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Show Page 3 ROMNEY CALLS ON ELDERLY TO SPEAK OUT DURING SENIOR CITIZENS’ MONTH IN MAY SENIOR CONTRIBUTORS MAY IS SENIOR CITIZEN’S MONTH We are proud to include this new section in WORDPOWER - a section devoted to the thoughts, ideas and expressions of our older citizens. Send material - for publication’ to Wordpower Newspaper, 975 East 3300 South, Suite 1, Salt Lake City, Utah 84106. We will also be able to use photographs and artwork. Sponsores of HUD —assisted community programs for the elderly were called upon today to promote mass meetings in their facilities during the month of May at which older citizens would express their own views and recommendations on programs designed to help them. The call was issued by. Secretary George Romney of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in response to a proclamation by President Nixon designating May as Senior Citizens’ Month. This year, for the first time, the Secretary said, emphasis will be put on leadership by the elderly person rather than for him. He will be expected to discuss his own role in HUD programs, how they can be improved, and how the elderly can contribute further toward raising the quality of life for all Americans. “We live in the age of the knowledge explosion.” Secretary Romney said. “In the last 30 years or so we have learned more about the world around us than all the information accumulated through ‘the earlier history of mankind. “These treasures were unlocked largely by what has now. become the older generation. Without them we would not have had the age of FoOsT= GRANDPARENTS technology. We would not have been able to send men to the moon, or marshal] the resources to rescue them in*moments would not have had would not have had the transistor and the of peril. We television. We the computer, jet plane.” In requesting that the doors of HUD—supported buildings be thrown open for this purpose, the Secretary also asked the sponsors to advise him of the results conclusions reached at meetings. Service and the with Love : SOUTH COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS A FOSTER GRANDPARENT is a warm human being, 60 years. of South County Senior Citizens are very active in the establishment of groups, projects, and locating and evaluating the needs of Senior _ Citizens. Mr. John Lucero, 320 North Main, Midvale has been very active RECREATION Recreation Center — 237 South 10th East Phone:328-7376 Open: Monday-Friday 1:30-5:00 p.m. Fairmont Park Senior Citizens’ Center 9969 MeClelland Street Phone: 328-7862 Neighborhood Center — 156 Westminster Ave. Phone: 484-4821 Thursday, 11:30, low-cost luncheon followed by two hours of organized games and entertainment. Y.M.C.A. — 737 East 2nd South — Phone: 322-1291 Open daily Y.W.C.A. — 322 East 3rd South Phone: 355-2804 Open daily except Sunday. Jewish Community Center— 2416 East 17th South Phone: 484-4341 Senior Adult information. lunches and programs oe monthly. Call in calling on Senior Citizens in Midvale. Mr. Lucero has turned in names and addresses of 30 Senior We of South Salt Lake County can discuss our needs — such as: Citizens in two weeks. Mr. Lucero transportation, and employment services to supplement income in cases of need. is one of the groups three Chairmen. He has been walking and talking to people all over Midvale. He has also helped in the filming of a housing documentory for Channel 2 by helping to arrange interviews with Senior for | Nettie Gregory Community Center — 742 West South Temple — Phone: 364-0674 Kitchen and club rooms for dinners, meetings, recreational retirement. Everyone in Midvale appreciates a citizen in the community like Mr. Lucero. His is a .shining example of a resident being concerned for his neighbors. With the wisdom of age, that no man is an island is John’s way of life. Mrs. 7800 Mary Ottensen, 335 East South, South State — Phone: 266-1592 — Service same as above. Salt Laky City Lines — 602 East Sth South — Phone: 322-0441 Senior Citizen Passes $9.00 month. SER VICES: Telephone Reassurance — S.T.E.P. (Service to Elderly People) Newhouse Bldg. 10 Exchange Place — Phone 328-4881 A volunteer program that makes one phone call per day to give reassurance to old people who live alone. No charge. Friendly Visitor — 156 Westminster Ave. — Phone: 484-4821. Volunteers trained and organized to make just “friendly visits” to Senior Citizens of limited mobility to offset loneliness. No charge. HEALTH: Community Nursing Service — 617 East 4th South Phone: 364- 6429 Nursing service with fee sacle adjusted according to ability to pay. Salt Lake City Health Department — 610 South 2nd East Phone: 328-7611 Public Health Nursing—in-home services. Salt Lake County Health Department — 107 East 21st Ssouth — Phone: 486-8704 Same as above. May 29th issue will explore housing, nutrition, employment education for senior citizen business. citizens and and visit with the director of a senior attended the Aging Symposium held May 7th and 8th with members of the Division of _ Aging, Division of Family Services and of Office Health TRANSPORTATION SERVICE: Nursing Home Transportation Service, Inc. — 657 East Ist South — Phone: 364-3003. Provides special vans and trained drivers to serve needs of physically handicapped persons. Fees are comparable to taxis. of Utah, Inc. — 3457 housing Mr. Lucero is a firm believer in self help and _ activity after Opportunity, and Vista. ' activities. Servicar Citizens on health, housing in some instances, Economic Community 7 Care Needs, Action, Housing, Employment Programs, and Leisure Time were discussed. Tours of all Senior Citizens facilities and Meals on Wheels were taken and a film, “Anatomy of the Failure,” was presented at the Methodist Church. Mrs. Ottensen is the Chairman of East Midvale Senior Citizens. The group will benefit from the report she will give next meeting, May 20, 1970. “The Nation that forgets it’s past — has no future”. “Life up your They : meet the | second _ Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. at the South County Center for a pot luck luncheon and social. Call 255-3516 for information. _ Many of our Senior Citizens have worked hard all their lives and need good brings things use of leisure time. Leisure penetration of the good of life, alleviates stress, creates dignity and purpose of life. Something “old and mellow” is a precious thing of beauty and character. “Bless my aloneness as thou dids’t bless my crowded years. Help me sow roses Lord. Not salt of tears.” DAY: Monday through of any race or religion. A ‘single person with an income of less than ~ $1,600 annually. A couple witha — SPECIAL MEETING Friday, May 22nd 7:30 p.m. For all Neighborhood Board 7 of Trustees All Representatives to Federation of Councils ‘ee0 All concerned Neighborhood. Staff will be paid $1.60 per hour, plus transportation costs. ACTIVITIES: Those that express tender loving care to a deprived child such as rocking, feeding, playing, listening to music, tying shoe laces and so on. Grandparents will discover many more activities that express their personal touch. APPLICATION is (1) started by filling out an application form at the EMPLOYMENT SECURITY OFFICE, 348 South Sixth East; and (2) is completed by talking to the Project Director and_ the Supervisor at the location of placement. WORDPOWER is mailed and distributed FREE to anyone interested in receiving it. To continue publishing, we would appreciate your donations or buying ad space. Please call 486-9371 for information. — - By ROBERTA HERSCHFIELD HEARING AID” PARSLEY SOUP (Serves 3) heads and be of good cheer” Your Senior Citizens are here. WORK Friday, four hours a day. Time is usually divided between two children on a one-to-one basis. PLACE: Hospital or school serving the handicapped child. ELIGIBILITY: Men and'‘women combined annual income of less —. than $2,100. _ SALARY: Foster Grandparents conditions. CAP Centers — both social activities, meeting facilities and services. Friendly “Within all life a spark if courage throbs which bids fight back, fight on, fight through.” There are several Services for the Aging, but it seems that the Salt Lake City area Senior Citizens are the ones receiving the benefits. age, or older, who wishes to be with a handicapped child. A HANDICAPPED CHILD is a young human being who needs very personal attention and care. 1 small boiled potato ¥4 cup chopped parsley EXORBITANT! | 1 teaspoon flour Ya teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 cups milk or light cream 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Sales commissions, high rantals, etc., make for higher p-ices — not for better hearing. Why pay $350.00? Ff Peel and mash the potato Mix in the parsley, salt and pper. Melt the butter or margarine in the soup pot. Blend the flour in with the butter. Alternately add some of the potato-parsley mixture and then some of blended. Heat, and serve. the milk until. well SAVE Be $75 convinced. to $150 Phone, come in. Be fitted by ee 5. TAYLOR, the only heoring cic! desler to testify at the U.S. SENAI: (KEFAUN "ER) investigation of bearing cid prices. Hearing aids ¢3 low as $99.00 EASY DRIVE-IN OR | TAYL PARKING HEARING. SERVICE Daily-Evenings Weekends stirring occasionally, . | 3682 SQ. 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