Show - Ir- '- - - ' - : - ' - - - -- - - - -- ' --- lip 7- -- & - - - - - li4a n-- 1- II 1- - -- -- ' s- - - r - - I -4- I Pr 1 0--4- -- 1 - -- t- - Friday 3lonitng Gets Siioi0ii :i4jR0ore $9id0 ' it ' August 16 1940 be SLItt gztkeirribtlytt After Offé'r'of Federal Post - Aug 15 Wrece°6ndtilayndtransrkfetsrrze7 fmtoomnketybse house cages to a big outdoor area :encircled' by a 4v moat have fought a civil war and set up a government headed by a Chinese monkey named Aircraft Firm Starts' Sing Most of his subjects are from the Philippines Wind Tunnel Said Gus Knudson zoo Super- - Biggest intendent: BURBANK Cal Aug 15 UPI— wAsHINCrom Aug 15 UPI — "They think they're back in One of the world's' largest wind 0 1 Louis Johnson former assistant the jungle They don't know tunnels to cost $150000 is under secretary of war said Thursday now that they're in captivity If construction by the Lockheed AirPresident Roosevelt had offered they want to climb a tree they him a "quite' attractive job" but climb a tree A lot of them had craft corporation C L Johnson its I research engineer 'annever before seen their shadows chief he denied reports from Reading nounced it still them Thursday Pa can'tfigure be that to was that the post The tunnel will be 400 feet long out They jump very time they of coordinator of national defense of the single return closed throat see their own shadow" Johnson visited the White House i 20 by 30 feet When first liberated Iin the type and measuring and later said he was not at liberty at the larger end It will be capai'accomodations " to disclose the nature of the new t' open-ai- r proI ' ble of testing model planes with a posed appointment He said he they remained huddled in groups wing span of 11 feet would give the president his an- - Then they started fighting Iswer in "a Week or so" after think-i- t i over The report that Johnson was to ' i become coordinator- came from t State Commander R Stir rd 14 -Amrl-carr G I C-1L S told Legion a envention Stirling 1" at Reading that the form assist- ant department chief cIld not 4119A4 be keep a speaking engage cause he"has just been appointed ripi31440 toopfs coordinator of national defense in t Si 114C the United States" A' SOhnson telephoned the Associ— m::i::i: E":1 al ated Press later to say that he had not told Stirling anything about Pt8cI'''' a prospective job luscious and twill 1 X:':V?15 "All I did" he said "was send I it °I tasty luice a wire to Commander Stirling re4: ilavort IdUeStrig'Ut"iu'i" fotrie I 11 gretting my inability'to fill a speakserve b ' heat ing engagement and sending good creamt Numootoo' c!61 I I Ice wishes to the convention I did sliced with not discuss any appointment I c't 29C have not been appointed coordinatirnes tor of national defense nor has — any such offer been made to me I am making this statement now to correct the statement reported monkey Former Assistant War Secretary Ponders Decision ' i ' p 4t:t -- 9 iv ' ) - ' ' 'e1 ' t 1 - 1 it I I I - 1 k I ) 1!x '''t'' i g I ' 4114: 01 ?JO - ' I ' i' i v r ' 'lf 1 111 400'21?' 11 Sil::“ 440 ' 11 ‘1 I :)l''''''' ' 1 1 1 77 ' t i left is t o4rcler ig illown r ti fA 1 I I Old Monk Mammoth !ib L I the enjoy teasing tempting flavor and the ap- petizing appearance of these huge olives! Serve them often I SAN DIEGO Cal Aug 15 (2)— A fist fight with two other soldiers t— ' Fort Rosecrans WHOLE Wednesday night resulted in the death of Private Samuel W Morgan 23 of Oakmont Pa Deputy Coroner A E Gallagher reported Thursday Morgan struck In the face fell to the concrete sidewalk and suffered Ifractured skull Gallagher said He died several hours later Names of the two soldiers who - I ROANOKE ' I I 4 't 1 ! I I 59c I I r I( I 1 I I I I I f :::1i - I II halibut steak I lb flavor lb COOL Va TEA in t1-- I ' ' P ' 1 I I I I I ti1 ' ‘1A VcI ' (N14 11 4( vir --- reg to 950 ' '' '''''''''"-- i - ‘ i1 - t 0 Laird-Schobe- rI them! la Tr - ' Aar 'il Y 1srl 1I N reg IA "1 1' 1 s ' 1 1 A 0‘ '' s V ‘ i Treble Ties two patterns Ulk I ' A 11 46 ok't4 1P' No' A ZCMI -- - ' L save '1 AP - - 3 '- - l'''' ' ' '': ''' "' 'f-"i'- s - Reg' 610 - ' - - ' Z pji Exra Special! 0 - ! 174 c exit f f ‘ - :c--1- ' 1 " k I l ' PLUGS Regto 40e WOOD SIZE ROD 1 ' Getseveraltqcfayl ' ' - fall AUTOMATIC styles' -- 9g Choke liothandtied Men's shoes Z C - M in discontinued styles Men's Shoes—Street trout SPLIT al - - ea: Flies best patterns at BAMBOO REG 5C Fly Book - for wet or dry flies Spinner Regular - leader 1 k 250 79 : SPORT P REG Split willow and whole willow with criss- cross IWher binding Number 4 and 5 Sporting Goods—Street 295 Floor '1 " - ' ‘ A A AA A A Ak A A 11As 3 A r) k i I ) k 1 i ' t -- - ' st l i-- ot—Pft 21 9 Quality throughout I t CREEL FISHING NEW A ZCM ii - - this 1 395 2 98 balanced Floor AA skAAAA A A ! ROD FLY with extra tip Correctly With tested for flexibility canvas carrying cass A buy! - size ' i 219 Three-piec- e all 12 PRICE I i 295 I 43 ry for best selection grand savings todly! 50-ya- g - I 11 REEL REG Get capacity used to using a-- modern reel and riatch your catches increase! Silent-windin- ' II t : Cast for the big ones with these "sure: Available in a variety of fire" plugs! Floor ‘ ': ' - i 0c Here's your style of shoes 1" plain or dressy single or double soled rough or smooth leatherThe best fall styles in tail an'd black Hur- - - ' - on 13 ''Threnree f 4t A 4 men's shoes :' 'I ' jii:i:' WOLVERINE ' ( t I 0 — 4 -- 0111L'17 - ' to 1375 J I t- - these! like - t1 colors t- buys- 35c Men's Store—Street I up 5 os FLY 4 '' Tops-5- Treble Stripe Handkerchief ' pass $1 Shorts65c Treble Stripe No Credits i attatto shirts in reelly distinctie hanidsotme patitkern tilhaAt's have the in- a collar Arrow and comparable shapely Mitoga cut that feels good and looks good ‘ 5 94 Floor ) reducid fo - a - Shoe Won—Second ( y 4 patterned as se'en in Esquire and on the smartest pace i They're clusters of g men slivetlyn striupes looking neatly spaced to make ' 1 State ( entire stock of - i ' - ‘k 1 It's the newest nOtle 'v"P'N't Y No Refunds Cosh ) fishing tackle 225 - ' ikoi N No Exchanges ( don't treble stripes 4‘''' LAIRDSCHOBERS exquisite spring styles fashioned by Matrix and other fa mous manufacturers Besure to see a Arrow's shirt of the month - v t ' and summer Address ' k ' 249 Out they go t 4 6 - AND I : sl - - MATRIX Name ze I 4 t It's your last chance! You can save up to 656 e shoes on a single pair of beautiful FfEb Foot fnZCM great 'firia Delights Rhythm Steps Paramount and others are included come early for the best selection! il ' IPP Color I k' 1 'k high-styl- -- Collar Style 17 '' k t " I r - ' Nt18 It ' SHoES - '''-- ''-- :'' 1 et 19S Please send me the men's flannel Rabhor Robe as advertised Chug i pr famousemoke shoes at tremendous reductions ' ) r 61 k - - over 1000 P City t - Z C M I's GREAT AUGUST EVENT! 1 Men's Store—Strest Floor t 7' SALE iI 1 ::::::'i'i:1 I '''-011- ofF :n ' I I i' 1' 1 ZCM (it 3c 41 1 - - 33c‘ I alp- -- - li i::::: ) w7 trti ' ":"I) ii - 1 i t 1 ! -- PO like! you Salt lake City ROOM IR1) if y t 4 14- our I lay-awa- i ZCMI i 29c I Fresh Sliced Chinook Salmon Enjoy a Delicious Luncheon Aug 15 (10— Aviation Machinists Mate C C Simmons was killed and Lieutenant C H B Morrison was injured slightly Thursday when a navy plane they were flying from San Diego Cal to the Quantico (Va) marine base crashed on Bent mountain about 20 miles from Roanoke Simmons' death occurred on the eve of his promotion from second class to first class machinist mate 11 t14A - - s! - 1 t ' 7A41 s I HALIBUT EvervonwW time Is I 2 doz 35c 1 is use convenient - 1 COOKIES 947 Bread delicious toasted Serve a thick flaky for dinner tonight! enjoy ifs fresh:from-the-ocea- One Hurt One Dead - e SLICED FRESH N avy Plane CraslieiT i I OLIVES the opportune Rabhor Distinctive contrast piping! Shawl collar or airliner models in maroon Extra large naVy king blue brown green sizes small medium large and Slips in maroon and navy Come in write in phone in - v II- 11' 71c I f -- t to buy these handsome robes for men and to f6r comfortable fall wear even for school men back going young for the saving is outstanding! They're made of really Christmas gifts tailored in a simple masculine supeltior all wool parkella flannel manner with smooth lines and neat finishing Generous 11'1 4' ' t 4 I 3 pts 65c WHEAT The crunchy goodness and flavor of characteristic these cookies will make them a favorite with your whole family! ' are under military arrestwhile a special board investigates the tragedy were not revealed I 4 t:M I Ib : Now You'll Soldier's Life 4 Ild S Virginia Bakec! Ham our own 1 t 1 ' — Fine All Wool Parkella Flannel Tailored b 1 t ok I finer richer butter was made especially for you according to ZCMI's own sped- - 00 S - 1 ' - wrap-over- I This Fist Fight Costs t I - --- - i ---- 114 piping When specify collar inig I stsyeller: collar with con- - tairlitneir t cs—I"' I 0°1 OP- At io: : :& iti 1 ::ki - I ! 1 lif ::: :''5 ' -- - I trite: As::"cotlihnen A II 11'' -- - --- t - 0- ---- our ' 5 1 ' — t 1 °- 0 '' : : - z-''"4 il 0 CI B ' - - N : ' 't - UI I It : 1 I ' - t I V ' s ' I klt - ” ZCMI FIRST QUALITY BUTTER A W 1 U - - - t4 ' fteadinel Nevertheless it was believed the White House offer might involve 1 a job in connection with the na1tional defense program Johnson I himself said "my whole heart is in national defense" He added that he appreciated the I offer and the president's "implied recognition of what I had done for I national defense" - - - Llifl from -- ZCMI's GREAT AUGUST 1101: é 14657 ii - - - Al I i - - : ' ' ' ' ' 2 ' i 1 !I s : 1 lbs " ' i PEACHES for ' : - pi 3' 5? - - - 9 I I We don't believe in numerology 11 but here is a ttlynber thdt is' goinig to affect your fife greatly"' 11 -- So-ne- of I rir - I Liners the moat were rescued and themindoor cages Efforts put the Ades-tad- : on the island now the fighting has stopped and Sing has her come kin Knudson added — 6" UPI ' rl 1 Cr71 ''' :CIR:tO0-urento SEATIIE - - 3 L |