Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 28 1938 ‘ - Seen on Rises From Salesmanship to Character Actor in Movies Colorful Old Open Homo Central City Colorado HOLLYWOOD Cal—Ever heart an insight Into people and cbarao the one about the traveling sales- ter so it’s no trick to adapt them for characters you’re called on to man and thw— in the movies No no this one Isn’t about the play "You’ll hear veteran players tell young women lo the agricultural the youngsters" he grins “that regions or the night clerk in Grass-opol- there’s no training school like the It’s the one about the trav- old stock companies and the road 1 don’t know much about the stock eling salesman and the movies More specifically It’s about Cy companies (except I’ve seen some Kendall who used to be quite a terrible ones In' my time) but I card in the smoking car and the think they're right about the road Elks club no mean hand in a —even if we’re not talking about pinochle or poker session and an the same kind of road" expert at departing from them with nice fat orders for dry goods Cy was a drummer for years In the days when the drummer was a lordly and colorful eeature rocketing up and down the country with a geniality and bonhommie unmatched since save by the road show press agent But the bus and the flivver the central buying and chain store selling and the brash young men Came in and Cy went out So now you'll find him in the movies more particularly In "Crime School" Warner Bros' romantic melodrama which la due for release soon and very much In demand as a character actor Not that the films ever issued a But call for traveling salesmen Cy when he saw the handwriting on the wall decided If he could spll drygoods hs could sell himself to the Hollywood moguls as someone they needed In their business And to the cinema capital he betook himself his six feet plus his 255 pounds and his easy way with people and it wasn’t long before he had a movie contract tucked in the pocket where the order book used to nestle Cy sees nothing unusual In the switch from the road to the reels As a matter of fact he maintains the road was good training for his present occupation “Maybe we never even thought of it then” he says "but Jhe travel- CENTRE— “The Toy Wife” also ing salesman of yesterday went "Midnight Intruder" through a splendid training for an UTAH— “You and Me" also "Start actor Come to think of it we had Cheering" to be actors to be good salesmen RIALTO— “A Slight Case of Murbecause before we could sell goods der” also "First Lady" we had to sell ourselves to people CAPITOL— “The Crimp f Dr Hal-le- t" and make them like us also “And of course you met every Fight z' sort of person and it was a sort of Pictures” SOUTH-EASa game to study them If you were (Sugarhouse)-“Ma- n’g Interested in the job you had to Castle” also "Love Honor study them to see what made them and Behdvc” tick A salesman became a psychol- GEM— “100 Men and a Girl” also ogist— although I wouldn't have The First 100 Years” known what you were talking about (Ninth South and Ninth if you’d mentioned 'psychology o TOWER East)— “The Bad Man of Brimme in those days But it gave you - stone” also "A Damsel in Distress " y d i - e the-Stage- and Screen — Stirring Drama Faith Bacon Other Stars lilarity Rule In Stage Show at Roxy On Utah Screen Headed by lovely Faith Bacon t Featured also In the cast Is Joan Luise Rainer Scores in Film At Centre Luise Rainer only star to be Holding Seventh accorded two Academy Awards Annual Festival prove her unqualified right to the honor with another character gem July 0 at outstanding as her “Anna' Held” with In The Great Zlegfeld” and her Helen Chandler In The Good Earth” Her “Frau Frou" Brigard In The (at left) Toy Wife" which la current at the Centre theater adds a delineation as which may well nominate her for dramatic star the third term and create sUU another precedent By turn the frivolous girl tho equally irresponsible wife and the broken tragic figure which her own folly makes her she draws a masterful and truly moving picture which any other actress of the year will be hard pressed to match In the masculine leads Melvyn Douglas and Robert Taylor live up to tho high standard set by the picture’s star Douglas as Miss Rainer’s husband who is loved by h)a wife's sister is at all times effective while Robert Young Is dashing and romantic as tb young gambler with whom Miss Rainer falls In love The second hit on tho same program will be "Midnight Intruder” with Louis Hayward Barbara Regd Eric Linden and J C Nugent 16-3- ia iN E “O-La- n" light-heart- Central City Colo colorful old gold mining town in the heart of the Rockies once more is astir with Love on parole is the dramatic theme of “Yoif and Me" now topping the film program at the Utah Starring Sylvia Sidney and George Raft the picture is a powerful treatment of tho much discussed question "Should paroled convicts be allowed to marry!” A romance of the city stree story briefly deals with the gles of Miss Sidney and Raft keep an ideally happy marriage gather despite their extreme povSidney’s secret erty and Mis knowledge that she is an out on parole and forbidden to wed Harry Carey Warren Hymer Ros-co- e Kama George El tone and manyjOthers are In the excellent Ziegfeld Follies teauty In a number of exotic dances the current stage revue at the Roxy theater—“Scandals of 1938’’— layoffs ring a hodgeMiss podge of Bacon who has been seen here several times Is Introducing an entire new repertoire of dances who gained fame as a orsinger with the famous chestra conducted by Phil Spitalny In the itage fare also are Billy Burk Russell and Fields and a chorus of 12 Hollywood beauties in a number of dance routines Two feature films are being shown on ths screen along with tht new stag show Brook s’ GayBurlesque On Gangsterdom At the Rialto iVIETORH A gaily hilarious burlesque onl gangsterdom la the picture “A Slight Case of Murder” adapted from the Successful stag play of the same title by Damon Runyon cast and Howard Lindsay It Is now tunes are and lilting'' Hilarity a double bill at the Rialto featured In the Utah’s companion heading theater the other picture being which picture “Start Cheering" “First with Kay Francis in Lady” deal with a college's capitalization rols the starring one of its' students— a movie In “A Blight Case of Murder" Hero Jimmy Durante Johnny which has Edward G Robison at Green and his orcheitra Ernest the head of Its east there are murTruex Joan Perry the three ders of courst In fact four gangstooge and a score of other radio sters of various degrees of wickedand stage star are included in the ness bite the dust but the killings cast are so ludicrous that they bring In the laughs instead of gaspa also are Ruth Donnelly Allen cast 'Blockade1 Dramatic Jenkins Ed Brophy and others The lovely Miss Francis in “First Strong Drama Studio ’laying Lady” Is the chief political m&nlp- -' Romance ulator in the plot having the role “Blockade” a story of love and of an ambitious wife who tries to South-Ea- st car and amid the strife Intrigue maneuver her husband Into the atwar-tor- n Is now of Spain nags White Housa so that sha can be the Opening Sunday on the screen at tracting fans to the Studio theater person that the movie's title de- the South-Eae theater In Sugar-hous- The bill also includes s Pete Smith scribes Preston Foster has the will be “Man’a Castle" which cartoon a comedyshort and a sport husband’s rols In this brilliant! Spencer Tracy and Loretta reel Fon- comedy Young and “Love Honor Madeleine Cart-oi-l and Emotional Drama Fight Pictures excitement as preparations are be- slow Coipedy at Capitol ing complete for its Seventh AnAt nual Play Festival This year’s preThe ‘Crime’ of Dr Hallet" a fllfn sentation to be given in 18 perform- the story of whloh concerns a battle ances 'from July 18 through July 30 of elemental love and hate with Is to be Victor Hugo’s famous melo- men and women aroused to primal drama of old Spain “Ruy Bias" emotion against a background of and It Is to be under' the direction of heroic martyrdom to science is now a hilarious comedy romance “Man’s Castle” Is a powerfully Robert Edmond Jones Internation- pleasing fans at ths Capitol theater Another feature on the Capitol emotional and compelling classic ally knotfm figure of the theater with Tracy In the role of a shiftless Outstanding in the large cut screen are pictures of the homeless wanderer and Miss Young hosen by Mr Jones for the play as a starving waif whom he picks fight are Helen Chandler Bramwell Ralph Bellamy has the title role up on the street and takes to his Fletcher Nance O’Neil Percy Wa-ra- In the feature film As Dr Hallet Ramshackle home on the dump! and William Sauter all noted he goes to Sumatra to find a fever The story all through Its sequences BUI the shiftless one falls figures on stage and screen Assist cure and falls In love with hie wo- until in love with the little waif is packed Mr Jones in will be lng production Richard Aldrich who last year pre- man assistant Dr Reynolds When with poignant drama under the deft sented Jed Harris’ production of “A Dr Saunders another assistant dies touches of the director Frank Bor' Doll’s House” Waldo Williamson through an imperfect experiment sage Marjorie Rambeau Arthur Hallet takes hie name to carry on Hohl Walter Connelly Glenda Faris conducting the music work to fulfillment Then Saun- rell and many others art in the For eight months of the year Cen- the tral City is a sleepy old ghost town ders’ wife arrives and threatens ex- cast but for the brief period of the fes- posure The picture tears at the “Love Honor and Behave” Is lov tnd holds interest from story rollicking tival it Is transformed becoming heartstrings mecca for theater lovers Sum- start to finish William Garg&n with human comedy and including Hutchinson Barbara a title song that is intrlguLngly me mer homes In and near the town are Joseph Read and others are in the cast lodloua Wayne Morris and Priscil' STATE — “Hollywood Hotel” also opened and the are roads many In addition to the fight film there la Lane head the cast which also Tale of Old Wesf "Missing Witnesses” again active with the season’s traf- also Is another interesting short has Barbara O'Neil Thomas Mitch BROADWAY— “Man Proof" also fic 11 “Monsters of the Deep" and others This seventh festival will mark subject— “Something to Sing About" Gay MusiComedy some notable anniversaries In 1838 STUDIO— "Blockade" On Tower Screen century ago the premiere of VICTORY— “Gangs of New York" Hugo’s "Ruy Bias” was held in also "Bar 20 Justice” Wallace Beery In “The Bad Man Paris 60 years ago citizens of the of Brimstone” filmed for the most STAR — “Navy Blue and Gold” also "Kingdom of Gilpin" proudly opened "Madame X” ‘part in eouthern Utah along with “the finest playhouse west of the "A Damsel in Distress" 'hilarious ON THE STAGE AND SCREEN River” Central City Opera House musical cohtedy are entertaining ROXY— On the stage “Scandals of Thus notable events are commemofans just now at the Tower theater 1938” with Faith Bacon on the rated and still another anniversary is "The Bad Man of Brimstone" screen two special features is celebrated Six years ago at the a tale of the wild and woolly days same moment Central City’s first of the west in the early '80s with revival opened with Lillian Gish Beery having the role of “Trigger” Deanna Durbin presented in “Camille” Bill head outlaw of the town of -“Ruy Bias” depicts life in the ilm Heads Bill Brimstone who rules It with an Iron Spanish court of Charles n in the 1690’s being the tale of a hand until he “sees the light" when lackey his son arrives as peace officer At Gem Theater who loved a queen Miss Chandler I Dennis O’Keefe Virginia Bruce Jo- With Deanna Durbin In the star- and Mr Fletcher who are starred have recently completed a seph Calleia and many others are ring role “100 Men and a GirJ" in support tour in'Noel Coward’s cycle ' Fred Astaire Georgs Burns and now headlining the Dim program of one-aplays Tonight at 8:30” at the Gem theater A companion Grade Allen and Joan Fontaine are feature is domestic a comedy The the principals In “A Damsel in Distress" which Is packed with lilting First Hundred Years! Gang Film Head tunes hilarious comedy scintUlat-ln- g Robert Montgomery and Virginia II Bruce at Victory dancing and plenty of romance Comedy and many colorful situations are packed into the Durbin Excitement drama and comedy opus the cast including such etc! are all Included in “Gangs of New Madam X' Heads lar players as Adolphe Menjou York” heading the current bill at Alice Brady Eugene Palletts Mia-ch- a the Victory Charles Bickford Is Program at Star Auer and Leopold Stokowski the star of the piece having a dual of the Philadelphia Sym role — that of an officer and a gang With Gladys George In the title directororchestra-“The ster his amazing changes from ons role and supported by John Beal phony First Hundred Years” has character’to the other being logical and Warren William as the son and father respectively “Madame X” the unique situation of a New York and believable As the title Implies It is a one of the most celebrated dramas superior court judge awarding 3400 a month alimony from opus with Bickford in the the world has ever known is now husband his wife who earns mors money role of the officer wiping out one heading a double bill at the Star than hs Warren William Binnis of the worst gangs operating lq the Packed with poignant drama and Barnes and Alan Dlnehart are in the big city Ann Dvorak has ths stirring romance is this famous tale cast feminine lead the cast also having of a woman’s' degradation and her Wynne Gibson Robert Glecklsr ultimate sacrifice Fred Kohler and many others The Star’s seoond feature Is “Navy g “Bar 29 Justice” the latest Blue and Gold” with a cast headed Interesting Double Cassidy release is ths Vicby Robert Young James Stewart at” Broadway tory’s second feature William Boyd Florence Rice Lionel Bartymore is the star Billie Burke and Tom Brown It Is bill film at the Heading the a romantic story of Annapolis Broadway “Man-ProoIs just now steeped in the colorful traditions of with a cast that Includes Myrna the famous naval academy Loy Franchot Tone Rosalind Russell and Walter Pidgeon The piece Is romkntlo drams wtth Mies Loy Revue Dancing as a young artist dislllifsloned in love Miss Russell a wealthy young Coming Thursday Ton a newepaper careocialite and Pidgeon a social climbtoonist Students of the Fredova Dance er Marital mix-up- s “100 MENAND A GIRL” give an op'u —With— Studio will be presented in the pub- of comedy for plenty portunity Leopold Stokowski he annual dance revue staged by Music dancing and romance are ID ’ Alice Menjou Adolphe Brady the management at Granite stake all bound up in the Broadway's tabernacle Ninth East and Twenty' feature "Something to 2 BIG HITS 2 first South streets Thursday at 8:15 companion Sing About” which has a cast of is m under the direction It p “THE FIRST 100 YEARS” headed by Jamee Cagney The pic— With— Mrs Freda W Vernon le a sumptuoua satire on Hollyture Is enteran be elaborate There to ROBERT MONTGOMERY Evewood's grtat and near-gretainment with original numbers and Warren William Virginia Bruce lyn Daw plays opposite the star and unique character dances including the cast has a galaxy of film stags an Indian ballet and "In the Park' and radio favorites' ' at st rs Be-hav- Now Playing Louls-Schmell- m Harry da sr the stars of “Blockade” which tells of ths love of a beautiful sophisticated girl for a handsome farmer of Spain The story is laid against a background of the present civil struggle In the country Leo Carrillo beads ths support— ing cast Niven Return David Niven who has been vacationing in England today left! Southampton on ths S S Normandie to return to Hollywood and begin work in Samuel Goldwyn’s “Tho Lady and ths Cowboy" "Louls-Schmell- T rl it y fe - y P4 en le t r’ true-to-ll- Vi n f- its ill nine-mon- th ct J tie IV hair-raisi- K Hop-alon- n MV ni rio 4 f1 ho 0 all by Deanna Durbin It Di- et the ipi s at ut le Idea Ins lev Mike Curtiz and Sam Goldwyn ' those eminent humorists had ter move over to make room for 'Marie Wilson the Warner Bros blonde On the set of "Boy Meets Girl” Miss Wilson looked at Dlrec tor Lloyd Bacon who was about to shoot a scene and inquired: mean Mr Bacon if Jimmy Cagney and Pat O'Brien Is here is gnd Ralph Bellamy la here and am here where am I going to staidT” bet- ml ea he 4 the most perfect Cuisine in the West —then enjoy To S L Thursday ’ -- Y' 1 “The Sheik” greatest of all screen lovers will b seen again in Salt Lake City starting Thursday at the Vlotory theater Played by the man who has been called “three Gables and four or five Taylors rolled Into one"— Rudolph Valentino— the picture thrilled the hearts of 10000000 women when it was released at the height of Valentino’s meteorio career 17 years ago c X Dining Oat? 'The Sheik' Comes Maria Was Where? nr end y j I CAFE In the Center of Downtown Self tele |