Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 2ff 1938! C Clash § for First Half Title ihgiia-Tca- ms lose Realtors Heavy Baseball Schedule On Docket in Seven Utah Leagues for Sunday t A heavy Sunday baseball program in seven amateur leagues is on tap for diamond fans in the majority of Utah and southern Idaho baseball centers —— All six clubs In the Salt Lake TT"Federation cf Amateur baseball will see action Fort Douglas and Woodbury Realtors will battle In a twin bill at Community park starting at 9:30 a m Crescent and D k R G W will 4-battle at 2:30 p m on the Midvale 3 field and an interesting game is With A1 Poult on turning In a atx-h- lt in prospect McCIanahan’s and Barnltt St pitching masterpiece in his return to the baseball wan after a Weiss are slated for action on No lengthy layoff Golden Glory Dairy at 10:30 su m first half champ of tho Victory Three games will be staged in assothe Indie Lake Salt le&gut in the Capitol of the Salt Lake ciation gained a 4 to S victory over Independentleague Baseball association Leonard's Circle Inn Saturday Vetter’s invades Tooele at 4:45 p m Marlow Peacock spark plug of in the feature attraction Jenkins' the Golden Glory crew alammed out and Henageris will meet on No 2 three hits In three appearances two at 2:30 p m and WhiteStar will of them doubles to lead bis mates’ meet Bingham at 5 p m on the attack on Bus Duncombe Inn star earns field Duncombe was the victim of hie One of the two games scheduled mates' spotty support:being respon Sunday in the C Y O league will sible for only two of the four runs be staged here Cathedral and Golden Glory made Lourdes clashing on the Jordan The score: junior high school diamond at 2 OOLDXN GLORT CIRCLE INN The feature game will ABHOA ABHOA o’clock Mlddlatn 2b 3 1 3 2 MFeaclr To Deadlock Semipro Leaders Tedesco Bangs Out Homer to Blast Regular Schedule To Openin Latter Part of July Binghamites’ Hopes To' Gonmell Clufc £rovo MagnarGarfleld 1 10 a 3 Raanlt GmmeU f B y MARLOWE ERANAGAN Zta nt '' I f in Deb Dudley's sinewy right arm being able to weave a spell over the potent Gemmell bats Dudley ya Harrison m J er Dally Brown followed by doubles by Frank LaComb and Dee Mattson giving Gemmell Its two tallies In the meantime Tedesco banged out a home run in the fifth with two mates on base to give his team a working margin The speedy third sacker also cam up with two singles Lemon had a homer double and single to his credit in four appearances Gene 'Fish lanky right hander was the losing pitcher Sammy Oliver toiled the last inning for Gemmell I GEMMELL CLUB FINNEY BEV ABHOA ABHOAI 4 2 1 2 Woodbury 2b 4 12 3 Brake 2b Tedesco 3b 4 3 1 4i8umulclt rl 4 0 0 0 Veccblo It 3 0 2 OiZaccaria If 4 13 0 3 0 3 OiKastellio cf 4 0 11 Owen cf 4 110 0 BJohnaon ss 4 0 1 3 Ostler lb Huxford rf 4 0 0 OlJSmith lb 3 0 8 0 1 4 0 3 1 (Brown 3b Campsite 3 112 0 4 3 T L LaComb c Lemon c 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 2lFleh p Sanford p ‘xMattaon 0 0 0 0 1 liver p ” 32 6 27 t Totals Total! xBatted lor Fish In alghth 030 200—7 Finney Club 000 000 020—2 Gemmell LaComb Summary :a Error' —Campana hits— Lamon LaComb Flh Two-ba-Three-baae Homa hit — Brown Mattaon Stolen baaea — Lemon nma — Tadeaco Double play a— Tedeaco Draka Woodbury to Drake to Oatler Brown to Woodbury to Strlkaouta — Sanford fl Flail 9 J Smith Baaea on balla— B'lh 3 Oliver 2 Flah Umplraa— Liddell and Scorer — Bobers “10 110 r f- t ¥ i o No pill eO V - I V 4 J 3101 This will ba tha first time In The determined-lookin- g swatsmith shown here Is John Lothree yean that a picked team haa been entered In the state group masney manager of the Fort Douglai amateur club which will as Self has confined his efforts oppose Woodbury Realtors in a twin bill at Community park to providing an opportunity for a Sunday morning greater number of boys to play ball rather than limit the field to a few of the better players This year 9 6 he feels that he has sufficient help to permit him to enter a team in the state circuit and atill provide POUGHKEEPSIE N Y June 25 coach at Syracuse will be present the other boya ample baseball to (UP)— The ashes of the late Jim Ten at a private ceremony keep them Interested In the sport Eyck rowing coach at Syracuse for Ten Eyck it was reported made The results of Selfs efforts in the request so that outgoing tide Claude Engberg Pinney pilot to guide chargee in double keeping the boys in the local dis- 34 years before hie death' on Feb- would carry his ashes down bill Sunday at Community park against hard-hittiCarbon trict interested In the diamond ruary 11 In Florida will be dropped Peeksklll N Y where he past was outfit The games will close the first half race for each club sport Is evidenced by the continued into the Hudson river Tuesday ths born — — success of the local Cyprus high " after the Poughkeepsie regatta school baseball team In tha state day It was learned Saturday ST PETERSBURG FIa-C- iub won where have the circuit they It waa aaid Ten Eyck’s last officials on the west coast of Florida state title for the past three years wish waa that that hi remain be scat- report more rounds of golf have Most of these boys received their tered from the Bear Mountain been played this season than In any early training in the local Ameri- bridge onto the river he knew ao previous year St Petersburg can Legion leagues and some are well Members of the family in- courses have been crowded since still In the circuit his son Ned who is now the first of February To date the boys have been play- cluding ing scrub games between picked teams only one outside game having been played that against the YONKERS N Y June 25 lenn A OGDEN— junior A A U swlnv Bingham Legion boys Cunningham Saturday cap- ming meet will be conducted St tured the half-mirun in the se- Weber gymnasium July 18 under nior metropolitan A A U track auspicet of Ogden junior chamber championships at Glen Park but of commerce according to Ferron failed in his attempt to set a new C Loses swimming director at Weber college and a member of the meet record chamber athletics committee scheduled Cunningham originally This will be the first such meet LOGAN— Bud Edison diminutive to appear In the mile run withdrew ever held in Ogden and it is ex to concentrate on the 880 and the pected a good representation of out' Aggie net star retained his title as swimmers and divert of Logan’s outstanding tennis player crowd of 12000 aware of his Inten- standing 0 when he imashed out an the state will participate 3 tions cheered him on as he unThe meet will be open to anyone 3 victory over Joe Geddea in corked a finishing burst in the possessing an A A U card and the tightly played final match of entries must be in by July 14 said the city meet Saturday on the courts stretch with whom registrations at Utah State Agricultural college Losee Edison and Geddes engaged in a However with little competition must be filed Nine competitions will be run off fast back court battle throughout from Lou Burns 69th regiment free style for moat of the four sets Of play with the Kansas Flyer finished in the as follows: breast stroke for men Geddes winning the first set with slow time of 1:565 The record men some expert volleying Edison came set in 1932 by Otto Horner New fancy diving for women e back to mix speedy passing shots York A C? is 1:544 Cunningham free style for men tree etyle with for men chops to race broke the’ tape nine yarda ahead free atyle for through the next three sets to the for women of Burns ' men fancy diving for men and championship e With Glenn out of the Geddes cams back strong after his relay for men MacMltchell sensational local Eliminations will begin at 4 p'm singles defeat to team with Irvin high school star had little diffi- the day of the meet with finals Fish and capture the city doubles elated for 7 p ra Medals will be crown Playing a culty taking that event The special half-mil- e run was awarded the first three place win- game the pair defeated Edison and taken by Josef Mostert Belgium ners In each event except the Glen Olofson 8 4 4 8 for the with Ross Bush Los Angeles sec- relay the winning team of which title Fish’s hard service and Ged-dewere the ond Mostert former world mile will receive awards expert record-holde- r made a time of major factors in securing victory over their younger opponerfts 541 Other winners were: Dale Lewis singles Lewis and Vincent junior Frederick junior doubles Rodney Lincoln Nine Holds ' Jones boys’ singles Keith Larsen and Jay Allen boys’ doubles Eldora Tooele Loop Lead Ten Eyck Finds Final Port Glenn Takes Ogden Plans Tank Meet For July 16 880 Run At Yonkers -- Cochran aa King 2b Newman lb 3 0 S 1 Para r( 3b Wllaoo 3b 1 1 1 Colbert 3b William It 3 1 1 0 Shepherd cf 2 0 9 2 field Parry a McFarlnd ef 2 0 0 0 Peterson rf 1 0 0 OiMonan rf lb Dncmb p rf 3 2Poulton Dunn cf 1 0 0 01 Dunn Morria rf 1 0 0RPacock Joues rf p 1 0 0 0 10 j 333 d I i d 4 0 be played In Tooele however 1 3 0 0 3 6 3 0 3 0 7 1 'hi o m 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 9x19 9 Total 27 7 217 Total xOns out whti winning run ocored Leonard's Circle Inn 200 000 1—3 Golden Glory Dairy 010 Oil 1—4 Summary: Error— Middleton 3 Cochran McFarland Boulton Parry Stolen baaee— Wilton M Peacock Monton Middleton Scofield Sacrifice hit— R Peacock Home Two-bat- e run— Duncombe bite— M Peacock 2 Double play— Scofield to King Innlnge pitched— By Duncombe 6 blue Jonee 13 Credit victory to Poulton Charge deRune reeponeible for— feat to Duncombe Poulton 3 Duncombe 2 Struck out— By Poulton 6 Duncombe f Jonee 1 Basee on balle—Off Poulton 3 Duncombe 3 Paeeed ball— Parry 3 Time of gam— 1:45 Umpire— L pttereoa Scorer— Dougherty WORCESTER Mas baseball generally doesn’t cause much of a furore but It is such hot news at Holy Cross that the Crusaders have sold broadcasting rights to their entire schedule this season UB-Ce- llege le Edison Cops Net Crown 8-- 6-- 6-- 6-- 220-ya- rd 220-ya- rd 100-ya- back-strok- 150-ya- rd 100-ya- rd 600-ya- mile-Lesli- 400-ya- rd hard-smashi- ' 8-- 6-- 6-- 8-- e’ ahot-placl- -- Spencer Girls Lose Fray TOOELE— Chalking up four wins in as many starts ths Lincoln base ball artists this week maintained their lead In the Tooele county Teams from Erda and league Tooele Beverage company were deadlocked in second place with two wins out of four contests Lincoln trounced ths Erda nine this week 10-- 2 and outslugged the Beverage boys for a 17 to 7 victory Tooele Beverage took one from the Tooele Merchants’ aggregation Women’s singles Mary Callahan girls’ singles and Mary Callahan and Mignon Gadd girls' Co-o- p Magna-Garfiel- d Peterson' doubles Utah Copper Club Goodrich Dairy Magna Motor Bales Magna Merchants Eureka Vacuum Magna Firemen a Douglas-Bur- k Service Four-Wa- Arthur Tard Woolfanden Market Week'a Magna Fireman Goodrich Dairy Pacific Douglas-Burk- e 3 Southern 36 12 27 4 Total 38 14 17 12 Total 063 015 611—21 Bingham 010 Oil 120— 6 Tooele L Jon Summery: Errors— M Jone Ward powberry James 2 F Montoya Jladavluati Stolen base — Paaell 2 James run — Dun Thurman X Paulo 2 Horn Two-ba- a hit— Mvy Guat Badavlnatl Credit victory to Badavlnatl La ratn Mark Charge defeat to Pauloa Strlkaouta — Pauloa 2 F Ronkovlch 4 Marks 1 Long 3 Lopea 21 Baaea on balls— Pauloa Dunlavy 6 Bird 4 4 F Ronkovlch DENVER June 25 UP)— Darrell Hudlow and Lewis Hastings botn of Plan Big Purse Redlands college California captured the doubles championship in NEW ORLEANS La Mayor the city tennis tournament Satur- Maestri of New Orleans has andefeated Overton Pratt nounced that next year the purse day They of Redlands and Ray Phillips of forthe Crescent City open will be Chaffee Junior college California HO 000 aa : one-ho- tlhe limit poatponad rain rain X Texas League Beaumont 4 Fort Worth 3 ?allat 76 San Antonio6 4 Shreveport (Only game echeduled) American Association Loulevlllt 19-- 4 Columbu St Paul at Kanaaa City poatponad Toledo at Indianapolis postponed Mlnneapolla d Milwaukee ' X buN International League Jersey City 13 Balttmon 9 Rochester 8 Buffalo d Toronto at- Montraal poatponad (Only games achadulad) Sit down to a half hour of pnre pleainre with " cigar with the 5 Friendly Featnres See how mel low and companionable thta fine cigar la! Van Dyck 32’a are f amona for good iaoto that men bought over 140 million last year Try Tan Dyek today! (jharuoi Gfca H2m ia "a' the Vnf Dyek— rain rata Mur- ray defending champion opposing the league-leadin- g Tooele crew at ' 2 p m Opening games In the second half Utah-Idah- o league will be played Sunday Downey goes to Ogden Bamboo Honeyville opposei the Lo- gan Collegians at Logan Richmond shows at Preston and Garland-Tremont' at Malad t Layton Invades Devils Slide in the feautre contest In the Wasatch loop Browning’s of Ogden appears' at Morgan and Coalville opposes the Ogden Oaks at Ogden Only two games are scheduled in the Central Utah league the top spot Heber crew being favored to turn back Levan in both ends of a twin ball at Levan Five games are on tap In the Sanpete-Sevicircuit Falrview goes to Elsinore in the feature encounter In other games Monroe plays at Spring City Mantl at Moroni at Gunnison and Mt Pleasant at Ephraim UP-G- 1 4 3 Thurman 2b 0 0 Marks p I G Nlklo 3b 0 0 8 S 3b Morgan 11 4 i II Laston If 3 0 0 0 (I'M Jones If 1 0 0 3 O'ENch cf 10 0 lb TMtya lb P I cir-au- Dairy peting unattached led men scorers boya handed the Utah Copper club with 21 points of its first defeat the aquad year 9 to 5 The remaining games of the first Hudlow-IIasting- s Win half schedule will start at 5 p m with each game having a Doubles Net Title lb Bumnlcht ’Su -- Team to Victory 321 Larsen It fiaitas It k - ' Stella Walsh Leads Bingham Crew Wins Legion Game Bird p Champ Wins Tussle rHa Baaulta S Magna Merchant T 9 Utah Copper Club 1 Magna Motor Sale Coast League Eureka Vacuum 3 Arthur Yard Gang 1 Sarv-leWoollenden Markat 6 Four-Wa- y Won Pet 7 10-- 3 61 8&cramnto 53 Special feature: Auerbach’s- gtrla' team 9 San Francisco 38 48 558 The Merchants hold the cellar po- Spencer team 0 girls' 40 Lot Angeles 46 535 San Diego 42 sition with four straight losses 506 43 llMtV Monday’s Schedule Seattle 41 482 44 ! Utah Copper Club Vi Magna 1Firemen 44 Portland 41 482 Magna Merchants va Douglas-Burk- e 41 477 45 Hollywood vs Yard Goodrich Dairy Oakland Arthur Gang 67 30 346 Woolfendan Magna Motor Bales va Market Rasul ta Saturday’ Four-Wa- y Service va Eureka Vacuum H E At Oakland: 000 001 Sacramento I § GARFIELD — Auerbach’s Sham Oakland 200 000 Nawaoma and Grub Van Fleet and Rak PITTSBURGH Jun 25 (UP)-St- ella rock girls’ softball team defeated mondL AmerTOOELE— The vtaltln Bingham dtmon-strated Walsh former Olympic the local Spencer Girls’ squad 9 to At Loa ican Lesion Junior bareball team It H Angeles: marked auperiorlty over th local Poland led the Cleve- p In the feature attraction of the San Francisco of champion '100 010 OOO— 2 10 In her nine Legion uoulaajua gams 100 002 OOx— 3 S land Polish Girla’ Olympic club to opening of the new lighting system Los Angeles Winn inf handily 21 to S Tha vlaltora mad only 14 hit but a smashing victory in the women’s at the local softball park The Salt JCoupai and Woodall Llebsr and Colllna on numerous walks and error At Portland: R H cor: and girla’ events of the first Amer Lakers thrilled the crowd with their Th 000 001 000—1 6 TOOELE dlywood BINOHAM POST 30 icsn-PolU- h ability both at the plate Portland Olympic games at Pitt speed and fie'ld 200 Oil 100—5 Id ABHOAI ABHOA and in the Bloen andBrengal 1 0 0 OIL June Llaka and Cronin I 32 2 4 0“ stadium Saturday Lopes p 01 Ward e 2 6 Guat 2b In local league contests Eureka Miss Walsh captured first places FMntoya ef' 1 Rowberry Association 3 Jamas 2b In nine of the women’s 10 events Vacuum won a hard-foug- ht Paaell cf victory i 1 Pauloa lb p Long P Bob Sulkowski of Canonsburg Pa from the Arthur Yard Gang 3 to 1 Memphis 3 KnoxvIU 9 (10 Innings J BadovntI Dunlavy rf 3 1 1 Nashville 12 Little Rock S FRonkvcb Sheen c University of Pittsburgh star com- to stay In tha race for first half Blrmlngham-Atlant- a New R Ronkovlch Garcta o honori while the Goodrich Boren 3b Victory Loop ng Dudley victorious In four out of starts this season will be by stocky Don Harrison Ifive club’s ace in the hole The two right handers are at top 3 form and batters on the two clubs will be in for a strenuous after-- J noon’ i The largest crowd in Provo’s his--1 tory is expected to jam every nook j and corner of historic Timpanogos park and with the first half title the prize at stake action is expected J1 to wax hot and heavy While Provo and Gemmell are I engaged in settling the first half t title Pinney Beverage will make p a home stand here at 3 p m at Community park engaging Carbon The first game in a double-headwill be a league game and the second an exhibition Bill Black is Manager Claude Engberg’s choice to hurl the opener Frank Shepherd is expected to take the hill in the nightcap Sunday wiU be ‘‘ladies’ day" and a large number of the fair fans are expected to be on hand to see the contests Meanwhile Magna-Garflel- d and Dividend will wind up first half activities when they battle at Divl-- ( dend at 2:30 p m Sanford in Form Sanford gave up only five hits Saturday in snapping his own three-gam- e losing streak Not until the eighth did ha weaken a triple by I j Nlklos rfrf Jacques ire t - chedule(of play tha last of this month according to Le4 (Doc) Self director for tha local district This year Lee has approximately 120 boys trying out for tha various teems which ara divided Into two groups according to age and one senior team which enter state com' ' petition di14 10 are being to Boys from vided into four teams in the B league and will engage in weekly competition in n preparatory league that will stress fundamental! of baseball Boys from 14 to 17 years are Another placed in the A league four-teacircuit will ba formed with reruarly scheduled competition This year a (enlor team composed of the cream of the A league lt will be entered in tha atats Bavaraga Community Provo 1:30 p m Dtvfcknd 1:30 m up to tho Timps nd tho Clubman now to detonnino tho first half title in tho Utah Industrial league Finney Beverage hot and eold by turns this season got really hot Saturday and belted Gemmell club for a T to 3 victory at Bingham to knot the issue and send the title deciding operations into the last game of the first half race The Clubmen boasting a halfgam lead until they ran across Fred Sanford Fred Tedesco Les Lemon and company Saturday journey to Provo Sunday and the Jimps and the Clubmen' will have at each other at 3:30 o’clock in a game which will decide the crown A baseball-ma- d Provo eagerly awaits Gemmell’s Invasion of the Timps home ballyard Fans down Provo way are certain in their favorites’ ability to pound that punkin’ to a and they arecon-fide- A Tribune Intermountain Service MAGNA— After several weeks of intensive practice the American Legion junior baseball A and B leagues will open their regular 1 1 V ? fMwdal cartwaat Jiiiny B nmi) IfManeSrtlU t St ‘ t 4 Batniaf 1 I ? tftfDOQ Pet 714 714 871 500 286 214 4 4 8 ®v“ (tw OioiBMU elnb Lost 10 J -- Utah Industrial League 3 PT 32s x on ' er Sa-li- na |