911 A lulls 44950 435 So 4th East local distribution FLOOR FINISHING through products Hertz Used hlaytag 3995 System insHotel ut clown PaYment7 News S54)V KOSINS--- -2 4 rms Was I tO6 60 East 2nd South sip pch Clean gag WI—LARGE clean nicely-- turn rm EV jobbers and dealers OnlynesNominal 11TREATOR-OMITINC LICENSER 2000 Bins ionise Yr Hotpoint clam Range " Was 222b Mr ht rent hI and teemed tut vestment fully ILIEGTEIC indult machine rifril Intl Adults251 WAS 905 thing Incl 859 P 2 d $u W 7826-1- d 25 EAST 5TH SO ' enam Range 2500 Westinghouse Rotel Center at BEST oolimhor 350 Smith Slote Wsa 046 evenings and Bupday safest Income Investment ' Burlington Trailways property — Local or Ions RADIO STUDIOS close in comiortable &Pt INC cosy 20VING MOLLERUP CLE1t5i 7 rms Temne 2 Square apts will pay fine returns Dial 5 N West 'remote " Santa Fe Trailways dist hauls Was 1562 night W7095 On avenues Only $3a00 Mai SOS& 136 East Broadway I in good toe Doing good busiBAKERY IRON WORK—ORNAMENTAL FURNISHED $115 — 'URN LtL gas ref rig LOVELY —a aas b w heater ness Other business forces to sell ----duplex Rio Grande K 255 Bo dulls 5476-11st Trailways f Wag stove lin& Priv entrance 202 K It stairs balconies CiA1717-76FTO-RTHMAIN RAILINGS' —fences By 35714- 29—Duplexes Apts For Sala 85 PER WK—Living rm and kitcbeit acreinn Crane' Wire & iron Work Denver Salt Laki Pacific 630 PER month Just the home for WilP NEW turninitingo SMALL HOTEL FOR SALE' Gas It turn 124 Bo eth East 111 rms be day FIVEFOOT SIZE mod furnace ter Desirable 3 LOVELY APTS 2ND AVE $5300 week month 200-ca- r gar In connec 1 LARGE trout newly turnistaid electric 28 rooms furnished priced reason3 ILAWN MOWERS SHARPENEU Trailways rms each Oak firs elec ref draft Gears run In completa ralli3ifircieshrredio dA-Light tion REA& Colt location Beal RATEd 329 So Y itodrigelv able to immediate buyer ace on range 535 $18 relic New bath Priced it only $10850 lit Terms furnace roof decorations In Wee 5880 city 5453-Wept Temnie MACHINE ground tree pick up sem Chas Bingham Stage Lines EASY TERMS 825- -3 CO W 1148 It 7742 MEOW? 1048171t RMS let floor inking turn Blk W WATER-COOLE49S0 U3O dRoADMODit— iird do A Fowler 135 g 3rd So BIDS for cum:cesium un Halt Lake county E Hotel Utah 111 E So Temple RMS and aicove bedroom Newly $25- -4 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO mod Lots "psze 814--L011 decorated 425 Blair at fairground' at Murray August 3 i -L- OTS FOR SALE rm newly papered gas Its light all electric 31 drinks playground 5 SCHEDULES AND MATTRESS MAKING WATCHES cleaned covering sales of Nails B75-6-RM rep 62 regardless el turn E 161 So Was 8th 2983 duplex Wing capitolVenw equipped tot children Trees bushes e Ice cream etc may now be sub- cond Meyers Watch Rep 68 E lit So tian blinds tile bath shower 2 toilets-ta- r BERT location best price on choice lots sun shade AND 2 rms Comfortablymitted to Harry S Joseph Hotel Called for And — REMADE ROUTES EAST DAILY MATTRESSES 3 Was lull house basement' under BEER steam tables carbonators Wit'ORD-1- 19 equipment turn 261 No W Tem Was 3927Rfront between 17th And 50 to 75-- 8 Utah 2759 L State West No Temple delivered OVERMAN'S 929A-6 i 2nd No coffee urns O Stenzel left 149 E I S 19th Eivit near 21st $o Easy terms rms close lit- - clean quier $22 50 lin Schedules Daily to Southern 81 11750- -2 CHEERFUL front rms Everv- MOVE RESTAURANT eat 25 yrs selling acct 8065 Wak long—clia HOOVER vacuum sweeper Real dandy cheaply safely—local of other intermits Worth $6000 $20 TO $30- -2 and 3 rms cool and quiet thing form phone pg sp 1073 3 ave OLD GOLD WANTED Was blb tante Phone REDMAN California and San Francisco 51995 Western Furniture Co 135 WILL allow credit on fins bldg lot B E E W CanWill sell for $4500 Adults 233 80 llth E 2 SINGLE rms gild' gas Its So Slate on auto 149 bench for rms 5 repairs nedv room 8 Eccles bids Ogden decor tor Further Intormation 11 Holy Cross 343 S 10 E LicENRED GOLD BUYER 04 SO MAIN 53250—NEWLY porch Incl sip Near MARY RUTH- -7 B at New all elec tile — No Main CALL—PHONE—WRITE RESTAURANT W MMcCONABAY Adults 326 E 5th So Was 1228 back bar with counter JEWELER wiLL BELL excellent drive-i- n Mond Slats bath hdwil firs $25 up W 75114 $14516—LARGE dean no kit beat stools 'clear wall case meat case Good business at DE LUXE DUPLEX WITH GARAGE Fully equipped 546 E and So ASH1Y-3- 58 gas lights E ito turn: booths Was 3210 32 thebarda let rate nicely In HY 36—FARMS and ACREAGE 3594 family Hy 8551 PATENT ATTORNEYS " rm ante $2750 up Adults SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT CAFEDeath shoes $5 BUYS good suit size tiood in prosperous town near Salt La he: insulated 19-R- OOMS lg bedrm brick dup house BOARD WM U S Trade So West Terliple tang-Ir35 Reg $I Pali's THOMAS & THOMAS ROYAL ARMS ARTS heat hot vete gar Incl Hy 4878 Fully equipped doing good business E 2nd So Was 1106 also barn pens chicken coops team Must A good opportunity for couple marks drawMos Bearnn Ws W 7202 60 EVERYTHING FOR BUILDER THE tr 70eWE8T NORTH TEMPLE mod stoker auto gas machinery and crops Bargain Carl EXCELLENT cooking Ursa sunny rooms 112 sell asst KETCHUM illnesi Deal with owner BUILDERS SUPPLY 3 and eirm mod gar heater gar 82250-3-- rtm Anderson Anderson avc 3durray furn apts $4150-See5very reasonable rates 5 minutes' 52ISO PRINTERS-BOOKBINBox 573 Tooe le Was 8411 7th W and etb So NEW BUS SERVICE Box 416 225 $ O Oth East from town special rates tor MALO 279 7th E—Attractive walk cot - — stucco bldg Ideal for hutch NEW MONARCH coal range $35 Other makes: rms firs elee-hD 69 oak 824—FIRST-CLASat 3 boarders mod show tile Ittier day Mildly TOR private and public iibrars binding Was Stand Sell Good ear STAGES or condtilotL EXPRESS trade for PONY W $10 $15 and $25 er beautifully dec turn Adults gar tat) So lot Ily 9194 38—Livestock Wanted G Oust Cm: 221 Edison at V 1670 GOOD used living room set $1950 6922 PRIVATE NURSING HOME 3 RM modern newly dec Adults 52944 ONLY INDEPENDENT BUS LINE bath kitchenette and USED washers everything PRINTING CO Comm and $10 CENTURY Rush' up HANCO FURNIf ROOMING HOUSE Bell fôr sale VACANCY E 8th So Chairs furnished Ryland 7526 303 illikfive Large Buttes—Reclining WILL call and pay cash tor dead oi TURE 701 So State Publication print 2:45 Edison W ism 33911As Park ave Idaho Fella Idaho Lowest 'Way and Round Trip Rates useleas horses (sows sheep and hots Has NICE frt rm good bd Home priv Close MIDGLEY-Clean 4 'cool duplex rms Suitaule M KRAALS Co Ref Meat counters cool To Nevada and Southern Cal Points Call Was 5373 or Hy 5573 collect In Gents W 9209145 3rd ave for 4 adults 834 So W Temine everything 1407 15th E Hy 4422 era doors 642 N 2nd W Was 5561 BUS LEAVES DAILY AT 7 P M C0i0t100 Animal BeTroducts Co 14—Stores—Offices Rent tor DIST-6225mod WALKING AIR excellent COMP Rees 4rm board ratea $18-111M vt cool clean at LLL 5U goo itg apt Information sod Reservations — Jusi 1111111 412 Jungle uelp vouT Gas-coTOP prices paid tor liva horses cows for PAINT Good location Inn 341 E 5th S Hy 8537 1030X let Bo incl 227 W 3rd No Was 2678-PAPER HANGING CLEANING WILSON HOTEL—WAS 10475 bide Was 2225 BUILDING 2302 for glees or gar with fog reed Call Erekson Murray 240 CALL W 6634R WASHING t INC) SEE US FIRST GOOD ooard androom for young men 415- -3 RMS bath newly papered paintRUG WILTON 9x12 yard 107 No 1st West Was 10236 $1150 Bargain ESTHER WASATCH Kennels and Sox Farm ed 207 Swan et E 2nd $o Hy 6299 169 N State Was 924851 ayi Just sign or W 8740-Basement Western Furniture co NEED $25 io travel on? I evenings PAPER 3 RMS FOR $10 highest cash prices tot dead and use 130- -3 RMS gag range and eerie Walk-M- NICE lg rms newly turn cleaned' Home 830- -5 ROOMS modern home hardwood Conimereial Dia Co 412 Judge bide 135 So State ant Heat in situated Mur iLl)iNG dist livertock collect 4062-285 Phone apt distance 134 lat ave Was 050 Pilatrritiees Hy 72 F at 940 Edison et fire gas furnace priV good food En BEVEWAL good fIsed gas ranges $5 each water turn clean 264 E Fish & Fog Farms pay best prices Property management qttLMODELIND—Painting WANTED-WOM- EN papering lull 7-- HELP 1ST CLASS homelor elderly people Good 6357-4-RM WELLS APTS 125 181 AVE gas rit WELSH dup hwit firsfurn 5217-rot animals dead of alive Mur 149 425-2-- RM crew of experts No °verb It 1615W Its gas heat ht ave et W 7750 Rees rates Sherman J 470 34 food Hy apt Frig gar SIMPLEX ironer Only 1 yr old 62495 FOR REN1 w turn Adults 209 So 2nd West 1 :LOWEST prices expert paperina umlauts OPENING for 2 local saleswomen follow L D room extra home WILL with share mod Pert cond M & IL Appliance 123 my lovely duplex! Garage 39—POULTRY and Baby Chicks Call Pearson He 1:16h eleanina NEW SUTTON APTS 230 E 3SD S girl piano home pHs H 1756-N- I' See 41r In basement 817 Roberta at East 3rd South no mail campaign comm JUNFURNISHED) 74 NEWLY turn rms $25 $35 Davin Perry hold Everything turn clic II PAPERING let clase work only Samples CXECX 1 or 2 exc meals Gra Ildwd writer:$141 Good cond 447 E $3750—ATTRAC 5rm dup FRIES stewing hen' Del The Poultry In cooking and free estimate Courright Was 1164 WOMAN 22-4- 5 RITZ -- 4 36 East clo Temple THE BEAUTIFUL BELL WINES attractive 145 lot ave So Home priv W 5733-water heater fur 13th gar gas atove experienced E Farm 33rd So 3rd Hy 9907 t work 4054-8954 Adults Best E apt -1480 References 15th priv Hy hougeworh wages cleaning good Hy PAPERING balcony pabilang ICE CREAM treszers YOUNG man to share room $25 month h30-54EAST FIRST SOUTH trusted malt — 50 LAYING HENS good grain reason 2 lowest rates Hy 2990-Hy 8315 rm modern riot 2 SMALL 419754 et attractive ir if soda fountains 636 Was 114 desired carbonaturs L rm 614—NICE Arm Lg Garage apt living able 3232 So 3rd E Hy 9907 COMPETENT bar equip natures booths 'item is- Weft 1st North glii for gen hawk It cook-locolonial fireplace Venetian Minds Am beds 154 So 2nd East rm LOVELY excel clean meals lg quiet s - 110-1- -rms 1741 E Oth stools Good wages bits terms PLASTERING water $30- -3 Numb front clean close in 341 pie closets cross ventilation ream ave east bench OP attractive 6100587 let Parking Co 55 P O Place RABBITS BIRDS WW-la40-5cooled roof rear playground Paring OGS 2nd Fo to stay nightp gen house1401 landscaped beautifully phome tote rm We water WK—Nire hot front WORK 450 PLASTERING AND CEMENT Floor "Sanders wagers compressors spare Reasonable Mao furntshed work Salary 130 N W Tem apt 1 Princeton Hy 5135 CLEAN nicely dec Close in rm apts 3 good meals 123 W 6th Bo d $21751:' also do patchwork build arches Rm EXP BEAUTY OPERATOR—Reference re Paint spray sold or rented Children 655—ULTRA modern duplex 5 rms 502 BILIMORE-- SO SO 5TH EAST 62750-LIVI-$13 $15 $2X W 0003-10 E Gregson ave 30th So and A C Whittaker equip rm for 2 girls Twin dbl LARGE $10 Guam work Hy 2768NM 546 So State W 4380 airy comm Phone and Salarv South East Hy 12th (mired rm NG MI kitchen Main at W dress A home 170 bds 3644N Well priv 9 a Insulated closets CASH registers adding machines scales: arranged 14 S3750-54558 between p m I m or Hdwd firs wall bed elec rge re Fine modern duplex 615—NICE water-coole- d CLEANING RUG—DRAPERY roof $15 and up 58 E 4th South 7183-a WAITRESSES OUT GOOD WAGES and 1148 E Ith South school district (rig Adults 221 B at Hy ROOMS In mod LOVNLY home tietapt 42—Machinery—Pipe—Iron W tio more So 2nd Stroeke 65410425 OR MORE for any purpose nail co7thItE cost' 145 incl Hot 425Wiliartnr—ig Adults water pierce -NEW dinette tile drain gar dup duplex tcrate entrances carpeted 715 Continental Bank Bldg $502 Hy completely for the Peet 1015 374 D it W 8740-Was 10238 548 Cleveland GIRL over 20 for general housework lg yd HEW and used pips: structural steel and LOVELY rm for refined business lady lovely yard and trees: all electric Perm position 2 adults Wages Dy Metal Co 700 CASH register adding' machine and typeD Adult& 1354 Stratford ave MGnses tanks and S iron in available CHOICE L Bus Call 2 biks gar apt college duplex AVE 2ND 205 GRAYLYK RENT A TRUCK writer cheep 247 So Slate 502 So 3rd West Was 4763 modern Was 91594 or dial 31462 Aug 20 Newly remodeled $35—PEERY 223 3RD AVE BET t13 Delightful WE have a few repossessed sods fowlCall ifter 6 p m 560 No 2nd West apts Insulated and water EXPERIENCED TRAY WAITRESS ref Front a e new 4 rm TH131ii—iiove yourseit aun parlor light 1701kir—it roof Quiet and convenient to-- LuVELY large rms cross ventilation Baal $22-4-cooled of 20 to 60 gallon capacity erences letter with Low first rates furnished oil mod snapshot RM crime Gas ehearil rine view good heat hot location 164 E So Temple newly Painted i -A- tains a few used Ice cream cabinets $40 44750 lso Wages BAKER TRUCK RENTALL water KPIV Cinige hi Canyon breezes 660 4th ave large yd Priv 6263—COOL clean LII sizes nicely turn IDAHO FALLS and Cali Wes HOTEL BONNEVILLE new turn Frigidaire Was 6180 compressors dec RMS 3 nicely 880 so West Temple 4 rm BEAUTIVUL bath priv home pkg sp 535 E 2 S 620-3- -RM bath Duplex 417 E 4th So roR ova 75 rears nos nays carried NEW apt $40 Mr cond 4802 or write W B Bints Co570 Ideal loc 146 1M ave W 6749-II1A110 r Elec kit ht hot w Incl 145 So 5 kl and USEb burlap bags Sea Hy 353 or Was 4109 West 2nd So Salt Lake City ptah 3rd ave 223 bet 'STENOGRAPHER—PBX FriPRY 8Y siligie $25428-CObath operator UPHOLSTERING priv BAILEY & SONS CO Nicely turn sleeping rm phi sill GRAYLYN 205 2ND AVE girl Salary Referencetyrequired Box gas ht hot wtr75 0 et Hy 6831-it- : 28-H- OMES or office tile bath Lady pref Call Trib-Tel- e 2 FOR SALE Was 885 REDEsIGH your Hv rm set Add iddlvid SIAM East 2nd So 49—Furniturd—Household Goods IL and gas turn newly -GOOD Delightful 34m apts Insulated and water 62250-3- RM charm to your turn Hy 8880 rms beds rates clean ' comfortable decor 606 Center st cooled roof Quiet and convenient loca(CITY AND SUBURBAN) 329 West reasonable South Temple BREAKFAST sets Several to choose from OMEN 44A-SE- EDS WANT WORKption MONTEREY- -2 3 rms Nicely turn extra LARGE Lew as $695 WINDOW SHADES Bargatn Basement frt room 1 or 2 gents Novly beils cooking gas 48 E 7th South $40- -5 RM dup ilt h w stove gar Western Furniture Co 135 So State coo ave dec 121 Rees let HIGHLAND Every toe ave BRAND LAWN SEED adul ts H y 3157-LWINDOW—shadem and Venetian blinds in its & refrig 420rms Gas LG papered Ref -2 oeition Newly 2753 W 5045 Hy AID GARDEN ALLhLONE wood or steel plats made by Kirsch turn 161 E 6th So Was 2963 648 front apt Hotpoint Electric Range $60 OFk'ICE girl 411a yrs' experience 'typing 11RYEast'desirable s Free samPles and estimates Co THE BARFOOT LINE OF INSECTICIDES fa—NICELY form cool front rm pit South REALTOR HIGELOW-2- 25 So 4th E water cooled Perfect condition Hy 814R phorthand bkpg Was 8858-- J 144 So 2nd East laNDER8 848 South State Wee 7995 space phone PRODUCTS SOILAID MIDGLEY-MAYNELL-rms of 2 mod Lots W MIDGLEY E space light ENAMELED or The best EXP girl desirea secretariat work part range W J 920 New coat 'CALL duper Window Shad') Co 515—NICE rmhot cold water Blk E 40 SOUTH MAIN All elec Exclusive $32 up I Adults WAS 974 1160 South Main rms Cool rest' 621 So W Tem Hy 5454 Trib-Tel- e circulator Heatrola 915 909 B lmt o' full time Box- - 6 E So 111 Hotel Utah sells for less 40 Richards It W 3523 Temple 426-1- ST Cr frt BIGELOW-2- 25 West 2rm bath el Frig So 4111 E water cooled SPECIAL-SPECIAL 510—FURNISHED rms by Liberty park 0 I turn ht h vv gas clean cool 2 rms Lots of space light mod 9-- MEN Fertilizer 45—SOIL and WAN1 WORK NOTICES clean attractive 1077 So 7th East I —SPECIAL MI elec Adults Pk 337 1st ave Exclusive $27 up (Adults) quiet 50—MUSIC and RADIO all Just $5500-6-r- oont firebrick home A NEED cash to move! 45 up Without seem- - 1NICELY form lgeS ethic rm ogle rm DSCAP NG screen nit sun ertlitzer now employed In Can' IDAM APTS-4- -rm to SOU dee Com rentINTANT t ground fir all elec oeip-vo- u lb for 105 Int ave Emery apt 11 Itch Ed Butterfield SERV beautifully decorated and ready locaEMPLOYEES sip firm FINANCE sande H 1143W klo hdw 319 E Adults Was ity 5 6th desires gar 422) yrs lumber change exper Dia Co 412 Auld olds Excellent immediate possession ICE 715 GET A FINE Bank Contineutal bldg $13—CLEAN mod frt rm bath good office 3 building cone ruck 6 Maur mt soil FERTILIZER SCREEN 1 blocks few from a tion within grade s MARYLAND APTS Wan 9258-- J bed gents 317 let ave Was 5927 ATTRACTIVE 2 rms all elec kit Newly Raid and gravel R Davis Hv 7333 nd East high schools Jr high 2—AUCTION SALES turn Adults 914 2nd ave 839 N So re Mpte &CIL 4418 AU YOUNG man 32 yrs old with 1940 Pontiac LOVELY large cool front rm running living room clear across the Adi Wm Was 5433 etec Klevator Was' 8799-wtr "medal' wishes any kind of sales Job or 315 lst ave SYLVIA 3 rooms bath GER front lovely dining room separated 46-L- ETS 425 42850- -2 SWAP Clean-Frdoors 3 bedrooms all oak E French 8th South position with ft guaranteed salary Hy 254 by FRONT rm in &War comfortable does High'clase suction service Was ntila ig At an Amazing c Ilik7741 Alia for drainboard and bath floors tile rm mohair Trade liv 4 GOOD suite large E lb Tommy 80 C id Was 49034 NEWLY dec 1 2 3 rm close in clean amusement room with front and back Was 6559 for piano LEWIS HOTEL tr grad 12 years hotel PRESCOTT ajTh 575 E 2nd So 420 to 430 37 Canyon road ol (WWI men WITH EASY TERMS LOW PRICE nice lora $10 '3—LOSI AND FOUND conpref fine entrance and air fireplace A exp Wants front office work Box all elec 1 dbl rm $18 107 let ay ground floor Was 6259 So- - 3 E OLIVE-- 34 2 3 rms apt 13 pr bath ditioner furnace laundry room and 2 Trih-Tel- e 'WILL party el frig Also basmt apts SJ5- -4 in the basement Matured 47B—COAL and WOOD ills bath ruts NICE car Bros 2bedrms garage Music Wednes at Lagoon —taken from ear COMPETENT youlig man desires work - beautiful treesand shrubs well esheat hot aster refrig turn 995 OOMS IN HOTELS 3 rms New cool de- while attending school 74 SO MAIN Writs Boa please rel Vo gum asked WAS 3353 Lincoln at Hy 10912-DEER CREEK COAL CO day night all beautiful tablished neighborhood at Mutable 1026 Lincoln et 125 Q BEADY burled MEREDITH- -4 rms and walnut upright piano trURNACE gip peh 44CM brick dup Nice ' th $ti: stove $O dorm tp h tv turn ht female b0G--8t Bernard pup 4mo DEPENDABLE young mail desires part Finish keys pert Just tuned $5950 Well lighted Beautiful view over eity $S 7S nut $550: pea $475 oil CIL yd Rens 61 S 7th E Hy 8200M on Oth Eastzllarge time work tor brt rm Wa Light tan white breast "Rusty" HAYDEN PORN CO 351 State 277)3 2 bike from Hotel Utah Adults Rea 714 SUFFER WITH THE HEAT? 81800—Located $4 50: Ilk 11375 Wit 2068 dia bed WHY CLEAN cool Rew 1829 So State Zion Tourist HANDYMAN watchmen or °A turn home modern except heat Lot 65x150 rent 160 let ave Was 7385 W 2nd South ADVANCED accordion players The new janitor under th rooms eotntott entthe at 444 near court Oth on west Adults Enjoy Center it 4th East Frig ft facing pr statute boilers Was 8078R $27-3- 404 General accordion offers the maxiewe kit piny bath plenty the PEERY HOTEL Salt Lake's only south Easy terms can be arranged Lue's Coal & Wood Was 3917 NEW WILLARD green br the man and woman driving small sleep-to$18 and up Overstuffed in accordion mum h w value Cut front tlix middle-ag- e $300 eroskvent Waehing REFINED wants for care 1 of to more house 3 g can You couple turn gas Its Incl 113 142 Regent it buy AIR CONDITIONED HOTEL truck who picked up 5 Boy Scout Free trial No obligation Summer-hav- e 1515-211 Ro 6th E Hy 860 South 3rd West fltorage coal priv TribTele apt house Box the same money Be in a well estabMusic 17 West lst South bags Monday at 8 a m will reCLAIRMOUNT E 3rd South Nicely 75 Week nut Load 446 or lots or Rates $3 losS6: It school to by 11M14 cloae day 4 halbert cross dec neighborhood all elec ave vein 1240 r3015 newly turn to Elgin So) turn agle apt 42750 up Hy 8778 50c ton oft 10 hdlg wood $l PIANO tuning repairing Wk guar E G NMI or untiirn and no car fare 227 to 4th Fl - mILNER NN no questions asked Hy 8844-Pulliam 27 Bryan ave Hy 1887R 23 N lit West Fun(WAR UTAH'S BEST COAL! Shipped on HOTEL—$4 WEEK WifLLS 125 tat ave 3 rms extra wall CLAUDE-A- arid Answers to name of bull DOG—Boston W dom or 10381 2 415 stove for railroad up Lp apartmentscottages $550 PIANOS RADIOS BOUGHT SOLD Home apts $3000—Perfect setup bed FRER LAUNDRY rang Newly decorated Hy Wearing harness "Scruby" 2 tone or more Buy now! Hy 8456 4 rooms down and 4 rooms upstairs Service Co Was 3749 45 W 8rd So 322 Lot furnished So apt West 32 Was nicely 2nd 3772 le sun parlor hdwd lira apartmente West North Temple Reasonable Already converted Into kitchen coal Fur Canyon Lp 85 50 CASH for your used PlAb and RU LAND HOTEL 249 1:3 go SáiCIeäii Frig laundry rm 333 E 4th So bath Hat toilet RAG—Army bag containing girl's cloth el 8375 Kindling we! Hy 8485 Oiled tv'ept O MUSIC CO 183 E 3rd go Was KI 11 W ROOM and AIRLINE-RADIrms with bath Meals opt $3 np lot4tcriette gas lights Corner from Girt Scout bus eat sink rm OPERATORS furnace betirm kiteben 82750—LIVING Inglost dB Gordon place Rr 151 No State SPECIAL SALE on used Henry P Miller: Was 5773-feet and splendid location on 10th Air cond bath elm rm ming Aug 3 Rwd LITTLE HOTEL schoola to Materials—Misc all Kimball Emerson AIRCRAFT WELDERS W 3047 East Convenient 422 AND $28 47C—Building Adults Garage 418 S 6 Story and Clark apts Bath retrig gold wedding or parking lot and other pianos ita gas Adults 40 So 6th East so MAIN 8T IN THE HEART Oa Cheap 25 W 1 S Tues feew Was 1953 217 NO W TEMPLE-3- 4m HOME & GARDEN CO 'apt Steam RADIO SERVICEMEN INSULATE WITH ATTIC WOOL BEESLEY MUSIC CO 70 South Main THE CITY $e TO $6 WEEK close in lights h w ht brie bath elee raffle $2450 trze--K Scottie "Smitge" limp in right ACCORDION repairing work guar W J gas retrig turn 45 E let No TURFOO HOTEL 44 8 State reputable $4 PER 100 SQUARE b'EET MORSE TELEGRAPHERS front leg Reward 125 Q it 3 rms and dinette In Kip Morris 17 W lst So Wu 8228 clean homelittereas Free gar to trans close in good 4 tb:CHE8 THICK—IN8TALLED6 home all electric alp rich hthed Era gar 3 AND 4 rms Jobs are plentiful In all of these CO ENBULATION BOND 6354-VE 3 No 15 80 loc Was 11:36 E lst So TOURIST HOTEL 48 W lit So Clean Hy 666311 fields BE A SKILLED TECHNI4—PERSONAL 4M110 Wao 714 Wes ind Routh 5—Store Office Equipment mod room 8250 to $350 week CIAN $60—COLONIAL apt at 1252 E :ird So Qualify yourself for a sucSHUBRICK HOTEL 'APTS in first SAVE—Shing ha 99e per bdle Sheating Glistening white colonial Just sPo 2 bedrms tile bath large living rm cessful future as many others have six location C MODERN-RA- TES southeast BY WEEK BARGAINS class Paint MONTH all types of office OR $175 ire it Bunions par 304 gallon $280 is room we credit electric kitchen If will bldg dinette your finance let good clang storage HOUSES S L Desk Exch 53 W 3 S equipment months old Unforeseen conditions neWAS 4482 2287 $o Main 72 WEST 4TH SO Hy 7459 W 0975: your training with N O DOWN PAY garage phone - Hy 2848 for further growing club natio cornstoot mimes sale at sacrifice immediate cessitate radh MENT This is an opportunity that Verructewarts athlete's NEW Tile ADDING part !cute doubles MACHINES 42750 AND i and473 4th ave BEE today this beautiful 5 rm home 94950 - and' 5 lovely rooms with tile bath and all cated Bulb test treated scientiticany any man with average ability and a LE NOEL 305 3rd ave- -3 rooms bith 49 So Main UT and drain 46—MISCELLANEOUS Was SALE Oar bath for 1229 in 66 detail full Modern and every piano straight oak floors upstairs Was 2125 Ems consultation determination to earn better than tut $1 and sip pch close in W 8137-Coa tsville ave DESKS files equip MIDWEST OPFICE 330 435- -3 MU' pr bath Front Gas Incl wall basement with two nice bedH C average salary should tint overlook BIOME 'Erb RAVEN CONVALESCENT SUPPLY 'USTideal Adults 426 So 5th East- -80 W 2nd So- Was 9800 rooms and complete bath Expensive elec kitchen 2 bedrms heat 5 EMS DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES breakfast nook gas range piano S M Jones 220 So State See or 4 RMS Watenes or for enstronment ailing n aged a d another t ht wtr 33750 Adults No smokers air conditioning unit 43750445-BEAturn apt gas for CT write Mr Ball or Mr Suouffer dining set etc Gar Lawn Waterloo WARDROBE—Nice condition Nice : Call Holwater 14osp1rain nurses 2171 5 E H 8846 throughout lot' Shown hot Was stoker for large 02134 So by E appt 734 So 402 E 802 WESTERN 17th tiv Temple-COLLEGE ELECTRICAL eooking Pharmacy Western 53—WANTED to Buy—Misc - 11sVE it bobby! Collect Christmas cards F H A loan established at $36611 $995 Bargain Basement Was land Fürniture 2676 or Hy $26- -4 248 South Main Salt Lake City MOVE cheaply safely RMS local long dig mod overstufted turn' Furniture Co 135 So State ec book matches now Mail 10c today tor per month including tasep and in5118R Was lance Phone REDMAN 818 tura 160 East Ith South aurance 457 aye AIRCRAFT EYES Seco INDUSTIO SEVERAL good coal ranges guaranteed' WANTED-Ininiatur- e samples 64250-BEAUT turn apt gas for cookairplane Was 6294 or 0—NEW insulated all electric REMIT FURN WITH GARAGE cond Evenings call Was 2163-Nstandard makes 210 up CAP- WANTED USED Rack-lo- g 71 TIES and any plainge garment cleaned orders for $865000000 Adults 322 $o 9th East ing 343 So 13th E Call Holland Vur gar HYLAND 3469 communication receiver: 2666W CO 136 S State Ry FURNITURE ITOL Was 2876 or Hy 5118-- R PLUS DEFENSE EXPANSION6 intuit R pressed 119c cash B carry Hollywood M E Hy 5903-WARBURTON—Cool preferred 4' rms elec clang— $30-4-- RM Tem Was 3492 cottage 2 bedrms Cleaners 184 W to' demands 600000 Additional UNDERWOOD typewriter $14-O- NE rot kitchen private bath Close trailer must be in good condition gas range 643 So 7th Salt turn 136 N 9th Weat good Inc AMERICAN HOUSING CORP trained men between 760 2nd ave Was - 4560 HOUSE for Cali- DIX1ANNA-222250 DESERE1 GYM—WAS 1424 South E to town 1105 tat Mr Apply Phone Brewer Was 5127 So7th East 3rm 62 fornia aircraft factories Starting maoveratutted 121 E REMY Enroll now Enjoy belief health WAS 1005 1927 CREV overhauled3m mod REALTOR Runs coupe APTS 505 S 2rid $28—ATTRAC iaries well above average School will mod 767 So W Tem gas furnished 322 turn gar adult& I SWIM REDUCZ Cool priv course $6 good $12 564 W Mit So ' E finance men selected For in- PARKWAY 521 So 5th E water cooled nicely furn bedrm el refit 23 RM apts turn or will rent all to one help EASE Automobiles COMFORT and Wanted—A W 1732 Thornton Was 2 DIAMOND Prof Sprits formation see or write MR BROOME rings vrf beautiful one mod Lots space Lt heat All $30-3-- 404 mod lights heat water-furCall at $4950-43- 00 SO point party 1234 Alameda are one fun karat very low CASH FOR LATE FORD OR reduction A - Marvelous op--5PACIFIC AIRCRAFT TRAINING GRIFFITH specialist for men Call ISO North West Temple elec Exclusive CHM Or $3250 Trib-Tel- e 1241 Alameda (Adults) for key aye one Box in sale live A23 INC RM roomy Was 5514 210 HOTEL MOKIIM price quick DAN: ALSO UPRIGHT PIANO 2175 portuulty to 234 Routh Main at 521 So 5th E water cooled PARKWAY Elie range recrig RMS $30- -3 front room apt and let the rent of the S $12-2-- 11M L C large So STH EAST partly turn mod dup HY 2100-Was rms bRIVING mod heat 3 50 OFF to 30 LESSONS—By Lots Two expert Adults East washer W space the No one Lgt 2 233 1020 make llth its turn other payments fenced yd 'ENROLL NOW — New class starting I Adults) 6748 for appointment All elec Exclusive $3850 with new apts IliCul new 3 bedrms mald's Molerr Barber Coll 170 Regent at NEWLY remod and redec COLO Pr:7 nicely turn ALL 1940 MODEL RADIOS Bottles Junk Wanted-- 13 and lighting fixtures new kit bath ht gas h w turn 418-- RM plumbing and mod ht 8 13 E W 8005 plumbing gas rges rm stoker 1329 McKISSICK now School—Enroll with new furnace Beauty and ALL POPULAR MAKES 174 Canyon rd near Eagle Gate paper h w turn close in paint gas 5—MASSAGE AND BATH cooking R W E 4012 3rd liberal terms 120 TANKPIN pays More lot air conditioner and stoker Located Combination—Console—Table Models APTS 54 Visaing STICKNEY- -4 rms clean cony for 2 3 I rms $216350-A-KYLE rap Hy memo COTTAGES turn stovey in pipe etc NYON close In On paved street STOP stammering Speech disorders corRADIO STUDIOS - INC Wan GOOD maseage de luxe vapor bath 72S5 pt Adults Ex bed 553 E 4th So H 589W 334-33Dial 138 East Broadway rub Hrs Atlas bid rected Public speaking broadcastinc Otklit4—$39 4 rms New range retrig LG rms frt porch heat hot FOR rent or sale- -2 modern furnished co$40- -3 dramatic art MILLMS sPE'RCH n FL act El" mamma bath dec So 4th Adults 275 newly Wanted—C w eve Incl Clofhing 847 SUPPLY retitle Ear gas Ed lit MORRISON AUTO 318 E 318 can318 tRCHOGL 763 2nd !ages lights water Emigration R 313 23 E lot Bo Marie Morres aftoAnmoott—oao E 3rd SO WATER 430- -3 RMS kitchenette pro bath its von Call Felt Radio Was 5678 Real Eetate Department COOLED SPECIALS Palis Pay More trm mod Lots space Was 10357 gas refrig Adult 150 N W Temple 47Vat I I —HELP turn cottage in Weber canyon Wanted—MEN EIRST SECURITY TRUST CO all electric light playground tilled 1939 Detrola car Radlo$ 750 Sults o'coats furniture 31 So W T Hot 418W 412 the to to 825 a month 45 rnt NEED pay 450 MAIN EIJI NEWHOUSE BLDG for childten Trees 'bushes equipped Tires-Returned EDDIE GREEN pays highest cash price for 3221 WASATCH Judge bldg Was 2225 THE TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM turn cabin at Pinecreat shade sun COMPLETELY 25 Per Cent Reduetion ciothg shoes hats luggage W 10009 strive to protect their readers against $35-3- -RM Shower Elec Hy 8394 mod 1940 Combination Radio-Ph-o issued every mualtisim by the Sail unit bath insulated4 WILTSHIRE ARMS-2- 34 1st AVE 2995 apt e BARGAIN! A HERE'S fraud deception or injustice Readers Tribune Publishing Company cross value $399$ Regular yent gar 475 5th ave are cautioned to make NO payment to Beautiful bed 2 nicely turn Ige home New 1124nory frame Loans Diamonds Jewelry—D 1940 Commie Radio 2995 26—Wanted to RENT or Lease front pch gas bedrm tile bath shower eerie turn get a position advertised in the help DELANO—$3250 rooms colored lights gas automatic Used ford V-- 8 Hot Air Heater 495 I wanted columns Ads in other columns refrig range Adults 874 E 2ncl So WELLS-1- 25 V C OAHNEEN heat conditioner beautiful nkitchen 3 rots: WILL 1st Ave Close-lit: Olamond Sweet or dn Or home DIAL 4 5 lease for aii-t402 SOSTATE built-iwhich require investment in stocks –er—Tec year" garwIth all 215 CONTINENTAL BANK BLDG dining and living rooms extra bed' nicely turn Adults on 13th East I het 2nd and flth is 64500 the samples equipment or a cash bond See J st this 30 price Elea Cooling age fireplace system TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION CASH or old gold jewelry dental gold 50 E eth So 4 All 43750-FRE- NCH RM SETS selection LIVING Fillti or unfor Phone Hy be thoroughly investigated be apts large should Cali only) East 16 So Located 1649 LOb Cruse E PAN Coot So 445 rms Gar and PETER cooled sell Daily and Sunday ono month 715'141 I set aid ' water colors Must Nat'l Bank Jewelry (urn All 3020 Nicely out pug every sip fore help styles shown any money paying owner and builder Hy 1184-and Sunday year In ad 2 and 3rm mod Lots of apace light k Dail In August Make your own oiler wanted ads MUST specify the nature 'Vas 8044-255 E 5th So WANTED-- HOWELL UNFURNISHED SINGLE vanes by appointment 1200 All elec 828 50 un I Adults South E Furn 1050 21st Granite work Sales help wanted ads the of bedrmi c 2 rms tor 4 SMALL Cool DUPLEX Furniture Wanted—F 3 breezy MODERN APT OR 863 The aboVe rates apply hi Utak:palm modern large lot dbl gar must mention the article Or service 33250—COOL attractive 4 rms let lir 331 IN HIGHLAND PARK DISTRICT for Nevada and Voyornint Was 99314 ARMY TENTS—A-- 1 CONDITION W 2nd So Was 367-1- 1 to be sold and state if the pay is in BILIMORE-- 50 SO 5TH EASTone Woman CENTER STREET Frig porches gar 634 E Sth So Hy 741 Elsewhere in the United states: SPO CASH—WAS 6559 Ori or commission water heater form of the home large stoker salary Ilativ sun stmdav nne month RMS bath el rat ht aie Well arranged $I 25 apt ie DON'T GIVE AWAY YOUR FUR both Only bona fide offers of eio $25- -4 61 recreation room Must sell Shown by '39 HARLEY-DAVIDSO- N cond upstro 2277 Highld dr Sughse 'Wa(er' cooled root - S4'2 50445 21—HOUSEb FOR REN1 in the with is oh dans Iii 10erN irni E Hy 318R the tribune NITURE RUGS etc Call us and get RPM 1186415th belong pay ployment WY mi $350 Terms te lusemod 8000 Was tont eity In the United States Readers entibamt more for used furniture all kinds close to capitol PETER PAN 45 E 3rd So water iooled "Help Wanted" columns Kindlyto re $30- -3 RMS ONE 4rm frame house Lot 50x150 1728 80714 533 De Soto SI ( UNFURNISHED) the 3 lots of space light Heat ht wtr 44 Hillside ave rms may ascertain agents In env city by telt mod coal any exception to this rule port Rugs washers --3747 Was imp ranges So Sth East r InNEW and used refrigeration equipment All elec Adults classified advertising' mannter Inhonina this attire 431 50 up pianos Apure wits free CAPITOL 82750- -3 RMS newly dec rte Eric $55—COLONIAL DUPLEX 6 rooms gar termountain Refrigeration 1158 Main FURNITURE AVE-$- 2700 Co IOU 116 manioc' ut Ws $o rite fribune is YALE ht its ht wtr gar Adults 612 $2750- -3 RMS 139 Slate fir front Retrig MIDDLEAGED couple to live to apt and wtrlit auto and furnace basement gas mated Prom The ASsuciated Press is ai MODEL 75 Chrysler $15 1:01vitaa teano-- s air- fond take tare of invalid Was 7973 Harmony rt 1 gas 'Adults 320 4th E elec kit adults 4Room hearer air cond AV Was 5701-sively entitled to the use tot reproduction a J to 3102-ever offered H Owner FINEST out terms opportunity easy P all news dispatches credited to it or not etntervene-reedAUCTIONEER- BICYCLES—Used 435: 81850 AND UP-4- -rm it guar $10 and up New mod bungalow At 7th and apt In beautiful Highland Park ed—In—th Ps tie rittir"tiat SPOT CASH FOR FURNITURE tap brick comm No children bikes low as $2495 1113 E 21st So 2672 Alden 't et (Hy plus excellent proposition to 830- -3 1114A heat and hotwir turn throughout papered RUGS excel cond full basement with extra Newly painted PIANOS :he toes' news puhilehed herein 4975-Mranges tools altP or So W No Was t 17 lot 650 richt party 21 lug apt ' Kit turn Adults 614 E 6 S No 12 OUTDOOR WICKER WHEEL CHAIR $7 cut heat and h w toilet bedrm of value FOR TOP PRICE a charts menatei ot lc rho fribuist thing G RAM cool elm Floor coverillm— MECHAM 28 E 2nd No Near cap Newly $17— $35- -4 433 Sego ave Hy 2639-ONE or—two A1 carpenters to contract carnets incl 65500 330 L at Was Audit Bureau nt Circulation mod duplex priv bath alp DERRICK HY hot water steam beat 1007 1st INC dec Sete and dbl Cool Adults work No apprentices or W P A Armin 3023W ELECTRIC refrigerator' in good cond $40 MAX-pelt bemt new dec 842 Lake at The Tribune ates wanted House construction Hy near Hh18 mod gar sip peh tismt 849 So 3rd E 425--3 RMS Overstated turn Lgts gag $3750—MOD duplex I will pay threhighest can Record's hue gm parlor dining MI pries 8361 3318 Highland drive So E 343 Center $t Adults Was 6856-812 heat 180 E 7th So schools 13th or all of your used furniture for bedrms full any 3 parks bemt STUDIO COUCH good eond tile bath kit $10: cheer Heytiolos Sum FAMILY man who understands diversified 140-3-- RM ED 3 of drawers 83: library table from 64500 CALL THE SALT LAKE FURNITURE CO: cottage apt All elec cum tn "THE BRADFIELD 1975 So llth E gar Below cool Memory grove 238 lentAtivta Office farm work modern Immt Yearly conLso - a11 Center it Adults Was 6856 court Reimrent 50e in Hiland 4528 Attrac Adults chairs We 8th or 603 stoker sell trt hr with pk Hy Spencer trade Was 3637 buy 1f adiaon avenue: tract Wages Only worker need sPnlY WASATtlet FURNITURE pays mora for Igen avenue: Phil John Hansen 248 So Main Wasi used furniture 329 II State W 590 Mgt Detroit 11266 1035 — Ban Francleco 5 : : FURNITURE delivers and repairman state Conyright litcNaught Syndicate Inc BIG FOUR FAN WAS 1742 geies 117 West IS age married schooling exp ' refs building Member Himmel PRICES Poet UMW 'URN Trib-Twaren Box ' 4 tot CA8H RANGES RUGS: FURNITURE N"---' EXP Salesman 5100 mo guar with big t WASH and PEW HOW YA -MACH W 5375 st SAMMY YOU'RE SWOOP DOWN ---Wholesale a comm: Pullman Apply ---14t I 4WON-OERFUW -PARTY So PRIVATE LIKE 7 WANTS RICHT AwAy Tailors 130 Temple L : OVERTHAT WOODS ‘ 4 --a-7-turn rugs ete tot ants Was pgi W Display WAITER Second Cook Shoemaker otiL ' ---- -- ---— ' JUST PASSE- D- SAW ' HATIDEN1 only will pay highest mires tot c Wages Sirock's: 145 W 2nd SO ----- --6--st 0SOMETHING AN used 7SO4 furniture z2---WI 1 kodak finisher EXPERIENCED a A ilt 900ti p INTERUTING for a plant doing wholesale finishing ------0" ' Permanent Salary State experience sk'1:N ekit'P' 54—MONEY TO LOAN Centuries-O- f Trill-Tel- e cooling massagets111 Hrs Sun Competent –0Perglots Bldg 25 E 2nd $o Ram Nurse 9 I Open Beason - — IA - SPC1 "' - ! - ' 21 1 v r1 z gra UNION' ‘ ritrarrairNING I : ' MOWING MACHINE - --- - — — rinE - c 1 0 It ' olp ii GARDEN CO HOME it USED 11A11 0 MlFurnishd wiirg PIANO Glen MEN WANTED "" I Co 'MIA Usrniain le $490000 OEL111199orlirtrout I 1 ---- -- Pt Ait fake Itibunt or v ! - Dixie Dugan—Something '' Classified V For 1 : e - - Burial Vault Utmost in Durability end Economy Th e Wetstproof Vermin-proo- 8auty f Everlasting! We °petite the Only Modern Service Equipment in the Stele ' fl Box I I Century Concrete Y tv Protection Insist on a - By Striebel and McEvoy Interesting Through Tour Funeral Director A—Salesmen ----: Agents Wsnted wanted to carry nationally advertised lino of women's underthings In Rocky 'Mountain states Muet have following and not more than one other line Answer stating territory covered and line handled age and references Comm Drawing account available Box A43 Trfbung-TelegraNeat 841ESMEN 12) salary and bonus appearance age over 25 Mdst have car to travel Utah Educational work See Jess Kemp 9:30 to 11:30 a tn Belvedere apt hotel sell out 20veal AGENTS WANTED-- 10 family beivefit policy Corn Sea Mr Keller NOW 503 Beason bldg LAYMCN'S products Razor blades at fael basin to stores tory prices Comm NatL Distr 43 W 4th So S L C - SALESMAN 'e'''''' - :04 va" j - illij aim Tittilt ' s Aarr:1w- - : 111: i IvN) gp ' ' gywrieste Ire ci - - l8111 MI :: - :4c'' ee: k Lo' I 0 ---'- ----- - -- lbi" - ' - ' — !!:eP -- - :a-k-------------- ': - 4(-ft ak't v 50-- STATE Licensed az — C44i4f: — ) sc 0 c:ZITITctILT4 1 WARD 1115 McINTYEE $5 up i 1 i oe Ce-- e! rotA: ILW:i 1 '‘7il R McALISTER BOO PHONE Pialt 3425 No security: you watt Pittance 716 Cont Bank LOANS $10 to $300 WM A 'MUG Emoinyes — 4444 ett Lenders — BORROWTR-OtTr- ' e 1- — cto - 4iliir-J- --- - -Tk7:----'---r-- '00'1 - e eio : t)::::--- - -- 4 ' :'77:t-Tf - 0 - -- -- Onf -- 1Se ''11 1 I -- - 1(1:7'--- ' i cl - ) 11 A goal(Irillr--1:toio Mt I — 007 :-- ' - euo )1 mo' - ' I— ( - ''''''' - - -- - 1 : - Pell il 5 ' MAKE LOANS STATE FINANCE CO Room M Wit Met Rank Bldg Wes 2nd south and Main Nina) tt $ t) "I lane more? Jusl olgt lempinyes TV cmit Hank 141it (Coutinued ou the )ollow los rage) I 1 I : - -- i IL -: 1j‘111- - : ' : : 1 - : — |