Show 41111t - — - - " : ' l"" -- - le - "-- -: " 17- - -P '11 - 'll f - ' it i' W: Ir V - -- - Nit -- w - - '0- - '" ft0 - : ' iff w e er-- - - --- -i e ' le 42'' !"- - - ' 0 - - - - i i - 4 6 n - - - - Mit $alt gakt irribunt Morning - qt 11-1len—Open- : --- ' - - w - Pinney Victor American - Pinney Beverage with an 6 victory over Anderson Jewelry ard Americah'Smelting with a 1 victory over the Young Republicans advaliced to the finals in the city softball tourney at White park Thursday night The championship' witi be decided at 9 p m Sunday when the two clubs meet In the consolation games Hamel Furniture of the City recreation loop surprised with a 12-- 4 triumph over W H Bintz and Petty Motor won a close contest from the Police De5 partment - The Pinney Beverage-Anderso- n Jewelry contest which went nine frames 'was one of the 'hottest' Softball tussles of the season The Jewelers tied the - count on Imir Occasions IR nly to - lose 'it in the (first of the ninth when Joe NunieY Pinney second baseman sMgled to start the inning and Gay Melt hit a homer over the right field wall Harry Capps tied the tount in the last—of the eighth when he drove a run in With two Item out Ray Boggs Pinney left (fielder bit three for four American Smelting upset the Re- 1 The Smelterites publicans counted three runs in the first irame and two more in the secpnd when Gunner Gunderson hit bus-pl- y swat with Kelsey Rosander on base Doug Borg TPlieved Ben CraM at this point and although he blanked the winners the remaining five innings his efThe Politiforts were wasted cians played errorless ball 8-- I ti 5-- 111' 6-- -- - e it - 1 dI ' :7 2 5-- stake Ramat Furnihro W IL Hintz Wens and Bishop Hansen 12 It —5- - 5 E E " I 8 CraM and Stamm — 0 D H B 3 13 8 2 R Pinney leverage Anderson Jewelry (Nine innings) (No games scheduled 8 6 & R a W Henager's McCianahates Krause Heating Crescent Lark Friday) '' Two semifinal matches in men's doubles are scheduled Friday in the Liberty park tennis tournament Linn Rockwood and Omer Morris will tangle with Grover Rawlings and Vernie Swenson on court while the Harry !Sinnard James-Cle- o team meets Harold Barker and Gene Eardley on court 3 at 6 p m In the mixed doubles division Donna Hurzeler and Max Donaldson play Joan Van Nort and Gene Eardley on court 3 at 8 p m 3at5piT 14 s seven-h- Open League No North 2 No -- J Weber N -- i ? International Le ague H 0 2 1 2 2 1 8 10 1 - TOttla mongoommonworomoono svee4 t ii f 011 ' 1 I tt titS to to Oliver 6 tasty ' 1 es sou 111-01- t ' ' i NO NEED TO WiDi PRINCE ALBERT oottr you THE TWIST OF YOUR ENDS to own pamgToo ' ROLLED :: - camp on rousts moat 'Attous SMOKES? : t ii 1 200 —200 4 League Won 5 3 Bluffdale at Midvale Lark — ' Union HENAGFRS 800 800 600 400 200 200 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 5 3 3 Lost Pct 857 857 591 591 143 000 1 6 1 4 4 1 3 3 6 7 10 Totals 7 24 13 31 nt:uChav atnnantZ Ptutitnit Shafbuck 1 Carter — Granite' Riverton Pineree and Silcox It R 10 Taylor and Oscarson 7 3 Howard Union HE 4 Rasens'tlisen ''': Third 4 4 - - - ' F: 4 1:14' - P 41 ' ' i 9 Mackay H R I G Gor- 2 Takes Consolation Julian 'drove an exceptional consolation race to walk off with top honors in the event He stole the lead on the first turn and held it throughout the 12 laps doggedly 30 preventing Frew and Sherwood 25 from forcing him out of his pole position Sherwood won the trophy dash by a wide margin Julian i 000 171 placed first in the pursuit race 5 7 18 8 18 28 Totalo 25 Totals ahead of Frew and Sherwood MO 300-- -3 Binghant 000- -2 011 Hunter Fastest time trial was set by SherSummary: Errors—Boren Konomas O Stolen bases—McDonald Welby wood at 198 for his fastest lap Rushton e Rushton Montova Pazell Mascaro An estimated 2750 fans saw sevhit—Davis hits—Welby Rushton Paull 3 Double play—A Dunn eral innovations at the fairgrounds to McDonald Innings pitched—By track A judges' staskhas been R Warren Rushton 3 Louis Ra Charge placed at the finish mark and the Ltlea3i tfCzlirtrticgat t läti Marks Rune scored— off Marks 2 Warren Rushton 3 Struck race committee sitting here deout—Marks 10 Warren Rushton 4 L cides any controversial questions Rushton 2 Bases on balls—W Rushttlm 1 such as arose last week Drivers Beorer—M Dunn Umpire—Davis are now given three laps for their I BLUFFDALE BINGHAM' AB HO Al ABHOA time trials and the faktest of the Merrill 2b 3 2 0 1! Boreta ss 3 0 1 3 0 11 ADunn e 3 1 7 0 three is recordedas official as 3 SI 1 iii3dvta If 3 2 1 0 Wilson ef 2 PBdvtz e 3 1 10 01 McDtild 2h 3 3 0 0 0 CIstichls 1113 Hatt ft- HMelr Its 3 2' 6 bl It Nichla llb 3 CMcir 3b a 1 1 21MDunn If 3 p 3 1 0 11 Montoya p 2 PPadgn ----- --Filefield rt 8 0 0 1 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 va R p m—Copperettea Footprinters Shamrock- wi I i1 ' '''' 47-- ' ' EASIEIHIANK1114 "MAI :: A"-- - :' and Birrell Bottling the first and second place teams in the Coed loop will open Wednesday's doubleheader 'at City park at 8:30 p m Johnnie Irving the Coed's leading pitcher will toe the rubber for the Bowlers and Alleys Ritz-Temp- T 111 145 45 and 11iftigree - -- Os ': i f R RAJ 'i: 1 It!!") i V: i'io' e A :Nri: l' it ve7 ' :N4:1181!-- :41 70 Mae - 1 I ratlinesee ' Ira' n - lit HIP It llayspoiderebi011 P 1 A to li - ) 1!!i 78 76 ' San Diego illocramento Hollywood San Fronctsc° ?v 4 - Portland - 71 70 69 62 45 !'xi Lod 47 04 05 70 540 539 504 II v! 4404 79 96 319 i literS9941W1' 7 Ill Viol 94 RoAnyt wt" 1!: rlnc'":00' I II 003 B reOnizi:12181 u 1 bestir peeket tie II MINN !tilted E ii' utifrittilisti- ii t 000Pv Life- time 1' Guarantee Vacalien:Special I EQUIP NOW WITH SAFE NEW TIRES — I NO MONET:DOWN I CIVICRER 1—Airounts opened in 5 minutes 2—Immediate installation EASIER 1—Low Easy Terms 2—Convenient Pay men SIMPLER' I—No 2—You Deal Only With ' t Dates N - 6c:14- 00 t‘ 440 07' 117N Nielson - : 4A0 pp 0 t4sAitz2 '' 01 ' 1210 I toee 6w 4!tosS' : I v - :I' '4N4e r?-47004- - 0 00?0t N:tt Wasatch Plunge Will Play C y O Today Tillaygioltahzanix rnsy ainsdtanit9319a - ve 44161t0 beeoeanchnvrvioanstaans tiwt14 tichkua: baentldt cdatinM l'Arl pbiellgd1ohneeShallsrfla- VZONt tl'114 A ulversity l all-st- t i 00 IA ct005 ' iltiltt144 ' - - 1 o : Bonny NetTourney - 7hite Sox Purchase -- 4 t saanisbFgorprartilnec:FCg 7R triii 11 E2 imnRCoy i 11: i - i tiormo - LOAN 4 Smiler and And tovendahl: for Friday August Novi' League tournament: Boys' ITIIIIZ:ir Ills' ltue Wnn 1 1 " 1' 000 100 001— 2 8 3 Portland 5 330 002 02x-- 10 18 1 Sandy Loa Angeles 1 III ' 'Aka Fallin (3) and Mum' Stine Granite n West jordiT 0 And 110im 0 Itnion 0 Herrimen ' ' At BaOramento: Ti H E 0 lvtitivle Indenendente 102 010 ina---Seattle 13 1 Riverton 0 000 100 000- -1 7 0 8acramento 0 Barrett and 'Campbell: Frellas and Girls' League Ogrodowskt At Pan Diego: R Oakland 002 Olt non- -0 Ban Diego 100 lon- -2 Corbett and Rsimondi: bead t7) and Balkeld Hebert H 0 E 4 8 Crag IL at " Pittsburgh Loses Services of 14 Jordan Droner itiverinn nene's Confectionery Creacent South Won 2 1 1 0 0 0 Union t 3 '5 -- Louisville 4 1 m Minneapolis I I Draper nwri:vpearlavrerntdidvYrtnil aPt Sntp m 'runnel vs South Jordan at 0 p m Present standing of round robin double i 91 1151014 lit r Riverton Union it H E Sandy South 1'I ' : rtrO f - t - i 1 ' Oakland Los Angeles i1 i PR cigarettes Iu every Onottielot -7 wAro : geottio 2 144 ok 7' ''" 89 League ' 14 i - - ' 0''':'-'- i ay 1 ' 6 ?- all-st- ar oCtoptpheerentitgeshtlnTthhee Iith'MiiCIiih - - : "1- TH'A-- TOBACCO UKE 07 l''''''- I I ' ' to-tIr"- ' Mary Gomekone of the most 911mora "C1112ii"oriTt'emr07"v""Trains i proved tossers' in the circuit will r''11':-'IKimball pitch for the Bottlers 9:15 a m—Vern 110its vs Bill Muck!! tille ' In the second contest of the eve- Inc ry7 9:20jurnmile—ChitaresPeirintlePa'rirsirvasi11 : ning Dupler Fur will cross bats MLitt with An outfit composed of Potter Finals Consolation Junior the five clubs in the players from 9:25 a m—Bill Johnson vs Paul An- 4 Coed loop This is the first time drus during the 1940 season that a Debutante club has met a team from the Coed ranks and it will be Montana 'U' Signs interesting to see- how the Furriers fare against the pick of the Coed Former Star Fullback V circuit -The Shamrock- - Footprinters 1r5egtIlu 1140e16 pMaIuSISOsUzLakAashMonbtackAfiuegld travel to Garfield to engage' the tar with the Detroit Lions in 1938 Im- Women "Irs NOOTHE — SMOKE-V- I S'q '' r ''' MILDNESS? : PRINCE ALBERT 'MAKIN'S' IN - 1 - smolmumwoo ' MAT el4t ii MN RIPS USTI a 'trr- ' e ''' 4 ital TAtlai AelAk s football squad of Athletics Douglas aggregation Fessenden said Szakash a is9t3arr 81 2 28 13 18 8 demonstrated 'Totals 18 25 Totals at CHICAGO Aug 15 VP—Francis WegSpringville H R fullback in 1935 and C Y O and Wasatch Plunge 110 162- -7 7 ft Bluffdale 6 000eoeo001 inesday night when they tripped tire 'Grizzly Herbert Flynn formerly under Sandy 100 200- -3 Bingham A would'devote Most of his- time to Creors—Merritt 3 Bado- entrants in t h e Independent 2 leaders contract to the Joplin club of the RivEtartannlnussen and C Wright 11Sowar7d aria Summary: are league Theeteams backI the ends with assist and 2 o will vinatz Sacrifice hits—Wilson league's round robin 'Parry the tangle slated to take the field at 8 p m Western 'asiociation- - was 'granted irticox e H McFarlane 4P:i 0't kV hit—Parry field tutoring hit—P Badovinats Struck out Friday at 5:30 p m on municipal - a R it Twobase free agency Thursday by K M sfief 1 7 Pete Padgett 10 Montoya Basen No to Cochran Hub according Landis commissioner of baseball prow 142 on balls—Off Paden 1 Montoya 1 11 Hit Gt Herriman of the A president Dunn league with Padgen Slate Meet Landis' records said that in 1937 Weehniirn and Niern961 'Butterfield G Badovinathall by Montoya by Umpire— i L g044f-a' New York Yankee scout Bill and J Boitles Nicholls Scorer—lia Hatt 1 NI s Essick signed Flynn to a 1938 Al 1 Oleo' League T Texas-LeagfierOff ZENI Tit 711etip -11 V R contract ' with Joplin ' ' which club --it -5 Women from 'golf courses in BATTERIES A 'y-wid- e 4 handicap tennis hag' ti- Writkititc- - agréernent:ivit jric-Holt and Oakienn i 11 3Prieell CHICAGO Aug 15 (dirt — The It Egbert and many parts of the state are Kansas City it Yankee farm Lan- American league: Fmk Red Sox 29: tournament was canceled Thursannounded Sox White 1 Chicago Yankees 25 Greenberg Tigers 11 R dis said this contract was kept F riiMaggio day evening because of lack of pected to particliate Friday in an Thursday the purchase of three for More 9 24 14 11 invitational 'meet at Bonneville Texas to announcesecret and that without being dB- - PRir"1on National league: Mine Cardinals 34: entries according of ':Z' T 77 Power them one players league Lov! Nicholson firrntortruson 19 Cubs Col: aril Rile° Phillies 17 ment by 'Richard Warner who course Mrs S E Hemstreet a brother of Bill and Denney daily released from the contract endahl famous Dickey was to have directed the meet - chairman of the Utah Women's catcher of the New York Yankees Flynn was signed in 1938 to a R 11 E Runs Batted In Golf association handicap comcontract with the El Paso Texas back7 George Dickey j IS 14 South Jordan ' mittee has arranged the meet ' team American league: 10 13 14 Greenberg Tigers' American Association Gene's Cnnlectionerv was obtained from Oklahoma ud Yankees 95 TUX Red DIMaggio R Egbert and Price C Trontell Robs 194 and prizes are to be awarded in stop and will k White 81"' 88 ) report tothe Columbus inson and Davis City ' EXCHANGE National Ride 4 Toledo A Icsa7 three divisions ligikr l Sox next Spring Pacific Coast for all ears 88: Mize Cardlitli:tis riormick Pirates Indianapolis 7 Bt Paul 8 The event will start at 8 a Granite Samson canon — y !! - ''attitie — L— - 1111- 0i 425 Juvenile Consolation Bill Johnson def Jack Brewaton 2 and 1 (played previously) Paul Andrus def Larry Pearson 4 and JUVelliie First Flight Jerk Beard& def Ralph Andrews 3 and 2 (final) Junior Juvenile Allen Burtoft def Cliff Burtoft 7 and 5 (final) Friday's Schedule! Junior Born Semifinals a a korns vs Paul Garside Burtoft vs Mark 9:05 a teN Three-bas- - '14011Nrrik r 6-- 3-- 11 'asS 1 ' ! t$04 ' 149--- 6-- 11: is :::: ":':::::' : i COACHES 75c 7-- - t''' -- OTHE COUPES 6-- 3 RWE 141 3 15 and:Nichols Tunnel "I ) I Two-bas- e 3 1 and HE Draper West Jordan Washburn don and I Three-bas- R 11 5 11 ''''7' 10 9 2 N Landisren and Hansen D Paulson Reardon and R Poulson 'N Sandy g 6-- 6-- 8-- :':'" of tie second-hal- f play in the Farm Bureau 2 league Raymond Marks hurler for the winners held the hardhitting Rushton crew to five hits He struck out 10 BINGHAM HUNTER AB WO Al ABHOA Boren as 3 1 0 3I &Rhin cf 3 0 1 0 Wilson rt 3 0 0 01 LeRhtu lb 3 1 8 0 3 3 0 01 Davis If 3 1 0 0 Pazell ef 1 2 McDnid ab 3 0 1 21 Evans 213— 0 Mascaro If 3 1 0 Oi WyRhtn c 3 rf 3 0 1 0 Monty& lb 2 0 7 0 Ramsan ADunit 'e 3 110 1 gann p 3 0 0 0 Konms 2b 3 1 0 0 2 3 isia'rK''' pa' 6 016 ts"i'llsi7ti p 1 E 7 10 9 R Tunnel ' Sandy Sainson and ' Sadler Wright By fibre seams eat r a Gilbert c erni COf:Eb ael 1 Open Bill 0 Draper AB H 0 A Gilbert lb 5 2 3 3 of first rounds of the round Results 01 RLndrff c 5 0 3 0 robin double elimination tournament 0' Paxton as 4 1 2 4 at Midvale and Draper parks un 1 2b 4 2 2 3 staged Young der direction of Dunn Taylor and O D 0 Olsen If 2 2 0 1 Ballard recreational supervisors: 1 Marine rf 3 0 1 0 0 kvngh Soya' League lb 2 0 10 0 01 KLndrff cf 2 0 2 0 R li ir 41 Oliver 12 7 D 12 0 0 2 Routh Jordan 8 6 7 Independents ' Carter lb-- n 1 0 1 0 MidvaleShields 0 0 and McKee F Nelson and IShatbrek p 71 ) Ritz Birrell Pet 000 600 600 400 400 000 1 it ard 6-- Pei Lost ' 11 Free Agency Granted Player Ex4oplin a il THE : Draper Credit victory to Vrants Charge defeat to6 Shot Shat buck Runs responsible for—Oliver y Vraties 9 Oliver buck 5 Struck 2 Carter 1 Basee on balle—Off Oliver 2 Willi pitch— 2 Vranee 6 Shafbuck Armes Bettie—Wanes 2 Umpires—Barber and Debit Scorer—Harvey - 0 West Jordan Union 400001 35x- -13 Lark — 020 023 30x- -10 Renegers Oleen Bonne Errora—Gilbert Young — Carter Stolen laeed F NelsonSacrifice bases hits—Sonne Ma- Vranes rine K Nelson Oliver Threebase bite— Whitmore Young Gilbert Olsen Twee base htt—Sonne Runs batted in—Sonne 2 Coombs 2 le Nelmon 2 Whitmore 4 Gilbert R Lindorff Young K Nelson Olsen K Lindorff Double rlaY117Tolbuenritr 'Lams facts I 36 16 24 400- 4 Boys' it League Won Lost Herrithan 1 4 1 Sandy Third Midvale Independents 3 2 West Jordan 2 3 -1 Sandy 4 Granite 4 I Boys' tr"411' Bingham Tips Pet 1 00 800' 400 - v ' - Hunter3-- A Leagtie Won Lost 5 0 4 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 Crescent South Jordan Riverton Whtmre 2b 5 4 2 KNlan If 4 0 3 Reed- - eV - 4 2 0 Oliver et 3 0 1 4 3 0 Vranes p Newark 2 Rochester 1 Buffalo Jersey City0-- 04 - — 7 Montreal Syracuse rain Toronto at Baltimore noatPousd: I Draper Midvale South Jordan t r ' little-b-ackbo- 6-- Final Standing of the Teams Union o2 ar Jordan Softball Tunnel Riverton K‘orns 14-1- 9-- " ketball Boys' li)j ot 6-- :"'"- -:" -- - 17SUIrr :: :'::' — 1 qu 5 1940-194- 250 -- :::!: 'k:: Bingham Signs Coadies Anew ‘ I 6-- 1 vs 3 (P) 1939 runner-u- p Bill and won at 2 but those 26 gruel- 1938 champ rode into the semi:: Tex Sherwood recovered from ling games took some of the sting inals with a 3 and 2 victory over :'::'H::: ' ::K 4: ' ''''': 'H' :' burns suffered July 4 when his out of their overhead smashing Russell Croft Croft had Master 41 :: ( ijkitik::::: A T )( ::: :::::i: :' i 4 midget racer caught fire returqed and the Californians finally wore Korns one down after seven holes ' :' :: :::::::i: :':: to the Local race track Thursday them down to win the deciding but Bill halved things at the ow ' :!: 6 1 set at 7 eighth won the ninth and—was night and cepped hrs usual-Ike-Another upset satv the second never headed share of the evening's points Also :::'::'::: - ''::: ::: :' :i '': he—Out in his appearance on the seeded team of Ted Schroeder Paul Garside of Magna had lit' ::: ::::::4 1 night Lou Frew's bug caught fire and Jack Kramer bow out at the tle trouble winning from Joe Jones 5 and 4 to join Korn in one of the exciting events during hands of Frank Kovacs and Ed:::::::ii::'i":c:: i i in an 4 the upper bracket semifinal :'''W! !:'':!iie::" win Amark 4 the mItinrace ' Sherwood Mike Julian Howard while Mark Nilsen won the right battle :::5:::s:::::: In the morning singles J o e to face Burtoft with a 4 and 3 Rock and Frew were bunched with" 0" '''''' in five lengths of each other during Hunt of the U S Naval academy win over Joe Hurst :''::' Th6se other Burtofts are Allen :'''':'4:''4:i''''':''e the main event and putting on a outsteadied Atianta's i contest all the"way Bitsy Grant to win in and Cliff Allen's the baby of i::::::::1:::: ? :ii 2 1 2 ' and the trio and he drubbed brother :1 xe Going into the west turn Frew's straight sets '' '":' ::::'''':::::'"'::4 car el' bed Itock's rear wheel and join Don McNeil of Oklahoma Cliff 7 and 5 to win the title in I the roTartniaorainble left the for- City Schroeder and Kovacs in i the junior juvenile event AcClayton (Tate) 'Wardell mer's carburetor ablaze for a brief the semifinals Mears Victor cepts positlun at South high spell and his rear tire flat Rock's McNeill ousted the veteran coach school after two-yeit broke 2 Russell Mears defender in the York and Frank Shields of New car blew a tire ing career at Tooele ' 5 in the day's other singles juvenile class went into the firadius rod Sherwood went on to 2 take the race followed by Julian match Kovacs and Schroeder nals for the second straight Year Harold Adair and Bus Schieving having advanced a day earlier by defeating Dick Lundahl 2 and Friday's semifinals will pit Hunt I He'll play DeLin Potter for Motor Stunt and McNeill the cr6wn Friday Potter humagainst Kovacs bled Grant Leavitt 1939's j(iplor Vince Walton of Salt Lake City against Schroeder 2 The remaining doubles brackets juvenile titlist 6 and 5 to earn then put on a special event by were filled by Frank Parker and his shot gq the crown driving through a blazing-boa- rd In the only other final match wall on a motorcycle aided only McNeill who beat Hunt and Ted Farm Bureau Baseball played Thursday Jack Naarda of by a steel guard on front of hip Olewine of Los Angeles 1 The 10-- 8 and Frank Guernsey Or- Ogden defeated Ralph Andrews Second Half Standings cycle and a crash helmet Won a lando Fla and Russell Bobbitt to win the honors in the first Pet night's pther special feature Lost i 1 0 00 5 Crescent of Atlanta who conquered Ken- flight of the juvenile division 5 0 1 000 people's choice race of four laps Bluffdale I 1400 ended with Frew first secHunter Julian neth Bartlet and Bill Reedy of Jack's winning margin was 3 1 750 Big Cottonwood C C C 3 and 2 4 a 3 They had Los Angeles 1 500 ond and Rock third Bingham Thursday's Results 4 3 429 been selected by applause Taylorville Jelnior Open 4 West Jordan 1 200 BUT Roma del Russell Croft 3 and 2 1 The first qualifying heat was 167 5 Winder Paul def Jos Jones 5 and 4 Garside 3 000 Riverton 0 Patterson (played Wednesday) 0 4 Lark 000 sparkled when Wimpy def Burtoft Gordon Crane George found the track too slick for his up Results of Games abnd crashed into the rail Mark Nielson def Joe Hurst 4 and 3 speed 3 2 Winter Bingham Junior Open Consolation Bluffdale 7 Bingham 3 as car was put out of the night's Bob Peterson def Ralph emery 1 up races but Wimpy was unhurt Blaine Kimball def Wendell Leavitt 1 Sicheduls' for Friday August 18 G11 Up on 20 the event trailed byC C C at Lark Adair Big Cottonwood — Vern White der Clyde Thomson 2 and 1 Friday's Schedule The second qualifySchieving Rif Burkina def Douglas Bolton 3 At City Park Wile& le for Saturday Anglia 17 2 and' with n won Rock 7 was vs :30 Bit Crescent at Riverton heat Alleys by ing Juvenile Championship -- rell W0111111 Winder at Hunter Mears def Dick Lundahl 2 R Doyle Lyman driving on the local West Jordan at Bluffdale In Fur vs Coed league andRussell 1 In a track for the first time coming Bingham at Taylorville De Lin 'Potter def Grant Leavitt and 5 second and Ed Peterson third At Garfield Bingham handed Hunter its first defeat :: P 1 :' BINGHAM —Bailey San tistevan and Warren (Sonny) Alsop have been reappointed coaches at Bingham 'high school for the 1 school terms according to an announcement made by Dr C N Jensen superintendent of the Jordan school district Santistevan has been at the local Robin Alsop will be Won Lost: Pct school since 1930 3 0 1000 starting his third year here 2 2An 500 2 500 "Santy" will handle football and 217 2 2 500 baseball and Alsop will coach bas1 2 333 1 - - ' - 14tr0 tir v N74k I destinies at the Cub institution Johnson along with W McKinley Oswald and Mary Pugh willbe the East high school coaching staff Bert Ballard Floyd Romney and Pat Ryan will again be the West coaching faculty i tr4--it Burtoft youngster won a p t0- 1 j - t V - - title! another was runner-u- p for ' the same title (but took a pretty tI' ( RE I 1 t good drubbing) and a third -hustled into the semifinals as- the junior golf tourney rolled toward loon its conclusion Thursday on the SAVE Nibley park course The lad in the semilinals is ' George Burton who tanited Da on fending Champion Goi:Ann Crane of Provo a onesup defeat in the junior open and became almost ) Brake Lining an even money bet to lug home FOR ALL CARS the bacon ' Jr Heavy duty George and Gordon played an ) r y even up match until the eightComplete stock eenth when an iron did the Pyovo boy dirt and he took a fiVe to USEsIOAUcHRIBNIZEAsKEAw Burtoft's par four and lost the match Gordon's second shot— ent FREE ( the iron—slithered up near the fence and he had a bad time hitting it let alone getting it out He did 'er though but left himIMPROVED self a putt for his par and it was just too long SEATit warns 1 The young doubles team of Charles Mattman and Bob Harman of Los Angeles sent the former national champions and WilDavis hip representatives mer Allison and John Van Ryn of Austin Texas to the sidelines Thursday as play In the Newport Casino tennis tournantent was reduced ta the semifinal round in bothsing les and doubles The veterans beaten in the first 2 set showed something of 'teamwork in a their old-tiI R NEWPORT :: :' One 6-- Former Champs — Ao i Younbfrsters Whip Sherwood Tex ' W ins Honors s'''':- '''- Weber stake ' - Play Today In Semifinals 6-- 8-- - Carside 9 : Py 7-- 6-- s The score: AB 4 Boyd cc 4 Ronne lb Coombs e 5 FNisn 3b 3 - 4 Girls' League Won game for the winners and eilree singles which didn't Gene's Confectionery — 8 LARK C: " burt a bit Z 11 9 11 5 Club 11 15 4 ellnw Cab Berlina and Grant: Sanchez and Jacobi 10-3- f it slapped 4' ' 8-- — I P 1940-194- - Korn-- 6-- 4' Lark Independent association kingpin won its first game in the city round robin Thurglay a 1340 decision over Henager's of t h e Amateur federation The loss failed to better the Larks standing in the round robin much b u t it shoved Henager's down into a second place tie with McClanahan's and Krause Heating and almost wiped out the Businessmen's chance to overhaul the leading D & R G W outfit Behind at the end of the seventh Lark chased five r u ns across in the eighth to sew up the contest Steve Vranes threw a s s1 ' Big Three coaching ranks will be augmented by three new faces' 1k i ' V A ' when the 1 school terms - t' ''i' - ! 4 :‘ start next month r' '' ' 1: '‘ t Clayton (Tate) Wardelli 'former t vrf ' " 1 ' o' hoop coach at Tooele high school '''v and Jimmy Gilbeyt veteran teach ''t ' Ilk le k at the Salt Lake City Lincoln high ' school which actually Is a Junior kIl10 04 — high school have been added to the ' 's coaching staff at South high school J ' ' replacing Eddie Isaacson and Par' l)rxe - 1 ley ((Paddy) Davis Harold John44 ' son former East high school hoop I "'''t - star will come back as a coach to his alma meter after spending ' t several years coaching at Hinckley high school ' iim A Announcement of the appointments was made by Dr L John Haro'ld Johnson Leaves Linformer Jimmy Gilbert Nuttall Jr superintendent of Salt coln school to take position Emt high school hoop star Lake City scheols at South highAn Big Three accepta coaching post at his Wardell a grid and hoop star at athletic circuit alma mater here Utah State coached two years at ti 4'''''"':30:oVA'sV1":q7705!m7ntwvvt Tooele and retired from coaching ' ' l'' ': -:''' duties to devote fan time to teach- -- :'''''::':: :‘4-'''''''-: '' '- ' 4 '': : ing at the smelter school Gilbert well known as a baseball player in 1 ''' - - ' local amateur circles has been at -::!:o Lincoln high several years ' :': ' ' The two new South- - mentors ::::::::::::::: '''1 along with Nate Long a holdover Q Sunday's McClanahan's vs D & R O W 10 a m Community perk Krause vs Renegers 4 :30 p m No 1 Lark vs Crescent 4:30 p m No 2 Tennis Semifinals Scheduled Today ' k Schedule -- N AA" ( — S —Top-seede- 1 - IT-An- ion Round City Borg -- 1 1 1tiltr:J1 04:1 IIJM14itIVAVT14 1 junior 15 (UP) R d Don McNeill of Oklahoma City Okla entered the semi- -' finals of the Newport Casino invitation tennis tournament Thursday when he scored an easy 2 5 2 win over Frank X Shields of New York former Davis cupper Midshipman Joe Hunt of Annapolis joined McNeill by deleat5ng Bryan iBitsyl Grant of Atlantal 2 Ga seeded sixth doubles match In a Mond-ren- d Johrio Kramer of Los Angeles and Fred Schroeder of Glendale Cal defeated Hal Surface of Kansas City Mo and Edward Alio° of 3 Berkeley Cal 6 NEWPORT t ' L InstittitiOns' sS 17 -- il fl uolt - At Newport I 01 ) t N Shields - -- - - Burtolt Trips Uhallip in 31eNeU1lrips I k Lark Batters Slug Out 0 Victory 3 A Logan Ward Cottonwood stake 9 p nt—Nineteenth Lincoln Granite stake E H vs rn—Third 4 6 11 Gunderson Jeffs and 13-1- American Smelting Young Republicans Gunderson and Rosander - gpringville - Noloh st ake vs-Mill &eelt Cottonwood stake 8 p In—Logan No 1 vs Bennion - It p - —11 - To Work at 3 p rn—Logan 3 vs Pioneer Provo stake 4 p In—Miller Grant stake vs South gate Los Angeles 8 p Wells stake Vit Cedar Thursday's Results 6 6 2 Petty Motor 'Police Department 5 8 2 Buhecker and Howard Scott and PAM I Three Mentors ' far-flu- Smelting Wins ASIchools Sign New Sports Coaches Sixteen M Men softball outfits will land on White Park's greensward' Friday to open the all church finals After a long but successful teasort the top 16 clubs districts in coming from the M I A realm will go to battle with aa eyes fixed on the big trophy First Ward will defend its championship and with last year's ten back intact it appears to be a slight favorite to cop top honors for the second straight year However division champs as far away as Los Angeles will be on the battle ground in an attempt to stop the Liberty stake boys from gain ing a complete monopoly Southgate ward from Los Angeles arrived on the scene Thursday afternoon and is out to take something back other than sore muscles The entrants from Provo and Logan are coming in highly touted and should they perform as good as last year's representatives a new champ may be crowned Because the meet must be run off in two days the finalists are going to have to pack plenty of guns Only one round will be run off Friday but three rounds on Saturday will make the teams show their stuff Following Is the first round schedule at White park: Ward Liberty stake vt playopff winner d - i - r East South High City Softball Softball Play- (Gams Final Round Meet Today : 19 August 161194-- - - Ace Catcher Al Lopez ' 0 0 1 I 1 I I 1 2 Lost Q 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 poi I rotTwhaeti igb4111 000 000 500 500 000 000 000 much for dropping that game Wednesday night to the Cards as for the loss by Injury of their sparkplug catcher whom they ro call "Winning Pitcher" AlLop'ez A foul tip off Dan Padgett's bat Pet hit the peppery backstop on the bare hand soon after he entered 1 fo)() n00 the game In the last half of the :ono tenth' and eight stitches were re' 000 Dr 000 quired to close the wound 1 Robert a:HeystialmndatteadldhLe owpeozu'lid6' go be home out for 10 days to two weeks The Injury was the second big blow of the week for the Bucs who had lost but three games in Elble Fletcher first their last baseman and leading for the team hurt his leg and may be out until next week Paul Waner will play first base and Virgil Davis and the youthful Eddie Fernandes will do the catching in the ethergency it en - 6-- over-Dun- - Tlit SANDY—Milt Jensen tind Robert Stapley defeated Marlon Bateman 4 4 and G Landgren 6 and Don Orton and Earl Cox won n Taylor and Lester Poliner 13 6-- ' dionu btlhe 63th8e-S6'an6d- tseencno ins p dt oruorunnad ' - Southern Association 4 Knoxville 2 Texas League As F TL 1 111tY bilal'I'187"05schtlehp''7141 'ruin 51 Beaumont San Antonio at Fort Worth wet grounds 0 0 B A Little Reek 7 Mechphis 2 Atlanta 7 Chattanooga 6 Nashville --- TOME - 8:15 ' - ' 11 J - ' ' SALT LAKE BEES 1 Vs PARK t"" 00 Three Retail -- ' k so 0rri - t 0GDrERN0:1025:111271Vawahesr Center St' Sale Mint Cafe 1 I 11 "a0: ' 46L6-4- 14 I 1 1 1 SOUTH STATE SALT LAKE CITE arT11it postponed ?i 1 402 COMMUNITY I" item Seat v ' r i BOISE ' ' -- two -- - starting fully guaranteed ett alib ' I 'quicker ed Take Doubles'Mitehes 3-- - right-handJack Ballet pitcher and Walter Navie a southpaw hurler were purchased from the Shreveport club - ' r $ 1 ' :- - 11 ) — ' |