Show V The Wealher Local Melal Markets tTlah — Iocal showers Idaho — Showats Sunday Cold Silver (newly mined) Silver (foreign) Wjoming— Unsettled Nevada — Cloudy cooler Connectieut valley Lead Cooper-electrolyt- fad I Vol Salt Iakc Cil) 139 No 51 Utah Sumlay Morning June iulT Garner Girds for Death Fight 0 To Head 1940 Ticket Judge Manton Stirs i Sentence Of Tn Years Roosevelt Runs WASHINGTON June 3 (AP) Close fi lends of Vice Presi-eGarner disclosed Saturday aat he has decided to seek the residential nomination at the -- 940 nt Democratic $ J VrrV ipportcrs the verdict to line up convention in his behalf im Manton was disclosed to - 2 19 p m a crowd of 100 000— more truded water? oice Even if It appeared he could not - nominated they said Garner-Icdge- d state delegations would ive him a strong voice in the conntion Informed persons told reporters mt some of Garner’s supporters eheve he could make political cap-a- l by breaking his lie of silence and speaking out on ational issues during the next few mnths tuReports were that Garner has ned attentively to that suggestion ut has given no sign as to what ourse he will take Figuring also in current political ilk on Capitol Hill are reports lat some senators lroking to 1940 now are seeking tively to heal differences between emocratic factions Called for Records rx- Mr The jury ten men and two women deliberated about throe hours calling back for review trial records relating to Spec tor Counsel for both Manton and Spector immediately made a motion for a new trial and their respective bails of $10 000 and $17 500 were continued pending a hearing Vice President John N Garner who plans drive for presidential nomination whether or not Roosevelt runs House Helmsmen Issue NLRB Quiz Warning d June WASHINGTON June 3 (AP)— President Roosevelt lias been ll told by some of his closest congressional fi lends that unless a chance to vote on Wagner labor act amendments this gets gress one said advised legislators armony effort was a senate lunch- jbession a house investigation of the national labor lelations board on this week for Thomas G Cor neuable Given by oran new deal adviser neator Ashurst (D) Arizona the- This became known Saturday as incheon was attended by such ad- influential house members slarted y unistration followers as Senators a qUct campaign to obtain and Kentucky (D) an for resolution port investigation (D) Washington jhchwellenbach (D) deal senators as which Representative Cox nd such non-neand Georgia has introduced Mississippi Iarnson (D) Cox said he would the rules is y rnes (D) South Carolina The luncheon was similar to rar- committee to approve his resolution er ones given for Chairman Mar- unless the labor committee reports WASHINGTON’ June 7 (T9- -A re-iner S Ecclcs of the federal H( amendments ' in time for action this sharp disagreement developed in ” Jesse Chairman and rve board session the house ways and means commiteor-S- p borne Democrats expressed the tee Saturday over a decision to limit ones of the reconstruction (D) Brown Senator oration privately that the house the current tax revision hearings to Dcmo-- 1 opinion to change lithigan chairman of thecommit-e- c would certainly adopt if brought to proposals corporate atic senatorial campaign the floor a resolution to crea'e a taxes senes a also has been planning committee to inquire into special (R) Representative Treadway A-- i among the boards activities d informal get together durirg the Massachusetts senior minority party of divergent and fall back and summer member of the committee asserted report epresentatives actions the inquiry should be thrown open January 1 for the fullest discussion of general t anilenberg Response Complete Probe He protested that the tax revision c The Inquiry would look Into quali- limitation agreed upon Friday did Sharing attention with Democrat-was there fications of the three board mem- not have the approval of a quorum political developments Vandcn-erg- s bers and all regional directors and It was imposed he said after he apital talk about Senator state-nerecent (R Michigan trial examiners and the arguments had been assured no further imporfor that the law should be amended indicating his availability tant issues would be decided and n nomlna-iohe G O I presidential (D) had left the committee room Representative Anderson Missouri already has Introduced This brought a vigorous denial Vandctibirg said Sat irdny he hnd legislation for suth an Investiga- from Chairman Doughtnn ID) rcctvcd numerous letter s from all tion and Informed person said a North Carolina coupled with the his of country the saying ections Similar one was being drafted by curt assertion that opening the in" Asserting other legislator vas a ' good statement quiry to all phases of I ix revision to more say Cox said either would be ap- would ' keep rongress here all sumir would have nothing at nomination vhout the proved by the rules committee of mer and we 'till would not get a iresrnt he reiterated that he was which he is a number and he pre- bill irimanly concerned with his duties dicted the only floor oppo'ition is a senator and his projected race would come from staunch new dealfor reflection ers Doughtnn said it was imperative Martin (R) Mas- for th committee to restrict Representativ sachusetts the minority leader hearing in order to insure passage Hgrerd with Cox He expressed the of the tax hill in time to reenact the nuisance' taxes which opinion that 'about 95 per cent" of th lb8 Republican members would expire June 30 Jn the face of the committee s de That would give their approval mean the resolution would have toelsion to exi lude ronslderalion of -3 June (T9 HANKOW China M on Psep Threi (Conti (Conumiffl on Pk Thrff) n n m u limn Twoi The Japane-- e army Saturday night to leave blocked effoits of neutrals fre his Japanese occupied citv for two British atjoard shanghai con-We- sup-arklc- k GOP 20 18 feet Fj-cape- Ten Cents Toll Stories d Britons Score Failure of Thetis Rescue 3— Why wasn't it possible to rut an escape hole in the hull during the 12 hour Friday that the Thetis’ stern pro- the above Koiflenb Leel Why doesn't the navy have a diving hell sm h as was used to rescue 33 of the 59 men aboard the S submarine Sqiialus fast week 4— Crilici"in at Futile Attempts I ' ness deals which did not influence his decisions— favorable to many persons Involved in the deals Manton s codefendant George: M former confidential Spcctor for the late Promotor Archie agent M Andrews a party to electric razor patent suits Manton judged was convicted also Three Other orginal defendants pleaded guilty at the start of the tral 102 aboard ineUidmg ers when tlie normal complement is 53 of fleer and men? ill-mi- i LIVERPOOL Eng June 3 lTt-Br- itain They refused to discuss the cause of the tragedy but all gave accounts of agonizing suffering in the tomb-lik- o darkness of the sunken Thetis where men sprawled helplessly gasping for air that was steadily becoming fouled Those who escaped from the Thetis newest and most modern submarine of the British navy were Captain H P K Oram commander of the fifth submarine flotilla Lieutenant F G Wood W G Arnold a stoker and F F Shaw a of Cammell-Lali- d civilian technician Ltd of Blikenhead builders of the undersea craft stunned Slow Deaths by the Thetis disaster was sharply The trapped men 61 of the navy critical Saturdav along with some and 37 civiltans died slow deaths newspapcis of the futile rescue ef- from chlorine gas and the exhaustion of their air supply forts They sprawled 130 feet below the It was predicted freely there surface comin partially-floodewould be repercussions in paHa-me- partments and clutched at the steel and the possibility was men- sides of the Thetis too weak to help s Cuba May Lift Ban Against didn t show it Saturday Limited rsit The two hour visit to Saskatoon was limited to the motor ride the reading of an address bv Mavor C Niderost and the usual inspec-tio- n of a guard of honor by the king A railway siding on the empty prairie Saturday night held the royal train giving the king and queen a night of rest undisturbed even by train movement Sunday at Portage La Prairie 54 miles of Winnipeg they will attend services in the United Later their Church of Canada train will roll aeroa northern arriving at Sudbury junction at 7 70 p m E S T for a ride and a stop at Sudbury All day long Saturdav the blue and silver train clicked off mile after mile of Canadas thousand-flushe- d mile wide wheat belt From their observation car the king and queen d Refugee Jens tioned of a civil as well as an llru Exported to miralty inquiry Modify Hide lo Permit Landing HAVANA June 3 IA1—A possibility that 907 refugee German Jews on the homeward-boun- d German liner St Louis might be permitted to land tn Cuba after once being turned down was disclosed semiofficially Saturday night Well informed sources said that the treasury department was considering a new regulation tp modify Cubas immigration law The regulation expected to be signed by On-far- Manton only action when the lury announced its decision was to lean forward hn face slightly two fingers pressed against a fleshy cheek and blink his dimmed eyes rapidly several times itunn a mi p ushti column six IIis mien throughout the trial had been similarly Impassive and evenj his protestations that all his deals ) j's 1 were legitimate flowed in the re- k" s'rained tone with w fiich he had so recently regulated a courtroom in the same building Summing up the governments ease at Manton s trial on charges of y- I 1‘111'tl conspiracy to deprive the govern 14 ment of his fair services by accept ing bribes John T Cahill 75 a re cent appointee of President Roose Copyright Chicago Tribune veil charged that ‘one of the mo t LaUm June 3 -- Famine ni(A monstrous plots to buy and sell jus ls taklnR R heavy toll from ice was born and hatched within ulhlbtints of Russia Aerord- thefour walls of tins very court (n eUmato of agmultural ob- servers attarl ed to embassies in Is anv that My position justice A0S((m bctwrcn 20 000 000 and accept gift or loan is hr- n thc Rrovv reft of that absolu e impartiality (mm nn ofn( he VoKa ndln Tran h h uhi( n he mu'-- eor try to nthie'c ( President ad- Fredorico Uredo The tone of newspapers became Increasingly bitter when it became apparent there was no hope of saving the trapped men The Sunday Express In London in front-pag- e headlines asked “could these men have been saved? ‘Who to Blame?' Public opinion demands a prompt and full explanation from the adWhy could not we do miralty what the United States did7” The Sunday Pictorial headlined this demand “Who was to blame7” Marine circles however generalfacts ly withheld judgment until all were known 1 hey pointed “"ThaT uui the layman ha little knowledge of the extent of technical problems involved in submarine operation Typical of the immediate reaction was the by the man-i- n comment of one man ’Look what the Yanks did when thc Squalus senk hy should they he any more efficient than we are7 Their boat was deeper down than ours " ’ in the last hours of life above the sobs of widowed women along the shore — their 48 hours of vigil ended— rose angry shouts of “this is murder'” “They sacrificed tho men for the sake of the ship” muttered a wu who lost a brother The admiralty said there probably would be no public inquiry m demanded by newspapers and th public ' Nothing more could have been done” Admiralty officials explained "The biggest experts in the country and the best available gear was on the spot 7 Lsual Naval Inquiry “There will be the usual naval court inquiry the findings of which will be published in due course” the admiralty said ’In the meantime an Inquest must be held as soon as the bodies are recovered and It ls quite likely that some evidence as to the disaster and rescue attempts will be given there ” The nature of the accident that befell the Thetis when she disappeared beneath the waves off the North Wales coast for undersea tests remained a mystery There were many theories all without substantiation but a possible clue to the cause came from members of the firm that built the Thetis They revealed that the $1 700 000 eraft had suffered two previous accidents one to her diving conthemselves Tonight within Perm A°U the land f?reSnCubVf ers desiring to remain not over three months They would be classed as passengers en route and af'er the period would be required to place a $500 bond if they wished to remain Many of those on board the St Louis had planned to wait in Cuba for admission into the United States under quota restrictions Squalus Rescue The liner which had left Hamof 59 trapped in the Thirty-thre- e burg with the refugees Mav 15 and onlv (our sailed bai k for Hamburg at 11 30 Squalus wcie saved a m E S T Fridav under orders of 102 were rescued from the Thetis thc Squalus was in 210 feet of water of President Bru 170 with 18 lcet Cuban authorities had held that the Thetis in only the surface for trols above stern of her the refugees did not have proper a time Nor were there any official exthere landing papers Saturday I he wife of one vti tlm said as to why the doomed planations "'i! "lh'iiutps fcrlamly ltKks ° m HS lf 'hcy men 98 of whom died 'gasping in the money from a litigant even be'oro ‘s thal fume of chlorine gas escap- deuded-t- he m re h'hHrY't tho t ave wa on tt on that each ref gee t ayVmli mVe Is threatened he Thetra whs the rom the operating batteries thcy lme a tax to pPrnlanentlv m first located Friday t me is the morning werc unablo to follow four of their I take-t- he the country prime charge of the in- - !lnnur ofnaf°r 9 wmk hn'e were which tune those aboard rnMs rflnr be:n is completed companions to thc surface wearing n't gg from 1Mostow by thc‘c "b‘ Most reunites Davis automatic ’lungs” Manton white haired and benign c lu nn It was doubtful however whether cn appearance listened with no shove '(’nets who have just conducted was thHt of It most understood the 1575 ton craft could be raised of displeasure as Cahill speak ng m lfnrntvs of several thousand miles the refugees were and it penniless before Monday the through the provinces which are was convi rsational tones rcviewi reported although without the chief sources of bread for the Divers continued to work in reno tonflimation final answer that U N s R lays trying to slip steel eahles under was being given to this offer pendDie bow and stern In order to tow Animal lours ing outcome of new negotiations her underwater to the Welsh coast Ihcsc touts have hei n made an-- n with the Cuban government with her cargo of dead or try to lift Meanwhile another refugee ves v RANGFR Texas June 7 I'D -- A her to the surface with lines and for five vears with permis--111- 1 sc the steamer Flandre Pacific and paslarrymg we tbound Texts of the soviet government This pontoons 98 of 104 Jews who were denied veer foreign crop experts related senger train was derailed Saturday Reported to he keeled over on her ' in to land sailed Cuba of permission nt cnnnv pnrk four miles west how in the Volga T rans-Caback and her nose still buried tn Vera of from Mexico Cruz Sx ll( r(1 killing tw 0 and injuring nine the mud the Thetis must he brought and lurkeslan regions their! thnxe originally on board were al 'Ihe express car and the baggage into a more horizontal position belogo automobiles wire sin rnl’inded hy lowtd to disembark and Die others i nr hurtled in the air ami fell on fore she can be either towed or now weighing hr value o' crowds of hungry children hogging understood that there might he a top nf t1P rnKmrr and two for bread raised Although t was evident nonagg ession pad wdl of landing at some unde also is starv- adult ihe population jkrr rna( hr (uined over nn their Tragedy of Nation United ternnnec! States rnsn' Wl11 appeal to Trilain mil me port Isults attempt was made to com- France for confidence in her tmu pam p tho visitors because they 'Ihe Dominican consul here Nos The (Jra(i WPre j ngineer L M The loss of the 98 nien on th SI tor the believed Pou said he Malin tr and Hreman Frnest Thetis became the tragedy of the tralih reliable smners ul ‘dur were accompinifd by guides pro- were Louis their delaying refugees Preston 45 both of F ort orth nation ns well as of their families vide it bv Ihe GPU (secret pedicel day Dominican govern I he Most of thc nine were not inThe British Broadcasting comtmir 0 the foreign 'agrono- answer H tot ti the Par IwHvt The little Balkan neighbor cf the ( pany announcer after reading the mists was arranged In January lumn hix) jured seriously Rome Berlin axis powers whs rep whrn ttu mn)(1 thplr im B)pll admiralty s no hope statement extended condolences to the families resented as anxious to m nl un the cation to thn soviet commissariat and added This vevr permis- of agriculture F s of r uro all friendship greit I am sure our listeners would sum w vs gi iriled lo visil the Volga av rrt domination bv ai powcis-t- o wish to join in a brief silent e” I ( am and Tashkent hut tans isis one of them There was a one minute pause request for a tour of the F ollnw mg Ins ret urn f inn n1 tin before the new broadcast was reI kraine was refused One observer onnfirrm u with nni le ulers sumed Berlin It was understood that or oh! lined a special visa to go to A stoker named W T Hole reIty Tiibtine leased Wire the but thrre authorities (haiknb me ( Munster Alexander died while trying to IcavT portedly turn to Irave the 3 Fifty children foster 5 Ol K thc lo rnut refused tered throughout New Yoik hut eign lime conic NFW par Markovich next would cart) lugothe submarine In a Davis ’lung’ ents may have returned to their home Slav la s case to I an and I m don '’ity for an automobile trip through Vic nil hoys and girls of ages 3 as the other four had done early Gilbert J Krauss a Philadeltn 15 lips silenced bv too long alales Well Informed circles in Belgrade Gie omit ry side went Friday and many rescue workrs tne t he and his wife lo Inwver heal notified health and on phia They departrngedv looking said the signing nf a non aggrev ml observer Banned that whin Ihe Thetis fibelieved to several of months Vienna ments of the following 22 ata'cs land Die lied ago real promised pat t with lirmany was only hi the body of Hot is opened nally will Die who children on nut the of the names and addresses of matter nf lime seek SMlurd Worst that Observers agree iy peace and happiness although rfDil In the rear escape be found may on estate Presihe near a housed conditions Die Drilled Slates Liner ’hlg prevail in lurkeslRn persons who nwy be exposed comment was lac king hatch where It lodged cutting off I t Connecticut California Georgia Philadelphia until distribution Foreign Minister Clnn Marko- - tn re Die sovu authorities refused dent Harding for the nf chch Illinois v It h now Indiana Kansas Kenamong the various families Tho the list avenue In Berlin with They were refugees finm nai eh nt to allow the peasants to cultivate ol hers here hy a plan whs evolved st a dinner parbrought Prince Paul who is Die gn t nf anythin tucky Louisiana Maine rxerpt cotton Last year Germany Thc Thetis had escape hate hra ty in the Krauss home Inst Jan-1- 1 Michigan Missmui New ham ellor Hitler on a five d i stale imprisonment or exile was threat-visi- t group of V) I hiladc Iplilans who both fore and aft bill th front for farnnis sowing grain hue bren working quietly since Jeisrv Nebraska Oklahoma Oie-go- n II was Understood that Prin e ened try and Ihe ihlldtcn were sethe hatch apparently wh flooded when from lected 'the government promised lo sup-an- January lo alleviate some of the photographs Pennxylvanu Ohm t tab Paul himself might visit Die !uih-the submarine drove her nose Intr PhiladelVS sent Kraus to rs back In the Siberia hut western and from cst distrrs tm Viigmla oppics-eplv grain French capitals later among lrgml (( iiMt fi V 11 bcfi om will middle who i ima lUiUUHt fhlM none arrived month phia Luuje snj £ -- (Idlin' LJ-w?-'- the-stre- three-mont- h Yfipi'lfi Vallim -- t SnKn “ruLcV'colerLent M'V"" Jon riT ’ ( Cm 1 Lex as Wreck Kills Two Jugoslavs SIiv At Nazi Yoke 11 11 I a-- si ’ Japan Bars Ricr Jo Nciilrals 111 t passen-pnssihllit- y c V e Vangte river steamers The army was adamant despite special permission granted by Japanese naval officials to the neutrals to leave aboard the steamers which brought supplies here for umis of the British Yangtze patrol Th armys stand was alleged to have been In retaliation for the re-cent action of two American gun boa s In taking a group of neutrals im holing soviet Russian embassy sff ihIs to Shanghai A lirge number of neutrals have been rmleavoing In vacn lo leave Hankow hut the Japanese have obalthough I ipanese cargo jected hi pa have been running regularly between hete and Shanghai carrying Japanese Reach N Y Free From Nazi Yoke Fifty p Peril for Utah Ollier Slates June 3 (11 New Yotks health department warned 22 other states Saturday night to be on guard against the spread of smallpox In the wake S5 RACUSF N Y — of an outbreak of the disease in Onondaga county penitentiary t nrr-bJamesville Department offmals urging slate-widsmallpox van Illation in New 5 oik said 198 person released finm the penitentiary smr Mav 14 had been exposed In Infection and not only have scat- v e t ’ ‘ N Y Prison Smallpox Holds l §1 im- 6Se The four survivors of thc 102 men on the Thetis when it slipped out thiough the Meisey locks for a test run early Thuisday were under doctors' caie men two cater- were there 2 — Wh ged said that he would have an cellent chance for the presiden-a- l nomination if he exerted his in ucnce to win delegates j hue 9 inquiry paratus? g next year His friends feel congressional j t'P- i- portant or controlling interests in tnan twice Saskatoons popu’a-- a half dozen corporations ranging the city and sent up A from real estate to rayon upon wave of cheers as the partment of justiie investigation king and queen rode slowly over an produced the present charge route At the trial it was brought out' The roval visitors looked one in year Manton hetteied freshed after a sleep aboard his financial status $1 500 000— their train and nights to enjov appeared from dtbts of $750000 to a credit immensely the from the greetings of $750000 He averred that the prame folk who have gone through transactions were legitimate busi har(1 limM ln rPcent jears hut po-Uc- al for-ar- 7 at-i- m 2 : June farm families from Sns rolling wheatlands son and presided over 2"00 eaes 'katchewRns after Dis-- t joined their citv cousins Saturdav resigned last Januar tfict Attorney 1 homos Dewev welcoming King: George VI and cused him in a letter to the house QU(ven Elizabeth with the greatest judiciary committee of accepting demonstration ever witnessed in $400 000 in loins from litigants this agricultural renter Business Interests When the royal train arrived at S1-- al-organization ady has been formed and has ailed about 30 000 letters to Demo- atic voters urging support of Garner for the presidential nomination ecently Garner himself has had talks with veral ate political leaders Some of the vice president’s advisers were said to be urg-- g him to participate actively in ate primaries and conventions hich will choose convention dele-fat- Have Strong SASKATOON lagca lOe 80c LIVERPOOL England Juno 3 (UP)— A green buoy labeled “wreck” bobbed up and clown on thc lush sea Saturday night above the steel tomb of 93 tpen who died in the submarine Thetis in the woist undcixtjJ'cfisaMcr in histoiy While a cade of vvai ships and kscuc boats rode at anchor aiound the spot and the outgoing tide rippled a requiem bitter protests sptcad over “thc admiralty's handling of the rescue attempts and demands weie made for a sweeping 1— Why did the Thetis set out for trial without a naval escort inasmuch a she had suffered two previous mishaps one to her diving ap- vM?niOniKhOVn"PPO'nl0rOHdv rganization Formed Headed by E B Germany Texas jemocratic state chairman a iou1d Monarchs In Saskatoon ’c 4 Of A pony Suffered l)y 31en Trapped in Rrilidi Craft LONDON June 3 (IT) — When parliament reconvenes Monday demands will he raised ln the house of common for answer to these about the submaquestion rine Thetis: Crowds Cheer two-wee- k conse-uentl- Thetis l(iilz To Involve Four Points Welcomes King Queen before his bench Saturdav night was convicted of oonspiraov to obstruct justice He faces a maximum pen alty of two Jears in prison and $10 000 fine His case was nllid unpreeedent ed in the 150 vears of American jurisprudence bv Federal Judge Calvin Chexnnt of Marvland who at the trial presided Manton showed little emotion at convention ven if President Roosevelt lould be a candidate Garner was said to be convinced mt his name should go before the invention regardless of the rength of any opposing aspirants y ir the nomination and that he had approved efforts of Four Who Farm City NEW YORK June 7 (Tl Martin T Manton resigned senior judge of the federal circuit court who admitted that his numerous corporations reieived thousands of dollars in ’’loans from litigants 75 Aboard Sub Demands Faces Prison Even if 4 oral &Hlpm?nC I’rlfM Coj)pr (cathode B3 o: Co"TvieIS Will Make Race 4 1939 1 delivered ic I $15 no 64 64c 42 75c r 111 Refuse Children ’ 111 -- 1 1 ’ I Masaa-rhusel- ts C h d O! |