Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING 4 A Japanese Plan Along World To Expand Tension U S in Trade War Minister Rebels Batter In Vain at Loyalist Line r “ImporlanHd ‘ Italy Loyal Spain (Jash Over Bv Associated Press PARIS — Spanish government threats of bomb repris- " American Markets ? Europe Rocks Under New War Threat War Fronts Buying Policy Held Rival Spain Armies dash Uenealh ' t Blazing Sun’ Rays Bombing Reprisals als against Italy and Romt’s warning Italy would destroy Spanish government cities in return scared Europe and kept diplomats feverishly S JUNE 28 1938 avy NEW YORK Jun 28 (Continued from Page One) which has hern ' Japanese buying man filers have taken Tart In I busy a reported factor in some rising boipblngs of civilians behind their LONDON— Britain supportcommodity prices during the past lines ed French pleas to Barcelona 10 days will continue for months Prtmler Mussolini’s warning was not to start reprisals against to Com on SB expanding basis Spanish insurgents snd forglvsn to the French foreign office Japanssa sources said her Satureign allies Italy and Geri by the Italian charge d’affaires many day Renato Prunas who said the first HENDAYE — Tanks warIn at least two major American Spanish government bomb dropped — ears armored and on Italy would open war planes commodity fields cotton and wood 250000 men battled furiously pulp and possibly In others the Feverish Action il in heat along a new purchasing policy may bs an front insurHe said - the Italian arm Spanish ‘ gents tried vainly to plercs Important factor la American marheit navy quickly would follow 'the fasgovernment defenses in saltkets Hatsujlre Yoehida manager cist airplane and utterly destroy The battle tine extended from the AtaM L ern Spain government Spain Mitsui and cf CM merchant Del of the near Locena company vicinity SHANGHAI The oriels brought French and Chinese and Sees Mediterranean coast II miles north- Shebhlra Itagaki bankers and largest Japanese imlocked were In batBritish Japanese campaign diplomat! intp feverish acIn CsatsOon Inland de Plana of west porting firm predicted in comtion? Their respective foreign oftle for domination of Yangtss to the vicinity of Valbona 1 miles fices were fh permanent telephone river valley 200 miles below menting on information gathered by southeast of Tsruel insurgent-hel- d Hankow provisional capital communication Toyojt Inouye commercial secrecapital of the province of Teruel with bloody battles rsportsa Although French Foreign Minitary of the Japanese embassy here France Repulsed ster Georgee Bonnet told both the near Matowchen Japan for many yean was No 1 Spanish embassador snd the Italian cotton customer of the United Generalissimo Francisco France’s charge d'affaires that France disStates Last July however drastic forces swept forward in waves approved of ths Barcelona cabinet’s curtailment of foreign exchange and against the government defenses threats diplomats exprened fear ewa ths te govbe their to back thrown import by Japanese permits only open warfare between government ernment sharply cut the nation’s trenches with heavy lessee cotton purchases approximately 25 Spain and ths totalitarian states section at the Along a would bring a general European western sad ef the front alone more per cent according to Yoshida New Cabinet Secs conflict than 100000 troops were engaged New Policy Some diplomats said they beThe insurgents sought to drive Swift Conquest lieved the Spanish threat was an For ths next 13 months Japanese lath Sarrioa about seven miles “act of desperation” They laid the purchases of American cotton may ith of Valbona but government Armistice Gesture action of Francs In closing the bs sxpseted to- - exceed by 88 per opa held their ground and kept frontier to Spain to transshipth cent the total of the past 13 months the attackers about one and Bench Sits ment of war supplies to the Spanhe said miles from the town Special TOKYO Juno 35 (UP)-Ja- paa ish government made the The newly Instituted lnternatlbnal Sarrion lz on the strategic highter isle situation critical On Tests of way connecting Teruel with Santi- will mak peace overtures to China trade policy of Selhln Iksda who on celona' road 21 cooatsl runs assumed the south where a after Hankow and May portfolios ago hopes capturing Collective Accords te Valencia key objective of the to 'end the devastating war before of finance and of commerce and 17 Ships Sunk offentivo Industry in the Japanese cabinet insurgent October Intileaders government Is responsible for the increased buyThey pointed outthat 17 merThe government met the InsurWASHINGTON June 35 (AV-Th- s chant ships mpstly British had ing Yoshida said gents plane for plans and heavy mated Saturday night Japan’s reconstructed cabinet It Ikeda’Y plan he explained Is to commission of industrial legal and been sunk Jjr the government’s gun for heavy gun ports In the last few said Is determined to follow a provide for the utmost possible labor experts President Roosevelt Mediterranean Rebeli Mewed Down weeks tar Insurgent aviators withtrade pur- sent abroad to reign by permitting and study British out MSrotest from the British gov-echases for reexport alter fabricaTime and again the Insurgent In- policy of obtaining swift eccu Swedish employer-employ- e relations fantrymen went ever the top only tloa of Hankow the Chlnejfovl tion as a means of maintaining fact coupled with a rise lrf to be mowed down by the govern- siont! capital seeklngths "good Japan’s credit position despite the will find a labor court functioning insurance rates on merchant ships ment's machine gunnera sheltered will" of foreign notions and mak- unprecedented financial burden of in Sweden to interpret tho va Its Chinese military lty andmeaning of collective Jigree-men- Of from 15 to 25 per cent they la steel and concrete pillboxes conducting toward declared makes It Increasingly difThe fall of Sarrion would menace ing eonclllatofygesturesk de operations Chiang The court Is a tribunal of final ficult for the Spanish government a large government force at Mora Generalissimo ‘Never Defaulted the hasten Far to reoelve supplies by sea £&c kf authority over employer-emplo- y de Rubielos eight miles north of signed contracts and ttuperatss in cono Yoshida added: the Diplomats said they feared the highway near "1 would like t say one reassur- junction wither system of concilia- Barcelona government might seek Valbona Speedy Drive Farther east government hekTth thing to American exporters and tion and arbitration for noncontrac- to provoke a general European war Government officials closeto the ing In case the situation of Its armies American Investors in Japanese ob- tual disputes entire zone near LugenaPel Cid council emphasized The international labor office re became hopeless before the Insurhtf never defaulted On the coast itselfthe insurgents Imperial war ligations Japan on on forces would drive that Japan’s Indicate rts that employers and gent armies have advancedsolith beyond Onda a foreign obligation Ths presen employes In both Great Britain and 88 mile nqrtftof Valencia and the Hankow with all possible speed program is a conservatively plan Enter men The United Interviewed the by one designed to make It possible Sweden are very well organized In Nasls gevefjynefit troops in the Lucena DsHsld sector stand as a threat to Press believed capture of this city for ns through contlmmdand ex- their respective fields Germany as well ss Italy was remight break China’s '’backbone” to have informed both the meet our Of C I O Type th Insurgent flank ported tradeto foreign panded was asserted It authoritatively foreign oMigationajmnotuslly The fighting was fiercest at Villa that British end French foreign offices si oocu-plehas been after Hankow mature jkrtd to maintain our The Swedish Worksrs Confedera- that It Would consider Barcelona’s hermosa north of 'a highway from and Japanese positions in China they of Trad Unions In 1930 In- threatened air raids an act of war Lucena Del Cld to Mora de Rubielos credit an£foreign exchange on a tion imJapanese cluded 37 ‘national unions mostly and would feel free to send armies a Hie entire region is capped with are consolidated the sound those na of other with Jbasi government would sound out tioj of the Industrial type such as the to “clean up" government Spain nigged hills which make defense perial k about an armiChiang I G set out to organize In the The Spanish embassy in Paris said easier for the government troops stice Japan he said plans to Increase C the threatened bombings would be despite the insurgents’ mechanical In Kyoto Japanese War Minis- its foreign sales of fabricated Amer- United States The confederation included some considered unless the Insurgents superiority Villahermosa is about ter Sbslshiro Itagaki tol&"fhs Da- ican Cotton and Japanese manufac- 530000 worker! and counted the oeased bombing civilian centers benine miles northwest of Lucena Del rnel tured rayon made of American wood believed News ttiatrne agency farm workers’ union among its hind government Spain's battle ad - 17 to con- pulp especially in the latter field members successive insurgent at- Chiang After Wood pulp purchasing for the next lines the for tinue The Swedish government system Both France and Britain exerted warrlng against Jtpan tacks all of which were cut to will probably exceed the Uf and that there- U months M his remainder conciliation U designed to bring urgent pressure on the Barcelona pieces by government artillery and fore put U months by 86 per cent he of Japan may require 10 years to said disputing employers and employes government counseling it to be machine guns the defenders took together for a conference- before a “calm” but in the face of this apthe offensive and captured two Im- pacify China urged ths Japanese peo- Seek Metals stoppage of work If conciliation portant hills in the center of the pleItagaki the Spanish authoritle Insistto understand their country’s fails voluntary arbitration Is sug- peal front pear the VUlahermoia river iteel American Purchases and cf ed they could not keep cublio inbe and China in prepared position Over tha whole battle line It was Iron Including tinplate and acrap gested dignation In cheok much longer estimated 100000 Insurgents sr1 for a long struggle Hew trials and ateel for nonmilitary purposes will Set Up in 1938 the tribulations for Japanese 150000 government troop were io per cent or more he Sweden did not such as the new mobilisation increase attempt to legisto be ueed chiefly In gaged In- estimated commodities of art campaign— late for labor dispute until 1906 I'WA Allots 13 Million In the vicinity of Onda the !n arsecond-ye- ar of the Japan's to shorten the duration labor court was not set up gents took an ancient castle vlth tended only for building heavy Indus- and the until 1928 Before labor legislation To Vets’ Hospitals 300 towers from which the govern- of the war he declared tries ment had been menacing insurgent Changes Hinted The some plan la expected to re- waa enacted Swedish labor and emWASHINGTON Jun 25 UPi--The occupation of the village of American ma- ployers for decadeo operated on quire work administration anpublic Foreign Minister Kazushige Ugakl chine purchases collective of system agreements tools machinery and high commission British dropped the first hints of Japan’s will The nounced find presidential approval Satgrade lubricating oil In coming labor legislation far more extensive Colorado DoctorDiea changed attitude when he told for- months 22 veterans’ hospital projof urday eign correspondents that strlous than in Sweden Britain’s labor ects with Wll-BaJapanese wool buying while tak- laws contain DENVER June 25 CR-- Dr topd allotments of rechanges In ths China situation prohibitions and Clinton Johnson 63 head of might bring reconsideration of the ing place chiefly in Australis has strictions covering sympathy strikes the department of pathology of the January 16 declaration In which improved domestic commodities and lockouts The hospitals located In 19 states political use of trade was outlawed and prices through Japanese hedging union funds mass picketing us of will have a total capacity of 5599 k University of Colorado medical Chinag wool school here died Saturday of cere- hie status ss a provincial warlord operations In the New York Intimidation and the Internal con- beds Veterans’ administration offifutures market he said bral hemmorhage ' unrecognised duct of unions toward members not cials laid work probably would be Japan alto expects to increase Its In sympathy with strikes under way by August 15 American purchases of petroleum The projects included: to United States Of internet prims automobiles automobile parte and labor Los Ahgeles CaL $688000 Palo and Industry wlU bs ths comaccessories The two last groups mission’s Wichita Kan study of the collective bar- Alto Cal $366000 Neb especially will he bought in rising gaining systems Lincoln $315000 In both England $175000 ratiox for manufacture assembly and Waco Texas $366000 and a Texas Swsden and the attitude of salts he for and reexport foreign and employes toward accept- location yet to be determined said $1435000 ance of collective agreements is Japan also Increasing purchases of top grade hides he said although this category is not relatively ImPlane Victim ‘Fair’ Doctors Order Shaw portant by reason of the fact that NEW YORK Jun 25 (UP)-Capthe bulk of Japanese hide buying To Quietly- Harry Manning noted naviIs In Chins whoi skull was fractured gator LONDON Jun 38 (UP)— Georg In an alrplant crash at Bernard Shaw has been Instructed Friday Roosevelt field wae reported In by hls doctors to live a “noncontro-versialift" for on month the Sun- “fair condition" Saturday night day Dispatch reported Saturday Shaw will be 33 next month: Elaborate precautions have been STOVALL DEPT STORE taken In hls flat to prevent him STREET SAVANNAH Ga Jun 25 (INS) from talking about or reading con- Oil mother ef three troversial toplca In tha newspapers —A or writing WILL EE LIQUIDATED answering the telephone 4 chtdlren surrendered to Savannah articles e pub-lia police Saturday after issuing The newspaper quote Shaw’s secW H Baugh Liquidators of statement that the had killed retary as saying that strict Instrucsnd Distress stocks from Bankrupt the "woman who wrecked my tions had been received “from Mrs Tampa Florida will liquidate StoShaw not to let him talk to or see home” for whoa death her husband anyone Mrs Shaw is not 111 hut hi vall Department Store at retalL It waa announced by Mr Baugh la elated to he tried Tuesday is tired” that the two stores from CaliforThe mother Mrs Nancy Aycock Will be shipped to Salt Lake nia wife of William B AyCook wae orand will be liquidated In the City dered held “for investigation” after British Rulers Get Salt Lake City store on State street she had reiterated her confession Stovall Sales Company operating In a conference With Solicitor Gen New Chaperon stores in Salt Lake department A Samuel Cann eral of ths wedding ring being placed on her finger Ut that thrill City Utah Bakersfield Calif and 151— LONDON 25 Great June conCann did not state how the Sacramento Calif filed a petition bs ths ‘continuance of the romance for yeert to come fession and eurrender would affect Britain will get a new oeneor of in Bankruptcy in the Northern Disnew snd ‘ the a royal family the scheduled trial of Aycock plays trict Of California some time in of ceremonies next Friday March This Lovely Diamond Ensemble charged with murder In the death master of this year The stores all )CT is He the tall spectacled of Mr Martha Sikes A five perfect blue whit dismond snggmsnt ring closed since that time A "F been havs 1 of earl Clarendon whom George Aycock had admitted he was at with a Urge perfect center dismond end this itun- U VI has chosen as his lord chamber-lai- n All merchandise In these stores has of the Mrs Slkts the residence night wedding bend to match ning only in succession to Lord Cromer been tied up by the Bankruptcy It 60 town her body was found with bullet Others From $1978 to $200900 as Bat Buy FaymtoU the offlotal chaperon he Court and has juat been releasedwas Virtually denied wounds la her heed but he a settlement of 40c on tha dollar will tell who their majesties they knowledge of ths shooting a signed can and cannot meet and will keep aocspted by the Bankruptcy Court it&tement showed "Famous for Diamonds” hawk-eye- d a watch on every de for the benefit of the creditors In her confession ’ Mrs Aycock tall In ths liquidation of these storea social activities their of public said she had previously remained Mr Baugh stated that there would r three children silent to protect be 100 people employed in Order to W B Aycock Jr 18 and two mar- Fire Hits sell these stock quickly as he only ‘Loop’ ried daughters haa a knitted tlm to sell them In STREET-Sfour-alarbefore "In my mind and the eyee CHICAGO Juna 25 (UP)- -A ALT 273 MAIN LAKE The Stovall Department Store of God and man I feel justified in fir swept a brick opened the Balt Lake City atore Mein Floor— J C PENNEY'S-Og- den killing the woman who wrecked my warehouse In Chtoaio'a “Loop" 1st about two ytar ago and haa been soul and borne” the confession Saturday causing damage eetl operating a general department itats4 mated at more than $100000 store here In the city (Adv) HENDAYE Ftmncs (At the Spanish Frontier) 'June 25 UPi— Spanish Insurgents vainly triefSat-unla- y to smash a hole In government defenses in eastern Spain where an estimated 230000 men were fro at locked in conflict on a Infantrymen tanka armored care and warplanes clashed in one of the greatest battles of the civil war under a dazzling sun with tempera tore z reaching 110 degrees Fahren- I GW-He- I " le - u 48-m- u - 18-ye-ar Japanese Hint Peace Move After Hankow Labor Experts Will Study Swedish Court le one-four- tu nt ts Kai-she- Teruel-Sagunt- Kal-ehe- - pto-pleo- -- an m Kai-she- Once and only onee TO THE BIUDE! WomanAdmits Killing Rival ‘‘N- ERUREP Felt Base Linoleum Floor Covering Ton cmn really feel the luxury the hlth plied wool surface these rugs At this price they literally a “steal” 4 A9S 8x12 size Mottled I JL n ijg v 03 m4w 9x12 Size Patterns Choice new designs in both floral and geometrie designs You can’t af- oiA unsightly floors when you can coyer them at this low prloa per aqnare yard Genuine Print Linoleum OS cork-bas- e linoleum adapt- able to every room In swto the house Per iq yd Lonjvearlng JjQ l STATE Comes the thrill p 30 Exchanged Living Itm Snitcs ultee ef high (red mohair vtiouf and tapestry that new eost as high as (300 will be cloud eut Full Enameled Bell Range for At a Small Fraction of Their Original Cost An eztremely good value the money invested Regular 154 i value Special -- $15 75 Refrigerators to $49 New well Insulated Kei frigerators that usually sell from $33 to $50 50 to 73 pound capacity ty elx-eto- ry I) "AxminsterSS -tain live f With borden end patter a Just ai colorful a woolea run- - L Refrigerators Special o tywnmicnOvVcclist Jl O 53-5- 7 East 1st South t 5Q CO We Deliver Almost Anywhere k Jv t ir£7ibTl2i PVU1ADSEII FURNITURE Established 18 IS 4 7 t h |