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Show WORLD SERIES — IN MINIATURE D&T AUTO REPAIR by , Boys Glen Douglas Tour Dir. ae Association is beginning Western Baseball tournament play in : ee Bh ; ; : the later part of July. The tournament will reach a pinnacle in a Little World Series to be played August 12-15. Teams from in-state and out-of-state will contest in District Tournaments where each team will play two games. The winners of the District games will advance in the winners bracket in the regional contests. In order to continue on to the World Series a team must win two games in the Regional play-offs making a total of four consecutive games a team will Fishave tocst win in order to compete in the series, which is quite a task with the quality of play exhibited by all WBBA teams. . The following is the schedule for district play with brackets indicating the progression to the Little World Series. REGION C Host League 3i : 30 Unit Rose Park CC to Reg. C 74 Un 74 Union TRANSMISSION So |to Reg. D SPECIALISTS Mote TEESE WHEEL ALIGNING REGION A July 31-August 1 Host League Brigham City AND BALANCING BRAKE SERVICE 3 PM Brivhain City nee Brigham City Amer. Brigham City Nat. 5:30 PM Brigham Canyon 6 PM Bountiful Nat. Bye HISE RRIeL PERFORMANCE 3 to Reg. A , Eto Reg. C . ~— 6 PM enececread FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY HOURS: MON FRI 8 -t+to Reg. A Grantsville American Fork _ sountaneen to Reg. A Bountiful Amer. 4 PM SAT Be aoe oes os NOUN | American Fork Nat. 4339 W. 3500 SO. American Fork Beehive Lehi , American Fork Amer. PHONE 299-4732 to Reg. A CUSTOMER TOWING SERVICE Games in Regions C and D will be played at 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., . 6 p.m. in oo 7 . ae Bnacke ting. | -to Reg. C | ra 40 Northcrest 41 Hillsdale Grantsville : jae soos National organ : eagull Clevelan 39 Kearns Inter. li oes 73 Cottonwood Hieghts Tooele American 34 Capitol 39 Kearns Nat. - 36 Meadowbrook Unit Sorenson Park 12th W. 8th So. 977.6418 AUTOMATIC . Willard ee Sorenson Park 20 Par 33 Granger American Unit 10 at ee Jordan 32 Arlington Sth N. 14th W Dick Guthrie Tooele 31 Riverton 9 “Unit 42 Ensign 43 Kearns American 44 Western Hills Unit a2 2 45 Edson Unit 3100 So. 3600 W. e e 46 Rose Park Boys 13 A? Glendale cs | Apprenticeship Outreach Program| to Reg. C to Reg. D Raia 14 oh é | ge Utah Building Trades 75 Stansbury ! REGION D Host League o1 Ridgecrest Unit Emigration , 52 University 15 53 Crown Colon 16th E, Sunnyside Tour Dir. 7 o” Hillside | ee 16 _ 21 Bonneville eee | to Reg. D DON Ae ge : Unit Holladay ae Bus. Phones 322-2583 61 Country Club to Reg. D ) oe | Unit 18 Union Union 7680 S. 13th E. 67 68 69 70 vee Sugar House Butler Brighton Lillview ; : to Reg. D Z ‘ 3 More than 2,000 youngsters enrolled in the program this year and the great success of the program has exceeded the supply of equipment, said Al Garcia, athletic director. Anyone who has something to oie oe Hi Chaparral contribute — and used equipment is fine Mr. Garcia said — may drop it off at any of the 7-11 Food Stores and = = . badminton ; Where friends meet« Sports Supplies All kinds of sports equipment is needed for the Central City sports program — baseballs, volleyballs, tether balls, footballs, basketballs, : o Reg. D Central City Project Needs Donated . - 322.2584 | 64 Moss 65 Dilworth 66 Holladay Unit 19 | H. GETER, Co-director . 63 Indian Hills Jay Decker 277-3138 | Director - JOSEPH CORINE BRIOGEWATERS, tutor ; 217 East 3rd South | - Salt Lake City, Utah | 62 Mt. Olympus Tour Dir. MAYNE, i 60 Wm. Penn 17 4450 S, 3200 E, n : ipa 55 Sherman 56 Fairmont Unit gloves, bats, croquet sets. | On-the-Job Training o Reg. D Restaurant and Recreation Center in the Salt Lake area. The store has volunteered to act as collection point for athletic equipment during the week of Aug. 7-15. “Last year we were swamped with bathing suits for Central City,” said Scott Reese, 7-11 district manager. “A lot. of nice people made a lot of children very - happy. This year I hope we can do. as well with athletic equipment. GORDY’S AUTOMOTIVE AND BODY SHOP 4301 West 3500 South Ph. 298-0969 BEAT THE COST OF LIVING SEE US FIRST AND SAVE $$$ MON.—FRI. 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M _ SAT. 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. _.. QFFICIAL IN: PECTION STATION No. 1076 ‘Tel: 364-0722 401 East Sth South Salt Lake City, Uteh |