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Show Page 3 Manpower Programs Sponsorship Federal: Department of Labor State: Utah Department of Employment Security Enrollee Eligilibity JORGE ARCE-LARRETA Assistant Project Director Manpower Planning Council Employment Service Local History and Purpose In 1933 the Federal Government created the National Reemployment Service which continued until the passing of the Social Security Act of 1935. In 1936, Governor Blood called a special session of the Legislature that passed the Utah State Employment Security Act. This Act has two distinct characteristics: Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service. In 1937 Unemployment Insurance taxes from employers were collected and the following year Unemployment Insurance was paid to the workers. Presently, our State is pioneering with the computerized Job Matching System. The. main objective of Employment Service is to provide employment insurance benefits to eligible unemployed workers. Any person in need of employment assistance. Eligibility for unemployment insurance is as follows: An individual must work for 19 weeks and earn $700 in the qualifying quarter. They must be able and available for full-time work. Services Provided Basically, they are recruitment and placement services. Director Ted Maughan 174 Social Hall Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Phone (801) 322-1433 Comments 7 Since its conception few institutions have changed so much during the past. In recent years, the Employment Service has been asked to administer the work test for Unemployment Insurance claimants, to provide employers with qualified workers, to serve the community as a manpower center providing all manner of information and services to prospective employers and employees, and to give special priority to the Authorizing Legislation The Department of Employment employability and employment Service was created as a result of problems of the disadvantaged. Beginning with the passage of the the passing by Congress of the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933. The Manpower Development and Social Security Act of 1935 (P.L. Training Act in 1962 the focus of had shifted from 73-30; 48 stat. 133; 5) and concern unemployed youths to the poor but amendments that followed. with an emphasis on minority youth in the cities. Operating Procedures In. dealing with the The Federal-State Employment Service is financed largely from the disadvantaged, Employment Service Unemployment Insurance Trust has become involved in a series of Fund resulting from the federal programs. Some of these are: Alien Employment Certification - a portion of the Unemployment Insurance Tax. Allocation of funds program involving certification of to the states is based on the aliens wishing to work in the programs and activities they United States; Annual Worker Plan - dealing with migratory agricultural provide. Marie Darting PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS (continued from last issue) The report outlines three budgets at three different levels, lower, moderate and higher. NWRO’s Adequate Income Budget is based primarily on the lower living standard budget which generally allows a family of four to have access to decent standards in housing, transportation, clothing and personal care. However, we reject the lower living standard’s food budget which is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “low cost food plan.” Government surveys show three fourths of the families with food budgets equivalent to the low-cost food plan have nutritionally Department’s “moderate food plan” which would assure an adequate diet for every American. NWRO contends that providing adequate income is the only way to combat hunger in America. Recognition of emergency needs and of providing alternative ways of meetings needs, either through the adequate income grant level or through individual computations of need, is important for two reasons: 1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics assumed in computing the budget that the family had _ been established for fifteen years and had an accumulated stock of clothing and furniture. The budget was intended only to cover replacements. This assumption does not apply to the average family living in poverty. Emergency grants are necessary for wardrobe and furnishings to bring persons up to minimum standards of health and decency and to meet disasters if they occur. | 2. The Budget is based on statistical averaging formulas which do not necessarily apply to real people or real situations. For example, an individual family of four may or may not be able to obtain adequate housing in good condition at the $92 a month rent workers and their employers. It includes preseason arrangement of employment schedules, placement, and information services; Handicapped Worker - designed to promote and secure employment for handicapped individuals; Manpower Development and Training Act - develop training projects which will prepare applicants to fill the job requirements of industry. Since the passage of this Act in 1962, Utah has developed about 15 MDTA Institutional Training Projects; Neighborhood Youth Corps technical aid to sponsors, recruitment, couselors, up. and follow 3 The Office of Employment Service offers the services of| information, selection, referral, and placement to such programs as: Project Transition - a permanent program to provide basic education and occupational training to servicemen without marketable job _ skills during their last months in the military service; Prison Pre-Release for qualified inmates who are within a few months of release. Aid is given in the selection, referral,and placement of inmates. During Fiscal 1967, 40 inmates were involved, 28 of in rather concept resulted in a from spent were shift in emphasis in Employment Service activities from a strongly employer-oriented screening agency to an applicant-oriented Organization responsible for developing the potential of individuals who need help. While it can be assumed that some families will be over in one category and under in another, the differences may not always averag out in any given family. If a family has greater needs in a number of categories, they should have the option of itemizing their family budget and applying for a grant that meets the $800 to recipients’ annual budgets out” than has The Nixon Plan claims that the food stamp program will add about screen whom the disadvantaged. This special circumstances.” but only about 38% of welfare recipients currently receive stamps according to an _ Agriculture Department Report dated January, 1970. Recipients cannot afford to participate in the program because the stamps are not free. In the winter this means a recipient has to postpone buying warm clothing or paying a heating bill in order to buy food stamps. While the program is ‘‘voluntary’’ recipients are frequently made to feel obliged to buy food stamps. The surplus commodity program cannot provide enough of the right kind of food and is operated so cumbersomely that recipients must line up at a specified time an;place or lose their food until the following month. Frequently, surplus food “deposts” run out of items and do _ not permit participants in the program to return when stocks are replenished. Both these programs brand recipients as poor people,giving them bits of colored paper or marked items that single them out successfully placed in jobs. During Fiscal 1968, about 80 out of 125 were so placed. The same services are also offered to Rural Concentrated Employment Program, Veterans Special Services, Rural Areas Development, Work Incentive Program, and others. The poverty emphasis has had greater staying power than those which precede it. The Human Resources Development (IIRD) Program is an all out effort to combine resources of a number of agencies in order to solve the employment problem, and develop. into a concept that proposes “‘to screen measure of basic money needs for a good diet.’’ The Agriculture Department, points out that “the — public - assistance agency that recognizes the limitations of its clientele and is interested in their nutritional well-being will recommend a money allowance for food considerably higher than the cost level of the economy plan.” Under the Nixon Plan states would have no incentive to raise grants above this level. The economy food plan used in the Poverty Line and the Nixon Plan allows a _ person to survive, according to the Agriculture — Department, with adequate nutrition “for short emergency periods of time and only under very actual needs that they have. THE INADEQUATE WELFARE PLANS NWRO rejects the income level in the Nixon Family Assistance Plan as totally inadquate. At worst it allows a family of four $1600 a 4. EMERGENCY GRANTS: There should be emergency grants to bring people up to. a decent standard when they go on the program and to take care of special or unusual circumstances. 5. COST-OF-LIVING INCREASES: There should be increases in the grant level to ‘compensate for increases in the cost-of-living at least once a year. 6. INCLUDE ALL POOR PEOPLE: Coverage should be broadened to include all poor people, not just families with children. 12 2 ool MOR Lo EE ADMINISTRATION: There should be one unified program operated by the federal government. 8. NO FORCED WORK: There should be no requirement making work or job training a requisite to receiving aid. 9. JOB STANDARDS: All jobs offered must be regulated by strict national standards including minimum wage and fair labor standards. 10. RECIPIENTS’ RIGHTS: Recipients must receive a clear explanation of their rights and recipient organizations must be recognized as parties in legal action and be _ given copies of all regulations and procedures. me, Ue For more information contact: Utah WRO 4595 West 4985 South, Kearns, Utah 84118. Call 299-7017 Bread and Justice. other people. The money on food stamps and surplus should be redirected toward providing a more adequate basic income for poor people. The best food program is money. Poor people know better than anyone else that the hodge-podge of programs offered by the government today are welfare programs for farmers, the food distribution industry, and fo;employers paying low wages to Nixon Plan recipients. They are not designed to serve the needs of poor people. Welfare programs which exclude people for reasons other than need and which do _ not provide adequate income are a basic source of hunger and malnutrition. Available Now: Reprints STEPS TOWARDS WELFARE REFORM Letter from Birmingham City Jail - MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Save tatie Much has been said and written about the inadequacies of our present welfare system. Much has been said about the inadequacies of the President’s so-called welfare reform. As we press toward an adequate income much can be done to improve the welfare system and the Nixon Plan NOW! 1. ADEQUATE INCOME GOAL: Adequate income based on the NWRO $550 standard should be made a national goal. year. At best it would perpetuate the present welfare system. The Nixon Plan would establish a federaL ceiling on benefits at the that the budget allows, even if that happens to be the average for the - Poverty Line, now $3,720 a year which is lower than present welfare city in which he lives. Similar arguments can be applied payment levels in New Jersey and New York. Recipients in these 2. HIGHER FEDERAL FLOOR: to transportation costs, where the states could get cut down to the traNsportation quantity for school The federal government should Poverty Line. children in the Bureau of Labor establish a floor on welfare benefits The Poverty Line is based on the Statistics Budget was less than the as close to $5,500 as possible. U.S. Department of Agriculture’s number of days in the school year! 3. TIME TABLE: There should ‘‘economy food plan” which be a— time. tables-for “reaching; This is because the figure is an inadequate diets. Therefore, the. av erag eof children ‘ who TO de tO. according to. the. Agriculture _ adequate..income_at.. the. earliest NWRO Budget uses the Agriculture school and those who walked. Department “is not a reasonable possible date. of a iss 20¢ 100 Copies ......... $17.50 500 ........ Copies $75.00 New Leader Reprint Division 212 Fifth Avenue New York, N. ¥. 10010 Please send me ........... copies of LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM CITY JAIL. O ! enclose $..... ae eeces - once PBL ae alk cers Nanos ok 25s SO Ades "5 0 2) ee ss. Clty. eee . Zane. . State. . As |