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Show ee iS | | Serials Order Dept | THE BEGINNING OF , Editorial Ofc. 975 E. 3300 South Suit Ge ee ee THE PEOPLE'S. NEWSPAPER - Salt Lake City has some minority running for a Legislative seat from District No. 3, and Bob Williams seeking Legislative representation from District No. 10 have tossed their hats in the ring. Mrs. Ruth Ross, Mrs. Mignon Richmond, Mrs. Tina Garcia, Mr. Robert Jimenez and Mr. Felix. Chavez are attempting to gain seats on the city and state school boards. Each of these people are highly qualified to serve their community and _ its citizens. The success of the prospective legislator’s campaigns will be determined in the next week when on September 8, the primary obtain. He must. therefore, campaign harder and longer, try to reach more people and keep himself in the public eye. He is also constantly battling the racist or prejudiced people in_ the community who do not want to see him win because of the color of his skin. Subtle accusations are made, such as referring to the candidate as an. “outside “agitator; “a term. militant’’ or some other designed to instill fear among the voters. The importance YOU KNOW... that puts a larger proportion of it’s income into education than any other state? DO YOU KNOW... that ~much of the direction for local school operations is the result of policies formulated by the State Board of Education? of having DO YOU KNOW... that two members of: the State Board of Education will be elected from District 3 (Salt Lake and Tooele Counties) in November? DO ~YOU - THINK | YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT WHO IS ON THE BOARD ???? Women’s Liberation Comes to Salt Lake NEIGHBORHOOD A brochure entitled ‘‘The Neighborhood Facilities Program” has: been issucee by the US: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Authorized by the Housing Act of 1965, the Neighborhood Facilities Program provides grants to help local public bodies finance multiservice centers for low-and moderate-income communities. Services and facilities provided by the centers norma!ly include health, for maternity organized a is currently employment National Organization Women (NOW) has local chapter and recruiting members. Men and women who are pledged to work actively to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society are invited to join. Begun in New York City in 1968, this new civil rights group has set these priorities: Equal Rights Constitutional Amendment, enforcement of laws banning sex discrimination in employment, benefits, tax leave A unique program aimed at rehabiliting and assisting parolees ts in Salt -“Lake = -City: ~underway Thiokol Chemical Corporation assisted by private’ funding established this project. Most of theprobationershandled through the program are property into crime by offenders, forced rights in and in social security deduction for home and child care expenses for working parents, child care centers, and the right of women to control their own reproductive lives. For further information on NOW’s goals and its Citye&t12 (2) Speak 3, as 70 3.8¢ PAID SLC, Utah 84106 ~"OEp , requirements for in most therefore, need only another caseload instances. They are, normal individuals who guidance, assistance and chance. The _ normal of probationers per agent is 85-115. In this program, each agent will handle only 25 people. There are 4 para-professionals in the program, 3 of which are ex-convicts. The purpose of the program is to provide training, fill educational membership write: needs, National Organization P.O. Box 1934 Main Post Office generally return the client to society as a normal citizen. Those involved in the program attempt to give the probationers a feeling of self-worth, a sense of ‘I can make for Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Women ing people's minds. find housing, solicit jobs and | FACILITIES An experiment in black-white living — and in teaching ghetto youth to architectural services, land work more effectively closes out its acquisition, demolition of second successful year at Koo’s unneeded buildings, and _ site Camp, located in Koosharem, improvements. Seveir County. The town itself has High priority will be given to a population of only 300 and is communities in areas with augmented by nearly 50 per cent Community Action Programs increase every summer through the authorized by the Economic camp. Opportunity Act of 1964, but Although Koo’s camp has been in priority will be limited to proposals existence for nearly 11 years, last directed toward eliminating summer was the first time minority poverty. youth was recruited. | HUD also will consider community Burnell Sorenson, 40, a _ school involvement in planning and teacher in Whittier, Calif., runs the operating the center, efforts at camp along with El Sorenson, 34, identifying problems characteristic an industrial arts teacher at West of the neighborhood, coordination Covina High Schoo! in California, of Jocal. public. and. private and Dr Chad Sorenson 7 20;-neusing resources, and comprehensive community planning in selecting Neighborhood Facilities Program sites. Single copies of the publication are obtainable from: Publications Service Center, Supplies and Facilities Management Branch, Room B-258, D.C. 20410. INTENSIVE PROBATION PROGRAM need, The OF 15. LAKE BRANCH OF THE NAACP MEETS THE FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 8:00 P.M. AT NE@ahe GREGORY THE LOCATED AT 742 CENTER, WEST SOUTH TEMPLE. minority representation in the Legislature -and on_ the school boards cannot be over stressed. For educational, social, and recreational too long whites have maintained programs. fhese programs are they can act and speak for all their will either eliminate them = or designed for residents of all ages, constituents, when in fact, this ts establish them as_ serious sexes, races, and creeds. not true. It is time we realize this candidates. There are several The HUD grants-gan be used to and sought to correct the situation problems facing a minority seeking finance up to two-ciirds of the cost voting minorities into office and difficult for a by it IS of a new building or to rehabilitate and important minority to wage a_ successful responsible an existing structure. In areas which campaign. Money is a big factor, decision-making positions. the U.S. Department of Commerce It is hoped that Utah will but equally important is _ the designates as Redevelopment Areas this need and _ insure problem of community awareness. recognize may be tncreased to Chicanos and_ other a grant Generally a black or Chicano blacks, three-fourths of the cost of the seeking a political position has not minorities their rightful place in project. had the exposure in the community shaping the future of our state. In addition to actual construction, that -a white Se is able to the grant can provide for DO lign DON’T FORGET — THESALT PARTICIPATION OF MINORITIES IN UTAH representation in the 1970 political arena. Two blacks, Glenn Edwards Librarie és sep, 8 $ret no. 208 a os Utah U.S. POSTAGE i ‘MWotume 1 No. 14 | POLITICAL Utah ‘| | of A (86-9371 28 Oe HUD, director at Illinois Grate University. The influx of minority youth came as a result of contacts made with tok Gite bZ Gress Oke OU bil. ed non-profit New Jersey-based Organization sponsored both by private and government funds. “Horizon” is headed up by two Washington, very involved and unapathetic New Jersey citizens. Dr. Jim Kimpill, superintendent of the South New ‘Brunswick School District, has been the main driving force in getting the camp together and has actually worked alongside them at the Utah-based camp. Sid Rubenstein, a quality control expert and owner of his own successful business, has been in more than raising $40,000 to cover the youth’s camp it’ without handouts. The project is funded for one year with a good possibility of funding for the second year. Anyone who has something to offer or anyone just wanting to help in this program can volunteer by calling 487-7474 or dropping by the office at 42 East 1300 South. Housing and jobs are especially important and urgently needed, but the probationers also need contact and involvement with the community.. They can assist organizations in fund raising events or share vocational training with other groups. Here is a real opportunity to help in. a~ very worthwhile program. WORDPOWERNewspaper will project and feature follow — this follow-up articles on the success and problems of this effort at rehabilition. Your inquiries, comments and opinions are welcome. and travel expenses. The New Jersey group comprises some 150 young boys ranging from 9 to 19. Most of them are black. Not only do they learn to fish, hunt, ride horses and camp during their four week stay at Koo’s but they are taught a specific skill or trade. For example, part of the group last year participated in building a barn. Sorenson stressed that in addition to the kids getting an opportunity to leave the ghetto and come out and enjoy nature and work, they are making efforts to understand each other’s different ethnic origin. Black and white youths are talking out their differences away from the depressed urban milieu. Whether such understanding will be carried back to their cities remains yet to be seen. One thing for sure, tests by the Horizon group show that the youth who came to Koo’s Camp last year did markedly better in~ school for the ‘69-’70 academic year. So, there is a way if people put their will to work. |