OCR Text |
Show Manpower Sponsorship Clearfield Federal: Department of Labor. State: Thiokol Chemical Corporation. Weber Basin Federal: De partment of Labor, Department of the Interior. State: None. Programs JORGE ARCE-LARRETA Manpower Pianning Council Center on June 22, 1965 and the Clearfield Center on October 4, 1966. Of the three, Castle Valley was recently closed as a result of the transfer of administration from ithe Otfiece: of ~ Ke onomic Opportunity to the Department of Labor. Clearfield is an urban center with a capacity for 1,350 and Weber Basin is a _ civilian conservation center with a capacity for 234 corpsmen. Job Corps main goal is to provide in a _ residential setting, rehabilitation programs for disadvantaged youth whose home environment is so culturally deprived that it prevents success in other remedial or preparatory training activites. | Authorizing Legislation Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 as amended (24 U.S.C., 270 et <seq.) Title I-A; 1967 Amendments P.L. 90-222. Operating Procedures Most rural centers are contracted with the Department of Agriculture and Interior, such is the case of Weber Basin. The three urban centers are contracted to private industry, educational institutions, or other interested agencies. In the case of Clearfield it was contracted to Thiokol Chemical Corporation. to the _ residential The real issue is the residential need. The urban centers were based inhibits personal development that separation for. rehabilitative purposes seems advisable. on the hypothesis that there were substantial numbers of youth whose home and_ neighborhood environment precluded _ their rehabilitation without removal to a_ residential site. But, is it possible to find a measure that will indicate who needs residential training in contrast to the same training in a nonresidential circumstance. The existence of residential centers should be limited to areas of scattered population where the absence of economics of scale prevents mounting a meaningful Services Provided training program. Funding Local History and Purpose On May 5, 1965 the first Center was initiated in Utah — that was the Weber Basin Center. It was followed by the Castle Valley attributable nature of the program. Clearfield Federal: 7,188,775. State: None. Weber Basin Federal: 988 000. State: None. Enrollee Eligibility and Target Population Poor disadvantaged youth 16-22 years of age, whose home life so A complete range of rehabilitation services provided in a residential setting. Work experience, on-the-job vocational training on vocational conservation and basic projects, education. Recruitment and placement. Current Enrollment Clearfield: 1,350, Weber Basin: 224. Enrollment has increased over the last years. In 1968 enrollment at Clearfield. was 1,197 and at Weber Basin, 206. It is important to note that the average stay for out-of-state corpsmen is five months. For our own state boys it is 2.9 months. Number of Staff Clearfield: Basin: 56 Director 505, oe Weber Job Corps has enrolled the “hard core” and developed techniques for training, 4, Ogden, Utah but it is clear that success could non-residential their take place in centers. Their experimentation with non-residential operations is similar to the MDTA skill center. | In our state the average stay in the Job Corps for out-of-state youth is five months; for our Utah boys, 2.9 months. Many of our youth do not want to participate in the residential aspect offered by the Job Corps. We are beginning to Cx perre metic “with “the commuter-type program in order to make available to them the training and facilities available. Clearfield: Charles Moxley, Clearfield, Utah, (801) 772-1433; Weber Basin: Cleve Bolingbroke, RFD — (801) 399-6268. Comments Major controversies concerning Job Corps forucses on its residential aspect and low completion and employment rates. Criticisms of high operating costs are largely " EDWARDS REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT COMPANY 867 South 4th East TAYLOR'S CAFE specialty-barbecued ribs 363-8721 or 364-0722 after 5 p.m. no. 7 south 3rd west URGENTLY NEED APARTMENT AND HOUSES FOR RENT & LEASE Sait Leke City, Uteh 84101 phone Responsible tenents available immediately. 356-0715 Glenn L. Edwards, Broker Mrs. Ophelia b. Taylor UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER. Arnie DRAIN SERVICE Our Guaranteteed DRAINS UNBLOCKED Advertisers presents 90 inptas coe on. 0.0.0 0-0.0-0.06070°00°010588 8 0 6 8 0 0 0 6.6.6 08 6 08 ! eeeeceetetateteP08 ef erer0te+0.0010100. 010 000% Sign up for life, or them.. IN CONCERT ee ... 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